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lel acamera
- Remember to telephone your sister the day after tomorrow
for her birthday.
- And dont forget to send a letter to your brother.
- Shall I send you a letter?
- Of course. But dont forget to telephone as soon as you arrive.

I Targetsound/a/
B20aa First practise the sound /sl/
(seepage 43). Listen and repeat.
szoub Make the same sound but very very )
short to make the target sound /e/. --'------..
Listen and repeat. r@
Bzocc Listen and repeat both sounds together:
/srl is long. /e/ is very short.

2 lel in unstressed
wordsand svllables
Bzraa Listen and repeat. The spelling has been changed in the words on the
right to show you when to use the sound /e/.

*@ I e photegraph efBarbere

a glass of water 2 e glass af wate

epil rllt"ggggrc 3 e pair ef binoculas

a photograph ofher 4 e photegraph efhe

mother and father mother end fathe

a book about 5 a book ebout

South America South americe

Cover the words on the left and practise questions and answers.
EXAMPLE A: \Mhat's in picture two?
B: e glass ef wate
UNIT15 /e/ a carnera 4!f

Tellingthe time
Listen and repeat.
Look at the clock. Look et the clock.
\Mhat's the time?

It's six o'clock.

o \Mhat's the time?

It's six a'clock.

It's a quarter to seven.

Now practise these.

EXAMPLE A: \ /hat's the time?
o It's e quarte ta seven.

B: It's e quarte te twelve.

3 ; eadin galoud
a Read this story aloud or visit the website to practise. The spelling has
been changed to showyou when to make the sound /e/. Record your
voice to listen to your production of the target sound.

Barbere spent Satedayaftenoon Iooking et e beautifal book ebout South

'I want te go te South emerice,' she said te heself.
The next morning, when Barbere woke up it wes six e'clock, end he
brothes end sisteswe still esleep.Barbere looked et them, end then
closed her eyes egain.
Then she quietly got out af bed end started te pack he suitcase.
She took same comfeteble clothes out ef tha cupbed. She packed e
pair ef binocules end he siste'scamera. She packed e photegraph ef
haself end one ef he mothar and fathe.
'I musn't feget te have same breaKest,' she said ta haself. Bet then she
looked et the clock. It wes e quarte to seven.
'I'll jest drink e glass ef wate,' she said.
'e glassef wate,' she said.
'Wate,' she said, end opened her eyes.
She wes still in he bed, and he brothes end sisteswe laughing et he.
'Tell es what you we dreaming ebout,' they said te he.
Bat Barbere didn't answe. She wes thinking ebout he wondeful
iourney te South americe.
f unrr tt latacamera

szz b Weakforms
Listen to the exampleof the weak form and the strong form of uras.
Wes she dreaming?
This is the sound /a/.This is the weak form of uas.
This is a different sound.This is the strong form of uras
Then listen and repeat.
Wes she thinking about SouthAmerica? Yes,shewas.
Wa her brothers and sistersasleep? Yes,they were.
De they like reading? Yes,they do.
Heveyou read about SouthAmerica? Yes,I have.
Dasyour friend like reading? Yes,he does.
e we working hard? Yes,we are.
Hasyour friend been to SouthAmerica? Yes,he has.
Can you swim? Yes,I can.
nzs c Tick the words a) or b) that you hear in the sentences.
la)has f b)hes I
2a) can I b) cen I
3a)was I b)was I
4a)does I b)das I
5a)am I b)em I
6 a)them tr b) them I
l5 /e/ a cameraffi

- - 3 r Og U€
a Readthis dialogueand circle the sound lal.The first line has been done
for you.


A: t'm going6thd libr&y.

B: Canyou buy somethingfor me at the newsagent's?
A: Butthe newsagent's
is a mile from the library.
B: No. Not that newsagent's.
Not the one that'snextto the fish and chip shop.
I meanthe one that'snearthe butche/s.
A: Oh, yes.Well,what do you want?
B: Somechocolates
and a tin of sweetsand an addressboor.
ir:r b Listen and check your answers, then practise reading the dialogue
aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target
sound with the recording.

t Sp elling
Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what
you noticed about how to spell the sound /a/.

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