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Reaffirmed: 6/90, 6/95, 6/00

Safety Standards
of the
Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

KTA 3401.2 (6/85)

Steel Containment Vessels

Part 2: Analysis and Design
(Reaktorsicherheitsbehälter aus Stahl;
Teil 2: Auslegung, Konstruktion und Berechnung)

If there is any doubt regarding the information contained in this translation, the German wording shall apply.


KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS)

Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5 · 38226 Salzgitter · Germany
Telephone +49-1888/333-(0) 1621 · Telefax +49-1888/333-1625
Steel Containment Vessels
June 1985 KTA 3401.2
Part 2: Analysis and Design


Basic Principles .......................................................................................................................................................1

1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................1
2 General Principles ............................................................................................................................................1
3 Loading Condition, Loads and Service Limit Levels .........................................................................................1
3.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................1
3.2 Loading Conditions (Plant Conditions) .............................................................................................................1
3.3 Loads .......................................................................................................................................................2
3.4 Service Limit Levels .........................................................................................................................................2
3.5 Correlation of Loading Conditions, Loads and Service Limit Levels
with the Required Stress and Stability Analyses...............................................................................................2
4 Construction .....................................................................................................................................................2
4.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................2
4.2 Favorable Design Regarding Stress.................................................................................................................2
4.3 Favorable Design Regarding Materials, Fabrication and Testing .....................................................................2
4.4 Favorable Design Regarding Maintenance.......................................................................................................4
4.5 Design Details ..................................................................................................................................................4
5 Stress and Stability Analysis ............................................................................................................................5
5.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................5
5.2 Isotropic Plate and Shell Structures..................................................................................................................5
5.3 Anisotropic Plate and Shell Structures and Frame Structures ..........................................................................7
5.4 Bolt Joints .......................................................................................................................................................7
5.5 Fatigue Analysis ...............................................................................................................................................8
5.6 Shape Deviations .............................................................................................................................................9
Appendix A Regulations Referred to in this Safety Standard ...........................................................................10

PLEASE NOTE: Only the original German version of this safety standard represents the joint resolution of the
50-member Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss, KTA). The German version was
made public in Bundesanzeiger No. 194a on October 14, 2000. Copies may be ordered through the Carl Heymanns
Verlag KG, Luxemburger Str. 449, 50939 Koeln (Telefax +49-221-94373-603).
All questions regarding this English translation should please be directed to:
KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o BfS, Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5, 38226 Salzgitter, Germany
Comments by the editor:

Taking into account the meaning and usage of auxiliary verbs in the German language, in this translation the fol-
lowing agreements are effective:

shall indicates a mandatory requirement,

shall basically is used in the case of mandatory requirements to which specific exceptions (and only
those!) are permitted. It is a requirement of the KTA that these exceptions - other than
those in the case of shall normally - are specified in the text of the safety standard,
shall normally indicates a requirement to which exceptions are allowed. However, the exceptions used,
shall be substantiated during the licensing procedure,
should indicates a recommendation or an example of good practice,
may indicates an acceptable or permissible method within the scope of this safety standard.
KTA 3401.2 Page 1

