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Impact on Student Learning Portfolio

General Instructions:
Download and save this document to your computer. Fill out each section. The tables will expand as needed. All your information and
materials should be included in this document. Once complete, you will upload this document to your Field Experience Binder in

Part 1: Before Instruction

1. Students:

Fain Elementary is a school in Wichita Falls ISD with a total of 516 total students from Pre-K to 5th grade. 53.9% of the school’s population is
economically disadvantaged, 40.9% are at risk, and 1.7% are bilingual. 3rd grade at Fain Elementary will be the focus of this unit plan. In this class,
22 students identify as white, 3 identify as Hispanic, 3 identify as African American, 1 identifies as Asian, and 1 identifies as American Indian. 1
student is diagnosed with autism. Within the class, there are different levels of skill. Some students show proficiency in locomotor movements, while
others are still in the beginning level.

2. Other Environmental Factors (school, community, classroom, etc):

Fain Elementary is one of sixteen elementary schools in Wichita Falls ISD. The urban community surrounding the school is great. Parents are
able to get involved in person, through the school’s website, Facebook groups, and even Twitter. The gym in which all Physical Education education
classes take place has all of the resources necessary for a successful class. These resources include music and speakers, a projector, and a sound
system There is equipment such as balls, jump ropes, and cones for all games in the units as well as equipment for any modifications needed.
There is a large projector in the front of the gym and two large white boards on each side of the gym. The environment in the class is very
welcoming. All students come in knowing what they need to do, without wasting time on behavior problems.

3. How did these things influence your planning or assessment decisions?

Technology in the gym at Fain Elementary allows me to use resources such as PowerPoint and Youtube to do health lessons over topics such
as nutrition. With a large number of students in every class, I make sure to plan for every minute of the class to keep students from getting
distracted. For safety reasons, I make sure to use as much of the gym as possible. Allowing students to use more space reduces the risk of injury
and behavior problems. The equipment in the gym allows me to plan for any modifications necessary for students with a lower skill level.

4. How did you collaborate with your Mentor Teacher while preparing for this lesson?

I was observed by my mentor teacher while I taught other lessons and gave me advice regarding management, lesson delivery, and
assessments. She often pulled me to the side and explained why certain management skills worked and why others didn’t. My mentor teacher also
informed me that the student with autism is allowed to have a partner during activities because they have a difficult time being in loud areas with lots
of people.

A. Unit Learning Objectives

Describe the learning objectives your unit develops. Identify how these objectives are aligned with TEKS and identify the level of learning using
Bloom’s Taxonomy.*

Unit Learning Objectives TEKS* CCRS* (if applicable) Blooms Taxonomy Level**
(not lesson objectives)
a. Students will work and 3.7C Accept and respect N/A Applying, Understanding
cooperate with others to master differences and similarities in
the content of this unit physical abilities of self and

b. Students will be able to 3.1B Demonstrate proper form N/A Applying

successfully perform different and smooth transitions during
locomotor activities on cue combinations of fundamental
locomotor and body control skills
such as running into jump safely
in dynamic situations

c. Students will understand the 3.4C Identify foods that increase N/A Understanding, Analyze,
relationship between good or reduce bodily functions Applying
nutrition and a healthy heart

Information on lesson and unit (long-range) objectives can be found at

*TEKS information can be found at
*CCRS information can be found at
**List one of the Bloom’s Levels: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating
Information on Bloom’s Taxonomy can be found at
B. Unit Assessments

List your unit assessments, identify the mode of assessment, how each assessment is used, how assessments are aligned with unit objectives, and
describe any special education accommodations and/or differentiated instruction.

Name of Assessment Use* Mode** Unit Learning Objectives Differentiated Assessments and
Use codes Use codes
listed below listed below (modifications of assessments aligned to
this table this table specific student needs and abilities)

Nutrition Test Pre P&P C. Students will understand Low-ability students will be given 2 extra
the relationship between good minutes to answer the questions. If necessary, I
nutrition and a healthy heart will give them a test with fewer answer choices
than the rest.

Locomotor Movement Formative PERF B. Students will be able to Students with physical disabilities will have
Checklist successfully perform different someone working with them 1 on 1 (ex. APE
locomotor activities on cue teacher or Aide).

