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Wines Near Me Product Requirements Document and User Stories


The purpose of this project is to develop an efficient and scalable wine retails/wholesale mobile app that would seek to fulfill the following key

1. Meet the current market need for seamless and automated user onboarding and end-to-end management.
2. Enable users to complete order fulfillment within the platform without having to take it outside of the platform.
3. Has a strong and well-targeted notifications system to keep track of invoice payments, inventory and item delivery status.


User/Customer Section

Merchant section

Admin section

Success metrics

This project shall be deemed successful and acceptable to the client if all the following criteria are fulfilled by Minerva Technologies:

1. Timeliness: All facets of the project are delivered within the timeline.
2. Accuracy of Work: The components of the project are delivered according to the scope outlined in this document.
3. Quality of Work: The platform will perform all stated features and as optimally as possible.

Prioritization Model

1. Priority 0: Do this before anything else. Nothing works without this.

2. Priority 1: This is what we consider to be core to this release.
3. Priority 2: We’ll do our best to get these features in, but may reprioritize them if they take too long.
4. Priority 3: We’re willing to ship without these features. They are purely nice to have or we can do them later.


The original intention of Wines Near Me is to have the merchant side as a mobile app just like the customer. From the findings and stories
documented here, we recommend that the platform distribution be as stated below:

1. Customer Side: Mobile App (Android and IOS Applications) - It is okay to have the customers process their checkout using a mobile
app that will be deployed to Android and IOS platforms for faster navigation. This serves a great purpose as not many actions will be
required from the customer end.
2. Merchant and Store: Web app (Responsive to desktop and mobile phones) and Mobile App (Android and IOS Applications) - We
will be building a web and mobile app interface for the merchant platform. The merchant can log in to the mobile app to carry out certain
actions including executing and fulfilling orders. Merchants will be given a suggestion to execute certain actions using the web app for the
purpose of increasing experience but can still continue with the mobile app if they choose to.
3. Admin Management: Web app (Responsive to desktop and mobile phones) and Mobile App (Android and IOS Applications) The
admin platform will be deployed for the web and mobile apps environments.

User/Customer Section

Feature Intro Slider

Description The intro slider is a quick brief showing the users what s possible with the Wines Near Me mobile app. It shows
them interesting features with images which they can view from a right to left direction.

User story As a user, I want to see and scroll through the intro screen from left to right, so that I can see a quick
description of what the app is about.

Priority 1

Precondition User must have download the Wines Near Me mobile app from the app stores
Process Flow 1. After a user downloads the app from Google PlayStore or AppStore
2. On the first launch of the app, user sees the intro screens where they can slide each view to read the key
offerings of the Wines Near Me app.
3. User can click on the skip button to be redirected to the end of the slider and to access the application
home page.

Acceptance Criteria 1. The intro sliders should be visible to the user only for the first time they open up the app.
2. Given that the user closes the app after going through the intro slider, they should be automatically
redirected to the “Home“ page.
3. Given that the user tries to make any transaction or purchase, they are automatically redirected to signup
before proceeding.

Feature Signup

Description This grants a user access to having an account with Wines Near Me in order to start transacting.

User story As a Wines Near Me user, I want to signup by first providing my basic information.

Priority 0

Precondition 1. User must have downloaded the app from the stores

Process Flow 1. User visits the signup page

2. User provides the following information
a. First Name
b. Last Name
c. Email Address
d. Phone Number
e. Password
3. User clicks on the “Continue” button and is redirected to verify email address.
4. OTP is sent to the users email address
5. User enters the OTP received in their inbox.

Acceptance Criteria 1. The implementation should match Figma design.

2. All fields on the signup page are required.
3. Given that a user has not provided all information required, the “Continue“ button will be deactivated and
not clickable.
4. Given that the user has entered an invalid email format, the email field should be marked in red informing
the user to enter a valid email address.
5. Phone number field should allow only number input.
6. Given that the phone number entered by a user is less than 11 digits, system should highlight the field in
red stating that user should enter a valid phone number.
7. Password should match the following criteria:
a. Should be 8 characters long
b. Must contain at least one upper case
c. Must contain at least one lower case
d. Must contain at least one number
e. Must contain at least one special character
8. Given that the email or phone number number already exist, system should highlight the fields in error
stating “A user already exist with this email or phone number“.
9. Given that a user inputs meets all the criteria, the “Continue“ button should automatically be active and
10. Given that the user clicks the “Continue“ button, an OTP should be sent to the user registered email
address and user should be redirected the email verification page.

Feature Signup - Email Verification

Description Every user is expected to verify their email address so that Wines Near Me can validate that their email address
is correct and actually belongs to them.

User story As a user, I want to verify my email address so that I can complete my registration.

Priority 0

Precondition User must have provided their basic information.

Process Flow 1. User is sent from the basic information page.
2. User enters the OTP sent to their registered email address.
3. User is automatically redirected to the login screen to login to their new account.

Acceptance Criteria 1. OTP is required

2. The “Complete Registration“ button should be deactivated if the user has not provided an OTP yet.
3. The OTP field should accept only numbers.
4. Given that the OTP entered by the user does not match what was sent to their email, system should
highlight the input field in red informing the user that OTP is incorrect.
5. Given that the OTP provided by the user is correct, the system automatically validates and moves the user
to the “Home“ screen.

