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2-1 The effects of unemployment

Unemployment has multiple economic, social and political effects

1- Economic effects
- Low production:
when the economic institutions. Which is highly dependent on workers. By
laying off a number of workers, this leads to
a decrease in the volume of production
-Decreased consumption:
Unemployment leads to a weakening of the purchasing power of the unemployed,
and leads to weak consumption at the
national level, with an increase in the danger of this phenomenon that reaches
2- Social effects
-+- Social ills:
such as theft, drug dealing, and moral decay
- A study of the unemployment situation in Algeria
Unemployment constitutes the most important economic challenges facing the
public authorities in Algeria. Confronting unemployment requires
the application of an effective strategy based on understanding this phenomenon
and how it interacts with the economy, especially one of
the most important determinants of work and employment. Consequently, the high pace
of economic growth has been accelerated in recent years.
However, it remains insufficient to reduce unemployment rates. Algeria needs high
growth rates in sectors with high labor intensity, such as the
manufacturing industry

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