Nutrition Test Post P&P C. Students will understand Low-ability students will be given 2 extra
the relationship between good minutes to answer the questions. If necessary, I
nutrition and a healthy heart will give them a test with fewer answer choices
than the rest.

*Codes for Use: Pre = pre-assessment prior to instruction, Post = post assessment conducted after instructional unit, Formative = formative
assessment during the instructional unit to evaluate student learning
The pre- and post-assessments will be used to analyze impact on student learning.

**Codes for Mode: P&P = paper and pencil, PERF = performance assessment with rubric,
OBV = observation (with rubric), and ALT = all other forms of assessment.
Part 2: Instructional Design (Complete a Lesson Template for each Lesson in your Unit – minimum of 3)

Lesson One (This section is associated with WCOE Learning Goals: Strategies and Methods)
A. Describe the learning objectives your lesson addresses. Explain how these objectives are aligned with TEKS and identify the level of
learning using Bloom’s Taxonomy. (This section is associated with the WCOE Learning Goals: Planning Process and Content)*

Lesson 1 Learning Objective(s) Lesson 1 TEKS Lesson 1 Blooms*

Student will perform 2 out of 3 locomotor movements 3.1B Demonstrate proper form and smooth transitions Applying
proficiently during combinations of fundamental locomotor and
body control skills such as running into jump safely in
dynamic situations

Students will demonstrate understanding of key 3.4C Identify foods that increase or reduce bodily Remembering,
vocabulary words in Nutrition Powerpoint functions Understanding

Information on lesson and unit (long-range) objectives can be found at
*List one of the Bloom’s Levels: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating

B. List your lesson assessments, identify the mode of assessment, how each assessment is used, how assessments are aligned with
lesson objectives, and describe any special education accommodations and/or differentiated instruction. (This section is associated
with the WCOE Learning Goals: Assessment)

Lesson 1 Assessments Use** Mode** Lesson 1 Objective the Differentiated Assessments and
Assessment Measures Accommodations
Use codes Use codes
listed below listed below (modifications of assessments aligned to
this table this table specific student needs and abilities)

Observational Form PERF Student will perform 2 out of 3 Students with physical disabilities will be
Checklist locomotor movements proficiently assessed on 1 out of 2 locomotor

Class Discussion Form OBV Students will demonstrate Low ability students will be asked “Yes” or
understanding of key vocabulary “No” questions if necessary.
words in Nutrition Powerpoint

**Codes for Use: Pre = pre-assessment, Post = post assessment, Form = formative assessment, or Sum = summative assessment.
**Codes for Mode: P&P = paper and pencil, PERF= performance assessment with rubric, OBV = observation (with rubric), and ALT = all other
forms of assessment.
C. What instructional materials, resources, and technology did you use in the lesson or to extend the lesson?

Lesson 1 Resource Use (25 words or less) Lesson 1 Learning Objective Supported

Nutrition Powerpoint Slides The PowerPoint will be used to introduce and review Students will demonstrate understanding of
key terms about nutrition key vocabulary words in Nutrition

“Dragon Tails” (Socks) These will be the students’ “tails” used for the activity. Student will perform 2 out of 3 locomotor
movements proficiently

Observational Checklist This checklist will be used to assess the students’ Student will perform 2 out of 3 locomotor
locomotor movements. movements proficiently

D. Instructional Delivery: Describe the procedure giving a step-by-step sequence of how you will deliver the lesson

Lesson 1 Procedures Descriptions (50 words/less each)

Beginning ● I will first explain to the student what the plan for class is without telling them what the game is to gain
some excitement.
Engage (Hook, Purpose, Build background, ● We will start our warm-up activity called “Pinky Partner.”
Direct Instruction, Examples, Modeling, etc.) ● I will then lead them though 13 static stretches.

Middle ● I will go over the nutrition powerpoint and asking lots of questions to the students. The goal is for it to
be more like a class discussion and less like direct instruction.
(Explore, Guided practice, Independent ● After the Powerpoint, I will explain the activity “Dragon Tails” which is a tag game with no physical
practice, Explain, Discussion, Elaborate, contact. I will emphasize the importance of doing the different locomotor movements.
Check for Understanding, etc.) ● Here is where I will use my observational checklist.

