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Module 5

Industries and waste-water management

Raw material, Manufacturing process and flow-sheets, sources of effluents, characteristics,
ETP, by-product recovery for following industries.
 Sugar
 Distillery
 Tannery
 Dairy
 Paper & Pulp
 Metal Processing Industry (Electroplating)

5.1 Introduction
Industrial wastewater is typically far more contaminated than home or even commercial
wastewater. Nonetheless, a few of industries continue to attempt to illegally direct dump their
effluents into our natural river streams. Such a propensity on the part of the companies might
seriously contaminate the whole river's water, making it nearly difficult to purify. Industries
occasionally discharge their polluted wastewaters into municipal sewers, making the process
of cleaning that sewage a highly challenging and expensive exercise.
Thus, the industries are often prohibited from discharging their untreated effluents by legal
rules. So, it becomes important for the various industries to treat their wastewater in their own
treatment facilities before disposing of their effluents, as appropriate, on land, in lakes, rivers,
or municipal sewage systems.

The following industrial wastewater outflows may be produced by industrial facilities

 Waste water from the manufacturing process might contain hazardous pollutants (such
solvents, heavy metals), conventional pollutants (that can be controlled by secondary
treatment systems), and other detrimental substances like nutrients.
 Boiler blowdown and cooling water are examples of non-process waste streams that
create thermal pollution and other pollutants.
 Drainage from industrial sites is produced by businesses in the manufacturing and
service sectors as well as by mining and energy sites.
 Radionuclides, generated water from oil and gas extraction, and acid mine drainage are
examples of waste streams from the mining and energy industries.
 By-products of treatment or cooling procedures include brine and backwashing (water

As was already mentioned, industrial wastewaters frequently include harmful and severe
chemical contaminants in excessive amounts. The properties of the generated effluent typically
vary from industry to industry and even within a single industry from process to process. The
typical methods for treating household wastewaters cannot often effectively handle these
industrial wastewaters, necessitating the use of a "sequence of techniques" or other specifically
designed techniques. Prior to exposing wastewater to standard treatment procedures, it is
almost always required and preferable to separate and eliminate the problematic contaminants
from the wastewater. The sequence of treatment techniques used should also be such as to assist
develop beneficial by-products. This will encourage businesses to build these treatment
facilities and assist reduce the cost of pollution control measures.
5.2 Sugar Industry
Sugar industries have an important place in Indian economic development. However, the
wastewater generated from these industries bears a high degree of pollution load. Sugar
industries in India generate about 1,000 L of wastewater for one ton of sugar cane crushed.
Wastewater from the sugar industry, if discharged without treatment, poses pollution problems
in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

5.2.1 Raw Materials

Cane sugar is processed into raw sugar by a sequence of operations: harvesting, cutting,
crushing, extraction of juice, clarification, evaporation, crystallization, centrifugation, and
refining. Beet sugar processing involves harvesting, slicing, extraction of juice, carbonization,
evaporation, crystallization, and refining.

5.2.2 Manufacturing Process of Sugar

Numerous processes are involved in the manufacture of sugar, with the number of steps varied
according to the type of sugar produced and the particular production technique employed.
However, in general, the procedure may be divided into the following steps:
 Production of raw material (sugarcane or sugar beets) and harvesting.
 Delivering the raw materials to a sugar refinery or other processing facility
 Juice is extracted from the source material.
 Juice clarification and filtering to get rid of contaminants.
 Juice is boiled to produce raw sugar.
 Granulated sugar is made by crystallizing and drying raw sugar.
 Granulated sugar is refined to produce the finished product.
The extraction and purification of the sugar may be aided by the use of a variety of chemicals
and other substances during the process. In order to guarantee that the finished product
complies with industry requirements, quality control methods are also in place.

Following is the detailed procedure of Sugar Manufacturing:

Cleaning: The cleaning procedure comes first in the production of sugar. This procedure
entails cleaning the raw sugar cane of any dirt, debris, or other impurities. Typically, raw sugar
cane is washed using a brush or other cleaning tools after being soaked in water. The sugar
cane is divided into smaller pieces after washing.
Grinding: The grinding process is the following stage in the production of sugar. It is at this
point that the raw sugar cane pieces are processed into a fine powder. A grinding machine is
used to do this. The individual pieces of cane are broken down during the grinding process,
which improves the extraction of the sugar content.
Extraction: The extraction process is the third phase in the production of sugar. The sugar
content of the crushed cane is removed in this step. In order to extract the cane juice, a
combination of heat and pressure is used. Before being stored in tanks, the juice is filtered to
eliminate any contaminants that may still be present.
Evaporation: The evaporation process is the fourth phase in the production of sugar. The juice
is heated at this point to remove moisture and concentrate the sugar content. After that, the
juice is run through a number of evaporators to lower its moisture content and concentrate its
Crystallization: The crystallization process is the fifth step in the production of sugar. Here,
the concentrated sugar solution is cooled, resulting in the formation of sugar crystals. After
that, the crystals are gathered and separated from the liquid.
Packaging: The sixth and last phase in the production of sugar is the packaging procedure.
Here, the crystals are prepared for sale by being placed in bags or another packaging. It takes
several distinct procedures to produce sugar, which is a complicated process. To create a high-
quality product, it is crucial to comprehend each phase of the process. Manufacturers may
guarantee the best flavour and quality in their sugar products by following these guidelines.
5.2.3 Source of Effluents from the Sugar Industry
Following is the source of wastewater generated by a Sugar Industry
a) Mill House
b) Waste Water from Boiling House
c) Waste Water from Boiler Blow down
d) Excess Condensate
e) Condenser cooling water
f) Soda and Acid Wastes
5.2.4 Volume of Effluent Generated from the Sugar Industry.
The amount of effluent used varies from mill to mill based on factors like the mill's crushing
capability, the water conductor's dependability and management, etc.
Sr. Source Volume
No. (m3 / Day)
1 Mill Bearing 100
2 Hot Liquid gland cooling 150
3 Daily cleaning and washing 100
4 Laboratory use 6
5 Domestic 90
6 Spray pond overflow 102
8 Excess condensate 200
9 Boiler Blowdown 75
10 Leakages & Stream Trap 100
Total 1000

5.2.5 Characteristics of Effluent of Sugar Industry

Individual and combined effluent properties vary from mill to mill and sometimes. All of the
distinct effluents, with the exception of spray pond overflow, are acidic and have unpleasant
colors, high BOD levels, and suspended solids. Additionally, there is a lot of oil and grease.
The following table lists the characteristics of a typical sugar mill's effluents.
Sr.No Parameter Range (mg/l)
1 pH 6.5-8.8
2 Dissolved Oxygen 0-2.0
3 BOD 300-2200
4 COD 1360-2000
5 Chlorides 18-40
6 Total Solids 870-1950
7 Total Dissolved Solids 400-1650
8 Suspended Solids 220-790
9 Sulphate 40-90
10 Oil Grease 60-100

5.2.6 Treatment of Sugar Industry Wastewater.

The treatment of sugar industry wastewater typically involves several steps to remove
pollutants and contaminants before discharging the treated water back into the environment.