(2) Deviations from the requirements of this safety standard

Basic Principles
are allowed only in those exceptions where these deviations
(1) The safety standards of the Nuclear Safety Standards are founded on corresponding analyses or experiments where
Commission (KTA) have the task of specifying safety related the validity of the exception is recognized by the organization
requirements which shall be met with regard to precautions to responsible for the initial appraisal.
be taken in accordance with the state of science and technol-
ogy against the damages arising from the construction and
operation of the facility (Sec. 7 para. 2 No. 3 Atomic Energy 3 Loading Condition, Loads and Service Limit Levels
Act); this is especially to attain the protective goals specified in
3.1 General
the Atomic Energy Act and the Radiological Protection Ordi-
nance and specified in further detail in the Safety Criteria for (1) Loading conditions shall be classified for the nuclear
Nuclear Power Plants and the Guidelines for the Assessment power plant in accordance with Section 3.2.
of the Design of PWR Nuclear Power Plants against Incidents
persuant to Sec. 28 para. 3 of the Radiological Protection (2) Loading conditions relevant to the containment vessel
Ordinance. shall be correlated to the service limit levels in accordance
with Section 3.4.
(2) The task of the steel containment vessel (hereinafter
referred to as containment vessel) is to resist the pressure and
temperature loads which can occur during plant incidents 3.2 Loading Conditions (Plant Conditions)
connected with the release of radioactive materials inside the 3.2.1 General
containment vessel, in particular in conjunction with the leak-
age cross-sections of the primary coolant system to be as- (1) The term loading condition (plant condition) shall be
sumed; thus, no unallowed release of radioactive materials to understood to refer to events affecting the whole of the nu-
the environment becomes possible. For this reason, the con- clear power plant. In accordance with safety aspects and
tainment vessel and all penetrations and cooling systems, as under consideration of the probability of their occurrence, they
far as their function is required for controlling the conse- shall be classified as follows:
quences of the incident, shall be designed such that, under a) design loading conditions (DF),
consideration of the allowed leakage rate, they resist the dy-
b) erection loading conditions (MF),
namic, static and thermal loads occurring in conjunction with
the above mentioned incidents and the consequential failures. c) loading conditions from specified normal operation
- normal operation loading conditions (NB),
During normal operation, the containment vessel, furthermore, - abnormal operation loading conditions (AB),
has the task of conducting the air flow. - testing loading conditions (PF),
(3) In the case of stationary light-water reactors, the con- d) incident loading conditions (ST).
tainment vessel is designed as a technically airtight steel
(2) From these loading conditions, those decisive for loads
sphere into which the pipe and cable penetrations as well as
in the specification shall be selected, specifically, for the con-
personnel and material locks are inserted. In order to comply
tainment vessel and shall be correlated to the service limit
with the above mentioned task, it is necessary to set up stan-
levels in accordance with Section 3.4.
dards for technical and, organizational measures, e.g.,
- choice and use of materials of high fracture toughness and
good workability, 3.2.2 Design Loading Conditions (DF)
- design and construction in consideration of a well-suited (1) Design loading conditions are such on which the first
stress flow, dimensioning of wall thicknesses for components of the con-
- choice of fabrication and testing procedures and docu- tainment vessel is based. Decisive for loads in the specifica-
mentation of testing steps and results, tion are the internal and the external pressure.
- unambiguous instructions regarding the activities during (2) In the case of loads from internal pressure, the design
manufacture and processing of the materials. temperature shall be considered as occurring coincidental with
the design pressure.
(4) These measures are dealt with in four safety standard
3.2.3 Erection, Loading Conditions (MF)
The present part deals with the design and analysis of the
containment vessel. All loads resulting from the site, from construction and erection
procedures shall be considered as the erection loading condi-
tion of a specific condition of erection. Transportation and
1 Scope repair procedures shall, as necessary, be demonstrated as
being allowable.
This safety standard applies to the design and analysis of
steel containment vessels of stationary nuclear power plants
with light-water reactors (hereinafter referred to in short as 3.2.4 Loading Conditions from specified Normal Operation
containment vessels), including the nozzles integrally con-
(1) Normal Operation Condition (NB)
nected to the containment vessel and the pressure retaining
parts of the locks. Normal operation conditions are operating procedures for
which the nuclear power plant is specified and which it is able
to perform under assumption of functioning condition (unper-
2 General Principles turbed condition) of the plant components and systems. All
related loads shall be considered.
(1) Unless otherwise stipulated below, the design and analy-
sis of a containment vessel shall be carried out in accordance (2) Abnormal Operation Conditions (AB)
with the principles of mechanical engineering and under con-
Abnormal operation conditions are operating procedures oc-
sideration of the generally accepted standards of civil engi-
curring upon malfunction of pant components and systems
(perturbed condition) as far as continued operation is not pre-
KTA 3401.2 Page 2

cluded on account of safety related reasons. All related loads loss-of-coolant incidents where the corresponding loads, in
shall be considered. accordance with Section 3.3, result from permanent loads a,
from the pressures b and temperatures c specified for loading
(3) Test Loading Conditions (PF) conditions of normal operation and loss-of-coolant incidents,
Test loading conditions are the pressure test, the leakage rate from the static and dynamic loads d related to a, b and c, and
test and the inservice inspections. from live loads e and snow loads g.
Note (4) The level 2 service limit shall be correlated to all remain-
The pressure level of the pressure test is specified in Sec. 10.2.2 ing loading conditions of erection, of specified normal opera-
KTA 3401.3, the temperature in Sec. 10.2.3. The loading shall be tion and of those incidents where other than the aforemen-
based on these specified values.
tioned loads occur, (e.g., wind loads f or other dynamic loads
h in accordance with Section 3.3). The test loading condition
3.2.5 Incident Loading Conditions (ST) shall be correlated to level 2 service limit.
All loads related to incidents shall be considered. Incidents are (5) The level 3 service limit shall be correlated to other inci-
procedural events for which the nuclear power plant is de- dent loading conditions.
signed, upon whose occurrence, however, operation of the
(6) In the case of loading. conditions due to airplane crash
plant may not be continued for safety related reasons.
and to pressure waves from a chemical explosion, the stress
and stability analysis may be limited to unperturbed regions
3.3 Loads and to the support structure.
(1) All effects that cause a stress condition in the contain-
ment vessel shall be considered as loads. 3.5 Correlation of Loading Conditions, Loads and Service
Limit Levels with the Required Stress and Stability
(2) When determining the loads forces and moments due to Analyses
constraint on account of restriction of deformations (due to,
e.g., support structures, attachments and internals, pipe All loading conditions and corresponding loads shall be listed
penetration assemblies) shall be considered. in a specification which, in addition to grouping the loading
conditions in accordance with service limit levels, shall also
(3) For those loading conditions to be included in the fatigue specify which stress and stability analyses shall be carried out.
analysis, the specified number of stress cycles shall bet con- Table 3.5-1 shows this correlation in the case of a contain-
sidered. ment vessel for a pressurized water reactor (PWR).
(4) For each loading condition it shall be analyzed whether or
not any of the following loads or other additional loads result.
a) Permanent Loads 4 Construction
Considered shall be the dead weight of the containment 4.1 General
vessel, the dead weight of the components integrally con-
(1) In the construction of the containment vessel, including
nected with it, and other permanently acting loads.
the support structures, cutouts, cutout reinforcements, locks,
b) Pressures closures, equipment hatches and the attachments, the re-
Considered shall be pressures with their local and tempo- quirements of KTA 3401.1 “Materials” and KTA 3401.3
ral distribution in accordance with loading conditions in- “Manufacturing” shall be considered in addition to the following
cluding local influences (due to, e.g., pipe rupture close to requirements.
the wall).
(2) The wallthickness and shape shall be chosen such that
c) Temperatures for all loading conditions the individual determining stress
Considered shall be the local and temporal distribution of limits in accordance with Section 5 are adhered to.
temperatures of the individual loading conditions including
locally restricted temperature fields (e.g., in the vicinity of
4.2 Favorable Design Regarding Stress
pipe penetrations or due to pipe rupture close to the wall)
as well as temperature gradients in the containment vessel (1) Regions characterized by change of shape and by a
cross-section. The influence of thermal insulation shall be changing point of load application shall be designed such that,
taken into account. under consideration of all loading conditions, the resulting
d) Static and Dynamic Loads local stress intensities are kept small.
from attachments and internals as well as pipes and filling (2) Cutouts and weld-attachments should have sufficient
loads. distance from the weld seams (longitudinal and circumferential
e) Live Loads seams) of the containment vessel shell.
f) Wind Loads
g) Snow Loads 4.3 Favorable Design Regarding Materials, Fabrication and
h) Other Dynamic Loads (e.g., from external events).
(1) The location of weld seams and the spatial arrangement
of the components of the containment vessel shall be speci-
3.4 Service Limit Levels
fied such that accessibility is given for the primary and recur-
(1) The loading conditions shall be correlated to the service rent non-destructive examination in accordance with the re-
limit levels 0, 1, 2 or 3 whose allowable stresses are specified quirements of KTA 3401.3 and KTA 3401.4. In addition, the
in Section 5. design requirements regarding ultrasonic testing in accor-
dance with KTA 3401.3 shall, be considered. Simplifications
(2) The design loading conditions shall be correlated to with regard td type and extent of testing and regarding the
level 0 service limit. valuation of the non-destructive examinations are allowed in
(3) The level 1 service limit shall be correlated to those the case of weld seams where the nominal operating stress in
loading conditions of erection, normal operation and the region of the weld seam is smaller than or equal to
KTA 3401.2 Page 3

