MKTG 4110 Class 13

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MKTG 4110 Class 13

 Surveys are used as important inputs for many important analyses

 tend to be important inputs in conducting segmentation and cluster analysis
o Conjoint analysis,
o willingness to pay,
o qualitative,
o behavioral research
 heavily depend on taking surveys from right pool of consumers

Step 6. Collect data from the sample


 Population has been defined correctly

 Sample is representative of the population
 Respondents selected are able and willing to cooperate
 Questions are understood by the respondents
 Respondents have the knowledge, opinions, attitudes, or facts required
 Interviewer correctly understands and records the response
Systematic errors
Classifications of Scales by Measurement

Nominal Scales
Objects are assigned to mutually exclusive,
labeled categories
 No necessary relationships among
 Only possible arithmetic operation is a
count of each category

What can you identify:

 Distribution of brand preferences
 Most popular brand
 No ordering or spacing is implied
Ordinal or Rank Scale
Rank objects or arranges them in order by
some common variable
 Does not provide info on how much
difference there is between objects
 Arithmetic operations are limited to:
median or mode

Use ordinal regression to analyze data

What you can identify?
 Distribution of brand preferences
 Most popular bran
Interval Scale
We know the order as well as exact
differences between the values

 Differences can be compared

 Temperatures, dates, times
 Entire range of statistical operations can
be employed for analysis

Ratio Scale
Type of interval scale with meaningful 0 point
 Possible to say how many times
greater or smaller one object is than
 Only scale that permits comparisons of
absolute magnitude
 How old are you? What is your zip
What you can identify:
 Distribution of brand preference
 Most popular brand
 Second most preferred item
 Mean purchase intention quantity
How should we ask sensitive questions?
Designing Questionnaire
1. Plan what to measure
a. Revisit the research objective
b. Decide on the research issue of your questionnaire
c. Get additional information on the research issue from secondary data sources
and exploratory research
d. Decide on what is to be asked under the research issue

2. Formulate questions to gather the needed information

a. Open ended: useful when...
i. It is important to measure the salience of an issue to a respondent
ii. There are too many responses to be listed, or they can’t be foreseen
iii. Verbatim responses are desired to give the flavor of people’s answers
b. Close ended: useful when...
i. Information requirement is clear and known
ii. Easier to answer
iii. Require less effort by the interviewer
iv. Tabulation and analysis is easier
v. Less potential error in the way question is asked and the way is recorded
vi. The responses are directly comparable from respondent to respondent
c. Disadvantages
i. The answer to a closed response question will be received no matter how
relevant the question is
ii. May not produce meaningful results
iii. Dichotomous questions are prone to a large amount of measurement error
iv. Provides fewer opportunities of self expression
v. Alternative responses provides answers not considered by the
respondent, leading to selection of a “reasonable” response

3. Formatting: Decide on order, wording, and layout

a. Do any words have vague or ambiguous meanings?
b. Are any questions double-barreled?
c. Are any questions leading or loaded?
d. Are the instructions potentially confusing?
e. Is the question applicable to all respondents?
f. Are the questions of appropriate length?
g. Is there an order bias?

4. Pretest
a. Pretesting Specific Questions For:
i. Variation, Meaning, Task difficulty, Respondent interest and attention
b. Pretesting the Questionnaire to:
i. Test flow of the questionnaire for clarity and logic
ii. Ensure that skip patterns are clear and well laid out
iii. Time each section so that questionnaire does not appear very long
iv. Capture and maintain respondent interest and attention

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