1. Preliminary Treatment: In the first step, the wastewater is screened to remove large
solids such as sticks, leaves, and rocks. This is typically done using a bar screen or a
grit chamber.
2. Primary Treatment: The next step involves the removal of suspended solids and
organic matter. This is typically done using a primary clarifier, where the wastewater
is held for a period of time to allow the solids to settle to the bottom of the tank.
3. Secondary Treatment: In this step, the remaining dissolved organic matter and
nutrients are removed from the wastewater using a biological process such as activated
sludge or a trickling filter. These processes utilize bacteria and other microorganisms
to break down the organic matter and remove nutrients such as nitrogen and
4. Tertiary Treatment: In some cases, a tertiary treatment step is necessary to remove
remaining contaminants such as pathogens, heavy metals, and organic compounds. This
can be achieved using advanced treatment technologies such as membrane filtration,
ozonation, or ultraviolet disinfection.
5. Sludge Treatment: The solids that settle out during the primary treatment step are
collected and treated separately in a process called sludge treatment. This involves
dewatering the sludge and treating it using anaerobic digestion or other processes to
stabilize it before disposal.

It is important to note that the specific treatment processes used for sugar industry wastewater
may vary depending on the characteristics of the wastewater and local regulations.

5.2.7 By-products of Sugar Industry wastewater

Sugar industry wastewater can generate several by-products during the treatment process.
Some of the common by-products include:

1. Biogas: During the anaerobic digestion of sludge, biogas is produced as a by-product.

This gas is composed mainly of methane and can be used as a source of renewable
2. Biosolids: The solid materials that are separated during the treatment process can be
further processed to produce biosolids. These biosolids can be used as a fertilizer for
agricultural purposes.
3. Clean Water: The treated wastewater can be discharged into the environment or reused
for other purposes such as irrigation or industrial processes.
4. Nutrient-rich water: The nutrient-rich water that is produced during the treatment
process can be used for irrigation or as a fertilizer.
5. Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide is generated during the anaerobic digestion of sludge
and can be used in various industrial processes.
It is worth noting that the by-products produced during the treatment process can be used to
offset some of the costs of the treatment process, making it more cost-effective and sustainable.
5.3 Distillery Industry
India is a significant producer of both industrial and potable alcohol. The most common
feed material used by distilleries is molasses. Grain-based distilleries exist. Alcohol is a
feedstock for a vast variety of organic compounds that may be employed in the synthesis of
medications, rubber, insecticides, and solvents, in addition to its application in beverages,
medicines, pharmaceuticals, and flavouring. The production of several chemicals, including
acetic acid, butanol, butadiene, acetic anhydride, polyvinyl chloride, etc., uses ethanol as a key
raw material. India is the world's fourth-largest producer of ethanol behind the US, Brazil, and
China, and if a required 5 percent ethanol/petrol blend is implemented nationwide, the country's
supply of molasses may not be sufficient.

Currently, only 10 States and three Union Territories may use the 5 percent blending,
which uses around 410 million litres of anhydrous alcohol. It is projected that both the
geographic distribution and the % mixing would increase. The Central Pollution Control Board
classifies molasses-based distilleries as an industry under the "Red" industry category. It is a
significant environmental problem since the amount of extremely polluting wasted wash
produced is 10 to 15 times more than the volume of spirit produced. About 4230 million liters
of molasses-based distillate are produced annually in the nation's total installed capacity.
Distilleries using Indian molasses typically have capacities between 30 and 60 KLD. The
greatest distillery capacity is 420 KLD, and there are relatively few distilleries larger than 100

5.3.1 Raw Materials of the Distillery Industry

Depending on the type of spirits being produced, the raw materials utilized in the
distillery sector might change. However, the distillery business frequently uses the following
basic materials:

Grain: In the distillery sector, corn, barley, wheat, rye, and sorghum are the most often utilized
grains. Typically, these grains are ground and mashed to make a slurry, which is then fermented
to make alcohol.

Fruits: Fruits like grapes, apples, and berries are used to make some types of spirits like brandy
and fruit liqueurs.
Sugars: Molasses, honey, and sugar cane are among the sugars that are used in the creation of
rum, vodka, and other alcoholic beverages.

Yeast: Yeast is a crucial component of the fermentation process because it turns the raw
materials' carbohydrates into alcohol.

Water: Water is a key component in the distillery business since it is used to cool the
equipment during the distillation process and to dilute the alcohol.

Botanicals: Ingredients like juniper berries, coriander, and citrus peels are used to flavour some
beverages, including gin.

5.3.2 Molasses is the Key Raw material used in the manufacturing of Distillery products.
Following are the types of Molasses used in Distillery Industry.

Light Molasses: This is the syrup left over after the first boiling cycle of sugarcane juice. It is
the lightest in color, has the highest sugar content, and the least viscous texture.

Dark or Medium Molasses: Produced as a byproduct of the second boiling cycle of sugarcane.
This molasses is darker and more viscous than light molasses and contains less sugar.

Blackstrap Molasses: This is the final by-product of the third boiling cycle in the sugar-
making process. This variety contains the least amount of sugar and has the highest
concentration of vitamins and minerals. Blackstrap molasses has a very dark color, is extremely
viscous in texture, and, because it's highly concentrated, it has a deep, spicy, almost bitter

5.3.3 Manufacturing Process

Molasses is fermented in batch, continuous, or bio still processes to produce alcohol in

molasses-based distilleries. In the batch process, the molasses is diluted to lower the sugar
concentration from the original 40–45% to 10-15%. The next step is to combine the yeast
inoculum with this diluted molasses at a volume/volume (v/v) concentration of around 10%.
After that, it is allowed to ferment for 30 to 40 hours. After the fermentation is finished, the
fermenter's bottom is cleaned of the yeast sludge, and the fermenter wash is transferred to the
analyzer column for steam distillation. At the top of the analyzer column, steam and alcohol
vapours are combined, and the spent wash is drained out of the bottom.
The rectification column receives the alcohol and steam mixture, which causes the
water and alcohol vapours to condense and create rectified spirit. The condensed steam is
discharged as spent lees.

The continuous process recycles the yeast and the processes of fermentation and
distillation are coupled to get a continuous flow of fermented beer for the distillation column.
The yeast here is more active and the alcohol yields higher. Bio-still is a trading name for one
of the continuous processes where molasses is fed to the fermenter at a constant flow rate.

