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Black Beauty

By Anna Sewell
Black Beauty is set in England in the 19th century, and is narrated in the first-person by a horse named
Black Beauty. Beauty begins his life by describing a happy childhood growing up on a farm with a loving
mother. When he is old enough, he is trained to carry a rider, or pull a cart or carriage. While some
aspects of this training are stressful, Beauty is trained to be confident, patient, and calm. He is
determined to always work hard, and to do his best to please his owner.

Once his training is complete, Beauty is purchased by a well-off man named Squire Gordon. He lives
some of the happiest years of his life on Squire Gordon’s estate. John Manly, a wise groom, cares for
him, and he makes friends with the other horses there, including Ginger and Merrylegs.
He has many adventures, including being ridden one night for a doctor to save Squire Gordon’s wife’s

Eventually, the illness of the Squire’s wife leads the family to move away from England. All of the horses,
including Black Beauty, are sold to new owners. At his new home, Beauty is not treated as well, and he is
eventually seriously injured in an accident caused by groom riding him while drunk. Due to the scars left
from his injuries, Black Beauty is no longer considered fashionable, and is sent away from his
comfortable life on country estates to a new life as a working horse in more urbanized centers.

Black Beauty encounters suffering and hardship, but his luck seems to change when he is purchased by a
man named Jerry Barker. Jerry works as a hired cabdriver in London, and he is very kind and caring.
Black Beauty stays with Jerry for three years, working hard, but also being treated with respect and
affection. Tragically, Black Beauty encounters his old friend Ginger and sees that her life has been ruined
by hard labor and neglect. Eventually Jerry falls ill, and after he recovers, he and his family decide to
leave London and move to the countryside. Black Beauty is sold yet again

Since he is older, and his health is becoming more and more fragile, Beauty quickly passes from owner
to owner. He is treated worse and worse each time. One day, Black Beauty collapses while attempting to
pull an overloaded cab. He nearly dies, but is purchased by a kindly farmer who can see that Beauty was
once a beautiful and elegant horse. After being nursed back to health, Black Beauty becomes a gentle
and reliable horse, and is sold to a pair of ladies. He is reunited with a former stableboy whom he knew
during his time with Squire Gordon, and lives a happy and quiet life at last.

Expressions from Black Beauty:

• “To my mind, fashion is one of the wickedest things in the world.”
•”Work and I are very good friends; I never was afraid of work yet.”
•”It is good people who make good places.”
•”I hope you will fall into good hands, but a horse never knows who may buy him, or who may drive
• “My troubles are over, and I am finally home.”
•”It seems that horses have no relations; at least, they never know each other after they are sold.*
•”We horses must take things as they come, and always be contented and willing so long as we are
kindly used.”
•”Oh! if people knew what a comfort to a horse a light hand is...”
•”They always think they can improve upon Nature and mend what God has made.”
•”I wouldn’t vex our people for anything; I love them, I do.”

Hard words from Black Beauty:

•Whinny- make a characteristic sound, of a horse

•Colt- a young male horse under the age of four

•Gig- small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage

•Canter- go at a smooth three-beat gait, of horses

•Squire- an English country landowner

•Farrier- a person who shoes horses

•Toll- ring slowly

•Bridle- headgear for a horse

•Coax- influence or persuade by gentle and persistent urging

•Girth- a band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place

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