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Jahnvi, the CEO

Saloni, the HR Manager

Bhanu, the Sales Manager

Raj, the Marketing Manager

Anchal, the IT Manager

Anvaya, the Customer Service Manager

Harshita, the Junior Employee

Scene: A conference room in a modern office building. The room is furnished with a large
conference table, comfortable chairs, and a whiteboard. There are water bottles and coffee mugs
on the table.

(All seven characters are present in the conference room, except for Steve, the CEO, who enters
a few minutes late.)

Saloni: Good morning, everyone. Let's start the meeting. Today, we're here to discuss the issue
of work pressure.

Bhanu: About time. I feel like I'm constantly on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

Raj: Same here. The workload is insane, and there's no end in sight.

Anchal: I agree. And with all the technology problems we're having, it's just making things

Anvaya: The customers are getting more demanding by the day, and it's putting a lot of pressure
on my team.

Harshita: I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just want to say that I'm feeling overwhelmed too.

Saloni: Thank you, Harshita. That's important to hear. Jahnvi, what do you think about this

Jahnvi: (sighs) Look, I know you're all under a lot of pressure, and I'm sorry about that. But we
need to keep pushing forward. We're a successful company, and we can't afford to slow down.

Bhanu: But how can we keep going at this pace? We're burning out.

Raj: Yeah, I've already seen a few of my team members quit because of the stress.
Anvaya: Me too. And that's hurting our customer service ratings.

Anchal: And we're losing productivity with all these IT issues. We need more resources.

Harshita: And I feel like I'm drowning at work. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

Saloni: It's clear that we need to address this issue before it becomes a bigger problem. Steve, I
suggest we bring in some outside consultants to help us find solutions.

Jahnvi: I don't know if that's necessary. (in this case janhvi has displayed the lack of social
awareness where she is unable to deal with the feelings of other individual in the organization
and thus she is not a good CEO)

Saloni: With all due respect, Jahnvi, you're not the one feeling the pressure that everyone here is
experiencing. We need to take action before it's too late.

Bhanu: Saloni's right. We need to find some way to alleviate this pressure.

Raj: Maybe we could hire more staff to lighten the load.

Anchal: Or invest in better technology to prevent these constant issues.

Anvaya: And we need to look at ways to improve our customer service without sacrificing the
mental health of our employees.

Harshita: And maybe we could have more flexible work hours or work from home options.

Meeting ended.

Informal meeting

Bhanu: she is a complete idiot she don't know how to deal with subscriber situations we are
doing so much for the company and she is like you are doing nothing we just want to increase
and increase and increase.

Raj: bro let's resign from here and do job somewhere else.

Saloni: Are you guys’ idiot or what, this is not a solution you have to calm your nerves and just
think from her perspective. Yeah, I know she is being too much, but we must focus on the thing
that as a company we have to achieve success in growth and that will require hard work. Here
what we can do we will ask her to increase the number of members in our team so that we can
divide the work as well as you will also ask to appoint new individuals that will help us to
allocate our work and reduce our work. (Self-management).
Informal meeting 2

Anchal: terror

Anvaya: disgust

Harshita: peace

Meeting- 2

(As the meeting ends, the characters all leave the room, feeling a sense of relief that their
concerns have been heard.)

End of skit.

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