Feature Login

Description After a user has created their account, they are able to login to keep buying from stores within the platform. This
gives them access to login with their registered credentials.

User Story As a user, I want to login to my account using my email and password so that I can purchase wines from dealers.

Priority 0

Precondition User must have an already existing account.

Process Flow 1. User provides their registered email and password.

2. User clicks on the login button and is automatically logged in.
3. User can click on the checkbox “Keep me logged in“ to remain logged in.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Email and password input fields are required.

2. Given that the user clicks on the login button, system validates the information provided by the user to
ensure they are correct.
3. Given that the password or email entered by the user is wrong, system should return an error message
stating “Invalid Credentials“.
4. Given that a user successfully logs in, a login email should be sent to the user’s registered email address.
5. If a user checks the “Keep me Logged in“ checkbox, then the user should always remain logged in.

Feature Home

Description The Home section is more like an explore page capturing a cross section of stores and products available on
Wines Near Me.

User Story As a user, I want to access the homepage so that I can view all wines available for sale by different merchants.

Priority 0,1

Precondition User must have downloaded the Wines Near Me App.

Process Flow 1. User opens the app and the splash screen is displayed to the user.
2. After splash screen times out, user is redirected to the home page.
3. User does not need to be authenticated to view the home section/page of the app.
4. User sees the following on the Home page
a. Search field to search for wine name
b. Featured stores
c. Deals (Showing discounted wines on prices)
d. New arrivals
e. Explore (This shows all other wines as much as available)
f. Closest wine stores (This will be in form of a floating action button)
g. User can set their delivery location by clicking on a locations icon in the home page.
5. User clicks to view details of a wine including
a. The price
b. Store
c. Distance from user current location
6. User can then click to add wine to cart or purchase instantly.
7. User can click on the search field to search for an item.
Acceptance Criteria 1. User should be able to access to home page even without being authenticated.
2. Given that a user is not logged in and tries to buy a wine, system should redirect the user to login or create
an account to continue.
3. User should be able to add item to cart even without logging in.
4. Given that a particular item is finished in a store, there should be a label to show “Out of stock“

Feature Category

Description This page lets the customer browse items based on their different categories.

User Story As a user, I want to see all categories of wines that are available so that I can easily narrow down to the exact
types I want to buy.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. User must have downloaded the Wines Near Me app

Process Flow 1. User launches the Wines app and after the splash screen, user is redirected to the home page
2. User clicks on category at the bottom of the page next to the home icon.
3. User selects any of the categories to view the wines sold under each category.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Users should be able to access the categories page even without being authenticated.
2. The different wines category should contain the following:
a. Red Wines
b. White Wines
c. Rosé Wines
d. Sparkling Wines
e. Desert Wines
f. Fortified Wines
g. Spirits
i. Bitters
ii. Cognac
iii. Gin
iv. Whisky
v. Vodka, etc

Feature Stores

Description The gives the customers access to browse the available stores and see what they have to sell.

User Story As a user I want to see all available wines stores so that I can checkout the wines offered by the

Priority 0,1

Precondition -

Process Flow 1. User clicks on the stores icon to open up the stores showing all wine dealers on the platform.
2. User sees information concerning the store including the store name and location
3. User can search for a particular store and click to view wines from the store.
4. When viewing a store item, user can click on the heart icon to add item to wish list.
5. User can then proceed to make payment and purchase for the wine.
6. User can add a store as their favourite store.
7. User can sort the stores to view the ones that are closest to them.

Acceptance Criteria 1. When a user clicks on the stores section, they should automatically be redirected to the stores section.
2. Given that a user clicks on a store, system should open up the store details showing the following
information about the store:
a. Store name
b. Location/distance from customer
c. Store logo and cover photo
d. Available wines and wines categories
3. Given that a user has added a store as their favourite store, there should be a toast informing the user that
the store has been saved as the favourite store.
Feature Cart

Description This holds the items which a user intends to buy.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to add items to cart so that I can process payment during checkout
2. As a user, I want to view my cart so that I can manage the items selected.

Priority 1

Precondition -

Process Flow 1. A user while viewing a wine on the app clicks on the “Add to cart“ button to add wine to cart.
2. User can also click on the cart icon to view items that have been added to their cart.
3. Users can remove items from their cart by clicking on a delete icon.
4. Users can increase or decrease specific item quantity on their cart by clicking on the plus and minus button
attached to the item quantity.
5. User can click on the item quantity to manually input a value they want.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that a user is not authenticated and tries to add an item to cart, system should redirect the user to login
to proceed.
2. Given that the user logs in immediately, user should be redirected to continue from the product they were
viewing before authentication.
3. Given that a user has not added an item to cart yet, the cart returns an empty state page with a button to
proceed to stores to purchase items.
4. User cannot increase item count to more than the available quantity set by a store.
5. Item counts at all point cannot be less than zero

Feature Item Checkout

Description This gives the customer access to checkout and payment after adding items to their cart.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to access the checkout page so that I can pay for items from my cart.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. user must be logged in

2. User must have added item to their cart or wants to pay immediately

Process Flow 1. After selecting items they need, the user clicks on the checkout button and are redirected to the checkout
2. User selects their delivery option:
a. Store pickup
b. Home delivery
3. For home delivery, user selects their shipping address or add a new address
4. User will receive an email notification after a new address has been added their profile.
5. User selects their payment option:
a. Pay from purse balance
b. Pay with debit card
c. Merchant Transfer
d. Cash Payment

Acceptance Criteria 1. User must be logged in to access the checkout page.

