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1.prophet Yusuf:Opening shot of a desert landscape with a mosque in the background.

Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Yusuf, also known as Joseph, is considered one of the most handsome and pious
prophets in Islam. He was sold into slavery by his brothers, but Allah had a greater plan for

Cut to an animation of Yusuf being thrown into a well and then sold into slavery.

"Yusuf remained steadfast in his faith and eventually rose to power in Egypt."

Cut to an animation of Yusuf interpreting the Pharaoh's dream and being appointed as the
minister of agriculture.

"He was reunited with his family and forgave his brothers for what they had done."

Cut to an animation of Yusuf revealing his true identity to his brothers and hugging them.

"Prophet Yusuf's story is a reminder of the importance of patience, perseverance, and
forgiveness. May Allah bless us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the mosque with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

2.Prophet Adam
Opening shot of a garden with Adam and Hawwa (Eve) standing under a tree. Soft Islamic
music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Adam was the first human created by Allah. He and his wife, Hawwa, were sent to
Earth as Allah's representatives."

Cut to an animation of Satan tempting Adam and Hawwa.

"Despite being tested by Satan, Adam and Hawwa repented and were forgiven by Allah."
Cut to an animation of Adam and Hawwa asking for forgiveness and Allah forgiving them.

"Prophet Adam's story is a reminder of our origin and our responsibility as Allah's
representatives on Earth. May we strive to follow his example."

Closing shot of the garden with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

3.Prophet Noah
Opening shot of a stormy sea with the Ark floating on it. Soft Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Noah was sent by Allah to warn his people of an impending flood."

Cut to an animation of Noah preaching the message of Allah and building the Ark.

"Despite facing ridicule and opposition, Noah remained steadfast in his faith and was saved
from the flood along with his followers and pairs of every animal."

Cut to an animation of the flood waters receding and the Ark landing on a mountain.

"Prophet Noah's story is a reminder of the importance of obedience and patience. May Allah
bless us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the Ark on the mountain with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

4.Prophet Abraham
Opening shot of the Kaaba in Mecca. Soft Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Abraham is considered the father of the prophets in Islam. He was tested by Allah
many times but remained obedient and faithful."

Cut to an animation of Abraham being commanded to sacrifice his son.

"Abraham's unwavering faith and obedience to Allah earned him Allah's love and the honor of
building the Kaaba in Mecca."

Cut to an animation of Abraham building the Kaaba.

"Prophet Abraham's story is a reminder of the importance of faith and obedience. May Allah
bless us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the Kaaba with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

5.Prophet Moses
Opening shot of the Red Sea with the Israelites on one side and the Egyptians on the other. Soft
Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Moses is considered one of the greatest prophets in Islam. He was sent to free the
Israelites from slavery in Egypt."

Cut to an animation of Moses parting the Red Sea.

"Moses was given the Ten Commandments by Allah and led his people to safety."

Cut to an animation of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments and leading the Israelites to

"Prophet Moses' story is a reminder of the importance of leadership and courage. May Allah
bless us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the Israelites on the other side of the Red Sea with the Islamic music reaching a

6.Prophet Jesus
Opening shot of a green field with Jesus sitting under a tree. Soft Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Jesus is also considered a prophet in Islam, but not the son of Allah. He was sent to
spread the message of Allah and perform miracles."

Cut to an animation of Jesus healing the sick and raising the dead.

"Jesus is also believed to have been raised to heaven by Allah."

Cut to an animation of Jesus ascending to heaven.

7.Prophet David
Opening shot of a beautiful palace with David sitting on his throne. Soft Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet David is considered a prophet and a king in Islam. He was given wisdom and the
ability to understand the language of birds."

Cut to an animation of David receiving wisdom from Allah and talking to birds.

"David is also known for his beautiful voice and his Psalms, which are recited by Muslims to this

Cut to an animation of David reciting his Psalms.

"Prophet David's story is a reminder of the importance of wisdom and devotion. May Allah bless
us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the palace with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

8.Prophet Solomon
Opening shot of a grand palace with Solomon standing in front of it. Soft Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Solomon was also a king and a prophet in Islam. He was given the ability to
communicate with animals and control the winds."

Cut to an animation of Solomon communicating with animals and controlling the winds.

"Solomon is also known for his wise judgment and his magnificent kingdom."

Cut to an animation of Solomon giving wise judgment and his kingdom.

"Prophet Solomon's story is a reminder of the importance of justice and wisdom. May Allah
bless us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the palace with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

9.Prophet Zakariya
Opening shot of a mosque with Zakariya standing in front of it. Soft Islamic music plays.
Narrator (in a soothing voice):
"Prophet Zakariya was a righteous and pious man who prayed for a child."

Cut to an animation of Zakariya praying for a child.

"Allah granted his prayer and blessed him with a son, Yahya (John the Baptist)."

Cut to an animation of Yahya being born.

"Prophet Zakariya's story is a reminder of the importance of prayer and patience. May Allah
bless us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the mosque with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

10.Prophet Ishmael
Opening shot of the Kaaba in Mecca. Soft Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Ishmael was the son of Prophet Abraham and was raised in Mecca."

Cut to an animation of Ishmael growing up in Mecca.

"Ishmael is known for his piety and his role in the building of the Kaaba."

Cut to an animation of Ishmael helping Abraham build the Kaaba.

"Prophet Ishmael's story is a reminder of the importance of family and devotion. May Allah bless
us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the Kaaba with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

11.Prophet Muhammad
Opening shot of the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. Soft Islamic music plays.

Narrator (in a soothing voice):

"Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet in Islam and the final messenger of Allah."

Cut to an animation of Muhammad receiving revelation from Allah.

"He was sent to guide humanity to the straight path and establish justice on Earth."

Cut to an animation of Muhammad spreading the message of Islam and establishing justice.

"Prophet Muhammad's story is a reminder of the importance of compassion, kindness, and
mercy. May Allah bless us all with these qualities."

Closing shot of the Prophet's Mosque with the Islamic music reaching a crescendo.

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