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Practice Test 1 10 D Ayesha and Jane/ Sky QF

need a smartphone that costs less than £200: price tag of
prefer sma ll phones that are easy to carry: our most
Part 1 plO lightweight smartphone
listen to music, so good sound is essential: how powerful
1 B Correct. Repairs will delay cyclists for 24 hours.
the internal speakers are
A There will be delays for 24 hours. not for the whole
Part 3 p18
C The notice doesn't say that the lane is closed.
11 B Correct. Jessica was always telling jokes in class.
2 C Correct. Suzie asks Harry if he wants to borrow [her]
A Jessica was funny, not he r friends.
C Jessica annoyed the teachers. but she doesn't say that
A Suzie said it was a good history class, and she wasn't ill.
she disliked them.
B Harry missed the history class because he was ill.
D Jessica's jokes were good because she made people
3 A Correct. Students need to complete an application
form by Thursday.
12 C Correct. Jessica worked in a fast food restaurant and
B The notice doesn't say when the lessons start.
took acting classes in the evenings.
C Thursday refers to the day when the applications need
A Jessica worked in a restaurant.
to be in.
B Jessica too k acting classes.
4 B Correct. If you spend over£15, you can get afree
D Jessica performed in theatres.
bottle of cola or lemonade.
13 D Correct. Jessica has worked in theatres and on TV.
A Only customers who spend more than £15 receive the
free offer. A Sometimes the audience didn't laugh at Jessica's jokes.
C The offer is with takeaway orders, not with orders to B Doing theatre work is harder than being on TV.
eat in the cafe. C Jessica's first job after leaving school was in a fast food
5 A Correct. The cafe has employed new Italian chefs restaurant.
recently. 14 B Correct. It helps Jessica to think, and when she
B There is no information about the cafe moving. returns, her head is full of ideas.
C The owner hasn't opened a cafe in Italy. A Walking is a great way to relax, but Jessica doesn't say it
makes her laugh.
Part 2 p14 C Jessica says that comedy, not walking. takes away
6 E Sasha/ Diamond A7
D When she has no ideas. Jessica goes walking to fill her
needs a model that she can rely on: they can completely
mind with ideas.
depend on it
15 C Correct. Jessica has had a successful career and is
budget is around £500: At £510, it's a bargain.
always looking for new ideas.
must have a good reputation and an excellent battery life:
A Jessica doesn't say that she's always laughing.
complaints are very rare/ doesn't need to be charged very
often B Jessica has time to relax and has an active life apart
from her work.
7 H Carlos/ Tiger 21
D Jessica enjoys theatre work more than TV.
can't afford more than £300: on special offer this week only
Part 4 p22
wants one that looks good: one of the most stylish
smartphones /looks fantastic 16 D 17 F 18 A 19 C 20 E
mainly uses his phone to watch films , so the screen size
has to be decent: has a huge display and a convenient Part 5 p25
port for headphones 21 B which
8 A Clara /Sunshine 123 Special designs are objects and take the relative
wants a basic phone that is easy to use: very simple to set pronoun which.
up and use When , who and whose are relative pronouns, but do not
needs good storage for all the photos she receives: offers refer to objects.
enormous memory 22 D invited
has £150 for her new phone: will only cost you £149.99 Invited to means that people can choose whether to
9 F Sam / Storm V attend or not, and the event is not compulsory.
can spend between £300 and £400 on a new mobile: Called and demanded are used in situations where
currently on salefor£385 something is necessary or compulsory; requested simply
likes to browse the Internet and check social media: means asked.
operate at very high speeds
crazy about gaming: display is bright, making it ideal for
video games


Z3 A Many Part 2 p36
Many is required to agree with the plural noun designs.
Below is a model answer for Question Zand some
Lot needs an indefinite article; a lot of. Much is used with comments on it.
uncountable nouns. Ear;h is used before a singular noun.
24 D provide Model answer
Provide completes the verb phrase provide someone I read books in the l"Vening or on the be21ch in summer. I love
with st;1methin9. reading fwnny books. I like books with funny stories and fwnny
characters in them because they make me laugh. I don't like
Produce, design and gfvi; don't form il verb phr;:ise with
scary books.
the preposition with in this context
I don't like reading e-books. I prefer reading paper books. I don't
25 C Although
want to read on a screen. I like to hold a book and tl.!rn the
Although completes the subordinate clause of
pages. It's also nice to look at the cover and see the pictwre
on the front. I wsL!ally get books from the library or buy books
fven needs thoµgh in this context (evi;n though). So and from my local bookshop.
$ut are used to link two main clauses. but cannot be used (95 word ~)
with il subordinate c.:lause.
26 B ended Comments
The event ended meilnS that it finished. This is a very good attempt. The writer answers the question.
Li;ft. done ilnd completed would need to be passive in Her response is well organized and easy to understand. She
order to follow the subject event. uses a good range of structures (/love reading ... because ....
I don't like .... etc.) and vocabulary (c;:harar;ters, e-books, pages,
Part 6 p28 cover, screen, library. bookshop). There are no grammatical or
spelling errors. and t he article is of the correct length,
2.7 for
28 If Below is a model answer for Question 3 and some
29 so comments on it.
30 more Model an:;wer
31 most There was no one in the classroom when I arrived at 9.05 a.m.
32. with It was strange because I wasn't very late. I saw books on the
desks and wr iting on the blackboard. But where were all the
stwdents? Then I took out my phone. There was a text from
Writing our teacher, but I hadn't noticed It before. I read the message
carefLJlly. Today's class would take place in the park. I realized
Partl p31 that's where everyone was! So I r ushed there and found my
classmates sitting by the lake. Ijoined them "Ind we had a
Below is a model ilnswer for Question 1 and some
wonderfu l lesson in the swnshine.
comments on it,
(100 words)
Model answer
Hi Tom.
This is a good story of the correct length, whic;:h answers the
I'm looking forward to going camping with you. too.
question and L!Ses the first sentence correctly. The writer uses
I think staying in a te nt is a great idea, It will be much better different structures (There was no one ..., Then I .... So I ... ). There
than staying in a cabin. I have a big tent. We can both sleep is a variety of appropriate vocabulary (desks, blackboard,
in it, stL1d1;nts, lesson, etc.). and no grammatical or spelling errors.
I'm not very good at swimming, so I'm afraid I can't go sailing The story is well structured and easy to understand.
on the lake with you. I'm having swimming lessons, bwt I'm still
learning at the moment! But we can go walking in the forest
instead. Listening
Plea se can you tell me what I need to bring for the camping
trip? Part 1 p39
Write again soon! 1 C Correct. The boy explains that the anniversary is on
Marcos the 17'h, but he will be travelling before that.
(98 words) A The concert is on the 14'h.