2. Given that a user does not have sufficient purse balance during checkout, system should throw an error
message stating “Insufficient purse balance“.
3. Given that a user has made a successful payment for a wine, a payment confirmation email is sent to the

Feature Account

Description This gives the customer access to other sections of the platform to manage their account activities.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to access my account page so that I can manage my account details and also perform other
account specific actions.

Priority 1

Precondition -
Process Flow 1. User clicks on the account icon to access the account page
2. User can see the following on the account page:
a. Settings
b. Their profile picture and Name
c. wish list
d. Orders
Completed orders (Items received by the customer)
Pending orders (Items added to user’s cart, not yet paid for)
Shipped orders (Items shipped to user but awaiting delivery)
Awaiting confirmation (These are items that have been delivered to the user but awaiting their
e. Favorite stores
f. Purse

Acceptance Criteria 1. User can access this page without being authenticated
2. Given that the user is not logged in, there should be a call to action button asking the user to login.
3. Given that the user is not logged in, the profile image should be represented with a dummy avatar.
4. Given that an unauthenticated user tries to view orders, system should redirect the user to the login screen to

Feature Orders

Description This creates an order book where customers can track and manage all their orders

User Story 1. As a user, I want to see all my orders so that I can track my purchase history.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. User must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Customer clicks on the account tab

2. Customer clicks on orders
3. Customer sees the following:
a. Completed orders
b. Awaiting delivery
c. Awaiting confirmation
d. Disputed orders
4. Customer needs to confirm the receipt of an item after it has been delivered.
5. Customer can open dispute a dispute only within two days of receiving an order.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that a customer has not confirmed delivery of an item, there should be a push notification to remind the
customer about the pending order completion.
2. Given that the customer does not confirm delivery of item after two days, of being marked as delivered by the
merchant, the fund will be automatically released to the merchant wallet.

Feature Wish List

Description This gives the customer opportunity to add items to their wish list so they can come back purchase them later.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to add item to my wish list so that I can continue with the purchase in future time

Priority 3

Precondition 1. user mush be logged in

2. User must have added item to their wish list

Process Flow 1. User clicks on the wish list icon to view items in their wish list.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that a user is not logged in and clicks on the wish list icon, user should be redirected to the login screen
to login.
2. When a user clicks on the heart icon from a wish list item, the item is removed from the user’s wish list.
3. There should be a toast informing the user that item has been removed from their wish list.
4. User should be able to proceed to checkout from their wish list.

Feature Purse
Description This gives the customer the ability to have internal wallets which they can use to make payment for items within
the app only.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to have a purse tied to my account so that I can make payment for wines I have purchased.

Priority 2

Precondition 1. User must have an account

2. User must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Users log into their account and navigates to the account section.
2. User clicks on purse to see their purse balance.
3. User can fund or top up their purse with more money.
4. User clicks on fund wallet and selects the funding method:
a. Debit card
b. Bank transfer

Acceptance Criteria 1. Users must be logged in to access the purse page

2. Users can only fund their purse and cannot withdraw to local bank account
3. Users can only use the funds in their purse to purchase wines in the platform

Feature Virtual Bank Account

Description This is a virtual bank account to aid the user fund their purse using bank transfer.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to have a virtual bank account tied to my Wines Near Me account so that I can fund my
wallet directly using bank transfer.

Priority 3

Precondition 1. User must have an account

2. User must provide KYC information

Process Flow 1. Users log into their account and navigates to the account section.
2. User clicks on the profile line item and user is redirected to the profile page.
3. User clicks on verify account to complete KYC.
4. When user KYC is completed, user is given a bank account.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Users must be logged in to access their bank account

2. User can only get a bank account after they have completed their KYC verification.

Feature Settings

Description This gives the customer access to manage account custom settings.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to access the settings page so that I can customise my account security and profile to my fit.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. User have an account

2. User must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. User clicks on the account icons to open the account page.
2. User clicks on the settings icon to view the settings page.
3. User can do the following on the settings page:
a. Profile settings
b. Security settings
c. Shipping address
d. Delete account
e. Legal information
f. Login activities
g. Referrals
h. App version
Acceptance Criteria 1. User can view the settings page without being authenticated.
2. Given that a user tries to access the following without being authenticated, they should be redirected to login:
a. Profile Settings
b. Security settings
c. Shipping Address
d. Delete Account

Feature Referrals

Description This provides an extra earning option for the user to refer and get credit when they refer people.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to refer someone to the platform so that I can get referral points.

Priority 2

Precondition 1. User have an account

2. User must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. User clicks on the account icons to open the account page.
2. User clicks on the referral button to access their referral page.
3. User sees the following on the referral page:
a. Referral count
b. Referral points
c. Redeemed referral point
d. List of referrals
e. Referral code
f. Referral link

Acceptance Criteria 1. User can only view the referral page if they are authenticated
2. Given that someone has signed up using a user referral code or link, the user will be notified via email of the
new signup with their referral code.
3. Given that a user logs into their account, they can see the new registration on their referral page.
4. Given that the referral has not bought any item yet, no point will be credited to the user.
5. Given that the referral has bought an item, the user and the referral will both be credited one units each.