5.3.4 Characteristics of Effluent from the Distillery Industry

If not adequately handled, the effluent from the distillery sector can have a high organic
content, be highly acidic, and be dangerous to the environment. The following are some typical
traits of effluent from the distillery sector:
 High COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand): The effluent from distilleries often contains a
high quantity of organic material, which raises the COD. The COD test measures how
much oxygen is needed for the water's organic matter to decompose.
 High biological oxygen demand (BOD) levels are another consequence of distillery
effluent's high organic content. BOD is a measurement of how much oxygen bacteria
need to break down organic materials.
 High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): The presence of salts, sugars, and other dissolved
solids in the water can cause distillery effluent to have high TDS levels.
 High Suspended Solids (SS): Yeast, discarded grains, and other organic materials can
all be produced throughout the production process in the distillery business.
 Low pH: Due to the presence of organic acids like acetic acid, distillery effluent may
be quite acidic. If released into water bodies without sufficient treatment, this can
destroy aquatic life.
 High temperature: Distillery wastewater can have a high temperature as a result of the
production process, which can harm aquatic life if released into water bodies without
sufficient treatment.

To maintain compliance with local laws and to reduce the environmental effect, it is crucial
for the distillery business to properly cleanse its effluent before releasing it into the
environment. Before discharging distillery effluent, pollutants and impurities can be removed
using treatment procedures such as biological, chemical, and physical treatment.

5.3.4 Volume of Wastewater from Distillery

Depending on the size of the distillery, the method of production, and the kind of spirit
being produced, the amount of wastewater created by the distillery business might change. For
every liter of alcohol produced, a distillery might, on average, produce 6 to 14 liters of
wastewater. One liter of whiskey, for instance, might produce anywhere from 6 to 10 liters of
wastewater, and one liter of vodka can produce about 14 liters of wastewater. The effectiveness
of the manufacturing process and the degree of water recycling within the distillery are two
other variables that may have an impact on the volume of effluent. In order to maintain
compliance with local laws and reduce their operations' negative effects on the environment,
distilleries must have an efficient wastewater treatment system in place given the significant
volume of wastewater that the business generates. The removal of impurities and pollutants,
lowering the organic load and pH, and enabling the water to be safely discharged or reused are
all benefits of proper wastewater treatment.

5.3.5 Treatment of Wastewater from Distillery

Various technology options are available for the treatment of distillery spent wash.
They may include bio methanation, bio methanation and secondary treatment followed by
irrigation or disposal in surface water, composting after or without bio methanation, activated
sludge treatment, concentration and incineration, anaerobic digestion followed by evaporation
and composting, co-incineration, reverse osmosis, multi effect evaporators, recovery of potash
or disposal into sea or estuary after or without bio methanation.

Distillery spent wash treatment of the yesteryears revolved round the open lagooning
system with its inherent problems of land, odour and seepage into use and degradation and the
ground water. Subsequent technologies, from bio-methanation to co-incineration which utilise
the energy generating and fertility potential of spent wash, have improved the management of
distillery spent wash to change it into an environmentally friendly, socially acceptable, Zero
effluent discharge industry.

The cost of anaerobic bio-digesters can be recovered in 2 to 3 years of installation

because of substantial savings in fuels. The generally used reactors are the up or down flow
fixed film reactors, up flow partially fluidized bed reactors commonly called the up flow
anaerobic blanket reactors and slurry reactors. These reactor systems are capable of bringing
down a reduction in influent BOD by about 90 to 95% and produce biomethane effluents with
a BOD of about 500 mg/L and gas @ 0.4 to 0.5 m3/kg COD removed which can be used on
fuel. Continuous stirred reactors and UASB-based digesters have proved to be more suitable
than media based and thermophilic digesters. Coupled with Biogas based cogeneration,
regeneration of power steam and chilled water and the production of bio compressed natural
gas, higher value additions can be obtained. The UASB reactors have been observed to produce
methane with high efficiency, a better-quality effluent and stable sludge and have been
suggested as one of the best options for treatment of distillery waste water, with or without
5.3.6 By Products from Distillery Industry

The distillery industry generates several by-products during the production process, some
of which can have economic and environmental benefits. Some common by-products of the
distillery industry include:

1. Spent grains: After the mashing process, the leftover grain is referred to as "spent
grains." These grains can be used as animal feed or as a source of biomass for energy
2. Stillage: Stillage is the liquid residue left after distillation. This liquid contains high
levels of organic matter and nutrients, making it an excellent fertilizer for crops.
3. Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide is a by-product of the fermentation process and can
be captured and used in the production of carbonated beverages or as an industrial gas.
4. Ethanol: Ethanol is the primary product of the distillation process. However, some
distilleries produce ethanol specifically for use as a fuel additive, which can help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles.
5. Yeast: The yeast used in the fermentation process can be collected and used in other
fermentation processes or sold to other distilleries.
6. Water: Water used in the distillation process can be treated and reused for other
purposes within the distillery or discharged after treatment for reuse in agricultural or
industrial processes.

The by-products generated by the distillery industry can help to offset the cost of production
and reduce the environmental impact of their operations. Additionally, these by-products can
be utilized in other industries or recycled within the distillery to promote sustainability and
reduce waste. In order to gainfully utilize the biomethane spent wash and/or make it suitable
to confirm to the requirements of Zero effluent discharge, distilleries generally adopt the
practice of anaerobic digestion of spent wash followed by composting. If sufficient filler
material (Press mud) is not available the effluent quantities are reduced through
reboilers/evaporation/RO to match the quantity of press mud. The concentrated effluent can
also be dried in spray driers as a powder which can be sold as a fertilizer.
5.4 Tannery Industry

The tannery sector is involved in the process of turning animal hides and skins into
leather. This sector of the economy contributes significantly and offers a variety of goods such
leather shoes, purses, belts, coats, and other clothing. Animal hides and skins are chemically
treated during the tanning process to eliminate impurities, stop rot, and make leather more
appealing and durable. The skins are tanned using a variety of procedures, such as vegetable
tanning, chrome tanning, and other specialized ways.

However, because harmful chemicals are used in the tanning process, which may
contaminate air, water, and soil, the tannery business has been linked to environmental and
health hazards. An attempt has been made in recent years to increase the sustainability of the
sector, including the creation of eco-friendly tanning procedures and the adoption of waste
management procedures. Nowadays, a lot of tanneries employ solar energy and recycled water
to lessen their environmental effect. The tannery industry nevertheless plays a significant role
in the global economy and offers job opportunities despite these difficulties.

5.4.1 Raw Materials of Tannery Industry

A number of raw materials are used by the tannery business to create leather goods.
Animal hide or skin, which is commonly produced from cows, pigs, lambs, goats, and other
animals, is the most crucial raw material. The tannery business also uses the following
additional raw materials:

 Chemicals: To prepare animal hides for tanning and to give leather the necessary
characteristics, a variety of chemicals including acids, salts, and alkalis are utilized.

 Water: To rinse the hides and get rid of contaminants, water is utilized in copious
amounts throughout the tanning process.
 To color the leather and give it the required appearance, we employ dyes and pigments.
 Grease and oils are used to soften and condition leather.
 Finishing Agents: Finishing agents are used to increase the leather's tensile strength,
aesthetic appeal, and water resistance.
 Energy: Tanneries need a lot of energy to run, and this energy might come from coal,
oil, gas, or electricity, among other things.
It's important to note that the tannery business has come under fire for its environmental effect,
especially in underdeveloped nations where laws are laxer. The industry is making efforts to
establish more ecologically responsible and sustainable methods, such as employing renewable
energy sources and using less water and chemicals.

