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In this interview I choose one of my uncle’s employees. His name is Roy, and he is 54 years old.

When I explained him what this interview is about, he started laughing but any how I asked him

questions required as per this assignment.

How many sodas are consumed in a week?

1. His consumption in a week on average is 10 cups (32oz)

What was your consumption of sodas five years ago? Ten years ago?

2. Five years ago, was 14 to 15 cups a day and 10 years ago was the same.

What if anything has changed your consumption?

3. Health issues made him cut down his soda consumption.

Why not quit drinking soda if it is affecting your health?

4. It is hard to quit soda as it is similar to quitting smoking. Craving of drinking soda and

addiction won’t let him quit.

I have observed in this interview is that he does want quit drinking soda but due to the addiction

it is hard for him to quit. Which is the only reason he at least needs one cup a day. We all know

that soda is not good for health as people are discovering now but no one is trying quit instead

they are cutting it down which is resulting in decline of soda consumption


posted by David Goldberg | 64sc March 30, 2017, Oct 30, 2017, Jul 05, 2017, & Jun 07, 2017.

(n.d.). Is soda consumption headed up or down? our new research brief tracks the Trends.

Healthy Food America. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from


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