50 N/mm² and where this nominal operating stress is the es- (2) If, due to the structural design of the nuclear power plant,
sential part of the primary stress. The nominal operating stress the accessibility for the post-pressure-test examinations is
is under stood to be the primary membrane stress of the restricted (e.g., in the vicinity of support structures, due to the
loading conditions correlated to the level 1 service limit. liner or the concrete structures for debris protection), this shall
be cleared already in the planning stage with the authorized
experts under Sec. 20 Atomic Energy Act and under Civil Law.

Loads in accordance with Section 3.3 Stress Analyses

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

tion at foundation level

dynamic loads, excita-
underpressure or ex-
overall internal pres-

external loading and

ternal overpressure
service limit levels

loading conditions

local pressure in-

loading moments

stability analyses
Pl + Pb +Q + F or
Pl or Pm + Pb or

Pm + Pb + Q + F
Pm + Pb +Q or
dead weight


snow loads

Pl + Pb + Q
wind loads
live loads

Pl + Pb

0 DF 1 x x x x
0 DF 2 x x x x x
1 MF 1 x x x x x x x
NB x x x x x x x x x
ST 1 x x x x x x x x
MF 2 x x x x x x x x
DP 1 x x x x x x
2 DP 2 x x x x x x
DP 3 x x x x x
ST 2 x x x x x x x x
3) 3)
ST 3 x x x x x x x x x x
ST 4 x x x x x x
3 ST 5 x x x x x x x
ST 6 x x x x x x x
The corresponding temperatures are generally the determining factor with regard to the allowable stresses. In case
of the loading conditions checked off in this column, thermal Stresses shall, additionally, be considered.
Instead of a Primary stress analysis, simplified design standards are allowed (e.g., design in accordance with
In substantiated cases the secondary stress analysis and fatigue analysis need not be performed.
DF1: design loading condition with design basis overpressure
DF2: design loading condition with design basis underpressure
MF1: erection loading condition with continuous and intermittent loads
MF2: erection loading condition with continuous and intermittent loads plus wind loads
NB : normal operation
DP1: Pressure test with overpressure
DP2:. Pressure test with underpressure
DP3: recurrent leakage rate test
ST1: lose-of-coolant incident with release of radioactivity
ST2: occurrences resulting in underpressure inside the containment vessel: breakdown of ventilation system,
occurrences near the end of loss-of-coolant incidents and small leaks
ST3: design basis earthquake simultaneous with normal operation (NB)
ST4: pipe rupture inside the containment vessel without release of radioactivity including, as required, jet
impingement and reaction forces, simultaneous with normal operation (NB) (without thermal stresses)
ST5: pipe rupture outside the containment vessel including, as required, jet impingement and reaction forces,
simultaneous with normal operation (NB) (without thermal stresses)
ST6: external events without design basis earthquake, simultaneous with normal operation (NB) (without thermal

Table 3.5-1: Correlation of loading conditions, loads and service limit levels with the required stress and stability analyses for
the containment vessel of a pressurized water reactor
KTA 3401.2 Page 4

