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Lawrence Venuti’s Invisibility

1- According to Venuti, it is ………… when a translation is moving the author

towards the reader and it is ……….. when a translation is moving the reader

towards the author.

Answer: Domestication and Foreignization

2- What is the difference between domestication and foreignization and who

named these two terms?

Answer: Domestication moves the author towards the reader, the result is more

acceptable in the target culture. Foreignization moves the reader towards the

author, the result is more adequate to the source culture. Lawrence Venuti named

these two terms.

3- What is not a trait of a domesticated translation?

A-It is more acceptable

B-It fits in within the target culture

C-It follows the norms of the source culture

D-It is preferred more among translators

Answer: C
4- Describe "transparency" in translation studies shortly.

Answer: The degree to a translation's fluency and comprehensibility to native

speakers in target culture.

5-What are the interventionist translation methods that can help translators


Answer: 1-Not translating culture specific items and adding footnotes instead.

2-Adding more information about the translator in the book./Writing translators

name on the cover.

3-Leaving cultural phenomena intact.

6- What are the textual implications of the translators invisibility?

Answer: 1-When translators translate 'fluently', without any/minimal foreign words

to create the illusion of transparency.

2- When translators follow the already established principles in the target literature

without distinct linguistic or stylistic peculiarities that prevents the text from being

read fluently in the target culture.

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