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Year 10 -Inorganic Chemistry – Revision 2 – Halogens (2011/2015) Paper C1

Duration – 1 hour
(Total marks 55)

Q1. Ammonium chloride contains oppositely charged ions.

(a) State the formula of each ion.
Positive ion

Negative ion

(b) (i) Describe a chemical test to show that a substance contains ammonium ions.
(ii) Describe a chemical test to show that a substance contains chloride ions.
(c) Ammonium chloride decomposes when heated:

NH4Cl(s) NH3(g) + HCl(g)

What does the symbol indicate about the reaction?

(d) The reaction between ammonia and hydrogen chloride can be used to illustrate diffusion with
the following apparatus.

After a few minutes, a white solid appears inside the tube.

(i) Identify the white solid.

(ii) What does the diagram show about the speed of the ammonia molecules compared to the
speed of the hydrogen
chloride molecules?

(e) State the main hazard when using concentrated hydrochloric acid in the experiment in (d).
Suggest one precaution you could use to minimise this hazard.

(Total for Question = 13 marks)

Q2.The halogens are elements in Group 7 of the Periodic Table.
The halogens react with metals to form compounds called halides.
Table 1 shows information about some halogens and their halides.

(a) (i) Predict the physical state of fluorine at room temperature.

(ii) Predict how the colour of astatine at room temperature compares with the colour of iodine.

(b) Each of the halides in table 1 was dissolved in water to form a solution.
A sample of each of the halogens was then added to some of the halide solutions.
Table 2 shows the results.

(i) Suggest why there is no reason to add chlorine to lithium chloride solution.
(ii) Why was there no reaction when iodine was added to sodium bromide solution?
(iii) Name the substance with the brown colour that formed when chlorine was added to
potassium iodide solution.
(iv) The reaction between bromine and potassium iodide solution is a displacement reaction.
What is the correct description of this reaction?

   A    bromide displaces iodide

   B    bromine displaces iodide

   C    bromide displaces iodine

   D    bromine displaces iodine

(v) Complete the chemical equation for the reaction between chlorine and potassium bromide

Cl2 + 2KBr → ........................ + ........................

(Total for Question = 7 marks)

Q3. The table gives information about the first four elements in Group 7 of the Periodic Table.

(a) Astatine (At) has an atomic number of 85 and is the fifth element in Group 7.
It is possible to make predictions about astatine by comparison with the other elements in
Group 7.

(i) How many electrons does an atom of astatine have in its outer shell?
(ii) What physical state and colour would you expect for astatine at 20°C?
Physical state


(iii) Predict the formula of the compound formed between astatine and hydrogen. Suggest a
name for this compound.

(iv) Suggest how the reactivity of astatine compares to that of iodine.

Explain your answer.

(b) Chlorine gas can be prepared by heating a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and
manganese(IV) oxide using this apparatus.

(i) Balance the equation for the reaction.


........... HCl(aq) + .......... MnO2(s) → ............ MnCl2(aq) + ............ H2O(l) + .......... Cl2(g)

(ii) State what you would observe when a piece of damp litmus paper is placed into the gas jar
containing chlorine.

(c) Chlorine can be used to obtain bromine (Br 2) from sea water. Sea water contains bromide
ions, Br‾

The pH of sea water is usually within the range of 7.5 to 8.4

The stages in the extraction of bromine from sea water are

Stage 1     The pH of the sea water is lowered to about 3.5

Stage 2     An excess of chlorine is bubbled through the sea water
Stage 3     The bromine (Br2) is removed from the mixture and reacted with sulfur dioxide
(SO2) and water. This reaction converts the bromine to hydrogen bromide (HBr)
and sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
Stage 4     The hydrogen bromide is reacted with chlorine to form bromine (Br 2)

(i) Suggest a substance that could be added to lower the pH of sea water in Stage 1.

(ii) Why is an excess of chlorine added in Stage 2?


(iii) Write a chemical equation for the reaction in Stage 3.

(iv) Write a chemical equation for the reaction in Stage 4.

(d) State the colour change observed when bromine is added to an aqueous solution of
potassium iodide.
Colour of potassium iodide solution at
start ....................................................................................................................................
Colour of final reaction
mixture ................................................................................................................................................
(Total for Question = 16 marks)

Q4. Bromine is an element in Group 7 of the Periodic Table.

(a) (i) State the number of outer electrons in an atom of bromine.

(ii) Identify an element in Group 7 that is a solid at room temperature.


(iii) Identify an element in Group 7 that is more reactive than bromine.


(b) Bromine is formed by the electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide.

The diagram shows the apparatus used.
(i) Solid lead(II) bromide contains ions.
Why does solid lead(II) bromide not conduct electricity?

(ii) The formula of lead(II) bromide is PbBr2.

During electrolysis, brown fumes of bromine appear at electrode A.
The ionic half-equation for the reaction at electrode A is

Why is this reaction described as oxidation?


(iii) Write an ionic half-equation for the reaction at electrode B and describe the
appearance of the product.
Ionic half-equation
Appearance of product

(c) Sodium bromate is a compound of sodium, bromine and oxygen.

A sample of sodium bromate contains 2.3 g of sodium, 8.0 g of bromine and 4.8 g of
Calculate the empirical formula of sodium bromate.

Empirical formula is ...........................................................

(Total for question = 10 marks)

Q5. The diagram shows the apparatus used to form a compound containing iron and chlorine.

(a)  (i)  State the colour of chlorine gas.



(ii)  Suggest why it is necessary to have an open tube fitted to the apparatus.




(iii)  For safety reasons, this reaction should be carried out in a fume cupboard.
Explain why this is necessary.



(b)  A mass of 2.800 g of iron reacts with 5.325 g of chlorine.

(i)  Calculate the empirical formula of the compound formed.


empirical formula = ..........................................

(ii)  Suggest a name for this compound.


(c)  When chlorine gas is bubbled into aqueous sodium hydroxide, a mixture of bleach (NaClO),
sodium chloride and water is formed.

Write a chemical equation for this reaction.



(Total for question = 9 marks)

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