End ● Five minutes before the class is over. I will stop the game and ask students to go back to their P.E.
Closure (Connect back to purpose, Wrap up) ● I will ask a few Higher Order Thinking Questions. I will end the class by telling the students to think
about our nutrition discussion when they make food choices.

Individual or group accommodations Students with physical disabilities will be allowed to tuck their “tail” in a little bit more than the other so that it
and/or differentiated instruction does not get pulled as easily.
Lesson Two (This section is associated with WCOE Learning Goals: Strategies and Methods)
A. Describe the learning objectives your lesson addresses. Explain how these objectives are aligned with TEKS and identify the level of
learning using Bloom’s Taxonomy. (This section is associated with the WCOE Learning Goals: Planning Process and Content)*

Lesson 2 Learning Objective(s) Lesson 2 TEKS Lesson 2 Blooms*

5/7 Students will be able to perform different 3.1B Demonstrate proper form and smooth transitions Applying
locomotor movements proficiently on cue during combinations of fundamental locomotor and
body control skills such as running into jump safely in
dynamic situations

Students will be able to identify specific food groups 3.4C identify foods that increase or reduce bodily Understanding
(Fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, grains) functions

Students will reflect on personal nutrition goals 3.4C identify foods that increase or reduce bodily Analyzing, Evaluating

*List one of the Bloom’s Levels: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating
B. List your lesson assessments, identify the mode of assessment, how each assessment is used, how assessments are aligned with
lesson objectives, and describe any special education accommodations and/or differentiated instruction. (This section is associated
with the WCOE Learning Goals: Assessment)

Lesson 2 Assessments Use** Mode** Lesson 2 Objective the Differentiated Assessments and
Assessment Measures Accommodations
Use codes Use codes
listed below listed below (modifications of assessments aligned to
this table this table specific student needs and abilities)

Q&A Pre OBV Students will reflect on personal SPED students will be asked questions that
nutrition goals are broken down and easier to answer and

Q&A Post OBV Students will reflect on personal SPED students will be asked questions that
nutrition goals are broken down and easier to answer and

Whole class discussion Form OBV Students will be able to identify I will be sure to craft my questions carefully
specific food groups (Fruits, and repeat cue words.
vegetables, protein, dairy, grains)
Observational Checklist Form P&P 5/7 Students will be able to Low ability students or students with
perform different locomotor physical disabilities will be assessed based
movements proficiently on cue on specific key cues (ex. one foot lead the
other in a gallop)

**Codes for Use: Pre = pre-assessment, Post = post assessment, Form = formative assessment, or Sum = summative assessment.
**Codes for Mode: P&P = paper and pencil, PERF= performance assessment with rubric, OBV = observation (with rubric), and ALT = all other
forms of assessment.
C. What instructional materials, resources, and technology did you use in the lesson or to extend the lesson?

Lesson 2 Resource Use (25 words or less) Lesson 2 Learning Objective Supported

Nutrition Powerpoint Slides The Nutrition Slides will be used to review the MyPlate Students will be able to identify specific food
picture as well as discuss nutrition choices groups (Fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy,
Students will reflect on personal nutrition

10 yarn balls (2 Red, 2 Green, 2 These are the materials needed for the activity 5/7 Students will be able to perform different
Orange, 2 Purple, or 2 Blue) “Rainbow Tag” locomotor movements proficiently on cue

Observational Checklist This checklist will be used to assess students’ 5/7 Students will be able to perform different
locomotor skills during Rainbow Tag. locomotor movements proficiently on cue

MyPlate poster The poster will be used to help students remember the Students will be able to identify specific food
categories and their colors for Rainbow Tag groups (Fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy,
Students will reflect on personal nutrition

D. Instructional Delivery: Describe the procedure giving a step-by-step sequence of how you will deliver the lesson. Bulleted lists are
acceptable but must include specific strategies.

Lesson 2 Procedures Descriptions (50 words/less each)

Beginning ● I will first go over what we will be doing in class and mention another fun tag game to gain some
Engage (Hook, Purpose, Build background, ● We will start our warm-up activity called “Pinky Partner.”
Direct Instruction, Examples, Modeling, etc.) ● I will then lead them though 13 static stretches.

