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Animal species are becoming extinct due to human

activities on land and in the sea. What are the reasons
and solutions?
The several animal types are becoming extinct because of human activities on land and in
sea. Although there will indoubtly be some negative consequences of this trend, solutions
can be taken to mitigate these potenitial problems
There are number of problems related to this trend, the main reason is many animals
haitats are being destroyed obviosly, while enomous areas of rainforest in Amazon, and
Asia have been cut down and in search off fossil fuels or to increase agricultural
producing in recent years, and as a result, some animals can not find another home to
live, while others face difficuties adapting a new environment. In fact that, this wold ut
these species at a higher risk of extinction. Another reason is using too much detrimental
drugs and pesticides that will posion animals live in these areas and lead to mass animal
deaths. In sea, overfishing and illegalfishing are causing damage to the marine
ecosystem,while overfishing could directly affect the food chain because is causes the
numberof many fish species to decline dramatically in the short term, illegalfishing by
TNT threatens marine ecosystems, puts food security and regional stability at risk, and is
linked to major human rights violations and even organized crime.
However, there are several actons that could be taken to solve the problems mentioned
above Firstly, stricter punishments should be imposed for illegal logging, illegalfishing,
and over fishing, secondly, goverment should requre bussiness and factories to install
proper waste treatment systems, amd it is importent to provide financial support to
organizations that are working to save endangered species such as WWF ( world wide
fund for nature ) or the orangutan in Borneo, finally, goverment should promote public
campaigns to raise people’s environment awareness
In conclusion, various measures can be implement to tackle the problems that are certain
to arise as the exticntion of animails

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