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Silvopastoral systems and their contribution to the environment

Article  in  Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science · January 2011


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1 author:

Jatnel Alonso Lazo

Instituto de Ciencia Animal


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45th Anniversary
Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 45, Number 2, 2011. 107

Silvopastoral systems and their contribution to the

J. Alonso
Instituto de Ciencia Animal, Apartado Postal 24, San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba

Some potentialities for the development of technologies were assessed to improve cattle agroecosystems and, at the same time, generate
environmental services through the use and adaptation of agricultural practices considering trees and shrubs as indispensable elements
in animal production. Different definitions of silvopastoral systems are discussed, as well as their function in the enhancement of pasture
production and quality and in the recovery of degraded soils and in the improvement of water resources. Besides, the importance of these
systems is analyzed as to the capture of carbon and gases with green house effect and in the conservation of the biodiversity. An analysis
of the international experience is performed about the payment of environmental services, as incentive to the use of trees and shrubs in
cattle rearing.
Key words: capture of carbon, gases with greenhouse effect, biodiversity


The natural processes in our planet are constantly well as the origination of negative environmental effects.
changed by the participation of men, who search for Recent studies in this region show (Harvey et al. 2008)
new goals, imposed by development models at global very significant increments in the rates of deforestation,
scale. The most adverse effect proven (Boff 1999) is along with processes of soil degradation, fragmenta-
related to the application and progressive adoption of tion of landscapes, losses of biodiversity, and income
intensive methods, focused exclusively on a productive reduction.
goal, not taking into account the natural support of the The responsibility in view of this unfavorable reality
production systems. is attributed, mainly, to cattle rearing. However, this
Due to the irrational use of these intensive technolo- production can be developed following a management
gies and governmental policies, natural resources neces- favoring the incorporation of trees and shrubs in the
sary to encourage agricultural development in most of different modalities of the silvopastoral systems, as
the tropical countries experience an accelerated dete- an indispensable practice for animal production in the
rioration, which endangers the fulfillment of the most tropics. Different authors noted that, in this region,
vital needs for future generations, with the consequent the use of these systems is a viable option to animal
risks on the ecological, social, political, and economic production (Alonso 2004, Palma 2005 and Casasola
stability in developing countries. et al. 2009).
It is noted that animal production systems in the This review discusses some of the potentialities of
tropics are based on the use of forage grasses in mon- the development of technologies implying improvements
ocultures. They are characterized by their relatively low in the agroecosystems and, at the same time, generating
nutritive value and irregular availability (Ramírez et al. environmental services, through the use and adaptation
2005), due to the seasonal performance of rainfall and of agricultural practices that include trees and shrubs as
temperatures in these regions. The degradation of pas- indispensable elements in animal production, because
tures and their low sustainability are some of the most they are capable of increasing the production and quality
pressing problems in these systems. of pastures; besides diminishing the releases of gases
In Latin America and the Caribbean, cattle rearing is with green house effect. Also, they take part in the in-
one of the principal applications in the use of land (FAO crease of the flora and fauna biodiversity, favoring the
2008). A considerable part of this activity is character- fresh water sources and enhancing the physicochemical
ized by low levels of productivity and profitability, as and biological characteristics of the soils.

Silvopastoral systems constitute a modality of the et al. 2005).
agroforestal. In them, trees and pastures grow together, Silvopastoral systems are also an alternative to revert
being exploited for animal production. The objective the processes of degradation in the grasslands (Nair et
of these systems is to increase the productivity in a al. 2009), by increasing the physical protection of the
sustainable form, besides reaching other benefits (Mijail soil and contributing to the recovery of fertility with the
45th Anniversary
108 Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 45, Number 2, 2011.
inclusion of legumes that fix nitrogen to the soil and of the flora, the air fauna and that of the soil, the recycling
trees with taproots that use the deep ground layers and of nutrients, the animal production and its derivatives,
recycle nutrients. the abiotic and the anthropic factors, among others of
Ruiz et al. (2003) described the silvopasture as a bi- socio-economic character.
ological-abiological system under dynamic and constant In silvopastoral systems, trees or shrubs, pastures and
development. Its evolution comprises different stages, animals grow congruously in interaction with the soil.
and it is known by the evaluation of its components, They are, from the productive, ecological, economical,
including the soil itself in its structure and composition, and social standpoint, one of the most promising modali-
the animals, the trees, the fundamental grass pasture, ties of the agroforestal systems.


