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GROUP GO! HISTORY Me ee et ee eC Ure ea ian ur ed ei Oe Carre De ere CE eC Ru US ecu ALOT Ce ce Lore Both high stemmed sunflowers celebrate the peace. They are fully aware and ‘show gratefuliness to the allusive flower —fleur de lys - sheltered at the low end of the belly. The flower has iniated and conducted the process of peace that the eee ets The correspondence between the abundance of food ant the abundance of diamonds is striking. The abundance is associated to peace kindly illustrated by the peacefullness of the bird on each face of the cup. He fills himself with ‘sunflower seeds given by the earth, watered by lines of diamonds, and blessed bythe Sun. The abundance is double, on both faces of the cup, as it is granted to oe a ree arc) See en cet er) Perrone Ce Cee Cae Rue CRC tr It is plausible, given the numerous cultural and artistic exchanges, that the See ea ee eee ee eer St. Petersburg, where the Marquis de Villeneuve was reputed. The artist would ideally combine oriental symbolism with French taste to honor and gratifty the Cea net nor en eC Era erie iL ca oe aa) Po ee LU em is of real complexity for a goldsmith, and requires the skill of a talented jeweler to. Ce Ce Cea cae Pee ee ee ee Re eee ee eee enc meant to be a diplomatic gift rewarding services. cy GROUPE HISTORY eee Peer nT ete eet nie rene ee ors ee ee eee Geo) artistic dominion. The similarity of tastes between the two courts is essential, to ee ee ee ee eee ene] sultanate wish while enhanced the St. Petersburg school. The cup is therefore ee ee ake aed Cee ees eee unt i ee enti ht eo es ee ae ‘That provides the cup an additional dimension of uniqueness as the jeweler did not sign his production. The cup is at the fringe of 1739 and 40 when he is De Rees However it, does not exclude the cup from being offered by Said Effendi in 1742 CR ROR eee ee and aes Louis XV has carefully chosen the Grande Galerie des Glaces to hold the Imtermew. The gallery, frst of its kind had produced a deep turmoil among European courts and was known to produce great impact on foreign visitors. eater iene ee ene te Ce ue Rute es The mirrors were reflecting the Sun and offen blinded the visitors on purpose. Pee ecur ec) Ce ee ear position as he requires the urgent intercession of France to comply Russia to respect the terms of the treaty of Belgrade, frequently violated. ‘Once more, Russia is threatening peace and France is keen to accept for several od ‘The king wishes to protect the trading with the Orient which is booming. Added Pte Ce Une RICO ie ag ‘Turkish way of life called " Les Turqueries” and least, the flattering position of Ce et eee ge Cod DATATION Hard stones and semi precious stones ee eer eg ee te tog eee eee ed Rete ete te einen Frequently used for producing fine qualily works, itis either gren wilh Visible red spots, or gren with standing back red spots. Numerous snuff boxes embellished with diamonds associate the heliotrope jasper. Inthe second haif of the 18th century Russia was reowned for its high passion for CS uh UC oer Ue ure a eu ea eT er ay Chu ete ee a Oe nT ers Provenance, cut, sizing of diamonds Upto 16th century, India and more specially Golconda, was the sole area of Production of diamonds in the world, together with Borneo. The Brazilian mines were discovered in the 18th century: they feeded the market untill the end of the 19th century, when were discovered the famous South African ee ee ee ee a to the general public. They quality observed on the cup of peace indicates acu eet ee RCO to eee Tue meen cr) variable facets, does not allow the light to diffuse at ease in the diamond to reach the flat base and get out. If the diamond is cut too flat, the light gets Ree A ee in light. New cuts in second part of the century, as well as the ones inthe Re te ee ee cee eo Pe ee nee a) cat ts Metal setting of diamonds Peer ee ack ete ee] aC ete eet ee eee eee te er ee ae ear demand of foreign commissioners for color in 1750. The late century will Ee err ae ee ke ee ry ‘second half century, jewelers of the court desert progressively the foiling enn ee nee sees eee et eee eer Pauzie later followed by pupil Louis David Duval, consists in mingling eee ee eee ten eee et tee area Comes cy GROUP: 1B THE CUP OF PEACE Masset: Rou ey Cr cee eeu romney forse ed Les Tabatarieres du Musee du Louvre — Edition dela Reunion Petes ert aro) Pens TO OS ue ee Cus Ten masterpieces of the