4.5.3 Support Structures

(3) Cruciform weld seams shall be avoided. Weld-
Connected load-carrying parts shall be welded over the com- (1) Type and size of the support structures are dependent
plete connecting cross-section. Fillet welds are (only) allowed on the reactor type and on the structure of the containment
on internally mounted coverplates for closing off nozzle pipes vessel including its attachments and internals. In addition to
or on internally mounted leak-tight boxes because these weld the clamping of the containment vessel in the foundation, the
seams primarily have a sealing function. Other fillet welds on support structure also may include separate supports for
pressure-retaining parts shall be avoided. Exeptions are al- transferring loads from the attachments (e.g., condensation
lowed only in agreement with the authorized experts under chamber, lock , pipes).
Sec. 20 Atomic Energy act and under Civil Law.
(2) In designing the transition zone of the clamping, i.e.,
where the containment vessel wall emerges from the con-
4.4 Favorable Design Regarding Maintenance crete structure, it shall be considered that additional stresses
can be reduced by suitable design measures, e.g., the use of
(1) Components of the containment vessel shall be designed an elastic embedding material. In this case, the ingress of
such that a decontamination is possible. moisture shall be prevented by means of seals.
(2) If components are required to be removed for mainte-
nance or testing their disassembly should be possible with a
least possible radiation exposure of the personnel. 4.5.4 Cutouts, Cutout Reinforcements and Equipment Hatches
(1) A weakening of the wall due to cutouts shall, depending
4.5 Design Details on their type, arrangement and number, be compensated for
by reinforcements. The reinforcements should not be consid-
4.5.1 Welded Joints
erably thicker than required with regard to the allowable
The distance between welded joints should be larger than or stresses. Cutouts should preferably be circular or elliptical.
equal to three times the wallthickness but shall not be smaller (2) In case of angular cutouts, the corners should be
than 100 mm. In the case of T-joints, the smaller angle shall rounded off with the largest possible radius.
not be less than 30 degrees.
(3) Plates laid on and weld-connected to the containment
vessel wall are not allowed.
4.5.2 Burt Joints
(4) Cutouts in the product form may be reinforced by de-
(1) Butt joints should be without offset of the median planes. If, signs favorable to stress in accordance with items a through d;
however, an offset of median planes is specified, then the result- this is independent of the manufacturing procedure of the
ing stress elevations shall be demonstrated by computation. product forms.
(2) With regard to a non-specified offset of median planes, a) Cutout reinforcements where the weakening in the wall is
Sec. 5.9 KTA 3401.3 applies. accounted for by a sufficient increase of the wallthickness
of the product form.
(3) In case of butt joints of unequal wall thickness with a
one-sided offset of edges and where s1 is larger than 1.1 s2, or Penetrations should be grouped together in a reinforced
with a two-sided offset of edges and where s1 is larger than circumferential zone or in single reinforced plates.
1.2 s2, the thicker plate shall be chamfered down in a ratio of The number of single plates shall be kept as low as possi-
1:3 or smaller on one side or on both sides, respectively. ble by properly grouping the penetrations.
(4) In the corner region of adjoining plates with a one-sided b) Cutout reinforcements by a ring-shaped thickening of the
offset of, edges and where s1 is larger than 1.1 s2, or a product form, where the reinforcing action is based alone
two-sided offset and where s1 is larger than 1.2 s2, the cham- on this ring-shaped thickening.
fer shall be rounded off on one or on both sides in accordance c) Cutout reinforcements by a pipe-shaped strengthening of the
with Figure 4.5-1. product form, where the reinforcing action is based alone on
this weld connected, preferably penetrating, nozzle.
d) Cutout reinforcements by a strengthening the product form
by a combination of a ring-shaped thickening of the prod-
uct form and a weld connected, preferably penetrating,
(5) The design of cutouts shall fulfill the requirements re-
garding the design of cable penetrations in accordance with
KTA 3403 and the design of pipe penetrations in accordance
with KTA 3407.
KTA 3407, Pipe Penetrations of the Containment, is in preparation.

(6) Removable connections in conjunction with cutouts are

allowed if the requirements regarding leak-tightness are met.
(7) If erection openings for transferring large plant compo-
nents are designed with removable connections, the shell
forces may be transferred, e.g., by means of a double-cover-
plate-joint with high-strength bolts, or by means of interlocking
Figure 4.5-1: Wallthickness transition with rounded chamfer hoock-shaped flanges with wedge shaped or fitted pressure
bars, or by means of fitted shear bolts.
(5) The requirements in accordance with Sec. 6 KTA 3401.3
regarding a design favorable to ultrasonic testing shall be met. (8) Nozzles shall be manufactured from forged and rolled
bars, from forged seamless hollow bodies or from seamless
KTA 3401.2 Page 5