It can not be expected that a productive activity, global scope of some of them, such as carbon catch
historically performed with extracting purposes such and biodiversity, proves the imperious need for intro-
as pasture monocultures, can provide environmental ducing agro-forestry as fundamental tool in animal
benefits comparable to the biodiversity of the natural production in the tropics, following the implantation
ecosystems in the tropics. Nevertheless, as production and generalization of technologies adaptable to the
system, cattle rearing could have greater potentials to climatic change.
make contributions to the management of nature, com- At present, in the world, there are research centers,
pared with other systems. governments, and financial entities having as priority the
In Latin America, there are production systems evaluation and assessment of silvopastoral alternatives
that prove the importance of having tropical cattle in the tropics. Out of this standpoint, they develop the
systems compatible with the concepts of sustain- following environmental services: increment in the pro-
able development (Ibrahim et al. 2006), that can duction and quality of pastures, restoration of degraded
be friendly with the management of the biological soils, improvement of water resources, catch of carbon
diversity. The benefits provided by the agroforestal and gases with greenhouse effect, and biodiversity con-
practices can be spatial and temporary (table 1). The servation (table 1).

Table 1. Space scale of several environmental services generated by agroforestal systems (adapted from Shibu

Environmental service Farmer/local Landscape/regional Global

Net primary production
Control of pests
Polinization/seed spread
Soil improvement
Soil stabilization /control of erosion
Water quality
Drainage improvement
Air purification
Carbon catch


In silvopastoral systems, the total biomass production ment.