Comments B The boy is travelling with his parents on the 15'h.

MC1rcos has answered all parts of the question, and his answer
2 A Correct. They have enough milk and bread, so the
is of t he correct length. He hils used i!ppropriate opening and
woman only needs to buy butter.
clo si ng remarks in his email, and his response is well organized B They have a lot of bread, and the man asks her not to
and easy to und(:lrstand. Marcos uses different structures ;ind buy any rnore.
appropriate vocabulary in his em;:iil and he has not m;:ide any C They have enough milk bec;:ause the woman bought
gr;:irnmatica! or spelling errors. some the day before.
3 C Correct. The man changes his shopping plan and
agrees to go to the basketball match on Saturday
A The man decides to go shopping that evening rather
than on Saturday evening as he originally planned.
B The man is going to the cinema that day.


4 B Correct. The woman says she sat in her garden on Part4 pSO
Sunday. 20 B Correct. Alice's business is a shop with a small cafe
A 1he rnan, not the woman, says that he went to the atthe back.
beach. A The business is a shop and a cafe, not a restaurant.
C The woman went for a picnic oh Saturday. C The business sells items from around the world, but it
5 A Correct. The man booked his holiday with a travel isn't a travel agency.
agent by phone. 21 C Correct. Alice wanted to be independent and work
B The man doesn't like using the Internet for booking for {herself].
things. A Alice says that you can't be sure that you'll make any
C The man booked by phone: he's going to the travel money.
agency to pick up the tickets. B Alice already has good experience of the business world.
6 B Correct. The exam starts at twa o'clock. 22 A Correct. Alice got the idea when she was travelling
A It's nearly one o'clock now. in Kenya.
C The man thinks the exam starts at four o'clock, but it B Alice was at a street market in Kenya, not England.
finishes then. C Alice has travelled in India, but she hasn't lived there.
7 B Correct. When the man says 'Hello', he accidentally 23 B Correct. Alice looks for things that are original and a
drops his phone and it breaks. bit different.
A The man parks the car on the other side of the bridge A Alice chooses items that are not too expensive and that
before his phone rings. most people can afford.
c The girl on the bicycle arrives a few minutes after the C Alice has to send some larger items, so not everything
man drops his phone. is easy to carry.
24 B Correct. Alice will probably need more staff.
Part 2 p43 A Alice isn't going to open a new shop.
8 C Correct. lhey say that they prefer her earlier songs.
C Alice thought about selling more food, but another
A They prefer her earlier songs. shop selling food has just opened.
B The man says that Kaylee has a great voice. 25 A Correct. [Alice is] working more hours than [she's]
9 B Correct. They say that the chairs are uncomfortable ever done and that's probably the most difficult thing.
and hard. B Alice gets on well with her customers.
A 1hey say that some of the dishes have funny names, but C Alice likes travelling.
the staff explained what they all were.
C They say that the staff are cheerful and polite.
10 C Correct. The girl says that she finds the hours a bit
much, and she struggles to stay awake until home time.
A The girl says that the people on her course are very
B The girl says that the classes are interesting.
11 A Correct. The girl says that she wishes he wouldn't
give them so much homework on a Friday.
B The girl says that he explains things very well.
C The girl says that he makes the lessons interesting.
12 B Correct. The boy says that he was expecting there to
be a bit more action.
A The boy says that the trailer they saw last week made look more exciting.
C The boy says that the film was funny .
13 A Correct. The girl says that they always improve the
B The boy says that every time he gets used to using the
website, it changes.
C The girl says that the website has some cool new

Part 3 p47
14 15 /fifteen
15 9.30
16 art room
17 Starting
18 October
19 food


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