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Which weighs more, heritage preservation or development?

When discussing the concept of sustainability, it is typically linked to the idea of development;
nevertheless, the primary emphasis is placed on the incorporation of the economic level. Due to
the fact that it is the subject of the investigation, a body of water is the center of attention in this
hypothetical situation. To get the most out of the Pasig river, you should first consider the fact
that the river itself has already demonstrated for a significant amount of time that it can provide a
means of subsistence as well as food for those who live in Laguna de Bay and Manila de Bay.
This is because the river has been around for a significant amount of time. This is a crucial stage
in the process. If we want future generations to be able to continue to appreciate this wonderful
body of water, I believe that preservation is of a much higher priority than the construction of
pointless things or other matters in the area around the river. This region is situated in close
proximity to the river.
Do you think it would do more good or harm?

People aren't to blame for believing that despite the benefits that are supplied, those, along with
the myriad of problems that may develop, will be too much for them to bear but if we are going
to be more open minded the fact that the PAREX is an expressway is one of the reasons behind
this. However, in reality, urban expressways are more likely to be the cause of increased
automobile traffic and will lead to increased levels of congestion. SMC markets it as a solution
to reduce travel times and improve congestion, but in reality, urban expressways are more likely
to be the cause of increased congestion.
Do you agree with its construction?

In the event that this project is going to result in additional injustices for both people and the
environment, then you can be certain that I will fight against its development, Elevated
expressways prevent sunlight from reaching the street below, making it darker and leaving it
empty of plants. This is in addition to the fact that elevated expressways cause pollution and
noise, both of which have already been stated. Because of this, the street is now less safe. The
existence of a large, unattractive concrete building in your neighborhood not only tarnishes the
image of your community but also decreases the number of development possibilities that are
open to you.

Yacaphilippines, P. by. (2022, February 22). The paradox of injustice behind PAREX. Youth

Advocates for Climate Action Philippines.

Jose, C. S. (2021, September 27). What to know about PAREX and why critics think it will
‘harm’ Pasig River. NOLISOLI.

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