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Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No.

2 – March 2022
Journal of Alexandria University for Administrative Sciences© Vol. 59, No. 2, March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention

Toward Counterfeit Brands: the Mediating
Role of Attitudes

Associate Professor, Business Administration Dept.

Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University

The main objective of this study is to investigate factors that potentially affecting
customers’ attitudes and intention to purchase counterfeit genuine brands. These factors
include social risks, religiosity, value consciousness, face consciousness and materialism.
To achieve this objective a questionnaire was administered with a convenience sample of
493 respondents from Lebanon. Mediation analysis was conducted to investigate the role of
attitudes as a mediator. Data analysis process didn’t support that both social risks and
religiosity negatively affect customer’s attitudes and intention to purchase counterfeit
genuine brands. Also, it didn’t support that value consciousness positively affects
customers’ attitudes and intention to purchase counterfeit genuine brands. the findings
support that face consciousness negatively affects customers’ attitudes and intention to
purchase counterfeit genuine brands while materialism positively affects customers’
attitudes and intention. Finally, the outcomes didn’t support that attitudes play a mediating
role among social risks, religiosity, value consciousness and customers intention while it is
support that they play a mediating role among face consciousness, materialism and
intention. The study outcomes benefit genuine brands marketers and government public
policy makers to inspire customers to buy genuine brands and encounter the threats of
counterfeit products. This research is considered as a pioneering study in analyzing
customers’ attitudes and predicting their behaviors to buy counterfeit genuine brands.
Keywords: Counterfeit Products- Social- Risks- Religiosity- Value- Consciousness- Face
Cnsciousness- Materialism- Attitudes- Customers Intention.

Received in 31/10 /2021, accepted in 11/11/2021.

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

a b

X c` Y

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Figure 3: path coefficients for value consciousness, social risk, religiosity, value
consciousness, face consciousness, and materialism on customers` intention. Note: ** p <

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

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Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022

Factors Affecting Customer Intention Toward Counterfeit Brands

‫‪Journal of Alexandria Univesity for Administrative Sciences© – Vol. 59 – No. 2 – March 2022‬‬

‫ه د هذههددراهة لة دديهةادداهل الدديهة ل ةندديهة لددتها اتدديهياهلددهلكهالددئهةل ه د ه ةا د هة د ا هة د ه ش دكةملهة اا د هاملدداليهة ا د ه‬

‫دديها د ه ل د ة هة د ه‬ ‫لاضددتهههددراهة ل ةندديهادديهنددههة ع د وكها ات الدديه ن د وها ع دنةوهة د ا ته ة شددل له د هة لتدديه ة شددل له‬
‫ة دا ددي ه ا ل ددههه ددرةهة د ههل ددقهةاد د ةده لاتل د هيدة هةل د سهة االا د ة ه ا د ملهال ددئهنكة ل دديهة لة د ه اد ل د هة د ليهف دداهن د د ه‬
‫ة اا د هاملدداليهة اد ه تد هلددقهيددة هالادديهن ددك هة ةن د ه‪394‬هنفددكد هنددههن د ات هة اا د هاملدداليهة اد هفدداه اد ا ه اد ملهالددئه‬
‫ة لة د هة د يهلددقهةاا د لهال هد هالددئهةل د هة االا د هة ددلبه ة ددروه د لاها ددسه د اهناالا د ة هة لة دديهة ددا ايه د اهة االا د هة اد سه‬
‫ه هة ا ةا هة شكةئلي‬
‫ةد د هي ددك ه اد د ئاهة ا ال دديهاة د د ه ددراهة لة دديها ددههاد د وهلبالد د هة فكط ددليهة ل ددتهل ددا هال دداه د د دهل ددبل ه ددا ته ت دديهن ددههة عد د وكه‬
‫ا ات الدديه ن د وها ع دنةوهة د ا تهفدداهادديهنددههال ه د ه ة ا ةا د هة ش دكةئليه ات د ا ه د هة دكةملهة اا د هاملدداليهة ا د ه ت د هي ددك ه‬
‫ة اا د ئاها ددهها د وهل د القههكط ددليهة ددمه ددباهة ش ددل له د هة لت دديها ددهلكهل ددبل ةهيا ل د هال ددئهةل ه د هة د ا ه ةا د اهة ش دكةئلي ه ت د ه‬
‫دديها د ه ل د ة هة د هلددهلكهلددبل ةه ددا ل هالدداهادديهنددههةل ه د هة د ا ه ه‬ ‫شددفذهة اا د ئاهياض د هاددههل د القههكطددليهياهة شددل له‬
‫ةا اهة شكةئليه شكةملهة اا هاملاليهة ا هين ه ن يه ات داديهه د هي دك هة ااد ئاه دباههدرةهة االا د هادهلكهلدبل ةهيا لد هفداهةل هد ه‬
‫ة ا ه ةا اهة شكةئليه هة اا هاملاليهة ا ه‬
‫ددر ه ددقهله د ه ا د ئاهة ددمهة ة د ااهة فكط ددليه ددباهال ه د هلال د هة د لهة ددلبه د اهادديهن ددههة ع د وكها ات ال دديه ن د وها ع دنةوه‬
‫ة د ا ته ة ش ددل له د هة لت دديه د اهة االا د هة ا د سه ه د هة ا ةا د هة ددا ليه ش دكةملهة اا د هاملدداليهة ا د ه فدداهة ا دديهه د هيا د ه ا د ئاه‬
‫دديها د ه ل د ة هة د ه ة دادديه د اهة االا د ه‬ ‫ة لة دديهة ة لدديهة فكطددليه ددباهال هد هلال د هة د لهة ددلبه د اهادديهنددههة شددل له‬
‫ة ا سه ه هة ا ةا هة شكةئلي‬
‫لة يهة ة لديهلفلد هاديهندههل د هة د ههة دراهها د ن اهناا د هيملداليهن اد ه در هملد ل ةهة ل د ه‬ ‫ياهة اا ئاهة لتهة ن هة‬
‫هل د اقها د دةهنددهها ل د هة فل د ه ةف دلهة د ا اه د هة دكةملهة ل ن د هاملدداليه ة ا د وه ة دديهنع د وكه‬ ‫ة ةت نلدديه ك د هنددههد د‬
‫ه لا د ههددرةهة ددمهن ددههة لة د هة كةئ د هة ل ددتهلا ددذهل ال دديهةل ه د هة لت د مله ة ان ددهه ددا قهة ش دكة ه‬ ‫ة اا د هامل دداليهة ا د‬
‫ا‬ ‫ل اهة اا هاملاليهة‬
‫ديه د ه ل د ة ه‬ ‫ة اا د هة اد ‪-‬هة عد وكها ات الددي‪-‬هند ها عدنةوهة د ا ت‪-‬هة شددل له د هة لتدي‪-‬هة شددل له‬
‫ا‬ ‫‪-‬هة داي‪-‬هإلال ه ‪-‬هه ليهة‬ ‫ة‬

‫‪All rights reserved © 2022‬‬


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