pipes. Longitudinally welded pipe sections may be employed if (4) Membrane stresses in the wall of the containment vessel
their nominal diameter is larger than or equal to 300 mm. caused by forces and moments from pipes shall be correlated
as primary stresses.
(9) Pipe sections shall, basically, be back welded. Excep-
tions are allowed, where for geometric reasons (e.g., small Note:
The terms used in the following sections are based on the theory
dimensions, shaped parts and armatures) the back-welding is
of plate and shell structures (e.g., shells, plates, discs); they can,
impossible. In these cases the root shall be machined. If a however, also be applied for different structures and components
machining of the root is impossible, the testability of the weld (e.g., rods, beams).
seam shall be ensured by special measures.
(10) The requirements in accordance with. Sec. 6 KTA 3401.3 Primary stresses
regarding a design favorable to testing shall be met.
(1) Primary stresses (P) are such stresses which balance
the external forces (loads) to achieve equilibrium.
4.5.5 Blind Covers and Flanges
(2) Their basic, characteristic with regard to structural be-
The requirements in accordance with Sec. 6 KTA 3401.3 re- havior is that the deformations will increase considerably with-
garding a design favorable to testing shall be met. out limiting themselves if external loads show an (unallowably
large) increase and after the cross-section is completely plas-
5 Stress and Stability Analysis
(3) The primary stresses shall be separated according to
5.1 General their orientation normal to the wall of a component as mem-
brane stresses (Pm, Pl) and bending stresses (Pb).
(1) The stress and stability analyses shall be performed on
the basis of the theory of elasticity. If necessary, the plastic (4) In the case of plate and shell structures the membrane
behavior of components of the support structure shall be in- stresses are defined as the averagevalue of the stresses
cluded in these analyses which, among others, also depends distributed over the wallthickness. The bending stresses of
on the corresponding ratio of the maximum moment of plastic- plate and shell structures are defined as the linearly changing
ity to the maximum moment of elasticity. component of the stresses distributed over the wallthickness.
In case of unsymmetric cross-sections, as they can occur in
(2) With the assumption of an ideally elastic and ideally plastic
beams, the stresses shall be weighted in accordance faith the
material behavior, this ratio equals 1.5 in the case of isotropic
respective surfaces.
plate and shell structures, whereas, in the case of anisotropic
plate and shell structures and of profile bars different values (5) Regarding the distribution along the wall, the general
may have to be assumed. These groups of plate and shell primary membrane stresses (Pm) and the local primary mem-
structures are, therefore, dealt with in separate sections. brane stresses (Pl) shall be distinguished from each other.
Primary membrane stresses in shells shall be considered as
(3) If necessary, deformations of the containment vessel
shall be demonstrated. local if, outside of an area with the length 1.0 × R × s contain-
ing the fault, they do not exceed a value of 1.1 times the al-
lowable general primary membrane stress and if the maximum
5.2 Isotropic Plate and Shell Structures
values of two neighboring local primary membrane stresses
5.2.1 General are separated from each other by a distance of at least
The stress and stability analysis shall, in general, be per- 2.5 × R × s the minimum midsurface radius of curvature and s
formed by computation. If the computation is to be supple- the wallthickness. If the local primary stresses under consid-
mented or replaced by experiments, the plant vendor, manu- eration of load superposition in the decay regions of neigh-
facturer and authorized experts under Sec. 20 Atomic Energy boring faults do not exceed the value of 1.1 times the allow-
Act and under Civil Law shall, in advance, reach an agree- able general membrane stress, then the distance limit value
ment on the experimental programm. between neighboring maximum values of the membrane
stresses does not have, to be adhered to.
5.2.2 Determination of Stress Resultants (6) The general primary membrane stresses are distributed
such that no essential redistribution of stresses to neighboring
The stress resultants shall be determined in accordance with regions would occur due to plastification; in the case of local
the theory of elasticity under consideration of all geometric primary membrane stresses a plastification will lead to a load
discontinuities (e.g., change in shall shape, transitions of redistribution.
wallthicknesses, penetrations) and of the restrictions of defor-
mation in accordance with Section 3.3(2) and shall be deter-
mined for the service limit levels in accordance with Section 3.4. Secondary Stresses
(1) Secondary stresses (Q) are such stresses that are caused
5.2.3 Stress Classification by restraints due to geometric discontinuities or by using adjacent
materials of unequal moduli of elasticity under external loads General where the loading is caused by unequal thermal expansion. Only
(1) Depending on their causes and on their effects on the those stresses resulting from the linearized course of stress dis-
physical properties of the components, the stresses shall be tribution are counted as secondary stresses.
correlated as primary stresses, secondary stresses and peak (2) Their basic characteristic with regard to structural be-
stresses, and shall, in accordance with this correlation, be havior is that, when the yield strength is exceeded, self-limiting
limited accordingly. plastic deformations are created during equalization of differ-
(2) In those borderline cases where the stresses cannot be ences of deformations.
clearly correlated to one of these classifications, the effect of
plastic deformation on the physical properties shall be the
determining factor under the assumption that the specified
load is exceeded.
KTA 3401.2 Page 6 Peak Stress tensors is a maximum. This maximum is the reference stress
(1) Peak stress (F) is that stress that is superimposed on the
sum of the corresponding primary and secondary stresses. It (4) If the stress conditions to be considered have the same
does not cause any noticeable deformations and is, therefore, principal stress direction then, whendetermining the reference
important only with regard to fatigue in conjunction with pri- stresses in accordance with the maximum shear stress hypo-
mary and secondary stresses. thesis, it is sufficient to determine the maximum of the differ-
ences between any, two principal stress directions. This
(2) The peak stresses also comprise the deviations from maximum represents the reference stress range in accor-
nominal stresses due to pressure and temperature in the case dance with the maximum shear stress hypothesis. A proof of
of rims of cutouts with other than pipe shaped reinforcements allowability for the reference stress range is not required if the
whereby the nominal stresses shall be derived from equilib- reference stress does not exceed the 0.2% strain limit (Rp0.2T)
rium considerations. or the yield strength (ReHT) in either of the service limit levels 1
and 2 (see Section 3.4).
5.2.4 Stress Superposition and, Stress Evaluation General 5.2.5 Allowable Stress Values

