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1. Write a note on WWW and how it supports Web Technologies

2. Explain any 5 tags used in HTML with their attributes.
3. Write an HTML code to create a employee table with 5 rows and 5 columns.
4. Explain any three bootstrap components
5. Design a HTML form for college admission process. Also write corresponding
HTML code. (Try to use maximum controls ,tags and attributes)
6. What is the purpose of CSS? Explain types of CSS with examples.
7. Differentiate between CSS and Bootstrap
8. Write with examples tags used to include audio and video in HTML.
9. Write a importance of Bootstrap and write steps to use it in HTML
10. Write a note on Bootstrap Grid system

1. What is inline, embedded and external JavaScript? Explain with advantages and drawbacks?
2. Develop a JavaScript code to generate “Armstrong Numbers” in the range 1 to 100
3. Write a script that reads an integer and displays whether it is prime or not.
4. Write a JavaScript to print characters of a string at odd positions
5. Explain JavaScript objects in detail
6. How to create and modify the objects in JavaScript.
7. Explain Event Handling in JavaScript
8. Write a note on JavaScript Error handling
9. What is JS Promises
10. Explain working of AJAX
11. Discuss AJAX client server architecture in detail
12. Compare and contrast the traditional web application architecture and AJAX based web
application architecture
13. List pros and cons of AJAX
14. What are the methods associated with XMLHttpRequest object
15. What is Jquery? Explain with example
16. Write a note on advantages of JQuery
17. List and explain any five selectors in jQuery

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