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Career Profiling Test

Dear Dhara Pandey ,

Welcome to Your Personalised CollegeDekho Career Compass Test Report!

Congratulations on successful completion of your CollegeDekho Career Compass assessment! If you had
any doubts on what your skill-sets are, relax, because this report will will give you a definitive roadmap into
what your next course of action should be vis-a-vis your career.

Inherently, you may be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, but this detailed CollegeDekho Career
Compass test report will identify your basic traits, thereby suggesting what kinds of skill-set you have and
what the most suitable career will be for you. In addition, if you have a dormant attribute, this report will help
you make it active & use it to your benefit!

We have also identified your top three traits through a technology aided permutation-combination method,
and you can even choose to merge or combine your strongest suits and pursue a course/ career that will
help you succeed in future!

According to the CollegeDekho Career Compass Test attempted by you, the following graph shows a value
attached to each personality trait that can further help you analyse your top three personality attributes.

Social : 9

Enterprising : 9

Realistic : 8

Artistic : 8

Conventional : 8

Investigative : 7

0 5 10 15 20

Social Enterprising Realistic Artistic Conventional Investigative

Holland Personality Traits
Broadly, there are a total of six personality types - Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and
Conventional - and all of them have different traits and likes, dislikes.

Realistic Conventional Investigative

Jobs that require the use of Jobs that are are set up in Jobs that revolve around
hands, tools, machines, structured environments and scientific, technological and
animals, plants etc. is what you those that empower you to academic pursuits are your true
can relate to as you like manage data, processes and calling as you enjoy work that
engaging yourself in work that information appeal to you the has intellectual challenges in
produces substantial results. most. store.

Enterprising Artistic Social

Jobs that can influence and Jobs that involve creative Jobs that promise cooperative
motivate others suit your expression of ideas and and sensitive environments is
personality the most and you thoughts through mediums what fascinates you and hence
like getting involved in work such as art, design, language you like to teach, assist and
that gives you the power to lead etc. to produce something support others through your
and make decisions. unique is what interests you. work.
Your Top Three Personality Traits
Since the top three personality traits that define you as an individual are Social, Enterprising,
Realistic you can read in detail about each and understand who you are as a person, what
interests you the most, your key personality features along with a comprehensive list of careers
that you can opt for. The report will also talk about the kind of work and tasks that you are
unlikely to pursue.

1. Social

Who You Are: Social, also commonly referred to as the Helpers, are individuals who are helpful,
generous and supportive in nature. You possess a unique desire to work in such an environment
where you have the opportunity to help others/peers. Your friendly personality is an advantage
as a result of which you work best when you involve yourself in work and activities that involve
personal interaction and helping others. You are, in general, concerned about human welfare and
are able to empathize with those around you. You make use of feelings, words and ideas to be
able to maximise your output while working in teams. The kind of personality that you possess
can pull people together and generate positive energy for a good cause.

Social/Helper Personality Traits

Responsible Supportive Helpful Generous Friendly Trustworthy

Outgoing Cooperative Patient Dedicated leaders

Activities/Leisure Areas for People with Social Personality

Attending parties Volunteer work Counselling people

Mediating conversations Caring for children, elderly and pets Hosting events

You’re Unlikely To: Work with tools, machines or animals in order to achieve a goal. Activities
that involve highly intellectual and physical tasks are not your cup of tea. You may also dislike
impersonal tasks and work that usually revolves around data and things. Works related to
building and repairing is also a big no for you.
2. Enterprising

Who You Are: Enterprising or the Persuaders are individuals who are extremely extrovert in
nature. You are competitive and do not shy away from taking risks that empower you to initiate
projects and convince/influence others to join you. You are someone who values prestige, fame
and status and often opt for professions that can help you fulfill that. You possess good
leadership skills and are a quick decision-maker. Selling things and ideas can be your forte as a
result of which you usually opt for careers that are related to business activities and deal
making. Your energising influence and nature acts as a driving force for any task and for the
people you are associated with while working on it. You can also come across as restless and
irresponsible because of your tendency to leave the projects while they are underway.

Enterprising/Persuader Personality Traits

Self-confident Energetic Popular Assertive Talkative Ambitious

Extrovert Optimistic Persuasive

Activities/Leisure Areas for People with Enterprising Personality

Reading journals Keeping track of stock market Discussing politics

Operate home businesses

You’re Unlikely To: To work alone and indulge in activities that call for scientific and analytical
thinking and observation. Working with a lot of data is also something you are not comfortable
with. You are additionally unlikely to notice the concerns of the people working with you and can
be regarded as an insensitive individual in certain situations.
3. Realistic

Who You Are: Realistic, often referred to as the Doers, enjoy doing active jobs that are likely to
produce tangible results. If you fall in this category, it symbolises that you are a kind of person
who likes to work with tools, machines, animals etc. and usually stay outdoors. You value
traditional and practical things, those that you can see, touch and use and therefore possess a
skill set that enables you to work with machines, plants or animals and other jobs that involve
physical activity. You are a kind of person who is realistic and believes in dealing with concrete
problems that have action oriented solutions instead of those that are abstract in nature.

Realistic/Doer Personality Traits

Straight-forward Independent/ Self-reliant Practical Systematic

Ambitious Aggressive Mechanically-inclined Adventurous

Activities/Leisure Areas for People with Realistic Personality

Building and repairing Playing sports Outdoor recreational activities

Gardening and crafts Mechanics Camping Motorsports

You’re Unlikely To: Indulge in activities that have a social touch such as informing others,
public speaking, teaching or healing. Additionally, you may lack strong communication skills that
restrict you from working in an environment that emphasises on interpersonal relationships or
mediating disputes. You may also have reluctance towards attending social events and taking
part in other cultural and aesthetic activities.
Popular Career Choices for SER Holland Personality Type

Event Manager Entrepreneur Psychiatrist

Police Officer Nurse

Disclaimer: While the CollegeDekho Career Profiler Results are research based, they are only indicative of various career
streams that you can choose based on your current interests and should not be used as the only way to choose your career.

You should use these results to explore the world of careers as you look at fulfiling your dreams and ambitions. You will be
able to look at the interests satisfied by careers and compare them to your own interests based on the results of the Career

To get the maximum benefit from this test and its results, you should talk to a professional counselor for more help on how to
use your CD Career Profiler Test Results.

Even better, just talk to one of CollegeDekho's highly trained counsellors and get FREE guidance on which stream and college
to apply to via a Single Common Admission Form and then get Admission into a college of your choice.

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