is usually higher than in monocultures. However, the A series of researches (Primavesi and Primavesi
interactions between the components of these systems 2006) on the biomass production in systems with trees
during the exploitation time can determine the produc- indicated that the level of competition is an important
tive capacity. It varied according to the modality of the element in the management of grasslands, if stability in
silvopastoral system. the plant components is intended. This is reflected in the
Giraldo and Vélez (1993) noted that the biomass botanical composition and in other biological expres-
production in these systems will depend, among other sions, such as the growth and the yield.
factors, on the species selected, the density of the tree This fact is repeated when evaluating silvopastoral
component, the space distribution and the manage- systems with the use of different tree species and a grass
45th Anniversary
Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 45, Number 2, 2011. 109
monoculture system. In these conditions, Devendra and evolution of the silvopastoral system leucaena-Guinea
Ibrahim (2004) reported that the tree systems tend to be grass there was marked effect on the DM percentage of
different from those with non-associated pasture, having the grass in all the sowing years, regardless the seasonal
more stable yields in the associated pasture. performance of this indicator in tropical grasses (Her-
The botanical composition, as in other systems, is an rera 2003).
indicator affecting the productivity of the silvopastoral As the exploitation time of the silvopastoral system
systems. Its evolution in time can be related to some advanced, the DM percentage of the grass stratum was
principles of exploitation of the system, such as the ad- lower (P < 0.001) and reflected seasonal stability, in
equate selection of the species, the control of the shade both climatic seasons, with higher exploitation time of
through pruning and the management of the stocking the system. The decline in the DM percentage during
rate, according to the system availability. The applica- the evolution of the system may reflect increase in the
tion of these elements, in most of the instances, brings vegetative period, and of late maturation of the pasture
about higher persistence, stability, and productivity of under shade (Carvalho et al. 2001).
the mixed grass in the system. These results evidenced the goodness of the mixture
Another element affecting the biomass production is of species of non-native grasses with leguminous trees in
related to the density and the tree species with which the silvopastoral systems and proved that in the silvopasture
silvopastoral system is exploited. Molina et al. (2001), leucaena-Guinea grass the CP percentage in the grass is
when comparing densities of Leucaena leucocephala, increased with the exploitation time of the system. The
of 0, 6 000, and 10 000 plants ha-1, found that the best use of the atmosphere nitrogen biological fixation through
yields were obtained with the highest density. In this the tree, and the contribution of both components to the
case, there was a production of Panicum maximum cv leaf litter, are some of the causes of this increment, which
Mombaza mixed with leucaena of 37.2 t DM ha-1 year-1, could be obtained in other mixtures. Castro et al. (1999)
exceeding in 30 % that of Cynodon plectostachyus, reported that the shade effect increases the N concentration
associated with leucaena and prosopis. and, thus, the CP contents of the pasture.
In works of Acciaresi et al. (1994) for assessing Mahecha et al. (1999) stated that the crude protein
different tree densities (625, 416, 312, 250 and 0 trees content of the grass (C. plectostachyus) in monoculture
ha-1) it was reported that, in forage production, the light is quite lower than that found when mixing leucaena or
penetration decreases when increasing the density of Carob tree (Albizia lebbeck). These authors noted that
trees. Thus, the forage production was lower in the the mixed grass reached similar protein as when fertil-