5.4.2 Manufacturing Process of Tannery Industry

There are three fundamental steps in the tanning process:

 Preparation of the hides for tanning,

 Tanning proper,
 Finishing.

Process 1: Preparation of Hides for Tanning:

 Curing: In order to limit the degradation of proteolytic enzymes, curing involves drying
the hide with salt or air after dehydrating it.

 Washing: Gets rid of salts, grit, non-fibrous proteins, blood, and dung.
 Soaking: By soaking in water containing sodium chloride and a preservative chemical
called "Antimucin" for one to five days, it is possible to replace the moisture that was
lost during preservation and storage. Insufficient water is used to wash the soaked skins
once again.
 Unhairing: - Hides are 'limed' with a lime paste and either sodium sulphide or not.
Then, the fleshing and hairs are mechanically removed from the skins. This improves
skin's appearance and makes it easier to remove trace protein contaminants.
 Deliming and bating: These processes prepare hides for tanning by lowering pH,
decreasing swelling, and eliminating products of protein breakdown. performed in
heated solutions of ammonium salts and readily accessible proteolytic enzymes in
vertical rotating drums. Batting improves breadth, smooths out wrinkles, and makes
leather slick.
 Pickling is necessary to get the hide ready for "chrome tanning." In order to stop the
precipitation of chromium salts on the skin fibres, hides are treated with acid and
sodium chloride.
 Degreasing: Eliminates natural oil, limiting the production of metallic soaps, and
allowing tanning liquors to penetrate evenly.

Process 2: Tanning

As a result, even after drying, the hide is soft and non-putrescible. Vegetable compounds that
contain natural tannins, such as extracts of bark, wood, nuts, etc., are employed as tanning
agents, as are inorganic chromium salts. Chromium tanning is utilized for light leather, whereas
vegetable tanning is used for thick leather. In the chrome tanning procedure, tanning is carried
out in the same vat following a day of pickling by adding a chromium sulphate solution. The
leather is bleached with a diluted solution of sodium thiosulphate and Na2CO3 in the same bath
after four hours of tanning. Tanned leather is removed, half of the used alcohol is discarded,
and the remaining liquor is utilized again with new water. Following the actual tanning, the
vegetable-tanned leathers are cleaned.

Process 3: Finishing

 It starts with filling and fat-liquoring, then dyes.

 Stuffing and fat-liquoring - the tanned leather is mixed with oil and grease to make it
supple, malleable, and tear-resistant.
 Synthetic dyestuffs are used in dyeing.
5.4.3 Characteristics of Effluent from Tannery Industry

The tannery industry's wastewater is characterized by high concentrations of organic and

inorganic contaminants. Significant amounts of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and
chemical oxygen demand (COD). The effluent from the tannery sector comprises high levels
of BOD and COD. BOD and COD are indicators of the quantity of organic matter in the
effluent, which can harm the ecosystem and deplete the oxygen in receiving bodies of water.
The tannery industry's effluent also has high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, which
can exacerbate eutrophication in nearby water bodies. The process of eutrophication happens
when there are too many nutrients in water bodies. This results in the growth of algae, which
can reduce the amount of oxygen in the water and destroy aquatic life. The tanning process
uses chromium and other heavy metals, which can pollute water sources and leach into the
effluent. If these heavy metals get into the food chain, they might endanger human health in
addition to being hazardous to aquatic life. Salt is used during the tanning process to preserve
the hides, which might raise the effluent's saltiness. High salt concentrations in bodies of water
can destroy aquatic life and affect crops and soil. Due to the presence of organic materials and
chemicals, the effluent from the tannery sector is frequently coloured and has a pungent odour.
To lessen the effects of their activities on the environment, tanneries must cleanse their effluent
before releasing it into water bodies.

5.4.4 Treatment of Wastewater from Tannery Industry

Most of the tanneries in India provide physical treatment only.

 Screens: Required to remove fleshing, hairs, and other floating matters. Screening can
be used for glue manufacture or recover hair, fleshing & fats.
 Sedimentation: 4 hr HRT is effective in 90% removal of solids. It can be continuous
flow or fill and draw type. No appreciable reduction in TDS, COD, and BOD occurs in
primary treatment. However, wastewater can be discharged in sewers after it.
 Chemical coagulation (with or without neutralization): Coagulants like alum, ferric
chloride, ferrous sulphate can be used. Ferrous sulphate is effective for colour,
chromium, sulphide & SS removal from chrome-tan wastes. Alum is used with prior
neutralization by CO2 or acid.
 Biological treatment: Treatment in ASP when wastewater is mixed with sewage is
feasible. About 90% removal of BOD and COD is possible. Chromium removal is
necessary before biological treatment. A trickling filter can also be used. Anaerobic
filter: 90% COD and 91 to 97% BOD removal can be obtained at HRT of 12 hrs. Low-
cost treatment such as oxidation pond, anaerobic lagoons followed by aerated lagoon
can be used.
 Normal residual chromium levels following PST elimination have no negative effects
on biological therapy. The removal of NaCl from this trash is a concern. When high
NaCl levels are present in the receiving streams, spent soak liquor (10% NaCl) and
pickling liquor (8% NaCl) can be separated and treated separately by sun evaporation.
Reusing old alcohol is more alluring. Using Neem oil or other preservatives to salt
might also lessen the NaCl issue.
 Chromium recovery and segmentation of used chrome-tan liquor are common
practices. Lime at pH 6.6 causes the chemical precipitation of chromium in the form of
Cr(OH)3. The separation of Cr(OH)3 using filtering or sedimentation. H2SO4 addition
and recovery of re-usable chrome sulphate solution. Recovery can significantly cut
down on pollutants.

5.4.5 By-products from the Tannery industry

The tannery industry's effluent can also result in some by-products that can be recycled or used
again. Sludge is a by-product of the wastewater treatment process that can be utilized as
fertilizer or as a raw material in the manufacture of cement. Anaerobic digestion of sludge can
result in the production of biogas, which is a fuel for energy production. Nitrogen and
phosphorus may be recovered from tannery effluent and utilized as fertilizers in agricultural
production. High quantities of salts are present in the effluent from tanneries, which may be
collected and utilized again throughout the tanning process. Metals like chromium and zinc
may be recovered from tannery effluent and utilized in the tanning process, or they can be sold
to other businesses. Wastewater that has been treated can be utilized for non-potable tasks like
washing or irrigation. These by-products may be recovered and reused by appropriately
managing and treating tannery effluent, which lowers waste and increases sustainability.
5.5 Dairy Industry

India has one of the greatest dairy industries in the world since it is the world's largest
producer and consumer of milk. The industry contributes significantly to the Indian economy,
giving millions of people jobs and cash. Dairy farming has been practiced in India for a very
long period, since before cows and buffaloes were domesticated. Modern and traditional
techniques of milk production and processing are used in India's dairy business today.
Small-scale farmers in India who have one or two cows or buffaloes and sell their milk
to regional cooperatives or commercial dairy businesses dominate the country's dairy sector.
These farmers frequently take part in dairy cooperatives, which give them access to loans,
marketing aid, and technical support.

