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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

No. Materi Indikator Soal

1. Variations in 1. Variations in level of awareness

Consciousness 2. Biological clock and circadian rhythm
3. Sleep disorders (pelajari gangguan tidur)
4. Brain activity
5. Definition of dreams (tokoh-tokoh, mimpi menurut budaya,
6. Stage of sleeps
7. Patterns of meditation

2. Human Memory 1. Pelajari soal-soal kuis dan remidi Human Memory

2. Types of memory
3. STM, LTM, working memory
4. Forgetting (pelajari amnesia, dll)

3. Intelligence Test 1. Semua jenis-jenis tes (aptitude, personality, achievement,

projective, dsb.)
2. Standardization, validity, reliability
3. History of psychological measurement
4. Criteria of the personality test
5. Fluid and crystalized intelligence
6. IQ scores
7. Intellectual disability & gifted
8. Jenis-jenis kecerdasan menurut tokoh (Gardner, Stenberg,
9. Concepts in psychological measurement

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