treatment with larger amount of trees. These authors izing with 400 kg of N ha-1 year-1.
concluded that the quality and amount of sun radiation Besides, it has been reported that crude fiber de-
was, seemingly, the fundamental limiting factor in the creases in Guinea grass when mixed with trees during the
growth of the pasture. dry season (Fassbender 1993), and it is directly related
In the silvopastoral systems, the effect of the shade to the shade effect.
and of the association with tree legumes showed variable Several studies of these systems showed improve-
results in the literature, in respect to the forage quality. ments in the soil fertility, efficient nutrient recycling, and
Samarakoon et al. (1990) noted that the shade causes increment in the biomass production of the fundamental
little increase in the digestibility percentages of several and total grass pasture, with the consequent improve-
grass species; Castro et al. (1999) noted that they reduce ment of the nutritional quality of the mixed pasture
them, and Norton et al. (1991) reported that there is not (Crespo 2008). However, the evolutional effect of the
impairment. silvopasture on the bromatological composition of the
Researches of Alonso et al. (2005), in the Institute of fundamental grass pasture is an aspect that has been little
Animal Science (ICA) in Cuba, showed that during the studied (Alonso 2004).


In Central America, high percentage of the pasture rise in the content of phosphorus and nitrogen of the soil,
lands (> 35%) is in advanced deterioration status. In when compared with the monoculture of B. humidicola
these circumstances, trees of multiple uses can play an (Bolívar 1998). During the rainy season, the presence
important function in the ecological restoration of these of the soil fauna, especially worms, was the highest in
lands and, at the same time, they may contribute to the soils with 240 trees of A. mangium ha-1.
economic sustainability of the cattle production systems According to Velasco (1998), a silvopastoral system
(Szott et al. 2000). of A. mangium managed to increase, significantly, the
Studies conducted in Panama, on acid soils organic matter in only five years of grazing. The sym-
(pH = 4.6), showed that the mixture of Acacia mangium biosis of this tree with mycorrhizal fungi may determine
in pastures with Brachiaria humidicola, contributed to this process. These systems, compared with pure pastures
the improvement of the grass forage quality and to the of grasses, tend to preserve better the organic matter in
45th Anniversary
110 Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 45, Number 2, 2011.
the soils, especially in the acids and in those being poor Also, they can modify their structure (by the addition of
in nutrients. leaf litter, roots, and stems) and increase the contents of
The beneficial interactions that may appear in pres- organic matter, the capacity of cationic exchange and the
ence of leguminous trees and shrubs in the grazing sys- availability of N, P, and K (Betancourt et al. 2005).
tems are also translated into the rise of nutrient recycling Other studies reported better use of soil nutrients
by return to the soil of leaves, fruits, branches, feces, and higher pasture availability, when these systems
and urines, derived mainly by the increment of the soil are mixed with tree species, due to the enhancement
biological activity. Alonso (2004) reported that the soil of the soil fertility and to the shade conditions created
macrofauna, in a silvopastoral system leucaena-Guinea (Hernández et al. 2006).
grass, was stabilized in time with predominance of an- The effect of the trees on the soil fertility should not
nelids that favored the soil aeration and accelerated the only be expected in the upper, but also in the deeper lay-
leaf litter decomposition. ers, as the time of exploitation of the system increases.
According to Lok (2006), trees in silvopastoral sys- Carvalho et al. (2003) reported this phenomenon, when
tems fulfill ecological functions of soil protection dimin- studying a silvopasture of Acacia mangium and Bra-
ish the direct effects of the sun, the water, and the wind. chiaria decumbens.