(1) For each loading condition the simultaneously and unidi- (1) The allowable stress values shall be related to the 0.2 %
rectionally acting stresses shall be superposed individually for strain limit (Rp0.2T) or the yield strength (ReHT) at the respec-
each stress category, or collectively for the different categories tively relevant temperatures.
as shown below. (2) The stresses allowed for the component also apply to the
(2) From these summations of stresses, the reference stress weld seams in conjunction with the manufacturing and quality
shall be determined for the primary stresses; the reference assurance requirements in accordance with KTA 3401.3. If the
stress ranges shall be determined individually for the sum of equations of the AD-Guidelines are used in the design, then a
primary and secondary stresses, and for the sum of primary weld seam factor of 1.0 may be applied.
stresses, secondary stresses and peak stresses. (3) If, in the following, allowable stress values are specified
(3) The reference stresses and reference stress ranges shall as being larger than 1.0 Rp0.2T or 1.0 ReHT, these shall be con-
be limited in accordance with Section 5.2.5. sidered as fictitious stresses, the adherence to which are
meant to limit resulting deformations. Reference Stresses (4) For the reference stresses determined from the primary
stresses in accordance with Section, and for the refer-
(1) The reference stresses, to be correlated to the different ence stress range as the sum of primary and secondary
primary stresses shall be calculated in accordance with the stresses in accordance with Section, the following
maximum shear stress hypothesis or with the deformation allowable stress values presented in terms of Rp0.2T or ReHT
energy hypothesis, and shall be compared to the respectively apply.
allowable values.
(5) In case of the service limit levels 0 and 1, the following
(2) After first establishing a Cartesian coordinate system, the limits apply:
numerical sums of the coincidentally and directionally acting
a) 0.67 Rp0.2T for the reference stress from general primary
stresses shall be established individually for
membrane stresses (Pm); however, the value of Rp0.2T may
a) the general primary membrane stresses, not exceed 370 N/mm² at room temperature and
b) the local primary membrane stresses, 320 N/mm² at 150 °C.
c) the sum of the general primary membrane stresses or of b) 0.75 Rp0.2T for the reference stress from local primary
the local primary membrane stresses and of the primary membrane stresses (Pl), from the sums of general primary
bending stresses. membrane stresses and primary bending stresses
(Pm + Pb), or from the sums of local primary membrane
For each of these three cases, the results shall be used to stresses and primary bending stresses (Pl + Pb).
determine the reference stresses in accordance either with the
maximum shear stress hypothesis or with the deformation (6) In the case of the level 1 service limit, the following re-
energy hypothesis. quirements apply in addition to items a and b of paragraph 5:
a) 1.67 Rp0.2T for the reference stress range from the sums of Reference Stress Range general primary membrane stresses, primary bending
stresses and secondary stresses (Pm + Pb + Q), or from
(1) To avoid the failure due to the sums of local primary membrane stresses, primary
a) propagating deformations, bending stresses and secondary stresses (Pl + Pb + Q);
however, the value of Rp0.2T may not exceed 370 N/mm² at
b) fatigue,
room temperature and 320 N/mm² at 150 °C.
the reference stress ranges corresponding to the different The loss-of-coolant incident (ST1) need not be considered
stress categories shall be determined and limited accordingly. in forming the reference stress range if in accordance with
(2) In case of item a, the necessary stress tensors shall be the specifications its assumed number of occurrences is
formed using the simultaneously acting stresses from the smaller than 5. The sum of the primary and secondary
primary and secondary stress categories and, in case of stresses from ST1 shall be limited to 1.67 Rp0.2T. Here,
item b, using the simultaneously acting stresses from all stress temperature stresses in the containment vessel wall which
categories. are in equilibrium with each other may be neglected. This
also applies to temperature stresses in the nozzle regions
(3) From the group of stress conditions to be considered, of the containment vessel zones embedded in concrete.
and after establishing a fixed coordinate system, two stress b) For the reference stress range determined in accordance
conditions shall be chosen such that the reference stress with Section from the sum of primary stresses,
calculated as the difference between the corresponding stress secondary; stresses and peak stresses, a fatigue analysis
in accordance with Section 5.5 shall be performed.
KTA 3401.2 Page 7

c) In the case of level 2 service limit, the limit values in ac- (7) Table 5.2-1 lists the limit values for the stresses and
cordance with paragraph 5 items a and b and paragraph 6 stress ranges.
item a may be increased by 10 %. In the case of testing
loading conditions and other substantiated loading condi-
5.2.6 Stability Analysis
tions no secondary stress analysis and no fatigue analysis
need to be performed. The stability of pressure-retaining shells shall be analyzed
d) In the case of level 3 service limit, only primary stresses assuming applicable geometries and loads in accordance with
need to be analyzed. Here, the limit values in accordance DASt 013. The correlation between the service limit levels in:,
with paragraph 5 items a and b may be increased by 25 %. accordance with this safety standard and the. load cases in
accordance with DASt 013 is shown in Table 5.2-2.

1) 1)
Service Pm Pl, Pm + Pb + Q Pm + Pb + Q + F
Limit Level Pm + Pb or or or
Pl + Pb Pl + Pb + Q Pl + Pb + Q + F
0 0.67 · Rp0.2T 0.75 · Rp0.2T - -
1 0.67 · Rp0.2T 0.75 · Rp0.2T 1.67 · Rp0.2T fatigue analysis
2 0.75 · Rp0.2T 0.84 · Rp0.2T 1.84 · Rp0.2T fatigue analysis
3 0.84 · Rp0.2T 0.94 · Rp0.2T - -
Rp0,2T £ 370 N/mm² at room temperature
£ 320 N/mm² at T = 150 °C
For loading conditions from testing and other substantiated loading conditions no secondary stress analysis and fatigue
analysis need be carried out.