Middle ● Before starting the nutrition slides, I will ask students “On a scale of 1-4, how well do you understand
the MyPlate poster?” and have a small discussion.
(Explore, Guided practice, Independent ● I will then review the Powerpoint slides, focusing a lot on the MyPlate poster’s colors and categories.
practice, Explain, Discussion, Elaborate, ● We will move on to the game “Rainbow tag” . I will remind them of the colors and categories.
Check for Understanding, etc.) ● Here is where I will use the observational checklist to assess their locomotor skills.

End ● When the time is up, I will have students pick up the yarn balls and go back to their P.E. spots.
Closure (Connect back to purpose, Wrap up) ● I will then ask them the same question “On a scale of 1-4, how well do you understand the MyPlate
poster?” I will discuss with my students the difference in their answers.

Individual or group accommodations Student with disability will be allowed to run with a partner.
and/or differentiated instruction
Lesson Three (This section is associated with WCOE Learning Goals: Strategies and Methods)
A. Describe the learning objectives your lesson addresses. Explain how these objectives are aligned with TEKS and identify the level of
learning using Bloom’s Taxonomy. (This section is associated with the WCOE Learning Goals: Planning Process and Content)*

Lesson 3 Learning Objective(s) Lesson 3 TEKS Lesson 3 Blooms*

Students will identify “GO” foods, “SLOW” foods, 3.4C identify foods that increase or reduce bodily Remembering,
“WHOA” foods, food groups, and nutrients functions Understanding

7/9 Students will be able to perform different 3.1B Demonstrate proper form and smooth transitions Applying
locomotor movements proficiently on cue during combinations of fundamental locomotor and
body control skills such as running into jump safely in
dynamic situations

*List one of the Bloom’s Levels: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating

B. List your lesson assessments, identify the mode of assessment, how each assessment is used, how assessments are aligned with
lesson objectives, and describe any special education accommodations and/or differentiated instruction. (This section is associated
with the WCOE Learning Goals: Assessment)

Lesson 3 Assessments Use** Mode** Lesson 3 Objective the Differentiated Assessments and
Assessment Measures Accommodations
Use codes Use codes
listed below listed below (modifications of assessments aligned to
this table this table specific student needs and abilities)

Q&A Form OBV Students will identify “GO” foods, I will be sure to craft questions carefully and
“SLOW” foods, “WHOA” foods, repeat as necessary
food groups, and nutrients

Observational Form PERF 7/9 Students will be able to Students with physical disabilities will be
Checklist perform different locomotor allowed to work with a partner to mirror
movements proficiently on cue them.

**Codes for Use: Pre = pre-assessment, Post = post assessment, Form = formative assessment, or Sum = summative assessment.
**Codes for Mode: P&P = paper and pencil, PERF= performance assessment with rubric, OBV = observation (with rubric), and ALT = all other
forms of assessment.
C. What instructional materials, resources, and technology did you use in the lesson or to extend the lesson?

Lesson 3 Resource Use (25 words or less) Lesson 3 Learning Objective Supported

Nutrition PowerPoint Slides These will be used to review nutrition and “GO,” Students will identify “GO” foods, “SLOW”
“SLOW,” “WHOA” foods. foods, “WHOA” foods, food groups, and

3 Yarn balls (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green) The yarn balls will be used for the activity “Go SLOW Students will identify “GO” foods, “SLOW”
WHOA Tag” foods, “WHOA” foods, food groups, and
7/9 Students will be able to perform different
locomotor movements proficiently on cue

D. Instructional Delivery: Describe the procedure giving a step-by-step sequence of how you will deliver the lesson. Bulleted lists are
acceptable but must include specific strategies.

Lesson 3 Procedures Descriptions (50 words/less each)

Beginning ● I will first go over what we will be doing in class and mention another fun tag game to gain some
Engage (Hook, Purpose, Build background, ● We will start our warm-up activity called “Pinky Partner.”
Direct Instruction, Examples, Modeling, etc.) ● I will then lead them though 13 static stretches.

