IDE Compass 12-2013-3

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Newsletter for and by international students

2 01 3
Industrial Design Engineering

Graduation Project 2
Living in Delft 3
Positive Design Day
Faculty of

Some of the international students paid a visit to

IDE News 4 Giethoorn and had a lovely day out. Giethoorn is a

picturesque village in the province of Overijssel in the
North-East side of the Netherlands about 175 km away
from Delft. It is a nice destination for a daytrip or a
summer weekend! In winter, when there is snow and
ice, and when the canals are frozen, it is a beloved
destination for the Dutch to go on an ice skating tour.

Giethoorn is known in the

Netherlands as ‘Venice of
the North’. In the old part
of the village, there were
no roads (nowadays there
is a cycling path), and all
transport was done by
water over one of the many
canals. Visitors are able to
rent a boat for a tour.
mpass 12


Graduation Project

Gboluwaga IDE Graduation Manual,
Olubunmi September 2011

I remember writing my letter of It can either be done internally, (From outside the TU network you
motivation while applying to TU
Delft. Part of the requirement
was to include three choices of
within the IDE faculty, or externally
with a company or government body
outside the IDE faculty.
only have access to abstracts of
theses – go to options and then
enter the faculty of Industrial
Diego Alatorre
graduation assignment. I had a Design Engineering). Master: Design for Interaction
mental picture of what I wanted to In your third semester of study, You can find examples of graduation
do, but I wasn’t quite sure of what there will be further orientation and opportunities at > IDE > My graduation project aims to develop a practical
would be expected. workshops on how to find a suitable IDE Graduation > Graduation intervention to prevent psychological burnout of
Let me briefly share some graduation project, exploring topics opportunities. employees with early symptoms of stress. Such a tool will
information about the graduation like how to discover what you want be embodied in a tactual interactive product, which will
project. and much more. There is also a Here are some examples of be used by people working in engineering-related office
Graduation Support Centre, which graduation projects from the environments.
The Graduation Project is executed helps students with preparing and different master programmes in IDE I got the assignment from the graduation opportunities
during the fourth (final) semester executing the project. You can also (Industrial Design Engineering); billboard in the ground floor of the faculty.
of the Master study. The Project is visit to Integrated Product Design, Design
worth 33 EC, the equivalent of 22 access a repository of graduation for Interaction and Strategic Product
weeks of study. projects. Design.

Product Design

Miguel Angel
Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands Melgarejo Fuentes
A new sanitation system for slums in urban dense areas
Yunan Wang This project was part of the TU Delft
chapter of the Bill & Melinda Gates
The result of this project is a proposed
new sanitation system for Indian slums in
Master: Integrated Product Design Foundation’s “Reinvent the Toilet” urban dense areas. The solution provides
Challenge. The thesis centered on flexible toilet seat availability during the
My graduation project is about creating the designing a new service, system, business day through the use of fixed and mobile
integrated visitor experience by designing supportive model and implementation plan, making facilities.
products or interactive installments in the Awarehouse of sure that the technology and product An off-grid waste processing plant, which
Interface, which is a global carpet tiles company. development efforts align towards the generates energy out of human feces
The main purpose of this project is to enhance the feeling user and its needs in a sustainable way; using plasma gasification technology,
of design, innovation and sustainability of Interface defining the strategic areas of business supports the operation.
Company through improving the visitor experience. and design.

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mpass 12


Delft is small, but life in Delft is colorful!

Living in Delft

Expand your study life

1. Dok Library
Vesteplein 100
To have a change of
study place

2. Coffee company
Markt 19-21
Have a coffee, and order
a cake, another cozy
afternoon reading books

3. Gamma Delft
Leeuwenstein 35
All kinds of materials you
can find there, especially
woods, good place for

Explore your cultural life

1. Filmhuis Lumen
Doelenplein 5
Cozy cinema with
Arthouse films
Enjoy your daily life Embrace your casual life
2. Jazz Café De Bebop 3. Royal Delft 1. Delft market
market 2. Kobus Kuch 1. Oostpoort (Eastern gate) 2. Delft lake (Delftse Hout)
Kromstraat 33 Rotterdamseweg 196 every Thursday and Saturday Beestenmarkt 1 Sitting on a bench overlooking behind IKEA Delft
Every Tuesday night you Beautiful museum, just 09:00 - 16:00 at city center Apple pie, apple pie, the Oostpoort and the water Now that summer is coming it
can listen to a Jazz band near the faculty, the shop is Lovely market, must buy the apple pie! surrounding it with an icecream is basic to have a BBQ there!
for free there! especially worth a visit! muffin on Thursday! from Beaart ice salon :)