Table 5.2-1: Limit Values for the Stresses and Stress Range and Required Analyses for the Different Service Limit Levels

service limit levels load cases in accordance with 5.4.2 Transmission of Shear Forces
DASt 013 General
0 H
1 H (1) Shear force joints shall be designed to be symmetric to
the plane in which the force acts. Therefore, in the case of
2 HZ butt-jointed plates, coverplates on both sides shall be used,
3 HS with out exception.
(2) The calculation of shear force joints shall be based on
Table 5.2-2: Correlation of service limit levels and load cases Sec. 7.2 DIN 18 800 Part 1 under consideration of Sec-
in accordance with DASt 013 tions and
(3) The distance of hole edges and the hole spacing shall be
determined in accordance with Sec. DIN 18 800 Part 1.
5.3 Anisotropic Plate and Shell Structures and Frame
(4) Shear force joints shall be constructed in accordance
with Sec. 3.3 DIN 18 800 Part 7.
The stress and stability analyses shall be performed in accor-
dance with generally accepted standards of civil engineering Combined Shear/Bearing Pressure Joints
under consideration of the stress type and its assumed num-
ber of occurrence. The allowable stresses shall be presented (1) Combined shear/bearing pressure joints (SL, SLP) may
in terms of the Rp0.2T or ReHT value of the steel employed. be designed for closely fitted bolts of the strength class 5.6 in
accordance with DIN 7968, or with bolts of the strength
class 10.9 in accordance with DIN 6914 whose shafts and
5.4 Bolt Joints
threads are in accordance with DIN 7968. In the case that the
5.4.1 General displacements to be expected are insignificant and the
stresses occur without change of direction then non closely
(1) The forces to be transmitted shall be determined for all fitted bolts of the strength class 10.9 in accordance with
service limit levels in accordance with Section 3.4. In the case DIN 6914 may be used.
of bolts subjected to tensile stress, their prestress shall be
considered if it was not already taken into account in the (2) The bolt diameter and material thickness should be cor-
specification of allowable stresses. related to each other such that relation (5.4-1) is satisfied.
(2) For the components to be joined, it shall be shown that t a act s 1 act
the limit values for the stresses and stress range specified in = 0 .8 × (5.4-1)
accordance with Section 5.2.5 are not exceeded under con- t a all s 1 all
sideration of the reduction of the cross-section due to the bolt
holes. (act = actual; all = allowed)
The allowed values of the bolt bearing pressures of and of the
shear stress s1, to be calculated in accordance with equa-
tions 13 and 14a DIN 18 800 Part 1, are specified in Ta-
ble 5.4-1.
KTA 3401.2 Page 8

