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Module 5: Digital Marketing

Course Objectives

1. Understand the concept and usage of deconstructing marketing strategies

2. Iacobucci framework application and evolution in the Digital Marketing Age

3. Comprehend and apply the concepts of Consumer Behavior

4. Comprehend and apply the concepts of Branding Differentiation

5. Apply Digital Marketing strategies to their product for Entrepreneurship Class

Digital Marketing


..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\Digital Marketing.mp4


..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\PhDM 609 Advanced Studies in

Marketing Management\LPUL PhD616_Jul19Lec2_DigMktg.pdf

..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\PhDM 609 Advanced Studies in

Marketing Management\28225632-v1-1-Digital-Marketing-Plan-Template.pdf

Consumer Markets and Consumer-Buyer Behavior

..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\Consumer Markets and

Consumer-Buyer Behavior.pptm

Buyer Behavior Model

Factors affecting Consumer Behavior

Selecting Target Markets

Service Characteristics
Service Marketing


Branding and Brand Differentiation

..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\Products and Services.pptx

AVP Sample – Pinoy Font

..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\Pinoy Font Style.mp4

Product Levels
Building Brands

The creation and management of customer experiences with their brands or company.

“It’s not so much the shoes but where they take you.”

Product Classifications

 Consumer Products
Products bought by final consumers for personal consumption

Convenience Products
 Products that are usually bought frequently, immediately by consumers,
and with minimal comparison and buying effort from the consumers.

Shopping Products
 Products that are purchased less frequently than consumer products that
customers compare carefully on sustainability, quality, price, and style.

Specialty Products
 Products with unique characteristics, or brand identification for which a
significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.

Unsought Products
 Products that the consumer either does not know about or knows about
but does not normally consider buying

 Industrial Products
Products bought by individuals and organizations for further processing or for use in
conducting a business.

o Materials and Parts
o Capital Items
o Supplies and Services

 Organizations, Persons, Places and Ideas

Product Attributes

 Quality
 Features
 Design and Style

A name, term, symbol, design or a combination of these that IDENTIFIES the products
or services of one seller or group of sellers and DIFFERENTIATES them from those

Brand Equity

 The differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the
product or its marketing

Brand Strategy Decisions

Brand Positioning
 the marketer should establish a mission for the brand and a vision of what the brand
must be and do.
 A BRAND is the company’s promise to deliver a specific set of features, benefits, services,
and experiences consistently to buyers.

Brand Name Selection

Brand Sponsorship
Activity 1: Digital Marketing Trends and Challenges

Using the UNICORN Company you've chosen in the previous Marketing Mix activity, identify
THREE (3) Digital Marketing Trends and/or Challenges for said UNICORN. Provide a
proposed plan to use the trend (if it's a trend) and/or solution to solve the problem (if it's a
challenge) with a short description of your course of action. Attached to this is the ppt
template which you'll be using for this activity. The ppt contains additional instructions.

..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\Digital Marketing


Activity 2: Brand Differentiation

Using the concepts in the Branding Differentiation Discussion, prepare the Brand and
Branding Differentiation of your product in your Entrepreneurship Class. Please base your
Brand through the assessment research you will be doing. USE SERVQUAL (for service
oriented businesses) and USE the MARKET SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE (for food businesses).


..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\PhDM 609 Advanced Studies in

Marketing Management\Questionnaire.docx


..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\Market Survey


Activity 3: Digital Branding and Marketing

Using the Brand and Branding Differentiation from the previous activity, prepare a digital
marketing campaign for your product in your Entrepreneurship Class. The campaign could
be a commercial, or a social media campaign. USE the framework discussed in the Digital
Marketing AVP and PPT.

For a commercial, save it in MP4 format and upload it to the LMS

For social media campaign, use the following ppt template:

..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\PPT Template Red.pptx

Here is an example for a social media campaign which used a video presentation.

..\..\AY 2019 - 2020\2nd Semester\Principles of Marketing\PhDM 609 Advanced Studies in

Marketing Management\GECOLEA_LPhDM609_Final.pptx

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