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mpass 12



CAN DESIGN CONTRIBUTE TO THE Implementation of a new electives model
WELLBEING OF INDIVIDUALS AND From September 2013 the Consequences for specialisations
COMMUNITIES? IF SO, HOW? faculty of IDE will implement a The current specialisations
new model to cluster electives in ‘Automotive’ and ‘Retail Design will
These questions are central to the the masters. merge into this new model, which
Positive Design Day, hosted on May means that the current electives
24 by our faculty of Industrial Design This new model will give the which are part of the specialisation
Engineering, TU Delft. Three international students the opportunity to (better) will (mostly) remain but that the
speakers will present their ideas on define their personal profile, title ‘specialisation’ will seize to
design for wellbeing, and the Delft an essential competence for an exist.‘Medisign’ however will remain

24 | 5
Institute of Positive Design (DIOPD) will industrial designer. A predefined an official specialisation as it is
be officially launched. route does not offer sufficient closely related to the Medisign
In addition, there will be interactive positive flexibility to anticipate the research of the faculty of IDE and
exhibitions in ten locations in the faculty
that represent an overview of the
design developments in society and in the
faculty’s design research.
is embedded in collaborations
transcending TU Delft such as
diversity of experience-driven design day the Delft Health Initiative and the
research at Industrial Design Engineering. Medical Delta.
inaugural lecture | Pieter Desmet
launch | Delft Institute of Positive Design
speakers | Marc Hassenzahl | Marije Vogelzang | Andrew Shoben

In the afternoon, Pieter Desmet will give exhibition | Experience Design Research

information & registration |

his inaugural lecture ‘Positive Design’

at the TU Delft auditorium. He will The faculty of IDE would like to Delftulip for more information),
discuss current opportunities to design congratulate all newly admitted Meet IDE - the faculty introduction
for wellbeing, and present his vision on students! day for students new to the faculty
the developments in experience-driven In the coming weeks all admitted where you receive all kind of
design research. students will be contacted by useful information about studying
a Long Distance Mentor, this is at the faculty of IDE, and the
an international student in the Master Introduction Week at the
same MSc programme who will faculty (a course called Generic
answer questions about the MSc and Professional Skills) where
programme, the faculty, life in you get acquainted with your
More interesting events in 2013 will be the Delft or whatever you would like MSc programme and your fellow
inaugural lecture of our Dean, Ena Voûte, to know about studying and living students in this MSc programme.
on Friday 13 September and the inaugural in Delft. When you arrive in Delft We at the faculty of IDE hope to
lecture of Elisa Giaccardi on Friday 13 there will be a lot of useful and meet you in Delft in August!
December. And the year 2014 is our 45th fun introduction activities such as

anniversary year! the Introduction Programme for Willemine Biemond,
all new international students (see Coordinator international affairs faculty of IDE

Colophon International Office Contact

y 013

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IDE Compass no. 12, 2013 Faculty of Industrial Design

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Edited by People International Office IDE

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Vo ra
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od ID
22 r o g o d

P S op

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Gboluwaga Olubunmi Ms. W. (Willemine) Biemond MSc Landbergstraat 15

p a a r d li

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En a u

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(G Sc

Yunan Wang (International MSc students and 2628 CE Delft



Rong Cai internationlisation policy) T +31 (0)15 278 3180

F +31 (0)15 278 7790
Layout Mrs. J.N. (Janneke) Arkesteijn E
G U S T 29 30 2 S E6 P T13
EMBER Corrie van der Lelie (Exchange students)

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