The National Dairy growth Board (NDDB), which was created in 1965, has played a
vital contribution in the growth of the dairy sector in India. The establishment of cooperatives,
the promotion of dairy farming, and the enhancement of milk quality have all been made
possible by the NDDB. Amul, Mother Dairy, Nestle, and Britannia are a few of India's largest
dairy corporations. These businesses manufacture a selection of dairy goods, such as milk,
cheese, butter, ghee, and yogurt. However, the dairy sector in India also confronts a number of
difficulties, such as low production, poor milk quality, a lack of infrastructure, and restricted
finance availability. Additionally, more money has to be spent on R&D to enhance the genetics
of dairy animals and boost milk production. The dairy industry involves processing raw milk
into products such as consumer milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, condensed milk, dried milk (milk
powder), and ice cream, using processes such as chilling, pasteurization, and homogenization.
Typical by-products include buttermilk, whey, and their derivatives.

5.5.1 Raw Material used in Dairy Industry

Milk is the main raw material utilized in the dairy business. A variety of dairy animals,
including cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, and camels, among others, are used to produce milk.
Water, fat, protein, lactose, minerals, and vitamins are all mixed together in complicated ways
in milk. The dairy business employs additional raw ingredients in addition to milk to create a
variety of dairy products. These consist of:

 Cream is the fatty coating that forms when milk is allowed to stand. Butter, whipped
cream, and ice cream are all made using cream.
 Whey is the liquid that remains after milk has been strained and allowed to curdle.
Protein powders, baby formula, and different kinds of cheese are all made from whey.
 Cultures: These are the microbes that are introduced to milk to cause it to ferment and
produce different dairy products. Yogurt, cheese, and sour cream are among the foods
that are made using cultures.
 To increase the texture, consistency, and shelf life of dairy products, stabilizers and
emulsifiers are added. Ice cream, cream cheese, and whipped cream are frequently
made with stabilizers and emulsifiers.
 Sweeteners and flavours are added to dairy products to enhance flavour. Flavoured
milk, yogurt, and ice cream are just a few of the products that are made using flavours
and sweeteners.
 The final dairy products' quality can be considerably impacted by the calibre and make-
up of these raw components. As a result, the dairy sector places a great priority on
obtaining premium raw materials and making sure that they are handled and processed

5.5.2 Manufacturing Process of the Dairy Industry

Depending on the particular product being produced, the dairy business uses a different
production method. However, there are a few standard procedures that apply to the majority
of dairy products. Here is a broad description of the dairy industry's production process:
a) Milk Collection and Quality Control: Dairy animals' milk is collected and brought
to the processing facility. Milk is put through a series of quality checks before
processing, including checks for bacteria, protein concentration, and fat level.
b) Pasteurization: Milk is cooked to a high temperature for a brief period of time to
destroy any potentially dangerous germs and lengthen its shelf life. Pasteurization
is the term for this procedure, which can be carried out in a number of ways, such
as high-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization and ultra-high-temperature
(UHT) pasteurization.
c) Separation: Using a centrifuge, milk is subsequently divided into its many parts,
including cream and skim milk.
d) Cream is frequently homogenized, which entails dissolving the cream's fat globules
into smaller, more uniformly dispersed particles. This procedure aids in preventing
milk and cream separation.
e) At this point, flavouring and additives can be added to the milk or cream, including
sweeteners, stabilizers, and emulsifiers.
f) Labeling and packaging: After being placed in bottles, cartons, or bags, the milk or
cream is next packed.
g) Distribution and storage: After being packaged, the dairy products are kept in cold
storage facilities before being delivered to shops or other distribution facilities.
h) Additional stages, including fermentation, curdling, and churning, are needed for
other dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and butter. Each product's distinctive extra
procedures need for specialized tools and knowledge.
5.5.3 Volume of Wastewater from the Dairy Industry
The amount of wastewater produced by the dairy sector is influenced by a number of
variables, such as the size of the dairy business, the production methods employed, and the
degree of wastewater treatment. Animal waste, cleaning and sanitation operations, milk
processing, milking operations, and other sources all contribute to the production of
wastewater in the dairy sector. If not adequately treated, the wastewater from these sources
includes high quantities of pathogens, nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus), and
organic debris, which can have negative effects on the ecosystem. Approximately 2-3 litres
of effluent are produced by the dairy sector for every litre of processed milk, according to
estimates. The precise manufacturing methods employed and the extent of water
conservation measures taken, however, can affect this amount. To avoid water body
contamination and safeguard public health, dairy effluent must be treated. The dairy
business frequently uses biological treatment, disinfection, and sedimentation for
wastewater treatment. These techniques can aid in cleaning the wastewater to make it
suitable for reuse or disposal by removing pathogens, nutrients, and organic materials.
Investing in cutting-edge wastewater treatment technology, streamlining production
procedures, and introducing water conservation strategies have helped the dairy sector
significantly reduce its environmental effect in recent years. These initiatives have helped
the sector produce less effluent and leave a smaller environmental imprint.

5.5.4 Characteristics of Effluent from the Dairy Industry

High amounts of organic matter, nutrients, and pathogens in the effluent from the dairy
sector can have serious negative effects on the environment if improperly handled. High
quantities of organic materials, including lipids, proteins, and lactose, are present in the
effluent from the dairy sector. High amounts of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in the effluent may be caused by these organic
substances. Additionally high in nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, dairy effluent has
the potential to eutrophicate water bodies if discharged into the environment untreated.
Algal blooms, which may be dangerous to aquatic life and human health, can also be
brought on by high nitrogen levels. Significant amounts of pathogens, such as bacteria,
viruses, and parasites, can also be present in dairy effluent. If the effluent is released into
water bodies or utilized for irrigation without sufficient treatment, these microorganisms
can represent a serious risk to the public's health. A large number of suspended particles,
including lipids, proteins, and other organic debris, can be found in dairy effluent. These
materials may lead to the clogging of pipes and other machinery, decreasing the
effectiveness of the techniques used to treat wastewater. Dairy effluent in high-salinity
environments, such as arid and semi-arid regions, may also include high amounts of salt,
which, if improperly handled, can cause soil salinization and lower crop yield.
Dairy effluent must be treated using the proper wastewater treatment techniques, such
as biological treatment, disinfection, and sedimentation, in order to reduce its negative
environmental effects. These remediation techniques can assist in cleaning up the effluent
to make it suitable for reuse or disposal by removing organic debris, nutrients, and
Dairy effluents contain dissolved sugars and proteins, fats, and possibly residues of
additives. The key parameters are biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), with an average
ranging from 0.8 to 2.5 kilograms per metric ton (kg/t) of milk in the untreated effluent;
chemical oxygen demand (COD), which is normally about 1.5 times the BOD level; total
suspended solids, at 100–1,000 milligrams per liter (mg/l); total dissolved solids:
phosphorus (10–100 mg/l), and nitrogen (about 6% of the BOD level). Cream, butter,
cheese, and whey production are major sources of BOD in wastewater.
The waste load equivalents of specific milk constituents are: 1 kg of milk fat = 3 kg
COD; 1 kg of lactose = 1.13 kg COD; and 1 kg protein = 1.36 kg COD. The wastewater
may contain pathogens from contaminated materials or production processes. A dairy often
generates odors and, in some cases, dust, which need to be controlled. Most of the solid
wastes can be processed into other products and by-products.