Feature Loyalty Program

Description This features is targeted towards customer loyalty, keeping the customers interested and always coming back to
shop using Wines Near Me.

User Story 1. As a user, I want to receive loyalty pass when I make certain number of purchase so that I can have price
discounts in my next purchase.

Priority 2

Precondition 1. User have an account

2. User must be logged in.
3. User must have shopped up to a certain value of items.

Process Flow 1. After user is fully onboarded into the platform.

2. User places order of items with an accumulated worth of X amount in Naira.
3. User gets notification that they have qualified for loyalty program and will unbox a new loyalty card when they
hit a certain amount.
4. Customer keeps making purchase and attaining goals for a loyalty card.
5. When the customer meets the criteria, the loyalty card and code is made visible to the user.
6. Customer can apply the card code to their next purchase and get discounted amount.

Acceptance Criteria 1. User can only view the referral page if they are authenticated
2. Card codes can only be used by one user.
3. User card will remain valid until all the bonus is completely redeemed.

Merchant Section - Web

Feature Signup
Description This gives the merchants opportunity to create their stores on the Wines Near Me app.

User Story As a merchant I want to signup on Wines Near Me so that I can have my items sold on the platform.

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Merchant must access the Wines Near Me app

Process Flow 1. Merchant provide the following information during signup:

a. Store name
b. Email address
c. Name (First and last name)
d. Phone number
e. Password
2. User provides these information and clicks on the “Create Account“ button to continue.
3. An OTP is sent to the merchant registered email address.

Acceptance Criteria 1. All the signup fields are required.

2. Given that a merchant has not provided all the information required, the create account button should be
3. Given that the email address provided by the merchant already exist, system should throw an error stating
“Email address already exist“.
4. Password should match the following criteria:
a. Should be 8 characters long
b. Must contain at least one upper case
c. Must contain at least one lower case
d. Must contain at least one number
e. Must contain at least one special character
5. Given that the merchant has provided all needed information, merchant should check the terms and
condition box before proceeding.
6. On click of the Create Account button, merchant is direct to verify their email address with the OTP sent to
their provided email.

Feature Email Verification

Description This allows for merchant to verify their email address before completing their registration.

User Story As a merchant I want to verify my email address so that I can be sure I have the correct email linked to my

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Merchant must have provided basic information

Process Flow 1. After a user has provided basic information and clicked on the “Create Account“ button, merchant is
redirected to verify their provided email address.
2. An OTP is sent to the merchant email.
3. Merchant inputs the provided OTP into the input field
4. System automatically validates the OTP and redirect merchant to login.

Acceptance Criteria 1. UI should match the Figma design

3. OTP field should accept number inputs only.
4. Given that the OTP entered by the merchant does not match what was sent to merchant email address,
system should automatically throw an “Invalid OTP) error message.
5. Given that the user has entered a correct OTP, the system should automatically validate and redirect the
merchant to the login screen.
6. A welcome email is sent to the merchant for a successful registration.

Feature Login

Description This gives the merchant opportunity to access their account by providing their login credentials.

User Story As a merchant I want to login to Wines Near Me app using my registered email and password so that I can
manage my store items and payments.

Priority 0
Precondition 1. Merchant must have a registered account

Process Flow 1. Merchant provides login credentials (email and password)

2. Merchant clicks on login button.
3. Merchant is redirected to the dashboard page.
4. Login email is sent the merchant registered email address

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that the merchant enters an invalid email address, system should throw an error message stating that
the email address provided is invalid.
2. Given that the login credentials provided by the merchant is incorrect, system should throw an “Invalid
Credentials“ error message when the merchant clicks on the Login button.
3. Given that the credentials provided by the merchant is correct, system should automatically redirect the
merchant to the dashboard.
4. Given that a merchant has processed a successful login, system should send a login notification to the
merchant registered email address.

Feature Get Started

Description The “Get Started“ section appears only for new merchant who has not completed their KYC information yet. This
gives the merchant an overview of what needs to be done to complete their account activation.

User Story As a new merchant I want to see the get started section after a successful login so that I can be guided on the
steps to follow to complete my account verification.

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Merchant must be a new merchant

2. Merchant must have not done or completed their account verification

Process Flow 1. New merchant logs in using their registered credentials.

2. Merchant receives a successful login email in their registered email address.
3. Merchant is redirected to the Get Started section to see the following:
a. Welcome note
b. Account verification
c. Account verification progress (In percentage)
d. Help and support

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that a merchant has not completed their verification, this page will always be accessible to the
2. Given that a merchant has made progress with their verification, the percentage progress is updated to
show the current progress.
3. Given that a merchant has completed their account verification, the get stated section will no longer be
visible to the merchant.

Feature Dashboard

Description This shows the merchant an overview of their store performance.

User Story As a merchant I want to access my dashboard so that I can track and manage my store items.

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Merchant must have a registered account.

