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Kakira Town Council
16th July, 2022
To The Partnership Facilitator,
Buyende Kamuli Cluster.

Thru The Overseer UG0832

Thru The Project Director UG0832

Dear Sir,
I greet you in Jesus name. Thank you for the tremendous work you are doing to support us. My name is
Elvis Magero aged 21 years a registered participant of UG 0832 Kakira Child Development Centre since
2009. Before I was registered in the project, my father Mr. Bageya David had abandoned me and my 5
siblings up to now, my mother who had abandoned us way back when we were very young passed on in
2019. My grandfather Mr. Wanyama Livingstone a retired lay reader at St Stephen Church Kakira,
without work and no land to cultivate, took on the responsibility of raising us, up to now, He is still
staying in a wattle house at the vicarage with 5 grand children yet his sight has become dime.

However, I’m grateful to God for enabling the project to contribute towards my academics and spiritual
life. Through life plans, career guidance and counseling, I was encouraged to read hard, perform well
throughout my primary level, always on school bursary, project fees top up and I got a 1 st grade with 9
aggregates in my primary living exams.

On 21st December, 2014, during my primary short vacation, my then project Director Mr. Odepo Pius
preached from Romans 10:13 where He said that whosoever calls on the name of Jesus shall be saved, I
decided to give my life to Jesus as my Lord and savior. The project bought piano and all types of guitars
and I dedicated my life to learning. I became so relevant in both my local Church and other churches
around me. I’m always invited to crusades, seminars and conferences to play machines and facilitated.

The church and the project supported me with all the required fees throughout my O level at Kakira High
school because of my good performance, discipline and Church ministry. This kind support encouraged
me to read hard and got my first grade with 29 aggregates. The church also advocated for a scholarship at
Busoga College Mwiri for my A level. I offered Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, computer, and general
paper and worked hard for the offer open only to excelling Compassion supported participants completing
Uganda Advance Certificate of Education, but got 13 points with all principles, subsidiaries and missed
the chance by one (1) point.

I’m still optimistic about pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at Busitema
University on private scheme. I therefore request for your kind financial support towards achieving my
vision of becoming a medical doctor, to give treatment and health care to my community and the world
around me. Attached below are the fees cost estimates and pictures. Blessings!

Yours’ in Christ


Table showing Cost estimates for Busitema University

Program Tuition per semester Tuition per year Tuition per 6 years

Bachelor of Medicine 2,000,000 Per semester 2,000,000X2 semesters 4,000,000X6=24,000,000

and Bachelor of =4,000,000

Functional fees 1,000,000 6,000,000


Accommodation 1,000,000 6,000,000


TOTAL 36,000,000

This is me at home
This is me at church playing a guitar. This is me at church playing the piano.

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