Sr.No Parameter Range (mg/l)

1 pH 7.2-8
3 BOD 800- 1000
4 COD 1340-1500
5 Chlorides 100-130
6 Total Dissolved Solids 800-1060
7 Suspended Solids 200-760
8 Alkalinity 400-600
5.5.5 Treatment of Dairy Industry wastewater

5.5.6 By-Products of Dairy Industry Wastewater

 Fats and oils: Dairy wastewater often contain high levels of fats and oils, which are
by-products of milk processing. These can be converted into biodiesel or used as a
source of energy.
 Proteins: Whey proteins are a by-product of cheese production, and they can be
used in a variety of applications, including as animal feed, nutritional supplements,
and food production.
 Lactose: Lactose is a sugar found in milk and is often present in dairy wastewater.
It can be used as a food ingredient in products such as baked goods and
 Nutrients: Dairy wastewater is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus,
which can be used as fertilizers for crops.
 Minerals: Dairy wastewater also contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium,
and potassium, which can be used as supplements in animal feed or as soil
 Animal feed: Dairy by-products such as whey and skim milk can be used as a source
of protein and other nutrients in animal feed.
 Fertilizer: The organic matter in dairy waste can be converted into fertilizer and
used in agricultural applications.
5.6 Pulp and Paper industry
One of the largest states in India with a sizable pulp and paper sector is Maharashtra.
Many areas of Maharashtra, including the cities of Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Nashik,
Aurangabad, and Kolhapur, are where the industry is centered. Maharashtra produces a wide
range of paper products, including printing and writing paper, newsprint, packaging paper, and
specialty papers. The state has several large paper mills that produce these products, including
JK Paper, ITC, The West Coast Paper Mills, Ballarpur Industries, and Seshasayee Paper and
The pulp and paper industry in Maharashtra sources its raw materials from various
sources, including wood chips, recycled paper, and agricultural residues. The state has a
significant supply of wood and bamboo, which are used as raw materials in the industry. The
pulp and paper mill is a major industrial sector utilizing a huge amount of lignocellulosic
materials and water during the manufacturing process, and releases chlorinated lignosulphonic
acids, chlorinated resin acids, chlorinated phenols and chlorinated hydrocarbons in the effluent.
About 500 different chlorinated organic compounds have been identified including chloroform,
chlorate, resin acids, chlorinated hydrocarbons, phenols, furans, dioxins, syringols, vanillin's,
etc. In wastewater these compounds are estimated collectively as “Adorbable Organic Halides”

5.6.1 Raw Materials of Pulp and Paper Industry

Wood from trees including spruce, pine, fir, and hemlock is the main raw material used in the
paper industry. Chips made from wood are then utilized to create pulp. In the pulp and paper
business, recycled paper is a crucial raw resource. To create paper, it is first treated to eliminate
contaminants before being combined with virgin pulp. Straw, bagasse, and bamboo are
examples of agricultural waste that may be utilized to create pulp and paper. Specialty papers
are also produced in this sector using non-wood fibers including cotton, flax, and hemp. To
enhance the quality and quality of the paper, a variety of chemicals are added to the pulp,
including bleaching agents, sizing agents, and fillers. The pulp and paper business makes
substantial use of water for a variety of tasks, including washing the pulp, making paper, and
cooling the equipment.

5.6.2 Manufacturing Process of Pulp and Paper Industry

The kraft process (also known as kraft pulping or sulfate process) is a process for conversion
of wood into wood pulp, which consists of almost pure cellulose fibers, the main component
of paper. The kraft process entails treatment of wood chips with a hot mixture of water, sodium
hydroxide (NaOH), and sodium sulfide (Na2S), known as white liquor, that breaks the bonds
that link lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose. The technology entails several steps, both
mechanical and chemical. It is the dominant method for producing paper.

Processes Involved in Sulphate Process (Kraft Process)

 Preheating: The kraft process begins with presteaming common wood chips. This
involves collecting wood chips that are 12–25 millimetres (0.47–0.98 inches) in length
and 2–10 mm (0.079–0.39 in) in width, and wetting them before heating with steam.
This causes cavities within the wood chips to be filled with both air and moisture.
 Impregnation: After this, the wood chips are impregnated with white and weak black
liquor by heating up to 100 °C (212 °F). During this process, liquor penetrates the
capillary structure of the wood chips, and saturates them homogeneously throughout.
White liquor, so-named because of its white opaque color, is a strongly alkaline,
aqueous solution of sodium sulphide (Na2S), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sodium
carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium sulphate (Na2SO4), sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3),
sodium chloride (NaCl), calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and water. However, only the first
two (and to a lesser extent, the third) compounds actually contribute to the breakage of
extractives–cellulose fiber bonds; the other components of white liquor are considered
to be chemically inert. Black liquor, on the other hand, is simply the residue created
from the consumption of white liquor during the previous batches of the kraft process.
Black liquor is thus a mixture of woodchip residues in white liquor. Aside from being
used as a digesting agent during the early stages of the kraft process, black liquor is also
combusted in the recovery burner in order to recover useful compounds from the black
liquor and generate extra power for the pulp mill.
 Cooking: During digestion, the wood chip–liquor mixture is placed into a highly
pressurized vat for several hours at temperatures ranging from 170 to 176 °C (338 to
349 °F). The liquor mixture act to digest the pulpwood into paper pulp by removing
lignin (a complex chemical compound found in the wood’s secondary cell wall),
hemicellulose (a polymer also found in the cell wall) and other extractives. This is done
in order the pulpwood cellulose fibers that are used as ingredient in making paper.
Reactions between nucleophilic bisulfide or sulphide and the woodchip components
underpin this step of the kraft process. Digestion produces a solid pulp known as a
“brown stock.” This product is then collected and washed to rid it off the inorganic
compounds that came from liquor impregnation. Atmospheric pressure is reduced in
the containers in order to let steam arise from the brown stock, and cool them down.
Efficiently designed pulp mills recycle this steam to turbines in order to generate
electrical power. Digesters producing 1,000 tonnes or more of pulp per day are
common, with the largest producing more than 3,500 tonnes per day.
 Blowing: The finished cooked wood chips are blown to a collection tank called a blow
tank that operates at atmospheric pressure. This releases a lot of steam and volatiles.
The volatiles are condensed and collected.
 Screening: Screening of the pulp after pulping is a process whereby the pulp is
separated from large shives, knots, dirt and other debris. The accept is the pulp. The
material separated from the pulp is called reject. The screening section consists of
different types of sieves (screens) and centrifugal cleaning. The sieves are normally set
up in a multistage cascade operation because considerable amounts of good fibers can
go to the reject stream when trying to achieve maximum purity in the accept flow. The
fiber containing shives and knots are separated from the rest of the reject and
reprocessed either in a refiner or is sent back to the digester. The content of knots is
typically 0.5–3.0% of the digester output, while the shives content is about 0.1–1.0%.
 Washing: The brown stock from the blowing goes to the washing stages where the used
cooking liquors are separated from the cellulose fibers. Normally a pulp mill has 3-5
washing stages in series. Washing stages are also placed after oxygen delignification
and between the bleaching stages as well. Pulp washers use counter current flow
between the stages such that the pulp moves in the opposite direction to the flow of
washing waters. Several processes are involved: thickening/dilution, displacement and
diffusion. The dilution factor is the measure of the amount of water used in washing
compared with the theoretical amount required to displace the liquor from the thickened
pulp. A lower dilution factor reduces energy consumption, while higher dilution factor
normally gives cleaner pulp. Thorough washing of the pulp reduces the chemical
oxygen demand (COD).
5.6.3 Volume of Effluent of Pulp and Paper Industry
Per ton of paper produced, the pulp and paper industry produces an average of 40–60 cubic
meters of effluent. This effluent comprises a variety of pollutants, including suspended
particles, lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose as well as inorganic compounds. The pulp and
paper industry places a high priority on effluent treatment, and many methods are used to lessen
the effluent's negative environmental effects. The effluent may be cleaned up by using modern
treatment methods such as membrane filtration and reverse osmosis, as well as primary and
secondary treatment, biological treatment, and other procedures.

