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(ii) The Notification

icons that Area, which includes a the window using any pointin.
communicate clock and It also makes user to move
and the status of 8
computer certain programs device.
settings. It
quickly view your also includes Desktop button Title Bar Maximise
programs or Windows. desktop without closing any Minimise
Computer Seorh Comptrr
Show Desktop Menu
Button em propertis
3PM Recent Placs Hard Disk Drives (4)
Quick Launch Scroll Locel Drs* (C9
Toolbar Open a btue Werk (0)
Application Toolbar Notification Bar Docunents
CaProct Work (E)
Generel ( L Dirh
Menu Bar Videos Network Location (2)
redotafiNI2146 3 7 (9 i73 7
Each window pngdeta (N192.168.3 25:Z9 17378

contains its own menu which Nebwot

specific actions when they have been performs SHUCHIGOYAL-PG Wohose #R1,*9 Horizontal
Scroll Bar
The menu bar consists selected.
of several options Status Bar
1. File Menu like New,
and Print, etc. Open, Close, Save, Save As, Send
2. Edit Menu like Undo,
Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, etc.
Files, Folders and Drives
3 View Menu consists of Normal, Toolbar, Print
etc. Layout, Files
4. Insert Menu contains Files are the collection of information. In fact, almost
options like Header, Footer, etc all
5. Help Menu for type of information is stored in files. There are many types of
tutorials or helpful informations. files stored in different formats,
Sometimes, menu bar does not display u screen. 1 including operating system
files, program files and your personal files. Different
make it appear on the screen, types of
go to Organize Vout - files contain different types of information.
Click on check mark Menu bar
option. Each file has a specific filename and has a
file extension
that identifies the file
Status Bar type. (The filename and file extension
separated by a period )).
The status bar is a horizontal area located at the bottom of
e.g. a document created using WordPad might have the
the window in which an application can display various kinds file name John.rtf.
of status information such as current window's state
Some common filename
background tasks (such as printing, scanning, etc) or othe extensions are:
contextual information (such as selection, etc). .docx MS-Word or WordPad document
txt Notepad text file
Scroll Bar eml E-mail file
The scroll bar appears at the right (or left) side or a the xls Excel file
bottom of a window. A window can display a document, ie.
larger than the window area, so with the help of scroll bar htm HTML file (web page)
a document in the window area to
arrow, the user can scroll
of document. There are two
bring the view of hidden portion Vertical. Ppt MS PowerPoint presentation
types of scroll bars-Horizontal and
Creating, Renaming and Deleting Files
Title Bar In MS Windows,
you can create a file using
The title bar is located at the top of a window or any programs such as WordPad, Notepad, Paint, etc. differe
dialog box which displays the name of the window or Steps to Create a Text File

which is currently being used. Step 1 Click Start.

software program
at least three small buttons
and close.
Step 2
Choose All Programs
(e.g. Notepad,Accessoriesany
i.e. minimise,
maximise or Text Editor
WordPad, etc.)
3 Notepad opens.
Step 2 Right click on the File
4 ype any text. Step 3 Choose Delete.
Step appears
dialog box
5Choose File
Save as from the menu bar. Step 4 A Confirm File Delete s u r e you want to send the
asking you if you Bin.
Press Ctrl + S. file to the Recycle

Step 5 Choose Yes.

The Save As dialog box appears. moved to the
tep 6 file is deleted and
Step 6 The
Desito Seerch iesktop

Folders files. You
store your
location where you c a n

System Foder
Oesitep A folder is a
c a n store
e v e n you
can create number of folders and
Recent Pces
ShuchiGoyal any
folder in other folders (sub folders). files.
store and manage
Lbanes Compute
Systen oder Windows uses various folders to

Various parts of the folder window are
Pcturs Network
System Fokder
deos Address Bar SearchBox
Back and Forward Buttons
Hle pame

SweesDype Tet Documents (D Toolbar

Nee fede

Save As dialog box Documents hbrary

Choose location (desktop) from the left side owos Column Heading
Step 7 Recetes iefoides
menu. voice epars Fhe fahuier
box. eeting
Step 8 Type the Name of your file in File name
Te Eocnent

Step9 In the Save as type drop down box,

be sure your New ine*
Tet Derunent

document. Muse Te Oecumet

document is saved as a text File List Tet Dornene
button. Your file is now saved to
th e
Sep 10 Click Save Sehede Tet e c m e
Fest Ovcument
desktop. Cenpuber Text Decuenk
Note Now, if you want to the saved contents of your
the file icon.
later, simply double click on
s to Rename a File .Navigation Pane Offers to access libraries, folder,
searches, and even the entire hard disk, pane, contents,
dlep 1 Locate your file (in this etc.
case, the file is located on S ew
Back and Forward Buttons Used to navigate between
the desktop). Addte "Ne» federa
Comprensand ema
omgress to Ne fehes
previously and current folders.
p 2 Right click on the File Icon.
eere peeeus verwees
.Toolbar/Command Bar Used to perform some file
dep 3 Choose
Rename xtude in
related to common tasks.
Step 4 The filename is Address Bar Used
in blue, ready to be
to navigate directly to a different
location from one
folder/directory to another through
Sap 5retyped
address bar.
Type a new name annd .Search Box Type a word or
press Enter. look for an
item in the current folder
in the search box to
ep 6 The
file is renamed. library.

to Delete a File .Column Headings Used to

file list are change how the files in the
kp 1 organised.
Locate your file (in this case, the file is located
on the desktop).
File List This is the list of
contents of the current
or library.

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