5.4.3 Shear Joints with External Tensile Loading Non-Slip Joints (1) If bolt joints are subjected to coincidental shear and
tensile forces, then, unless the joints concerned are of subor-
(1) Non-slip joints (GV - high-strength non-fitted bolts; GVP - dinate nature, bolts of strength class 10.9 with a pre-stress in
high-strength fitted bolts) shall be designed with bolts of accordance with Section shall be used.
strength class 10.9 in accordance with Sec. 3.3.3 DIN 18 800
Part 7. The pre-stress shall, however, be limited to (2) In this case, the calculated tensile force of the bolt shall
0.9 Rp0.2T,S, where Rp0.2T,S is the 0.2 % strain limit of the bolt not exceed 60 % of the prestress force. If the maximum of this
material at the highest temperature to be expected. value is actually used in a GV-joint, then the allowable shear
force per contact surface shall be reduced to 0.2 times the
(2) In case of unequal thermal expansion between the bolt calculated value. In the case of GVP-joints, this reduction
material and the material of the joined components, the effect applies only to the component term QGVall. Intermediate values
of the prestress force of the bolts shall be considered. may be linearly interpolated.
(3) Non-closely fitted bolts (GV-joint) in accordance with (3) A fatigue analysis is not required for the tensile loading of
DIN 6914 or closely fitted bolts (GVP-joint) of strength bolts pre-stressed in accordance with Section
class 10.9 may be used.
(4) In case of GV-joints, the maximum allowable transferable 5.4.4 Tensile Joints
force, QGVall, shall equal
(1) For tensile joints, an exact analysis shall be carried out
m on the basis of the theory of elasticity under consideration of
QGVall = × PV (5.4-2 )
n deformation of the seals. Any bending stress exerted on the
bolt shall be included in the stress analysis. The effectiveness
per bolt and friction surface. of the seal shall be assured.
In equation (5.4-2): (2) Particular attention shall be paid to the extent to which
PV = pre-stress force of the bolt, the entire joint construction can sustain deformation.
N = friction coefficient of the contact surfaces. Generally, m (3) The tensile stress and the bending tensile, stress may
shall be set equal to 0.5 unless the friction coefficient for not exceed 0.67 Rp0.2T.
the material of the component is experimentally deter-
mined by an acknowledged testing institute under consid- Note:
AD-B7 and AD-B8 may be applied until DIN 2505 appears in its
eration of the preparation of the contact surfaces and of new version.
the determining component temperature. The friction coef-
ficient shall be reduced in correspondence to the ratio of
Rp0.2T,B to ReH(St37) if this ratio is less than 1.0 5.5 Fatigue Analysis
(see Table 5.4-1 for the meaning of Rp0.2T,B;
5.5.1 General
ReH(St37) = 240 N/mm²). If a glide resistant coating is used,
consideration shall be given to its behavior upon being A fatigue analysis shall be performed in order to avoid failure
heated; this behavior shall always be determined by ex- from fatigue due to repeated change in loading. The stresses
periment. used in the fatigue analysis shall be calculated linear-
u = safety factor against gliding elastically. The reference stress range shall be determined
from all stresses, including the peak stresses (F).
Stress level 1:
u = 1.25 in the case of dominantly steady loads, and
5.5.2 Limiting the Fatigue Stress
u = 1.4 .otherwise
Stress level 2: (1) Since the reference stress ranges
u = 1.1 sV = 2   sA = 2 E20 (5.5-1)
Stress level 3: take on differently large values, they shall be suitably grouped
u = 1.0 in steps of 2 sAi; the contributions of the reference stress
ranges to the fatigue stress in accordance with the linear elas-
tic theory shall be accumulated as shown below.
The allowable bolt bearing pressure is
Stress level 1: 2.0 Rp0.2T,B (2) For each group sAi = Sa, the allowable number of stress
cycles ni shall be determined from the fatigue curve in accor-
Stress level 2: 2.2 Rp0.2T,B dance with Figure 5.5-1; this value shall be compared to the
Stress level 3: 2.5 Rp0.2T,B number of specified stress cycles, ni, or, in the case of a re-
(5) In case of GVP-joints, the allowable shear force per computation, to those that actually occurred during operation.
friction or shear surface, QGVPall, shall be calculated in accor- (3) The sum of the quotients ni / n̂i is the degree of fatigue,
dance with equation 16 DIN 18 800 Part 1. The required
QSLPall shall be determined in accordance with Section D:
of this safety standard and QGVall in accordance with equa- n1 n 2 n
tion (5.4-2). D= + + ... + i £ 1.0 (5.5-2)
n̂1 n̂ 2 n̂i
(6) If GVP-joints are loaded with stress resultants of alter-
nating signs, then the transferal of the force with the larger The fatigue curves of Figure 5.5-1 are experimentally derived
absolute value shall be demonstrated with QSLPall and that with from one-axial alternations of elongation; the elongations where
the smaller absolute value with QGVall. multiplied by the modulus of elasticity, so that the y-axis repre-
sents units of stress (these are fictitious values for the region of
plastification). The “allowable” curves where derived from the
lower envelope of the experimental results under consideration of
different tensile strengths and additional safety factors.
KTA 3401.2 Page 9

are no concerns with regard to safety, provided they are not

already required to be removed for other reasons.
5.6 Shape Deviations
Shape deviations from manufacturing that exceed the limits in
accordance with Sec. 5 KTA 3401.3 are only allowed if there

closely fitted bolts with a play £ 0.3 mm non-closely fitted bolts with a play £ 1.0 mm
strength class 5.6 10.9 with a pre-stress ³ 0.5 PV
in accordance with Table 1, column 2 DIN 18 800 Part 7
bolts bearing 1.33 Rp0.2T,B 1.75 Rp0.2T,B 1.50 Rp0.2T,B
pressure sl £ as · 480 N/mm²
shear stress ta as · 210 N/mm² as · 280 N/mm² as · 240 N/mm²
The allowable stresses may be increased by 10 % for level 2 service limit and by 25 % for level 3 service limit.
Rp0.2T,B = 0.2 % strain limit Rp0.2T or yield strength ReHT of the component material at the individually decisive tempera-
Rp0.2T, S
as =

Rp0.2T,S = 0.2 % strain limit Rp0.2T or yield strength ReHT of the bolt material at the individually determining temperatures
Rp0.2RT,S = 0.2 % strain limit Rp0.2T or yield strength ReH of the bolt material at room temperature

Table 5.4-1: Allowable Stresses for Combined Shear/Bearing Pressure Joints

Figure 5.5-1: Fatigue curves for ferritic steels

KTA 3401.2 Page 10

Appendix A

Regulations Referred to in this Safety Standard

Regulations referred to in this safety standard are valid only in the Versions cited below. Regulations which are referred to within
these regulations are valid only in the Version that was valid when the latter regulations were established or issued.

Atomic Energy Act Act an the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy and the Protection against
its Dangers (Atomgesetz - Atomic Energy Act) in the Version made
public an October 31, 1976 (BGBl. I, page 3053), last modified
August 20, 1980 (BGBl. I, page 1556)
KTA 3401.1 (11/82) Steel Containment Vessels
Part 1: Materials
KTA 3401.3 (10/79) Steel Containment Vessels
Part 3: Manufacture
KTA 3401.4 (3/81) Steel Containment Vessels
Part 4: Inservice Inspections
KTA 3403 (10/80) Cable Penetrations through the Reactor Containment Vessel
DASt 013 (7/80) Demonstration of Safety against Buckling in Shells
DIN 18 800 Part 1 (3/81) Steel Structures; Design
DIN 18 800 Part 7 (5/83) Steel Structures; Manufacture, Demonstration of Suitability for Welding
DIN 6914 (3/79) Large-Key Hexagon Bolts for High Strength Connections in Steel
DIN 7968 (1/71) Fitted Hexagon Bolts, without Nuts, with Hexagonal Nuts, for Steel

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