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1. What is an alkene?
- The alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons: hydrocarbons , because they are compounds containing hydrogen
and carbon only. unsaturated, because they contain a C=C double bond, which means that they have two fewer
hydrogen atoms than the corresponding alkane.

2. What is the unique feature of alkenes?

- The unique feature about alkenes is the presence of at least one carbon-carbon C=C double bond in the compound's
skeletal structure. The carbon atoms in alkenes, alternatively known as olefins, are not bonding with the maximum
number of hydrogens due to the presence of the carbon-carbon double bond.

3. What is another term used for alkenes?

- The other term used for alkenes are olfenes.

4. Explain why alkenes are said to be unsaturated hydrocarbons?

- Alkenes are said to be unsaturated hydrocarbons because they contain less than the maximum possible number of
hydrogen atoms per carbon atom
5. Can we say that alkenes are always open chain and linear hydrocarbons?
- We cannot say that alkenes are always open-chain and linear hydrocarbons on the sole fact that their
carbon atoms can form closed chains
6. Are alkenes polar or non-polar? Explain your answer.
- Alkenes are non-polar because they contain nothing but carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds.
They are not soluble in water and are also generally less dense than water so they are classified as non-

7. When polarity does occurs in a compound?

- Polarity occurs in a compound when there is uneven partial charge distribution between various atoms
in a compound. You can truly say that a compound or molecule is polar when one side of the molecule is
more positive (or more negative) than the other.
8. What can you say about the energy expenditures of alkenes when it comes to temperature?
- When alkenes are exposed to high temperature, the boiling points of straight-chain alkenes increase
with increasing molar mass

9. How will you explain intermolecular forces of alkenes on hydrocarbons?

- The intermolecular forces of alkenes on hydrocarbons may be explained on the similarity of alkenes to
alkanes. In this type, Increasing the length of the longest carbon chain will increase the strength of the
dispersion forces. In addition, as the molar mass of the molecules increases, the boiling and melting
points will also increase. Its only intermolecular force is the dispersion force, so the alkenes are not
soluble in water but soluble in carbon tetrachloride and other organic solvents.

10. Are alkenes electricity capable?

- No, alkenes cannot be capable of generating electricity because they have no free moving ions in them.

Draw the following alkenes. Rename the hydrocarbons if necessary.

Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond C=C.

1. 2-methyl-3-ethyl-1-decene
2. 2,3,4-trimethyl-5-hexene
3. cyclobutene
4. cyclopropene.
5. 4-Methylhex-1-ene.

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