Among the beneficial results of the tree systems (Ríos contribute to decrease the effect of the water con-
et al. 2007) there is the improvement of the small water tamination (Auquilla 2005), increase the capacity
ponds, facilitating water leakage and fill of the water of water retention in the prairies, help to the leakage
resources. Nevertheless, the environmental water supply and protect the soil, the water springs and streams.
is the least studied in cattle rearing (Beer et al. 2003). Thus, planning in cattle farms, protecting the available
Studies of Nepstad et al. (2002) reported that dur- resources, may contribute to regulate and preserve the
ing a severe dry season in Brazil, water availability, at water resources through the tree sowing, the imple-
2-8 m depth, diminished from 380 mm in the forest up to ment of silvopastoral systems and the practices of
310 mm in the degraded pasture. The decline in the water soil conservation.
availability in the degraded pasture soil meant that the Other studies of the GEF-Silvopastoral project in
ecosystem stored less rainfall compared with the for- Esparza, Costa Rica, proved that the leakage was sig-
est, and there was lower leakage to the water supplies nificantly higher in the degraded pastures (42 %), com-
or sun-superficial water flow to the streams in the rainy pared with the forage banks with perennial woody plants
season. At the end of the dry season, the forest can store, (3 %), young secondary forests (6 %) and pastures with
additionally, 770 mm of water in the first 8 m of the soil, high tree density (12 %). This implies that the uses of
compared with the 400 mm in the pasture. This means the land with large tree coverage, in the conditions of the
that, in the landscape with pasture dominance, the water study, are beneficial for retaining water. Cárdenas et al.
shortage cab become a critical aspect, especially in the (2007) noted that the sowing of riparian forests in cattle
arid or semiarid regions. farms, as well as the protection of the water sources for
Cattle farms with silvopastoral systems of trees cattle, lead to the improvement of the water biological
spread in the pastures, forage banks, and live fences, and chemical conditions.


The environmental service of carbon capture from biodiversity in the natural forests and the unbalance of
anthropic activities has been one of the most interesting other land ecosystems.
subjects in recent years, according to the advances in the It is logical to state the hypothesis that the silvopas-
Kyoto convention. Although most of the discusions and toral systems, by combining improved grasses and strata
scientific papers are addressed to the function of forests of deeper roots, may have higher carbon capture rates
and tree cultures, Guimarães et al. (2010) highlighted (Ramírez 1997). This leads to develop financial mecha-
the function played by the systems with mixtures of nisms to multiply the environmental benefits of cattle
crop-cattle-trees in the creation of this environmental production with trees.
service and its advantages in native prairies. The silvopastoral systems are very important in the
The high rate of deforestation that characterizes the carbon sequestration in the soils and in the woody bio-
agricultural systems in the tropics has not only local mass (Beer et al. 2003). Accoring to Nair et al. (2099),
effects, such as the soil degradation and the loss of its these systems provide two main benefits to preserve
productivity, but also contributes to the fourth part of the the carbon: they contribute to the direct storage of C,
releases of CO2 and other gases to the atmosphere. This at short and middle term (decades up to centuries) in
process causes climatic changes favoring the loss of the the trees and the soil, and reduce indirectly the release
45th Anniversary
Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 45, Number 2, 2011. 111
of greenhouse effect gases, caused by the deforestation its action on global harm is 23 times higher than that
and the migratory agriculture. The amount of C fixed in produced by carbon dioxide. Methane production (CH4)
these systems can be affected by the type of grass and is the inevitable consequence of the fermentation of
tree species, the density and the space distribution of the carbohydrates in the rumen (Agarwal et al. 2008). It is
woody trees and by the shade tolerance of the herbaceous favored when animals are fed poor quality forage, typi-
species (Shibu 2009). cal of tropical areas. The interest in the methanogenesis
The well-managed silvopastoral systems can enhance has been increased in recent years, not only due to the
the productivity and, at the same time, sequestrate car- economic losses, such as the energy lost in the feeds,
bon (Andrade et al. 2001), besides being of economic but also because the CH4 is a contaminant gas (Wood
benefit to farmers. Total carbon in silvopastoral systems et al. 2009).
varied between 68 and 204 t ha-1. A great part is stored The introduction of trees and shrubs as rumen
in the soil, whereas the annual increases varied between fermentation modifiers, with the aim of reducing the
1.8 and 5.2 t ha-1. Measures of carbon reservoirs in the methanogenesis, is a new and attractive approach. Plants
subhumid tropical landscapes of Central America have having anti-protozoa and anti-methanogenic property
proved that the total carbon, stored (above and below the compounds have been identified. Saponins and tannins
soil) in secondary forests and in silvopastoral systems, in many of them decrease the methane production,
was higher than in the degraded pastures (table 2). reduce the counts of protozoa in the rumen and change
Methane is another gas considered among those the fermentation patterns (Galindo 2004 and Wei Lian
contributing most to the greenhouse effect, because et al. 2005).