2. Merchant must be logged in.
Process Flow 1. Merchant logs into their account with email and password
2. If merchant is new and has not completed verification, merchant has to click on the dashboard tab to
access the dashboard.
3. Merchant can see the following items on their dashboard:
a. Total revenue (Completed transaction)
b. Order count (Number of completed transactions)
c. Unsettled balance
d. Settled balance
e. Total item count
f. Low quantity alert
g. Top customers (Number of orders and amount)
h. Mostly sold items
i. Pending orders
4. Merchant can see a button to publish and un-publish their store at any time.

Acceptance Criteria 1. UI should match Figma design

2. Given that a merchant clicks on Dashboard, merchant should be redirected to the dashboard overview page.
3. Show account status so the user knows if their account is active or pending verification.
4. There must be at least one item uploaded to a store before it can be published.
5. Given that there is no item in a store while merchant is trying to publish system should throw an error
message stating that merchant should upload at least one item to the store.
6. Given that a store is published and the merchant tries to delete the last item from the store, there should be
a prompt informing the merchant that their store will be un-published once the item is deleted.
7. Given that a merchant has published their store, the store should be made visible to the customers on the
mobile app.
8. Same is true for when the store has been un-published.
9. There should be and email notification to the merchant registered email address when their store publish
status is updated.

Feature Account Verification

Description This gives the merchant opportunity to submit some verification information to verify their account in order to
have their store show up for customers to start buying from.

User Story As a merchant I want to verify my account so that my store can be visible to users who want to make purchase
on the mobile app.

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Merchant clicks on the “Account Verification“ on the “Get Started“ page.
2. Merchant is redirected to the account verification page.
3. Merchant provide the following store information:
a. Store Name (Auto fill from signup data)
b. Store type:
i. Online store
ii. Offline store
c. Store Logo
d. Store description
e. Store Address (For offline stores)
f. Location (Pick from google map)
4. Merchant clicks on the Save and continue button.
5. Merchant is redirected to provide the following store owner information:
a. First Name (Auto fill from signup data)
b. Last Name (Auto fill from signup data)
c. Valid Identity document
d. Personal email address
e. Phone number
6. Merchant clicks on save and continue button.
7. Merchant is redirected to provide the following settlements bank account information:
a. Bank name
b. Account number
c. Account name
8. Merchant validates bank account.
9. Merchant click on Submit for approval
10. Merchant verification is sent to the admin for review and approval.
Acceptance Criteria 1. UI should match Figma design
2. All verification information fields are required.
3. Given that a merchant has not completed current verification information, merchant cannot move to the next
4. Given that merchant has submitted their profile for verification, an email notification should be sent to the
merchant registered email address.
5. Given that a merchant store is not yet verified by the Wines Near Me admin, the store should not be made
ready to show up on the customer app.
6. Given that the merchant store is verified, the merchant should see a “Publish Store“ button on their
7. Merchant settlement bank account must either have the same account name as the business name or
same name with the business owner.

Feature Orders

Description This gives the merchant access to view all the orders that have come in to their store including the status of
each order.

User Story As a merchant I want to see all orders that has been made on my store so that I can track sales.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Merchant should be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Merchant clicks on “Orders“ tab to open the orders section where they get to see all orders on their store.
2. The order section will have the following tabs:
a. All orders
b. Processing
c. Completed Orders
d. New Request
e. Delivery
f. Cancelled
3. The order section contains a table of orders carrying the following information:
a. Order Number
b. Wine Name
c. Amount
d. Customer Name
e. Status
f. Date
4. Merchant clicks on any of the order items to view more details.
5. When viewing an order item, the merchant would see the following information:
a. Amount
b. Item name
c. Item image
d. Item category
e. Order Number
f. Customer name
g. Shipping details
h. Order status
i. Commission paid on order
j. Dispute
6. Merchant proceeds to verify order and update order status.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Merchant should receive an email notification for every new order that comes in.
2. Merchant should be able to click on each of the items to view more details of the order.
3. Given that a merchant updates the status of an order, a notification should be sent to the customer about
the new status of their purchase.

Feature Inventory

Description This is where the merchants get to add, update or remove items in their stores.

User Story As a merchant I want to manage my inventory so that I can always ensure stock availability in my store.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Merchant clicks on the inventory tab to view the inventory page.
2. Merchant sees the following information on the page:
a. Inventory table
b. Button to add new item
c. Button to request new supplies
d. Section to see low inventory items
3. The inventory table contains the following information:
a. Item name
b. Item image
c. Quantity sold
d. Quantity available
e. Price
f. Category
g. Status (This will be a toggle button Out of stock and Available)
h. Merchant can click on any of the table items to view more details
i. Merchant sees the following information when viewing item page:
i. A button to edit item
ii. A button to delete item
iii. Item image
iv. Item name
v. Quantity available
vi. Quantity sold
vii. Price (Naira)
viii. Category
ix. Status (Toggle - Out of stock and Available)
j. Merchant can click on the edit button to update item information.
k. The following information alone can be updated:
i. Item image
ii. Item name
iii. Quantity available
iv. Delivery Type
v. Price (Naira)
vi. Category
vii. Status
l. Merchant clicks on the publish update button to publish the new changes they have made to the item.
m. Merchant can see and click on a “Request Restock“ button to send an inventory request to Wines Near
Me to service the merchant stock request.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Merchant should be able to update items when ever they want to do so.
2. Merchant should receive an email when there is a low quantity item.