5.6.4 Characteristics of Effluent from the Pulp and Paper Industry

Since the effluent from the pulp and paper industry often contains a lot of organic matter, it can
reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen in bodies of water and endanger aquatic life. To lessen
the effluent's influence on the environment, it is essential to treat it before disposal. The effluent
can be treated using techniques including biological treatment, chemical precipitation, and
membrane filters to remove impurities and make sure it complies with regulations before to
disposal. Wastewater is characterized as strong color, high BOD, high amount of suspended
solids and high COD/BOD Ratio.
Lignin, which is highly resistant to biological treatment, is present in paper mill waste waters,
especially in plants based on Sulphite technology.
Sr.No Parameter Range (mg/l)
1 pH 7.2-8
3 BOD Moderate (150-200 mg/l)
4 COD 3400-5684 mg/l
5 BOD/COD Ratio 0.25-0.20
6 Total Dissolved Solids 800-2000 mg/l
7 Suspended Solids 900-2000 mg/l
8 Colour Concentration Highly Coloured (4000-8000 mg/l)

5.6.5 Treatment of Wastewater of Pulp and Paper Industry

 Chemical treatment for colour removal - Chemical coagulation for colour removal is
 Massive Lime Treatment: 90% colour and 40-60% BOD removal
 The quantity of lime required for green liquor is allowed to react with coloured waste
 The colour is absorbed by the lime, and sludge after settling is used for addition to green
liquor to form white liquor.
 After treatment it will form dark brown liquor instead of white liquor This contains
desired cooking chemicals and is used in digester liquid.
 The coloured waste stream can be brown stock + caustic extraction waste and black
liquor, if no chemical recovery After digestion, the lignin present in the liquid will be
destroyed along with spent black liquor during incineration.
5.6.6 By-products of Pulp and Paper Industry
Following are the by-products of the Paper and Pulp Industry
 Wood Residues: Bark, sawdust, and wood chips are examples of wood residues, which are
produced when wood is turned into pulp. These leftovers can be used as a fuel source to produce
heat or electricity or as a raw material to make chemicals.
 Black Liquor: Black liquor is a by-product of chemical pulping, which includes heating wood
chips with chemicals to dissolve the lignin and liberate the cellulose fibers. Black liquor can
be utilized as a fuel source to produce steam and power since it contains lignin, cellulose, and
other organic molecules.
 Tall Oil: This by-product of the kraft pulping procedure, which involves boiling wood chips
in sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphide solution, is produced as a by-product. Tall oil can
be used as a raw material to make soap, lubricants, and other chemicals. It contains a mixture
of fatty acids, rosin, and other organic compounds.
 Paper Sludge: Paper sludge is a by-product of the recycling of used paper, which entails
pulping and shredding the old paper to make new paper goods. Paper sludge can be used as a
raw material to make cement and other construction materials since it contains cellulose fibres,
clay, and other organic and inorganic components.
 Effluent: During the pulping and papermaking processes, the pulp and paper industry produces
a significant volume of wastewater. Before it can be released into the environment, this effluent
must be treated to remove dangerous contaminants because it contains both organic and
inorganic chemicals. Physical, chemical, and biological techniques may be used during the
treatment process to eliminate impurities and lessen the industry's environmental impact.
5.7 Metal Processing Industry (Electroplating)
India's metal processing industry makes a major economic contribution to the nation by
creating a lot of jobs and producing income from exports. India, which has a considerable
presence in the global steel industry, is the third-largest manufacturer of steel in the world.
Both primary and secondary steel producers, who use recycled scrap metal to create new steel
products, are a part of the Indian steel industry.
A small number of significant companies dominate the Indian aluminum market, producing
goods for a variety of markets, including the construction, automotive, and packaging sectors.
Bauxite reserves, the main raw material used to make aluminum, are sizable in India. Both
primary and secondary copper producers, who reuse copper waste to create new goods, are a
part of India's copper sector. Plumbing, electronics, and electrical wire are just a few of the
uses for copper. With vast reserves of zinc ore, India is one of the world's top producers of
zinc. Galvanizing steel, die casting, batteries, and other uses for zinc are only a few. Nickel,
lead, and tin are just a few of the other metals that India is known to have abundant reserves
of. These metals are frequently created as by-products of other mining operations and are used
in a range of industrial applications. The Indian government has launched a number of
programmes and regulations to support the expansion of the metal processing sector, including
financial incentives for investment, infrastructural upgrades, and the creation of new
technology. However, the business also has to deal with issues like health and safety issues,
environmental contamination, and a lack of competent labour.

