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Roxas Street, Kidapawan City
NAME: ______________________________ Date: ____________________
Grade & Section: ______________________ Score: ___________________

SCIENCE – 10/Quarter 4/ Week 1

SY 2022 – 2023


I. Objectives: At the end of the allocated time, you are expected to:
1. Identify the different properties of gases.
2. Convert units involving the different properties of gases.


Curriculum Code: S10MT-IVa-b-21

Gases have different properties namely; mass, volume, temperature, and pressure. It is a
must that we should have the mastery of the units used in measuring these properties. They are
as follows:
Volume units and their equivalents:
1 mL = 1cm3 1 L = 1dm3 1m3= 1000 L 1 L = 1000 mL
Pressure units and their equivalents:
1atm = 760mmHg = 76cmHg = 760 torr = 101,325 Pa = 14.6956 psi
Temperature units and their conversion formulas:
°F = (9/5 x °C) + 32 °C = (°F – 32) x 5/9 K = °C + 273

Gas properties such as volume, pressure, temperature, and amount of a gas can be
varied. Hence, it is important that we can identify which values are for initial conditions and which
ones are for final conditions. The variables for initial conditions are usually written with 1 as the
subscript and the variables for final conditions are written with 2 as the subscript.

V1 = initial volume V2= final volume

T1 = initial temperature T2 = final temperature
P1 = initial pressure P2 = final pressure
n1 = initial amount of a gas in mole n2 = final amount of a gas in mole

Theoretically, once these properties (volume, pressure, temperature, and amount of a gas)
are varied, equations of the different gas laws can be used to predict or measure the effects of one
variable to another.

Unit Conversion Sample:

1. A reagent bottle contains 2000 mL HCl. What is the volume of HCl in liters?

2000 mL x =2 L
1000 mL

2. If the air pressure is 1.25atm, what is the air pressure in Pascal?

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101325 Pa
1.25 atm x =126 656.25 Pa
1.00 atm
3. Aluminum metal melts at 660.37 °C. What is the temperature in Kelvin?
K = 660.37°C + 273
K = 933.37 °C

III. Guide Questions

Using the conversion units above for the different properties of gases, solve the following
1. The average volume of blood in an adult male is 4.7 L. What is this volume in cubic meter?
2. What is the temperature of air in torr, if it is 400 000 Pa?
3. Body temperature is 98.6 °F. What is the temperature °C?


I. Objectives: At the end of the allocated time, you are expected to:
1. Describe the relationship between pressure and volume of gases at constant
2. Solve problems involving pressure-volume relationship of gases at constant temperature.
II. Subject Matter:BOYLE’S LAW
Curriculum Code: S10MT-IVa-b-21

Boyle’s law is a gas law which states that the pressure exerted by a gas (of a given mass,
kept at a constant temperature) is inversely proportional to the volume occupied by it. In other
words, the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional to each other as long as the
temperature and the quantity of gas are kept constant. Boyle’s law was put forward by the Anglo-
Irish chemist Robert Boyle in the year 1662.
For a gas, the relationship between volume and pressure (at constant mass and
temperature) can be expressed mathematically as follows.
P ∝ (1/V)
Where P is the pressure exerted by the gas and V is the volume occupied by it. This
proportionality can be converted into an equation by adding a constant, k.
P = k*(1/V) ⇒ PV = k
The pressure v/s volume curve for a fixed amount of gas kept at constant temperature is
illustrated below.

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It can be observed that a straight line is obtained when the pressure exerted by the gas (P) is
taken on the Y-axis and the inverse of the volume occupied by the gas (1/V) is taken on the X-

Formula and Derivation

As per Boyle’s law, any change in the volume occupied by a gas (at constant quantity and
temperature) will result in a change in the pressure exerted by it. In other words, the product of the
initial pressure and the initial volume of a gas is equal to the product of its final pressure and final
volume (at constant temperature and number of moles). This law can be expressed
mathematically as follows:
P1V1 = P2V2
 P1 is the initial pressure exerted by the gas
 V1 is the initial volume occupied by the gas
 P2 is the final pressure exerted by the gas
 V2 is the final volume occupied by the gas
This expression can be obtained from the pressure-volume relationship suggested by
Boyle’s law. For a fixed amount of gas kept at a constant temperature, PV = k. Therefore,
P1V1 = k (initial pressure * initial volume)
P2V2 = k (final pressure * final volume)
∴ P1V1 = P2V2
This equation can be used to predict the increase in the pressure exerted by a gas on the walls of
its container when the volume of its container is decreased (and its quantity and absolute
temperature remain unchanged).

