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I. Introduction
II. Election
III. Powers and Functions
IV. Critical Analysis

I. Introduction
o Unicameral Turkish legislature
o Sole body given prerogative of legislature by the Constitution
o Founded in Ankara in the midst of Turkish War of Independence
o The parliament was fundamental in creating Modern Turkey from the remnants of the
Ottoman Empire.
o Under the Constitution of 1961, GNA was bicameral
o In the 1982 Constitution it was again restored to unicameralism.

II. Election
o 600 members and 5 years term | 87 Electoral Districts
o D’hondt Method; a party list proportional system.
o A party must win 10% of the electoral votes to send its MPs to the Parliament.
o Two parties won seats in legislature in 2002, three in 2007, five in 2015 and four in
o Main Parties
 I) Justice and Development Party (AKP)
 Ii) The Nationalist Movement (MHP)
 Iii) Republic People’s Party (CHP)
 IV) People’s Democratic Party (HDP)
III. Powers and Functions
o 1. Legislative Powers
 Enact new laws and make alterations whenever required.
 After 2017 referendum, it lost the power to supervise the Council of Ministers
and to authorize it to issue governmental decrees.
 Laws of the Parliament to stand supreme over Presidential decree in case of
 Override Presidential veto with absolute majority. (301)
 Lost the power of vote of confidence after 2017 referendum.
o 2. Executive Powers
 Strict division between Legislature and Executive has weakened the executive
 Approves the ratification of international treaties
 Power to authorize war.
 Authorized to use army to fulfil obligations of International Law
 Competent to allow foreign troops in Turkey or give them free passage.
o 3. Control over Finances
 Debates, approves and rejects the budget proposed by the President.
 Makes decisions regarding the printing of currency.
 Finance Act
 Appropriation Act
o 4. Judicial Powers
 Appoints 3 members of the Constitutional Court.
 Appoints 7 members of Board of Judges and Prosecutors through a two round
voting system.
 Indicts President, Vice Presidents, and Ministers.
o 5. Emergency Powers
 Parliament approves the state of emergency declared by the President.
 The Parliament can extend, remove or shorten it.
 States of emergency can be extended for up to six months at a time except
during war, where no such limitation will be required.
 Every presidential decree issued during a state of emergency will need an
approval of Parliament.
 Martial law has been abolished and all other forms have been merged into
single form of state of emergency.
 6. Parliamentary Enquiries
 Powers of Parliamentary Research, Parliamentary Investigation, General
Discussion and Written Question.
 Interpellation is abolished and replaced with Parliamentary Investigation.
IV. Critical Analysis
o It can be argued that the Parliament has been strengthened after 2017 Referendum to
keep a check on a strong President.
o Power of overriding vetoes, Indicting the President and his cabinet have increased the
influence of the Parliament.
o But the president having the seat of party leader can still sway the deputies to his favor
o President vis-a-vis Constitutional Council -> Judicial Review
o A unicameral legislature does not justly represent the different factions of the Turkish

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