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Assalamualikum wr wb. Good afternoon everyone, good afternoon mam deli.

name is alvin rusli and Today I will share the presentation about my project
proposal, developing promotions in gagasmedia company.
The first one is executive summary. The title of this project is "Developing
Promotions in GagasMedia Company's". and Activities in the form of this program is
last for 6 months. The offer that will be generated in this project is to provide an
English version in the promotion of GagasMedia. Ideal target of this program is
teenagers to adults, with an age range about 18 years to 35 years old. For the goal,
the company can be widely known and to make it easier for customers to find
information. And last, the scale of this project is medium.
Second is problem. GagasMedia is a national publisher in Indonesia, both fiction and
non-fiction books. Even though they have published a famous book, their promotion
to introduce gagasmedia to all of the people, they still uses Indonesian on its
website as well as on social media such as Instagram. This could be a problem when
there are foreigners who want to know more about GagasMedia. Therefore,
GagasMedia certainly increases the number of translators to overcome this
Third is vision. Today and beyond, it is undeniable that a foreign language is a very
important language in a company. Therefore, by adding foreign languages to social
media and websites, a vision is created, namely "Becoming the Leading Book
Publishing Company in Indonesia". To achieve this vision, surely, there are several
activities that must be carried out.
Fourth is benefits. With the design that has been made, surely, many benefits will be
obtained, both in terms of promotion and the environment faced. in terms of
promotion, when a company wants to be more famous and recognized by many
people, surely, promotion is a very important activity, and social media can handle
it. This is inseparable from the translator's ability to understand English skill, in this
situation, fellow translators share knowledge and ideas with each other and create a
good working environment and can provide quality translations that are efficient
and easy to understand by readers.
Fifth is deliverables. In order for the idea to be realized and be successful, there are
several important things that will be done over the next 6 months. In the first to
fourth month, translators will get additional guidance to become a good translator
(class program), and last they got additional program English skill learning also
dictionary book gift. Then for the fourth to fifth month, it is hoped that promotions
will be improved by adding the English version on Instagram and also adding the
English version on the website. And last, For the sixth month, a full evaluation was
held of the activities that had been carried out in the previous months, so that
translators remained disciplined and consistent.
Sixth is success criteria. There are 5 success criteria of this project.
1. Produce quality translators.
2. Customers can search and read easily the promotion and information on
website and social media, especially Instagram.
3. Increase in company profits.
4. Allow customers to use the company services for a long period of time.
5. Make customers interested with this ongoing development.

Seventh is plan/approach. As we can see, in first to fourth month, we have class

program, number 1 Additional guide for being a good translator, 2 English skill
learning program (Grammar, Speaking, Listening, Writing) and 3 Dictionary book gift.
In fifth month, starting to promote the company with social media (Instagram) and
making an English version of website. In sixth month, thoroughly evaluate the
program that has been carried out.
Eight is project schedule. One until thirty one July, guiding to be a good translator,
there are some guide books for each translator. One august until thirty one october,
Learning English: Computer, headphone, English book and dictionary as learning
media, each translator gets 1 of them. One until thirty november, it is hoped that
after attending the class program, the translator can make a promotion in English
version, through Instagram and website. one December, Full evaluation of activity
that has been made.
The last is budget. Additional guide for being a good translator, Guidebook
(between 3-4 people) with the budget one hundred and fifty-two thousand rupiah.
English class program (3-4 people), computer full set with budget thirteen million
nine hundred and sixty thousand rupiah, headphone with budget four hundred
nineteen thousand and six hundred rupiah, dictionary Indonesian English with
budget six hundred forty thousand and eight hundred rupiah, and additional English
book with budget four hundred and twelve thousand rupiah. So, the total of this
budget is twenty-one million three hundred fifty-one thousand and six hundred
That’s all for this presentation about the project. Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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