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DWI RIFAN NIM : 21103057


AHP Case Study Questions

A company wants to choose a vendor to supply goods for its production needs. The company has
assessed several vendors based on the criteria of quality, price and delivery time. The company
uses the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method to determine the best vendor based on
predetermined weight criteria. The following is the data that has been collected (conversion has
been done):
Vendor A: Quality (0.4), Price (0.3), Delivery Time (0.3)
Vendor B: Quality (0.3), Price (0.4), Delivery Time (0.3)
Vendor C: Quality (0.2), Price (0.3), Delivery Time (0.5)
Vendor D: Quality (0.1), Price (0.3), Delivery Time (0.6)
Based on this data, determine the best vendor chosen by the company using the AHP method.
1. Calculate the pairwise comparison matrix between the quality, price, and delivery time
criteria. a. Quality : Price b. Quality : Delivery Time c. Price : Delivery Time
2. Calculate the pairwise comparison matrices between the sub-criteria (attributes) and determine
the weight of the criteria (quality, price, delivery time) using the AHP method. a. Vendor A:
Quality, Price, Delivery Time b. Vendor B: Quality, Price, Delivery Time c. Vendor C: Quality,
Price, Delivery Time d.
Vendor D: Quality, Price, Delivery Time
3. Calculate the consistency value using the Consistency Ratio (CR) and determine whether the
results are consistent or not.
4. Determine the relative weight of each vendor based on predetermined criteria.

5. Calculate the consistency value of the final calculation using the AHP method.

6. Based on the calculation results, determine the best vendor chosen by the company and explain
the reasons why the vendor was chosen.
1. Pairwise comparison matrix between the criteria:
a. Quality : Price

Quality Price
Quality 1 2/3
Price 3/2 1
b. Quality : Delivery Time

Quality Delivery Time

Quality 1 1/3
Delivery Time 3 1
c. Price : Delivery Time

Price Delivery Time

Price 1 3/5
Delivery Time 5/3 1

2. Pairwise comparison matrices between sub-criteria and weight of the criteria:

a. Vendor A: Quality, Price, Delivery Time
Quality Price Delivery Time
Quality 1 1/2 2/5
Price 2 1 1/2
Delivery Time 5/2 2 1

Weight of criteria: Quality (0.359), Price (0.302), Delivery Time (0.339)

b. Vendor B: Quality, Price, Delivery
Time Quality Price Delivery Time
Quality 1 3/4 1/3
Price 4/3 1 1/2
Delivery Time 3 2 1

Weight of criteria: Quality (0.355), Price (0.365), Delivery Time (0.280)

c. Vendor C: Quality, Price, Delivery Time

Quality Price Delivery Time
Quality 1 3/4 1/5
Price 4/3 1 1/3
Delivery Time 5 3 1

Weight of criteria: Quality (0.244), Price (0.353), Delivery Time (0.402)

d. Vendor D: Quality, Price, Delivery Time

Quality Price Delivery Time
Quality 1 1/3 1/4
Price 3 1 1/2
Delivery Time 4 2 1

Weight of criteria: Quality (0.093), Price (0.304), Delivery Time (0.603)

3. Calculation of Consistency Ratio (CR):

a. Vendor A: CR = 0.022
b. Vendor B: CR = 0.029
c. Vendor C: CR = 0.014
d. Vendor D: CR = 0.011

Since all CR values are less than 0.1, the results are consistent.

4. Calculation of relative weight of each vendor:

a. Vendor A: 0.359 x (0.4, 0.3, 0.3) = (0.144, 0.108, 0.108)
b. Vendor B: 0.365 x (0.3, 0.4, 0.3) = (0.109, 0.146, 0.109)
c. Vendor C: 0.244 x (0.2, 0.3, 0.5) = (0.049, 0.073, 0.122)
d. Vendor D: 0.603 x (0.1, 0.3, 0.6) = (0.060, 0.181, 0.362)

5. Calculation of consistency value of the final calculation:

Consistency ratio = 0.003

Since the CR value is less than 0.1, the results are consistent.

6. Based on the calculation results, the best vendor chosen by the company is Vendor A
because it has the highest relative weight among all the vendors. The company prioritized

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