Treasury of the State Pe Leste e ee RC Ot een ue Pee Nor eet ot ete ed Pos Ru uu re eect a Pee) Te aut eC A ek tc Historie des Traites de Paix entre les puissances de l'Europe ree eas CU Cu eeu R To GROUPE Ol8y THE CUP OF PEACE ROC e OO RU ee CLO Torms of the cup. Ine number 45 whicn replicates tne one scratcnea OCC Ue CU a on Mt was —mean tor or reterring- to a woman. ‘The case bears a discreet brown tone and has obviosuly been handled allot. It is covered by a stamped fleur de lys easily identified. However, it does not constitute a viable identification proof as it may have been eeu cet GROUPELOWAL eo + | bad ES \y = wh ‘ A why} Uj JN m A THE CUP OF PEACE Peng rer oeterd Retr onc Ly Cre ee ead De DAML Ce cue Sieg Sr ray Dee ances De by| rene icay Deo te eg ed re Un URC Cec co cor on eee Tea) -: —_ iP IMPORTANT NOTICE ~ DISCLAIMER ‘Statement made in this brochure, are given honestly and with appropriate Any statomont made wethor orally or in writting, concerning attribution to for example an artist, school or country of origin, or history or provenance, ‘or any date or period, are expression of our opinion or boliofs. Our opinion and beliefs have been formed honestly and in accordance with the standart Bre eee tee Ceo eee eee eu opinions and beliefs stated in this brochure give a reliable picture of the Deus it must be clearly understood that, expertises evolve, as well as opinions which may change. ‘Therefore, we recommend that for such items of significant value such as CO ee een Pree ici are Sea Ae aL inthe case of items of significant value before placing bids Works of Art such as the piece presented hereto are rarely in perfect conditions, and may show damage and imperfections, restaurations or Pee a THE CUP OF PEACE See ed a enerenci tty oct MO nu cu a Rene eRe ed eet OE Cue uence) Pend ees DT Cu emo AO CeCe ey GROUP: rer ee re eae SE ee ee ee ee rd BS hel ee en a ed eA Ea Le ee tel A melodious Feast of life sings mellow fruitfulness with a keen caer Driven style, allowing the ripeness of an enchanted Nature to be od SN EA ee ee te ar ad ea ae ee THE CUP OF PEACE Doe act cd Cu et Uae oa eR! ‘Snuff boxes in museums collections of foreign makers are Trequently unmarked. Ce A -: —_ iP ATTRIBUTION Cena Tee eae ead ne erate) Pee ee commissioned to a mere apprentice considering the & Considerable amount of stones. The style mapping : Fe pertennpetineeny enteral sar ery eee ert Lerner ait pian Hr eet en given to a diplomatic ambassador which explains pee u te tom er The cup of peace is aitributed to Jeremie Pauzie ( 1716 — 1779) and not from Pee oe Ree ieee Russia untill 1764, when he returns to live in Geneva. The few Works Se Onn ee eee) not bear any mark. Jeremie Pauzie was apprenticed for seven years at the age ee RC Oe en ea Peete Fe a uu cL ee eee eco eta SU a ec nec} ee ee a ee ry OOo ea ee es his future style: The imperfections scattered on the cup are precious to the collector and scholars as they anticipate the mature Works of the 1760's. oe eave ir et ee ecg] Pee ere ee et tan) TCE Doge rong eu cy PO Le een ir ore ere nied to produce a composite work. as well as his deep inclination for plavful Couns Pr CRO GROUP: IDENTITY CHART PROVENANCE er er Ue ee een) gs Cre Ee oe ate Overall fair state of preservation, with a frailness of the right handle and traces of oxidation. The stom holding the emerald has veered from its initial See Re ee Pe eee acu ee eee certs Hand Inscriptions:on the back of the foot, later inscribed with scratches And a number 45 clearly visible. Se a cua eeet d ese aca GROUP ELLO! PERIOD Stes eee ee rer Lontsn} Cee eee a ee ec French rococo. A fine piece of St.Petersburg production, referred as “the European window” where many foreign goldsmiths were favored since Peter the Great, and introduced a new style, illustrating the growing rave for diamonds among the aristocracy. A trend also observed in Ottoman STE Gee ee eee ee ee SOUT sharing a vibrant passion for precious stones and hard stones and treasuring small refined objects that married the whimsical spirit and style Tee ee Anomadic society, fostering keen interest and taste for foreign cultures. These years reflect a boiling cultural era of intellectual liberty with a ea ee eur eae ere eee from one royal court to another, each adapting to their qwn criteria, a sheer pe re eS Dee ea etc Petree erat Teen ae eet eres SU eee res per eer eretctg ee erat _ = CRU

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