Table 2: Storage and carbon fixation in pastures and silvopastoral systems exploited in different regions of Central America
(Adapted from Muhammad et al. 2006)
C in the soil C above the soil Total C Fixation of C
Sistema (age in years)
(t ha-1) level, (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1year-1)
Humid lowlands
Panicum maximum 233.0±8 233.0
P. maximum-Cordia alliodora (≤3) 177.0±8 2.3 179.0
P. maximum-Cordia alliodora (3-7) 196.0±21 8.8 205.0
P. maximum-Cordia alliodora (≥7) 175.0±23 26.8 202.0
Humid lowlands, Atlantic area
Brachiaria brizantha-Acacia mangium 87.0±18 8.9±0.03 96.0 2.2
B. brizantha-Eucalyptus deglupta 87.0±1 7.48±0.26 95.0 1.8
Bachiaria. brizantha 66.0±16 2.04±0.16 68.0
Highlands, volcanic mountains
Pennisetum clandestinum 185.0±32 185.0
P. clandestinum-Alnus acuminata 187.0±46 1.1±0.6 188.0
P. clandestinum-Alnus acuminata 196.0±25 4.2±1.7 200.0

At present, there is no abundant information about richness, and the rest of the edaphic and cultural fac-
the importance of the silvopastoral systems in the bio- tors. This proves that in the environments with higher
diversity conservation. The preservation of the forests biological complexity there can be conditions favoring
in pastures threatens the survival of many species. the improvement of the soil characteristics, as a result
However, the effect on the biodiversity of the forests from the activity of the organisms in it.
could be lower, if farmers keep forest species or forest Several authors have reported similar trends. Sade-
stands in pastures, because they serve as seed producers ghian et al. (1999) found higher biological activity in
and providers of habitat and feed to animals (Kabir and soils of a secondary forest, compared with crops nearby
Webb 2009). sugarcane plantations. Sugarcane had lower values,
The management and the environmental conditions when subject to burning before the harvest.
of the silvopastoral systems exert a marked influence on The introduction of trees in pastures can create favor-
the activity and diversity of the soil organisms. In these able conditions through the supply of organic matter,
systems, it is of great importance the feed availability, the recycling of nutrients, the improvement of humidity
the variability in the composition, in terms of flower content in the soil and the temperature decline (Wilson
45th Anniversary
112 Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 45, Number 2, 2011.
1996). However, this depends, among other aspects, on disperse trees seem to be limited in fulfilling this goal,
the density, height, architecture and phenology of the due to the free grazing of animals removes regularly the
tree species. natural regeneration, especially in plants depending on
Some silvopastoral modalities, such as those of the the action of the wind for their spread.
borders, the windbreaks, the live fences, or other forest In the Monteverde region, Costa Rica, 25 % out of the
plantations, in line throughout the borders of the pas- 400 estimated species had their adequate habitat in the
tures, are systems designed by men, and many times windbreaks, located in pastures of Cynodon nlemfuensis,
modified by nature. The connection of these systems in used for milk production. Birds (89 different species)
form of corridor affects the movement of the animals used windbreaks as habitat and were the most important
and the spread of the plants (Casasola et al. 2009). Thus, vectors for the spread of the seeds of these species, espe-
they may have functions of important bio-corridors in cially when the windbreak was connected to the forest.
agricultural areas, characterized by fragmented ecosys- These silvopastoral systems are a considerable potential
tems that increase the biodiversity. support potential for the preservation of forest species
Styudies of Alonso et al. (2007) proved a significant within this agricultural landscape (Harvey 2003).
increase in the richness of this species, and in the index It can be considered that silvopastoral systems can
of biological diversity of Shannon, as a silvopastoral play an important function in the successful implemen-
systema leucaena-Guinea grass was developed, as well tation in the Mesoamerican biological corridor, due to
as in the soil macrofauna, the birds, and the insects of pastures cover larger area in this region. However, the
the system. available data about their contribution to the preservation
This outcome was related to the difference in the of the biodiversity are scarce. They refer, mainly, about
silvopastoral systems in the number of plant strata and the regeneration of forest species and to the fauna move-
with presence of a middle stratum of leucaena shrubs, ment. It is expected that corridors provide pathways,
that together with the exploitation time of the system, sources and shelter to native and non-native fauna spe-
propitiated rise in the total productivity of the system, cies (Lang et al. 2003). The inventory of the plant and
the plant diversity and, thus, in the number of mixed fauna species in the different corridors from a landscape
species. Nevertheless, the silvopastoral systems with is essential for the successful design and management.



In order to revert pasture degradation processes and of change sin the use of the land, due to the increase in
improve the productive, agroecological and socio-eco- the productivity in the cattle production system. This is
nomic conditions of the different forms of cattle produc- merely a technical reason.
tion in Cuba, the innovation and transfer of silvopastoral Among the environmental services involved the most
technologies were conducted in this sector, thanks to the in the payment programs developed in some Central
goodness of these systems to improve the productivity of American countries there is the capture of carbon, the
the farms and the generation of environmental services. soil restoration and the conservation of the biodiver-
However, the lack of financing for the establishment sity.
of these technologies, among other factors, is a barrier The outcomes of the project “Silvopastoral ap-
limiting the presence of trees and shrubs in our cattle proaches integrated for the ecosystem management”,
rearing conditions. implemented by CATIE, CIPAV and the Institute of
It is known that the programs of payment of envi- Research and Development Nitlapan, in the Central
ronmental services in cattle systems are designed as a American University of Nicaragua, prove that the pay-
means to stop or avoid the degradation of lands devoted ment of environmental services provoked important
to this activity (Sepúlveda and Ibrahim 2009). Besides, changes in the silvopastoral systems, at the expense of
in the farms they can be a new source of incomes, out the reduction of the degraded pastures.

The integration of different components in an as basis for searching the competitiveness of the re-
intensive agricultural agroecosystem (Silvopastoral sulting products.
systems) is presented as a sustainable alternative, due The payment of incentives due to environmental
to the use of the interactions between agricultural, services could change the perspective toward the use and
cattle and tree components; besides promoting better management of tree species in cattle systems, because
use of the soil, reducing the use of external inputs of their effect on the conservation of the agroecosys-
through the efficient utilization of organic products tems. A cattle strategy based, only, on the production
and propitiating the continuous recycling of nutrients, increment, without any worry about the preservation or
45th Anniversary
Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 45, Number 2, 2011. 113
increment of the natural resources, could face serious payment of environmental services can contribute to a
sustainability problems at middle term, and thus a more more productive, sustainable, diversified, and competi-
marked dependence on external inputs. The systems of tive cattle production.


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