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Blended learning is a method of learning that blends online and in-person

education. It has unique benefits for us. According to many people, students can
remain attentive for longer lengths of time using hybrid learning. Computers are
a great time saving for looking up information or data, especially when applied
to access a comprehensive resource like the Internet. This time-saving feature
may help pupils keep more concentrated on an assignment. Moreover, Using
blended learning, we may improve our teamwork and communication abilities.
We have more freedom to tailor our own learning experiences because to the
availability of engaging learning activities. We can now have additional time for
pair or group work as a result. At last, students become more eager to study as a
result. Whether through websites that produce lessons that are colorful, modern,
and visually exciting, students will be more interested, focused, and excited
about the subject they are studying when technology is introduced into
classroom time. To sum up, It is clear that blended learning offers significant
benefits, including the development of soft skills and student control over their

Vietnam has benefited greatly from its membership in international

organizations. Vietnam has been able to increase its worldwide influence and
take part in the creation of international projects and policies thanks to it. This
membership received exposure to various cultures while promoting Vietnamese
culture. Various ethnic interactions help customers learn more about our nation.
Vietnamese people also have the chance to encounter more diverse cultures.
Together with contributing to international organizations, Vietnam may expand
educational possibilities for both domestic and international students.
Vietnamese students may now take advantage of more international educational
possibilities. To sum up, Vietnam's participation in international organizations
helps to further its growth and strengthen its place in the world.

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