5.7.1 Raw Materials of the Metal Processing Industry

 Plating metal: The metal being plated is the primary raw material for electroplating. Examples
of commonly plated metals include nickel, chromium, copper, zinc, and gold.
 Plating solution: The plating solution is a chemical solution that contains ions of the metal
being plated. The solution is prepared by dissolving the plating metal in an appropriate
chemical solution. The composition of the plating solution varies depending on the metal being
plated and the specific plating process used.
 Electrolyte solution: The electrolyte solution is used to conduct electricity between the anode
and cathode in the electroplating process. The electrolyte solution is typically an aqueous
solution of an acid, base, or salt.
 Anode: The anode is made of the plating metal and serves as a source of metal ions in the
plating solution.
 Cathode: The cathode is the material being plated and serves as the surface onto which the
metal ions are deposited.
 Chemicals and additives: Various chemicals and additives may be added to the plating
solution to control the plating process and improve the quality of the plated surface. Examples
of such chemicals include brighteners, levelling agents, and inhibitors.

5.7.2 Manufacturing Process of the Metal Processing Industry (Electroplating)

Electroplating is the process of dissolving metal with electrical currents, converting it into a
thin layer, and depositing it on a surface. An anode, a cathode or substrate, an electrolytic
solution including salts and the metal to be plated, and a power supply make up the
electroplating process.
The anode and cathode are first joined together and submerged in an electrolytic solution bath.
Next, a direct current (DC) of electricity is delivered to the anode by the power source. The
metal is oxidized by the current, allowing the metal alloys to disintegrate as positive ions and
dissolve in the solution. The positive metal ions then travel across to the negatively charged
substrate, where they move onto the component and over time deposit a thin layer of metal.

The process involves the following steps:

 Cleaning the surface: The surface to be plated is cleaned thoroughly to remove any dirt, oil,
or other contaminants. This is important to ensure that the plating adheres properly to the
 Preparing the plating solution: A plating solution is prepared by dissolving the metal to be
plated (the "plating metal") in a chemical solution. The solution contains ions of the plating
metal, which will be deposited onto the surface being plated.
 Preparing the electrodes: The plating solution is placed in a container, and two electrodes are
inserted into the solution. One electrode is made of the plating metal (the "anode"), and the
other electrode is made of the material to be plated (the "cathode").
 Applying the current: A direct current (DC) is applied to the electrodes, causing the plating
metal ions to move from the anode to the cathode. As the metal ions come into contact with
the cathode, they are deposited onto the surface.
 Monitoring the plating process: The plating process is monitored carefully to ensure that the
plating is uniform and of the desired thickness. This may involve adjusting the current or other
parameters of the plating process.
 Finishing the plating: Once the plating is complete, the surface is rinsed thoroughly to remove
any excess plating solution. The surface may then be polished or otherwise finished as needed.

5.7.3 Source of Effluents from the Metal Processing Industry.

The electroplating process can produce various effluents that may contain pollutants and pose
environmental risks. Some common sources of effluents from electroplating include:
 Plating baths: The plating bath itself is a source of effluents, as it may contain chemicals such
as acids, alkalis, salts, and metal ions. These chemicals can be harmful to the environment if
they are released into waterways or soil.
 Rinsing waters: During the electroplating process, the plated object is rinsed several times
with water to remove any excess plating solution. These rinse waters may contain traces of the
plating chemicals and metals, as well as organic compounds.
 Spent plating solutions: As the plating bath is used over time, it becomes depleted and must
be replaced with fresh solution. The spent plating solution can contain high concentrations of
metals and other contaminants.
 Sludge and solids: The electroplating process can generate sludge and solid waste materials
that may contain high concentrations of metals and other pollutants. These waste materials
must be disposed of properly to prevent environmental contamination.
 Effluent treatment is an important aspect of the electroplating process to prevent pollution and
protect the environment. Various treatment methods are used, including chemical precipitation,
filtration, and ion exchange. In addition, the use of closed-loop systems, which recycle and
reuse the plating solution, can help minimize effluent generation and reduce environmental

5.7.4 Characteristics of Effluent of Metal Processing Industry

Electroplating industry wastewater involves highly toxic cyanide (CN), heavy metal
ions, oils and greases, organic solvents, and the complicated composition of effluents and may
also contain biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), SS, DS, TS,
and turbidity.
Parameter Range of constituents of Electroplating Process wastewater
pH 5.5 – 9
Turbidity 5 – 10 NTU
Cadmium 1.00 ppm
Total Chromium 2.00 ppm
Copper 3.00 ppm
Lead 1.00 ppm
Dissolved Oxygen 4 mg/l
Total suspended Soilds 600 mg/l
Total Dissolved solids 3000 mg/l
COD 250 mg/l
5.7.6 Treatment of Effluent Metal Processing Industry Wastewater.
Effluent from the electroplating process can contain various pollutants, such as heavy metals,
organic compounds, and acids. To prevent environmental pollution and comply with regulatory
requirements, the effluent must be treated before it is discharged into the environment. The
treatment process typically involves several stages to remove pollutants and produce clean
pH Adjustment: The pH of the effluent is first adjusted to a neutral or slightly acidic pH,
typically between 6 and 9. This can be achieved by adding acids or bases to the effluent to
bring it to the desired pH range.
Precipitation: Chemical precipitation is a common method used to remove heavy metals from
the effluent. This involves adding chemicals such as lime, caustic soda, or sodium sulfide to
the effluent, which causes the heavy metals to form insoluble precipitates that can be removed
by settling or filtration.
Coagulation and Flocculation: Coagulation and flocculation are processes used to remove
suspended solids and other impurities from the effluent. Chemicals such as alum or ferric
chloride are added to the effluent to create tiny particles called flocs, which attract and trap
suspended solids.
Filtration: The effluent is passed through various types of filters to remove remaining solids,
flocs, and other impurities. Filters may be made of sand, activated carbon, or other materials.
Ion exchange: Ion exchange is a process used to remove ions from the effluent, such as heavy
metals or other contaminants. The effluent is passed through a resin column that contains ion-
exchange resins, which trap the ions and remove them from the effluent.
Reverse osmosis: Reverse osmosis is a process used to remove dissolved solids and other
impurities from the effluent. The effluent is passed through a semi-permeable membrane under
high pressure, which separates the impurities from the clean water.

5.7.7 By-products of Metal Processing Industry wastewater

Effluent from the electroplating industry can contain various by-products, which are pollutants
or waste materials that are generated during the electroplating process or as a result of the
treatment process. Some common by-products of effluent from electroplating include:

 Sludge: The chemical precipitation and coagulation/flocculation processes used in

effluent treatment can generate sludge, which is a mixture of solid and liquid waste.
The sludge may contain heavy metals, organic compounds, and other pollutants that
were removed from the effluent.
 Acids and Bases: The pH adjustment process used in effluent treatment can generate
acidic or basic waste streams, which may contain sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, or
other chemicals.
 Solvents: The use of solvents in the electroplating process can result in the generation
of solvent waste streams, which may contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or
other hazardous materials.
 Metal Salts: The precipitation process used in effluent treatment can generate metal
salts, which may contain heavy metals such as chromium, copper, nickel, or zinc.

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