Middle ● I will pull up the Nutrition slides and focus on the difference between GO foods, SLOW foods, and
WHOA foods
(Explore, Guided practice, Independent ● We will start GO, SLOW, WHOA Tag and remind them how different foods make us feel certain ways.
practice, Explain, Discussion, Elaborate, (Ex. GO foods make us feel good, WHOA foods make us feel bad)
Check for Understanding, etc.) ● During this game I will get my observational checklist to assess students

End ● When the time is up, I will have students put up equipment and go back to their P.E. spots.
● We will briefly discuss the difference between GO, SLOW, and WHOA foods.
Closure (Connect back to purpose, Wrap up)

Individual or group accommodations Students with physical disabilities will be able to perform a different skill if they are not able to do the ones set.
and/or differentiated instruction
Part 3: Impact on Student Learning: Analysis
1) Complete the spreadsheet template by entering your students’ scores in the first column for pre-assessment and their post-
assessment scores in the second column. This must be completed for overall scores as well as each objective. A comparison chart will
automatically be created. Save this template to your computer.
Copy and paste the spreadsheet data here.

Student Pretest Posttest

# or Initials Score Score Change % Change
AC 60 100 40.0 67%
AS 80 100 20.0 25%
AF 80 100 20.0 25%
BS 60 80 20.0 33%
CC 100 100 0.0 0%
CL 20 60 40.0 200%
DR 40 100 60.0 150%
DP 60 80 20.0 33%
DH 80 100 20.0 25%
GJ 20 60 40.0 200%
GE 40 60 20.0 50%
KV 60 80 20.0 33%
MB 80 100 20.0 25%
RP 100 100 0.0 0%
ZH 40 80 40.0 100%
AG 80 100 20.0 25%
BR 20 80 60.0 300%
CC 80 100 20.0 25%

To Copy Excel Data
1. In Excel, select the data (cells) you want to copy, and then press Ctrl+C.
2. Open the other Office program (this Word document), click where you want to paste the data above, and then press Ctrl+V.
3. Click Paste Options next to the data and choose how you want to paste it.

2) Explain what your results mean:

● What did students master and what have they yet to master?

● Did they show progress? If so, what indicates their progress?

● How did their performance measure up to your expectations?

● Which students or groups of students performed exceptionally well or unusually poorly?

Limit your entry to 150 words or less

Based on the data, students have mastered the concept of what healthy foods do for the body and what happens when we eat unhealthy foods.
Many students have yet to master putting foods in food groups such as Protein, Grains, and Dairy. Most students showed progress in the post-test.
This progress was indicated in the percentage of change. There was as much as 200% progress. My expectations were not too high because I
know this was the first time that this topic was reviewed in this much depth. However, my expectations were exceeded because of the amount of
progress. The low-ability students performed a lot better than I had anticipated. I believe the way the questions were crafted and the repetition really
allowed them to succeed.

Part 4: Reflection (each response should be no more than 100 words)

(This section is associated with the WCOE Learning Goals: Reflection)
A. Which lesson was the most effective? Least effective? Why?

Limit your entry to 100 words or less

I believe the most effective lesson was the GO SLOW WHOA Tag lesson. This lesson allowed the students to understand how “GO”
foods are healthy for the heart and keep us playing longer and “WHOA” foods slow us down. This lesson also worked on different
locomotor movements. The least effective lesson to me was the Dragon Tails lesson. I think the game should have included something
about nutrition so that they could relate the activity to the nutrition lesson.
B. How will this experience influence your instructional decisions in the future?

Limit your entry to 100 words or less

This experience showed me the importance of keeping track of progress during assessment. This allowed me to see if my students
were really grasping the concept, rather than just agreeing with everything I say. This experience also made me realize the importance
of relating the activity to the health lesson. Students will learn more when they are enjoying the activity.
C. Describe something you found you need to learn as a result of teaching this unit (professional development)? How do you plan to
learn this?

Limit your entry to 100 words or less

I believe I need to work on having more effective assessments. I need to have more assessments that allow me to track both cognitive
and physical progress. I plan on learning this by doing more research on these topics. I also plan on expanding my network and
learning from others that are far more experienced than I am.

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