Feature Restock Request

Description This allows the merchant to send a new request to Wines Near Me to delivery new items to them.

User Story As a merchant, I want to send a stock request to Wines Near Me so that they can send me now stocks for my

Priority 2

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Merchant navigates to Restock request

2. Merchant sees all the requests previously sent
3. The page contains a table showing the following information
a. Order numer
b. Date created
c. Status
d. Invoice
4. Merchant can click to view more details about the request.
5. Merchant can delete or cancel a request.
6. When the Wines Near Me admin receives the request, they can issue an invoice to the merchant.
7. After the merchant has received their item, they will be required to click on a confirmation button to validate
that order has been received.
Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that a request has been sent to the Wines operation, they can issue an invoice to the merchant.
2. Given that a merchant has received a new invoice, they can view the invoice attached to each of the
restock request.
3. The merchant should be notified when there is a new invoice available for them.

Feature Create Item

Description This gives merchant the opportunity to create

User Story As a merchant I want to signup on Wines Near Me so that I can have my items sold on the platform.

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. From the inventory page

2. Merchant clicks on the Create New Item button.
3. Marchant is redirected to a form to provide information about the new item.
4. Merchant provides the following information:
a. Item images (3 Images)
b. Item name
c. Item category
d. Volume (Input field)
i. 24cl
ii. 70cl
iii. 75cl, etc
e. Price
f. Quantity available
g. Restock quantity (Merchant will be notified to restock when their item gets to this quantity)
h. Delivery types
i. Store Pickup
ii. Home delivery
i. Delivery fee
5. Merchant clicks on publish button to create new item in the store which is visible to users on their end.

Acceptance Criteria 1. All fields are required.

2. Restock quantity must be greater than 0.
3. If a merchant store is published, then their store items should be visible to customers.
4. Given that a merchant store is not yet published, their items should not be visible to the public.
5. If an item was out of stock and a new set has been uploaded and made available, a push notification should
be sent to all users within the proximity of the merchant stating that a particular item is now available in the
merchant store.

Feature Settings

Description This gives the merchant access to settings information on their store including profile and security settings.

User Story As a merchant I want to access my settings page so that I can adjust my store information and other custom

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in

Process Flow 1. Merchant clicks on the settings tab to access the settings page.
2. Merchant sees the following settings actions;
a. My Profile (Logged in staff)
b. Store Information
c. Security settings
d. Store verification
e. Staff Management
3. Merchant can click on any of the actions to access the settings update.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that merchant clicks on any of the settings item, merchant should be redirected to the appropriate

Feature Settings - Store Information

Description This is where the merchant can update the store information and descriptions.

User Story As a merchant, I want to update my store information so that I can have my store up to date

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Merchant clicks on the store information to view the page.
2. Merchant sees the following information while viewing the page:
a. Store Logo
b. Store Name
c. Store type
d. Store location
e. Store address
f. Store description

Acceptance Criteria TBD

Feature Settings - Security

Description This gives the merchant opportunity to manage the security settings on their store profile.

User Story As a user, I want to access the security settings so that I can always ensure a tight security for my store.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Merchant access the settings page.

2. Merchant clicks on security settings to open security information.
3. Merchant sees the following:
a. Password settings
To change password, merchant enters previous password.
Merchant enters and confirms the new password.
Merchant submits the update and the new password is set.
Successful password change email is sent to the merchant informing them of the password
b. Transaction PIN
i. To change transaction PIN,
ii. OTP is sent to the merchant registered email address.
iii. Merchant enters the OTP received.
iv. Merchant provides and confirms their transaction PIN
v. Merchant submits the action.
vi. Transaction PIN is reset and a successful reset email is sent to the merchant registered email

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that there has been a settings update on the merchant store, an email should be sent to the
registered merchant email address.

Feature Settings - Store Verification

Description This gives a merchant access to the stores verification page to carry out their verification action.

User Story As a merchant, I want to access the store verification page so that I can process verification for store.

Priority High

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in

Process Flow 1. Merchant clicks on the store verification tab.
2. If merchant store is not yet verified, merchant sees the following store information:
a. Store Name (Auto fill from signup data)
b. Store type:
i. Online store
ii. Offline store
c. Store Logo
d. Store description
e. Store Address (For offline stores)
f. Location (Pick from google map)
3. Merchant clicks on the Save and continue button.
4. Merchant is redirected to provide the following store owner information:
a. First Name (Auto fill from signup data)
b. Last Name (Auto fill from signup data)
c. Valid Identity document
d. Personal email address
e. Phone number
5. Merchant clicks on save and continue button.
6. Merchant is redirected to provide the following settlements bank account information:
a. Bank name
b. Account number
c. Account name
7. Merchant validates bank account.
8. Merchant click on Submit for approval
9. Merchant verification is sent to the admin for review and approval.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that a merchant has not completed their store verification, they can continue the process from here.
2. Given that a merchant verification has been submitted for review, there will be a prompt informing the
merchant their account is currently under verification.
3. If their account has been approved, merchant gets a prompt that their store information has been verified.

