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College of Teacher Education

ACCESS Campus, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

ProfEd 610: Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
April 19, 2023


1. What is an integrated curriculum?

When we say integrated curriculum it is a broad Goal, answering the

question WHAT will the students be after they graduate from the school or from
each institution? Or After studying that specific curriculum what is the possible
outcome for the student? So, the integrated curriculum has many goals but to sum
up, its meaning is to expand the knowledge of the students of the 21st Century in
different academic disciplines or should be vocal in the truth and understand the
true importance of different cultures that have our society. In addition to this, the
Integrated Curriculum also aims to strengthen the ability of each learner to be
resourceful in all things and recognize and understand the existence of each thing.
Be active in participating in activities that are good for everyone. And finally, the
Value is what the students learn and can apply in life, it is important that each
discipline has real-life experiences and activities to fully understand the true
meaning of the things that must be learned by students in each particular academic
discipline. The integrated Curriculum has a great influence on the future outcome of
the students, as a future teacher studying them is more important for the benefit of
each student.

2. What are the different approaches, models and types of curriculum integration?

There are three approaches to curriculum integration; first here is the

multidisciplinary one that refers primarily to the academic disciplines or the subjects
that are taught in school such as Social Studies, MAPEH, TLE, and Values
education. These subjects have a common commitment to the welfare of each
student because these four subjects collaborate to create these culminating
activities to further strengthen the knowledge, skills, and understanding of the
students in the said disciplines the so-called Multidisciplinary. Second is the
Interdisciplinary Approach, which in turn refers to the uniformity of the content of
the subject or particular disciplines. An example of this is the two subjects Araling
Panlipunan and Values Education, because the content of the study of values
education is related to the personality or the nature of humans in society Araling
Panlipunan teachers are hired to teach because it is related to their field of
academic discipline. And the last one is the Trans-disciplinary Approach, which
refers to the application or is specific to the teacher's strategy, what kind of way he
can deliver the lesson so that the students can understand it more and more. An
example of these applications is the Community integration that engages the
student more to witness what is the problem in their community, another one is the
Real-world Context of experiencing the meaning of things- thing through
experiencing it.

Meanwhile, there are 5 models of curriculum integration, the first is Project-

based learning, which refers to collaboration, creativity, and other skills that
students will apply in a project because this way they will enhance their skills even
more and they can share what they learned. Second is Service Learning which
alludes to active learning that involves students in a range of activities, frequently
for the benefit of others and the community and to further the objectives of a
specific research program. The third is Learning Centers/Parallel Disciplines, which
in turn refers to the recollection of lessons that are already natural to students in
their previous grade levels in similar content to the subject matter. Fourth is Theme-
based, which is focused on the activity standard of the subject, for example, what
are the learning skills that the student can acquire in the activities or projects set by
the teacher. And the last one is fusion which refers to the personality or the attitude
that teachers have to live. Each Model of Curriculum Integration has its purpose
and goal that will be an instrument of a solid and strong understanding of the
students of the 21st century.

3. How can you apply integration along with multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and
trans-disciplinary approaches?

We can apply the three approaches of curriculum integration when we are

literate in the subject matter and above all when we see in ourselves our passion
for teaching. For example, the multidisciplinary approach shows that we are flexible
in the subject matter that is taught and in doing activities that make the students
understand more about the lesson, in the interdisciplinary approach, because we
are flexible, it is also important that we have a wide knowledge. in our subject
matter, the major in which we are experts because it also has content in other
subjects so that we can share our knowledge on that particular subject even if it is
not our field or we are not experts in that subject matter and the other. Finally, the
trans-disciplinary approach is that we can apply it to doing activities that transform
the knowledge of students based on their real experience on those activities in a
subject being taught. It is important for us as future 21st-century teachers to be
literate and flexible in everything because it will help us better that we have the
ability to integrate the curriculum based on the subject we teach.

4. Which curriculum integration approach would best suit to the different types of
learners in diverse classroom contexts?

All the models or the types of curriculum integration are suited and have a
purpose in integrating the curriculum, but if I only choose the one that is more
suitable and has a big advantage when it comes to delivering the knowledge, skills,
and values, it will be the Project-Based Learning. Because this model or way of
integrating the curriculum has application in the three domains of learning, because
of this when we do this type of activity, the knowledge, skills, and values of the
students are cultivated more. An example here is the creation or drawing of a
caricature whose theme is related to social issues. Here the application of
everything can be shown. First, the students can think about the topic or topic that
will be the subject of their drawing and they will know the significance of the issue
in society. is their ability to share their skills in creativity and collaboration of ideas
that will bind together in a well-made caricature and finally they will get values or
the importance of addressing issues in society, where they will be advocates or
vocal in the spread of social order. It is better to be effective in teaching and guiding
students so that they can enhance their ability to show their unique talent.

5. In what lessons or course disciplines is integrated curriculum most appropriate?

As a Social Studies student and a future teacher advocate, and innovator of

change I will be chosen Social Studies because here, it is important that we can
teach students about what exists in our society, they must know their place, what
the part they play is and how to be a good citizen. Organizing a community is in the
field of social studies, so it is important that the standard of the curriculum that is
taught be effective so that each citizen is clear on what their role and benefits are in
the community. Social Studies as an academic discipline has a big impact on the
developing mind of learners with regard to politics, history, geography, psychology,
philosophy, laws, education, and many more. Integrating this discipline is a huge
platform that will help students to become more humane in society.

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