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Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

The British Government passed the Rowlatt Act in the year

1919 to consolidate their their control. It empowered the
government to arrest anyone without a warrant and imprison
people without trail. This caused massive destructions and
hartals all across the country. On 13 April 1919 the people of
Punjab gathered on the auspicious day of Baisakhi at
Jallianwala Bagh near Golden Temple in Amritsar. When they
were protesting peacefully against the arrest of two prominent
congress leaders of Punjab- Dr. Satya Pal and Saiffudin Kitchlew,
General Dyer ordered the British armed forces to open fire at
the hundreds of innocent, unarmed men, women and children.
Around 700 rounds of bullets were fired in one minute. The
massacre stunned the whole country. The government imposed
martial law in Punjab. Under martial law, people were tortured,
newspapers were banned and mails were censored.

By Adarsh Raj

Class-IX Sec-C

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