Feature Settings - Staff Management

Description This gives the merchant access to create and manage staff members on their business profile.

User Story As a merchant, I want to add and manage staff members for my store.

Priority 2

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in.

2. Merchant must be super staff

Process Flow 1. Merchant visits the staff management section

2. Merchant clicks on add new new staff
3. Merchant provides the following information on the staff:
a. First name
b. Last name
c. Email address
d. Phone number
e. Access type
i. Staff
ii. Super staff
f. Merchant submits the profile.
g. An email with login credentials is sent to the provided staff email address.
h. The merchant is also notified via email about the new staff profile

Acceptance Criteria 1. Merchant can only add a maximum of 2 staff members to their store.
2. Given that a merchant wants to add more than two staff members, merchant will have to increase this limit
by processing payment for it.
3. Only super staff members with can access all parts of the merchant page including finance related
information and page.

Feature Finance

Description This gives the merchant access to view and manage the store financials.

User Story 1. As a merchant, I want to access the finance page so that I can see all financial related records
Priority 1

Precondition 1. Merchant must be logged in

2. Merchant account must have the permission to access Finance page.

Process Flow 1. Merchant logs in to the dashboard.

2. Merchant clicks on the Finance tab to view the finance page.
3. Merchant sees the following:
a. Wallet balance
b. Store bank account (Where customers can make transfer to for item payment)
c. Daily income vs commission graph (This can be viewed monthly or yearly as well)
d. Total sales value
e. Total commission paid
f. Withdrawals
g. Pending credits (Funds awaiting customer verification before it gets to the merchant). This include the
date of creation.
h. Frequently sold items
4. Settlement bank account.
5. Merchant can add up to 3 withdrawal bank account.
6. Merchant can initiate a withdrawal to their settlement bank account.
7. Email notification will be sent to merchant registered email address on the withdrawal.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Only staff members with access to finance section can view this page.
2. Given that a merchant is adding a new settlement bank account, the account name has to contain the store
name or match the name of the store owner.
3. Merchant should not be able to withdraw more than what is in their wallet balance.
4. After a transaction has been completed, merchant will be settled the total amount less the commission fee.
5. The commission fee will be 1.5% of total transaction value which is capped at N2,000

Merchant Section Mobile App

Feature Merchant Mobile

Description This table defines the features the merchant will have access to when they login to their account using the
mobile app.

User Story 1. As a merchant, I want to access my account on the mobile app to perform a few actions.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Merchant must have an account.

Process Flow 1. Merchant can login to their account

2. Merchant can seethe overview page containing:
a. Total revenue (Completed transaction)
b. Order count (Number of completed transactions)
c. Unsettled balance
d. Settles balance
e. Total item count
f. Low quantity alert
g. Top customers (Number of orders and amount)
h. Mostly sold items
i. Pending orders
3. Merchant can click on orders to view all orders made to their store.
4. Merchant can

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that a merchant is logged in to the mobile app on their device, they should get a push notification
when there is a new order to their store.
2. When a merchant wants to upload new items to their inventory, system should suggest to them to make use
of the web for a better experience.
3. Given that the merchant clicks on “Continue Here“ button, they should be redirected to the page where they
uploade new set of items to their inventory.

Admin Section
Feature Admin Authentication - Login

Description This gives the admin access into the admin dashboard.

User Story As an an admin, I want to login to the admin using a provided email and password

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Admin account must have been created

Process Flow 1. After an admin receives login credentials

2. Admin visits the page URL
3. Admin provides email and password to complete login
4. Admin clicks on the login button to gain access.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that the admin email address does not exist system should throw an error message stating “Invalid

Feature Overview

Description This gives the admin a quick summary or cross-section of how to platform is performing in order to make well
informed decisions.

User Story As an admin, I want to view the dashboard page so that I can have a quick summary of what is happening within
the platform.

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in

Process Flow 1. Admin logs in using email and password.

2. Admin is redirected to the over view page.
3. Admin sees the following information:
a. Number of transactions completed
b. Number of stores
c. Number of customers
d. Total transaction value processed
e. Commission earned
f. Payouts processed
g. Total stock request

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that the admin clicks on any of the card item view action, the admin should be redirected to the page
to manage the specific data.

Feature Manage Stores

Description This gives the admin access to view all stores on the platforms and take various actions on them.

User Story As an admin, I want to view all stores so I can manage and review their activities.

Priority 0

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in

Process Flow 1. Admin clicks on “Stores“ tab to access the stores page.
2. Admin will have a search field to find a store.
3. The stores page will be separated into the following sections:
a. All stores
b. Approved stores
c. Awaiting approval
d. Deactivated stores
e. Declined stores
4. The stores table will have the following information
a. Store name
b. Email address
c. Phone number
d. Store type
e. Date joined
f. Date approved
g. Location (State)
5. Admin clicks on each store to view more information:
a. Store information
b. Store owner
c. Button to deactivate store
d. Verification information
e. Button to approve or decline verification
f. Store items
g. Notification (Email/Push notification)
6. Admin can click on an edit button while viewing a store to edit the store information.
7. Admin can export all stores in a CSV format

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that an admin is declining a store verification request, admin should provide a reason for the decline.
2. Given that a store verification has been declined, an email should be sent to the store owner and stating
why their request was declined. They can go back to complete the verification again.

