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20/11/22, 22:02 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES III (58145)

(ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA)

Fecha de entrega
20 de nov en 23:59
14 de nov en 0:00 - 20 de nov en 23:59
Límite de tiempo
20 minutos


Congratulations for having reviewed the information for the week and having practiced with the
different exercises proposed. The time has come for you to challenge yourself and take the following
Quiz. Remember that you have only one attempt. 

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense in simple past or past progressive.

Pay attention: DO NOT USE capital letters and DO NOT leave blank spaces, if it’s not necessary.

Remember: We use Simple Past for short actions and Past Progressive for long actions.  

Good luck!

Historial de intentos
Intento Hora Puntaje
13 minutos 20 de 20

Puntaje para este examen:

20 de 20
Entregado el 20 de nov en 22:02
Este intento tuvo una duración de 13 minutos.


While my father was watching (watch) TV, my mother was

listening to music. 1/6
20/11/22, 22:02 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES III (58145)

Pregunta 1 2
/ 2 pts

1. Cuniraya was walking
(walk) through

the Pachacamac Temple when he saw a beautiful girl.  

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! walking

espuesta correcta WALKING

Pregunta 2 2
/ 2 pts

Before Inti God sent

(send) his children near the

regions of the Titicaca lake, humans had

(have) a sad

and hard life.

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! sent

espuesta correcta SENT

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! HAD

espuesta correcta had

Pregunta 3 2
/ 2 pts 2/6
20/11/22, 22:02 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES III (58145)

After Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo helped

 (help) to

settle the communities, they started

(start) having a better


Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! helped

espuesta correcta HELPED

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! started

espuesta correcta STARTED

Pregunta 4 2
/ 2 pts

 Leonard was nine when he found

 (find) the temple.  

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! found

espuesta correcta FOUND

Pregunta 5 2
/ 2 pts

Farmers and Incas thought

 (think) the sun was their god

because they got

(get) good food when they had good

climate. 3/6
20/11/22, 22:02 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES III (58145)

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! thought

espuesta correcta THOUGHT

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! GOT

espuesta correcta got

Pregunta 6 2
/ 2 pts

While I was studying

 (study) for the exam, the phone


Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! studying

espuesta correcta STUDYING

Pregunta 7 2
/ 2 pts

They were having
(have) fun when

the jewelry disappeared   

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! having

espuesta correcta HAVING 4/6
20/11/22, 22:02 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES III (58145)

Pregunta 8 2
/ 2 pts

When the Inca arrived, the farmers got

(get) surprised.

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! got

espuesta correcta GOT

Pregunta 9 2
/ 2 pts

Before Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo arrived

 (arrive) in

Cusco, the settle communities didn’t know

 (know) many

things to survive.

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! arrived

espuesta correcta ARRIVED

Respuesta 2:

¡Correcto! know

espuesta correcta KNOW

Pregunta 10 2
/ 2 pts

When we arrived
(arrive) nobody was there 5/6
20/11/22, 22:02 (ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA): INGLES III (58145)

Respuesta 1:

¡Correcto! arrived

espuesta correcta ARRIVED

Puntaje del examen:

20 de 20 6/6

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