Examples of Boyle’s Law

When a filled balloon is squeezed, the volume occupied by the air inside the balloon
decreases. This is accompanied by an increase in the pressure exerted by the air on the balloon,
as a consequence of Boyle’s law. As the balloon is squeezed further, the increasing pressure
eventually pops it. An illustration describing the increase in pressure that accompanies a decrease
in the volume of a gas is provided below.

If a scuba diver rapidly ascends from a deep zone towards the surface of the water, the
decrease in the pressure can cause the gas molecules in his/her body to expand. These gas
bubbles can go on to cause damage to the diver’s organs and can also result in death. This
expansion of the gas caused by the ascension of the scuba diver is another example of Boyle’s

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law. Another similar example can be observed in the deep-sea fish that die after reaching the
surface of the water (due to the expansion of dissolved gasses in their blood).
Sample Problems:
1. A fixed amount of a gas occupies a volume of 1L and exerts a pressure of 400 000 Pa on the
walls of its container. What would be the pressure exerted by the gas if it is completely transferred
into a new container having a volume of 3L (assuming the temperature and quantity of gas
remains constant)?
V1 = 1L
P1 = 400 000 Pa
V2 = 3L
P2= ?
P1V1 = P2V2 ⇒ P2 = (P1V1)/V2
P2 = (1L x 300 000 Pa) / 3L
P2 = 100000 Pa

2.A gas exerts a pressure of 3 atm on the walls of container 1. When container 1 is emptied into a
10-litre container, the pressure exerted by the gas increases to 6 atm. Find the volume of
container 1. Assume that the temperature and quantity of the gas remain constant.
P1 = 3 atm
P2 = 6 atm
V2 = 10L
V1= ?
V1 = (P2V2)/P1
V1 = (6 atm x 10L) / 3 atm
V1 = 20 L
III. Guide Questions
Solve the following problems involving Boyle’s Law.
1. A gas occupies 12.3 liters at a pressure of 40.0 mmHg. What is the volume when the pressure
is increased to 60.0 mmHg?
2. If a gas at 25.0 °C occupies 3.60 liters at a pressure of 1.00 atm, what will be its volume at a
pressure of 2.50 atm?
3. 500.0 mL of a gas is collected at 745.0 mmHg. What will the volume be at standard pressure?


I. Objectives: At the end of the allocated time, you are expected to:
1. Describe the relationship between volume and temperature of gases at constant
2. Solve problems involving volume-temperature relationship of gases at constant pressure.

II. Subject Matter:CHARLES’ LAW

Curriculum Code: S10MT-IVa-b-21

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Charles’ law is one of the gas laws which explains the relationship between volume and
temperature of a gas. It states that when pressure is held constant, the volume of a fixed amount
of dry gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. When two measurements are in
direct proportion then any change made in one of them affects the other through direct
variation. Charles’ Law is expressed by the equation:
VαT or
T 1 T2
V1 and V2 are the Initial Volume and Final Volume respectively. T1 refers to the Initial Temperature
and T2 refers to the Final Temperature. Both the temperatures are in the units of Kelvin.
Jacques Charles, a French scientist, in 1787, discovered that keeping the pressure
constant, the volume of a gas varies on changing its temperature. Later, Joseph Gay-Lussac, in
1802, modified and generalized the concept as Charles’s law. At very high temperatures and low
pressures, gases obey Charles’ law.
It is to be noted here that the unit Kelvin is preferred for solving problems related to
Charles’ Law, and not Celsius. Kelvin (T) is also known as the Absolute temperature scale. For
converting a temperature to Kelvin scale, you add 273 to the temperature in the centigrade/Celsius
Charles’ Law in Real Life:
Charles’ law has a wide range of applications in our daily life. Some of the common examples are
given below:
 In cold weather or environment, balls and helium balloons shrink.
 In bright sunlight, the inner tubes swell up.
 In colder weather, the human lung capacity will also decrease. This makes it more difficult
to do jogging or athletes to perform on a freezing winter day.

