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Exercise 11: Acid-base titration curve a) Use the M-file from the previous example and simulate an acid-base titration of water in equilibrium with the atmospheric Peo,, in the interval 0 < [Cl-] <3-10~4 and 0 <[Na*] <1-107% b) Make the same calculations for both Poo, 4-107! and 4-10 atm. ©) In which pH interval is the curve most affected by the Peo,? Explain in terms of the protolysis of HCO, to HCO; and CO}. At atmospheric Peo, you should get the following curve: in- Hint: Use the methodology inExercis stead of Poo,- e 7, but with [Nat] as parameter Exercise 12: Using the titration curve Use the diagram from Exercise 13 to determine: a) How many ml of 0.01M HCI must be added to 100 ml of water with a pl of 8.0 to make pH drop 2 units to pH 6.0? b) How many ml of 0.01M H2SO, must be added to 100 ml of water with a pil of 6.0 to make pH drop 2 units to pH 4.0? ©) How many ml of 0.02M NaOH must be added to 300 ml of water with a pH of 4.5 to make pH increase to 7.5? Assume that you may neglect the change in volume due to addition of acid/base, then check your assumption, Exercise 13: Gran-alkalinity for data David Wallin and Lars Aspelin did their Master thesis in 1999 in Zimbabwe, where they investigated the groundwater quality of the northern parts of| the country as a Minor Field Study, MES. a) Calculate the Gran-alkalinity for the data below (sample vol- uume=20ml, 0.085 M HCl) from this Master thesis. Use Excel or the MATLAB function polyfit to draw the relevant part of the function and to find the intercept that gives the Gran-alkalinity. Example 4-8 is highly recommended! b) Are these groundwaters hard? Think about which cations that bal- ance HCO; , and use Table 3.4 as a basis for your discussions. yam 7 ‘Saale ‘Added acid V (wl) Sample pH | Added acid V (il Sample pir o a 2 1.530 17 4.62 155, Lr 401 1.60 1s 358, 1.65 usr 2.36 1.70 1.92 3.20 175 197 3.09 10 202 2.01 185, 207 293, 90 212 287 Lat 27 282 2.00 222 ar 2.05, 227 273 Exercise 14: Model and trend for organic carbon a) Combine suitable equations to get an expression of the acid dissocia- tion fraction jg a8 a function of the pH value. b) Calculate and plot the acid dissociation fraction for the interval 4 < pH <8 and use the Kp calculated both using Equation 7.4 and Equation 7.5. Can the simplification be used? c) Calculate the total concentration of dissolved organic carbon, DOC, in Lake Oresjén in 1985 and 2005. Use the data from Table 7.1. For inspiration, read: http: //www. Exercise 15: Model and effects of dissolved Al 1. Calculate and plot the concentration of the different aluminium species plus the total Al content in the water, as a function of pH, with 4

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