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You Tube Lesson: The 9 Best Scientific Study Tips
1. Discuss the following questions:
1) How much time are you going to spend every day/week on learning English?
2) When you were a student, how much time did you spend on learning other
subjects (at home)?
3) Did you spend more time on a given subject if you knew there was going to be
a test?
4) What teaching aids did you use? (flashcards, electronic devices, your own
notes, dictionaries, textbooks) Which of them do you find most effective?
5) Which part of a day is the best to learn? Why?
6) When do you like learning? Why?
2. Translate the following words/phrases into your mother tongue.
Use the examples of the sentences to help you.
English Sentence Translation
instead of Can I have some tea instead of coffee? Zamiast, w
Actually, I hate coffee. zamian
chunk Don’t learn everything at once. Split it up into kawałek
smaller chunks: you will learn something
today and something tomorrow.
cram Tomorrow we have got a test I have completely zakuwać
forgotten about. Now I have to cram all night!
nocturnal Bats are nocturnal animals: it means they are nocny
active at night.
reread If you don’t understand the poem now, you Przeczytać
should reread it at home. I’m sure you will ponownie
understand it.
reinforcement Positive reinforcement is important at school wzmocnienie
and at work: everyone likes being praised or
receiving extra money for what they do.
goal My goal this year is to travel to Thailand. cel
coherent Your description should be more coherent. spójny
Now I don’t understand it because it’s illogical.
First, you write about your girlfriend’s
appearance, then you mention her character
and then, again, you go back to her look.
detrimental Smoking is detrimental to your health. szkodliwy

decrease There number of students in my class has spadać

decreased: last year there were 26 students,
and this year there are only 19.
anxiety To reduce your stress and anxiety, you niepokój
should drink more melissa.


1. Watch the film. Decide if the sentences are true or false.

True False
1 Short repeated sessions are worse for you while X
learning than longer sessions.
2 Highlighting important parts of notes can be a very X
effective technique while learning.
3 Practice tests are useful in the process of learning. X
4 In the place you learn, you only need a pen or a pencil X
and a notebook/textbook.
5 Classical music is always helpful while learning. X
6 Keeping in touch with your friends on social media is X
helpful while learning.

2. Watch the film again. Complete the sentences with the words you hear.
1) But which study tips and tricks actually work SCIENTIFICALLY and can help
you get those perfect grades.
2) This is because your brain is better at ENCODING information into the
synapses in short repeated sessions as opposed to one large one.
3) After prolonged NOCTURNAL study sessions, reasoning and memory may be
negatively affected for up to four whole days.
4) Flashcards, on the other hand, are proven to be excellent memory
5) When you’re expected to teach, your BRAIN organizes the information in a
more logical, coherent structure.
6) A recent STUDY has shown that learning with rhythmic background noise can
be detrimental to focus.
3. Try to translate the sentences from exercise 2 into your own language.

1. Answer the questions:
1) Which of the tips presented in the film do you find most useful? Why?
2) Which of the tips do you think is not useful at all?
3) Do you use any of these tips? Do they help you?
4) Are you going to try any of the tips? Why?/Why not?
2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. Choose from: anxiety, nocturnal,
reinforcement, decrease, instead of, reread, cram.
● The teacher provided some extra REINFORCEMENT for the students who needed more
● I need to CRAM for my upcoming exam if I want to do well.
● Owls are NOCTURNAL animals that hunt at night.
● After finishing the book, I decided to REREAD it to better understand the story.
● Many students feel a sense of ANXIETY before a big presentation or test.
● I'm going to have tea INSTEAD OF coffee this morning.
3. Vocabulary work: complete the crossword with the words from exercise 2
(Before Watching).
5.reread 6.goal

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