Chapter 1 Proposal

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A. Background
Language is a tool for communication. language hasits own building blocks,
and there are many languages in all corners of the world, both regional or traditional
languages, national languages and international languages. English is an international
language. There are Many countries use English as the national language of their
country, so most people in the world use English for communicate with people from
other countries so that they can understand each other.

Seeing the development of science and technology in today's era, language has
an important role for human life, by using human language will be able to express
ideas, emotions, and desires, and used as a medium to interact with each other, and
also to meet their daily needs. day. English has become the most important language
in international communication. People all over the world speak English. when they
meet in a meeting, activity, international conference or other event.

English has many functions, one of which is stated in the 2004 syllabus that
English is a means for students to develop science, technology, culture and art, and
the ultimate goal of the teaching and learning process is that students are expected to
master these four things. Something. Skills. Language: listening, speaking, reading
and writing. The teaching and learning process will be successful if it is supported by
several factors such as the methods used in teaching English, the completeness of
teaching facilities, and attractive media. and school environment conditions.

One of the language skills taught is writing. Writing needs more attention
because students get some difficulties in the writing process. When students write
they must have imagination to get ideas, develop ideas and pour these ideas into a
written work. writing skills, and also have to master some vocabulary. They also need
to understand the details of the objects they are deploying. In addition, they need
motivation to keep them motivated in writing. not infrequently they have difficulty in
mastering writing and they prefer to understand reading than writing. Because
students focus on reading comprehension, they practice writing less. They are not
used to writing. As we know writing is practice. When students have enough practice,
they will acquire writing skills. This affects students in writing skills, they lack
motivation to write. They ruled it out. It is evident that when students are given
homework to write, some students simply copy from the internet or quote from other
sources such as books or other texts. This means that students are not interested in
writing. Some students also complained about the lack of writing practice so they
were not interested and preferred to read. Based on the problems above, I focus on
strategies on how to teach students' writing skills and the learning process that can
make classroom conditions as effective as possible. Therefore, some teachers usually
use pictures to help students in writing.

This research is an action research entitled The use of picture instructions to improve
students' ability in writing descriptive texts. This research was conducted with the aim
of making the teaching and learning process more enjoyable in writing descriptive
texts. Picture clues can help students to get their motivation in learning to write. In
addition, by first telling an article or story from the general to the specific so that
students can understand the underlying problem and can come up with ideas to start
pouring it into an article. This method also gives students some vocabulary, some
questions and instructions according to the description so that students can explore
their ideas based on imagination. When they are stuck in writing, they can use clues to
find and explore ideas. Therefore, it can help students in writing.

According To motivate students, it is also necessary to involve them from the

initial level in activities, making writing itself fun. A second successful version of
learning, with most of the learning organized as writing for fun, is presented, and the
advantages are shown.

In addition, based on my experience, I found many students who have problems

in English, especially in writing. Students are asked to read he is fluent and can
understand, while in writing they are very difficult to put ideas into writing.
Therefore, the researcher wants to know some problems related to teaching and
learning English and how the teacher solves these problems.

Based on the background above, the researcher wants to do research about

problems in writing ability with the title” The use of Clustering Technique to Improve
Students’ Writing Ability at Junior High School”.
B. Problem Statement
1. What are the students' problems in writing and learning to write in English?
2. What are the solutions to students' problems in teaching English writing?

C. Objective of the Study

The purpose of this research is to find out what are the students' problems in
teaching and learning English about writing skills and to know what it is solutions to
student problems in teaching English and learning to write.

D. Significance of the Research

In particular, the results of this study are expected to contribute a decent value to
science in learning English, especially for the junior high school level, because the
teaching method in English junior high school is very different from elementary and
high school. This informs that all subjects who are interested in teaching English
will understand and know about good techniques and methods in teaching English.

In practice, the authors hope that the results of this study are useful.

1. For teachers

a. This research is expected to provide information to English teachers about the

problems faced by students.

b. To improve better techniques in the process of teaching English.

2. For students

To inform students in their problems in learning English and a better way in the
process of learning English.

3. For researchers

a. The writer knows the problems in teaching and learning English.

b. To develop teaching techniques as a prospective English teacher.

E. Scope of the Research
The scope of this research focuses on problems in teaching English and learn
writing skills generally which can be found into two elements in teaching English in
junior high schools, namely: teaching English and the learning process in the
classroom and internal and external factors on the problem of teaching and learning
to write English.

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