Feature Manage Customers

Description This gives admin the opportunity to manage the activities of the customers on the platform.

User Story As an admin, I want to view all customers so I can manage and review their activities.

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Admin clicks on the customers tab to view the customers page.
2. The customer page contains a table with the following information:
a. Customer name
b. Email address
c. Phone number
d. Date registered
e. Last login
3. Admin can search for a customer using the search input field
4. Admin can click on any of the customer to view more information:
a. Name
b. Image
c. Email address
d. Phone number
e. Items bought
f. Wallet balance
g. Referral details
i. referral count
ii. referral list
iii. referral credit earned
iv. referral credit converted
h. Disputes raised
i. Notification (Email/Push notification)
j. Loyalty card information
5. Admin the click on the edit button to update the information of a customer.
6. Admin can download and export customer information in a CSV format.
Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that the admin clicks on a customer name, the admin should be redirected to view the customer more
information of the customer.

Feature Finance

Description This provides the admin with details on financial reports regarding the platform.

User Story As an admin, I want to access the finance page so that I can get detailed information on how well the platform is
performing financially

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in

Process Flow 1. Admin clicks on the Finance tab to view the finance page.
2. On the finance page, the admin should see the following:
a. Total commission
b. Total transaction value
c. Total customer wallet balance

Acceptance Criteria 1. Only super admins can access the finance page.
2. Given that an admin is not a super access, the finance section should be disabled for them.

Feature Stock Requests

Description This gives the admin access to view requests from stores for restocking items.

User Story As an admin, I want to see restock requests so that I can proceed to service the request and send the items to
the stores.

Priority 2

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in

Process Flow 1. Admin clicks on the stock request tab to view all request from stores.
2. The stock page is separated into:
a. All requests
b. Completed requests
c. Pending requests
d. Declined requests
3. The stock request page contains a table with the following information:
a. Store name
b. Location
c. Order date
d. Item count
4. Admin clicks on any of the line items to view more information:
5. Admin can click on create invoice to create an invoice for the order.
6. Invoice is sent to the store via their dashboard.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Admin should always receive email notification when there is a new stock request from a store.
2. Admin can create an invoice with the order details and amount to send back to the store in order to process

Feature Invoice

Description This gives the admin access to create payment links/invoice for the purpose of item payments by stores.

User Story As an admin, I want to create a payment link so that the stores can use it to process payment for items.

Priority 2

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Admin clicks on payment links

2. Admin is sent to the invoices page
3. The page contains a table showing previous invoices
4. Admin can click on new invoice
Acceptance Criteria 1. Admin should always receive email notification when there is a new stock request from a store.
2. Admin can create a payment link with the order details and amount to send back to the store in order to
process payment.

Feature Manage Admins

Description This is the access given to a super admin to create and manage the activities of other admins. This will be
guided with the Role-Based Access Control feature to limit what other admins can do within the system.

User Story As an admin, I want to create and manage other admins so that they can also participate in monitoring the

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in

Process Flow 1. Admin clicks on manage admins

2. Admin can find other admins created in the platform.
3. Admin click on create new admin and provides the following information:
a. Name
b. Email address
c. Phone number
d. Admin type:
i. Super admin
ii. Admin
4. Admin clicks on the submit button.
5. A mail is sent to the new admin carrying their login credentials.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Only super admins can create another admin.

2. Given that a new admin has been added, system should send a mail to the admin email address carrying
their login credentials.
3. Given that the new admin logs in for the first time, there should be a prompt for them to change their
4. Admin should not be allowed to continue without changing their password.
5. Given that the admin has changed their password, the default password should no long work.

Feature Settings

Description This gives access to the admin to manage and update settings on the admin dashboard.

User Story As an admin, I want to update my settings so that I can keep a tight security on the admin platform

Priority 1

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in.

Process Flow 1. Admin clicks on settings to access the settings page.

2. Admin navigates the settings page to view the following:
a. Profile Settings
b. Security settings

Acceptance Criteria 1. Given that admin has made a new update on the settings page, an email notification should be sent to the
admin on the new change that just occurred.

Feature Disputes

Description This is where the admins come to settle disputes that have been raised by customers regarding items bought.

User Story As an admin, I want to see all disputes created by customers and merchants so that I can resolve any conflict
that may come up.

Priority 2

Precondition 1. Admin must be logged in

Process Flow 1. Admin logs in to the system.
2. Admin clicks on disputes to view the dispute page.
3. The page is divided into two sections:
a. Store disputes (Disputes raised by stores)
i. All disputes
ii. Open disputes
iii. Closed disputes
b. Customer disputes (Disputes raised by customers)
4. The dispute page contains a table showing the following information:
a. Name
b. Email address
c. Phone number
d. Disputed
e. Status
f. Reason (Snippet of reason with ellipsis)
g. Date created
5. Admin ca click on any of the line item to view more information.
6. Admin can send email to both parties directly from the platform.

Acceptance Criteria 1. Admin should always be notified of a new dispute opened.

2. Given that an admin clicks on any of the line item, system should open a page showing more information
about the dispute.
3. Given that admin marks a dispute as closed, the status of the disputes should be updated to closed.

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