Sample Problems:
1. A gas occupies a volume of 400cm3 at 0oC and 780 mm Hg. What volume (in liters) will it
occupy at 80oC and 780 mm Hg?
V1= 400 cm³ 
T1= 0°C = 0+273 = 273 K
T2= 80°C = 80+273 = 353 K
V1 = V2
T1 T2
(400cm³)(353K) = (V2)(273K)
V2 = 517.22 cm³
1cm³ = 0.001 L
∴ 517.22 cm³ = 0.517 L
2.  Find the initial volume of a gas at 150 K, if the final volume is 6 L at 100 K
Given Solution
V2 =6 L V1 = V2
T1= 150 K T1 T2
T2= 100 K (V1)(T2) = (V2)(T1)
V1= ? (V1)(100K) = (6L)(150K)
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V1 = 9 L
III. Guide Questions
Solve the following problems involving Charles’ Law.
1.  A gas occupies 900.0 mL at a temperature of 27.0 °C. What is the volume at 132.0 °C?
2. What change in volume results if 60.0 mL of gas is cooled from 33.0 °C to 5.00 °C?
3. A gas occupies 1.00 L at standard temperature. What is the volume at 333.0 °C?

Direction: Write the letter of the correct/best answer on the space provided before the
______1. Which among the units of measurements below can be the correct unit of pressure?
A. 0F, 0C, and K C. L, mL, m3, and cm3
B. atm, mmHg, Pa, and torr D. Kg, g, and moles
For numbers 2 and 3, refer to the given problem below:
Problem: At 00C and 5 atm, a given sample of a gas occupies 75 L. The gas is compressed to a
final volume of 30 L at 0C. What is the final pressure?
______2. Which of the following formulas will be used to solve the given problem?
A. P2 = P1V1/V2 C. P2= V1V2/P1
B. P2= P1V2/V1 D. P1= P2V2/V1
______3. Which of the following is the correct answer to the given problem above?
A. 2.0 atm B. 12.5 atm C. 150 atm D. 450 atm
______4. Which among the units of measurement below can be the correct unit of temperature?
(i). Celsius degree ( 0C) (iii). Fahrenheit (0F)
(ii). cubic meter (m3) (iv). Kelvin (K)
A. (i) only C. (i), (iii), and (iv) only
B. (i) and (ii) only D. (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv)
______5. A 132 mL of gas is measured at 380C. If the pressure remains constant, what will be the
volume of the gas at 100C?
A. 34.74 mL B. 120. 12 mL C. 311.15 mL D. 37, 375.8mL
______6. Which among the units of measurements below can be the standard unit
of temperature?
A. Celsius B. Centigrade C. Fahrenheit D. Kelvin
______7. Which of the equations below is used if the given problem asked you to solve for the
final volume of a certain gas?
A. V1T1 = V2T2 C. V2T2 = V1T2
B. V2 = V1T2 D. V1 = V2T2
T1 T1
______8. As the temperature increases, the molecules within any given gas begin to move around
more quickly. What will happen to a helium balloon on a cold day?
A. The balloon will explode. C. The balloon will be flattened.
B. The balloon will crumble. D. The balloon will remain inflated.
______9. In the case of soda bottles or cans, all of us apply Boyle’s Law but unintentionally. Note
that when you open the bottle of soda quickly, the gas rushes from everywhere in the form of
foam, causing a mess. So, what is the cause of this mess?
A. This mess occurs because the soda bottle is pumped by passing the water on carbon dioxide.
B. This mess occurs because the soda is pumped into the soda bottle by passing carbon dioxide
into the water.
C. When you open the bottle, you are actually reducing the pressure on the gas, and the volume of
the gas expands.
D. When you open the bottle, you are actually increasing the pressure on the gas, and the volume
of the gas expands.
______10. A sample of a gas has a volume of 20 L at 1.5 atm. What will be the volume of this gas
at 2.0 atm pressure?
A. 0.15 L B. 0.15 atm C. 15 L D. 15 atm

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