SP Final Essay

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How Beneficial are Sports?

Most kids are put into sports at a young age. This is usually for parents to get their kids to

do some kind of activity. When I was younger I played a lot of sports until I found one that

stuck: Kung Fu. My parents originally put me into this in hopes I would learn self defense, and

discipline, as well as to stay healthy. As I progressed through the ranks I got invited to join the

assistant program at the academy. I began teaching kids what I had been learning throughout my

entire life. Coaching was something that was very fun for me. I enjoyed working with the kids,

and I thought I had found something I would be doing until I graduated. However, when COVID

started I was robbed of that opportunity. The academy closed down, and in that absence I decided

to pick up a job at Encore Gymnastics where I continue to coach kids. When I am coaching I find

that the kids are much more compliant, and it is overall easier to communicate with them than

kids that do not play sports. This idea really interested me and I began thinking if there was a

connection between sports and these kids’ actions. I want to know if parents putting their kids

through sports is more than just physically beneficial. In pondering this, I thought to ask: How

does playing sports impact one’s cognitive ability?

Although playing sports seems like something that may just be recreational fun, it can

also lead to increased brain activity. Studies show that playing sports increases blood flow to the

brain. This can lead to increased neuroconnections inside someone’s brain. This is because,

“Increased blood flow to the brain can allow the body to make increased nerve connection within

the brain” (“How Playing Sports”). As seen in the quote, playing sports builds more connection

within the brain. These increased connections allow for athletes to have heightened reaction

time. This can also lead to increased memory recall skills, reading skills, as well as better reading

skills. Christopher Curley, author of “Playing Sports Makes Your Brain More Efficient” does a


great job of demonstrating this, “Sports are a powerful promoter of neuroplasticity, which is the

brain’s ability to form new neurons, connections, and reorganize its neural networks” (Curley).

This quote demonstrates that people who play sports actually form new neurons and unlock the

ability to reorganize the brain’s networks to benefit the person. Although these may seem like a

lot of changes and new developments, there is also a visible change in the right anterior

prefrontal cortex in the brains of children. This is evident in the article “Physical Activity and

Cognitive Functioning of Children: A Systematic Review”: “Studies conducted with children

aged 8–9 years confirmed that sport influences changes in the right anterior prefrontal cortex,

which are related to cognitive control. The findings suggest that plan-structured sport activities,

for example tennis play, are associated with the development of inhibitory control” (Physical

Activity and). This quote explains that the part of the brain that is changed in children is

associated with cognitive control. Cognitive control is the skills that allow people to process

information and place certain goals depending on what the moment calls for. The quote also

states that sports are associated with inhibitory control. Although this is seen in both males and

females, studies show that it is better seen in males than females. Overall, sports have been

proven to increase cognitive control as well as inhibitory control. Along with increasing the

brain's overall activity, playing sports can also lead to more specific benefits in a person’s mind

as well as a person’s body.

Playing sports is known to help develop the brain more overall, but playing sports can

also increase specific senses. One example of increased senses is shown in “Playing Sports

Makes Your Brain More Efficient” when Curley notes, “People that play sports have a better

ability to filter out noise and static around them to better focus on one thing.” This quote explains

that athletes have the ability to focus on specific sounds. If they were in a very noisy place, they


could theoretically focus on one person's voice and filter out the rest of the sound. In other

words, their sense of hearing is greatly improved. Another skill that sports can improve is mental

toughness as well as focus: “Playing sports increases mental toughness as well as one’s focus”

(Can Playing Sports). As seen in the quote, playing sports increases one's focus as well. This

goes hand in hand with the hearing benefit and being able to focus on one thing. Both of these

are major benefits that people that do not play sports would normally not be able to do. Along

with these new skills, playing a sport also has the ability to keep a person’s critical thinking skills

sharp. The article “How Playing Sports Affects the Brain” demonstrates this perfectly, “Studies

show that participating in sports can keep your concentration and critical thinking skills sharp, as

you age. Sports that have a mix of muscle-strengthening and aerobic activity are especially

beneficial” (How Playing Sports). All in all, sports add many new skills to a person's roster. It

increases a person's mental toughness as well as their concentration and critical thinking skills.

The most noteworthy of all of these skills is the fact that people that play sports can filter out a

specific sound from loud places such as a room filled with people. These heightened senses are

very beneficial to athletes and, along with this, playing sports can also change the amount of

certain chemicals in a person's brain.

Sports and being active release a chemical in a person's brain called serotonin. Serotonin

is known as a body’s happy chemical. It changes mood and prevents thoughts of depression as

well as anxiety. It is also noted that “When serotonin is at normal levels, you feel more focused,

emotionally stable, happier and calmer. Low levels of serotonin are associated with

depression”(Serotonin). This quote explains that when serotonin is at normal levels people feel

good; However, when serotonin is heightened it can increase mood and overall happiness.

Serotonin is also closely related to another chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is also


responsible for how motivated a person is as well as pleasure and satisfaction. Serotonin and

dopamine actually fights off an enzyme called monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A). People

diagnosed with depression typically have very high levels of this. According to Dolores

Garcia-Arocena, author of “Happy or SAD: The Chemistry behind Depression”, “People with

clinical depression often have increased levels of monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), an enzyme

that breaks down key neurotransmitters, resulting in very low levels of serotonin, dopamine and

norepinephrine” (Happy or SAD). People who are active produce more amounts of serotonin and

dopamine which allows them to be happier and more fulfilled in life. A quote from Jim

Afremow, author of The Champion's Mind states , “Dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NE), and

serotonin (5-HT) are the three major monoamine neurotransmitters that are known to be

modulated by exercise” (The Champion's Mind). These chemicals being released in the brain is a

major benefit of sports and helps avoid suicidal thoughts as well as anxiety and depression.

Sports are also known to make people happier in other ways than just chemically.

As seen above the chemicals released in a person's brain when playing sports are a main

cause for happiness, however just doing something that one is excited to do can be another cause

of happiness. Dr. Kathleen Smith is a pediatrician for John Muir Medical group, and in an

interview she stated, “Chemicals in the brain do have something to do with happiness of a

person, but the way I see it is that happiness comes from doing what you are interested in and

what you want to do.” This can be seen very well in kids, although children may be active in a

sport does not necessarily mean they are happy. However, sports have been proven to make

people happier overall. In some cases, sports can even help with depression: “ As previously

stated, sports and physical activity temporarily forces some aspects within a person’s brain to

change, allowing for a break from depressive thoughts or emotions' ' (Can Playing Sports).


According to Dr. Danan, sports can also remedy depression as well as anxiety issues. This quote

is referring to psychologists and counselors telling their patients to do some kind of activity or

sport. This is because it will rearrange certain parts of the brain to somewhat remedy depressive

thoughts and anxiety. People that play sports tend to be happier on average than people who are

less active. According to the article “The Impact of Sport on the Development of Children ''

states:, “Playing a sport makes kids less likely to become depressed or have anxiety” (The

Impact of ). This quote is another prime example of sports helping with these issues of anxiety

and depression. Sports assist with more than just improved brain activity, they can also help with

stress and depression. It is proven that kids who do not play sports while growing up have

limited perception as well as developmental disorders: “A lack of physical activity in childhood

can lead to limited perception and developmental disorders. In addition, the period of late

childhood is the time when motor skills develop the most dynamically, as well as cognitive

functions, especially executive ones, which mature around the age of 12 years” (Physical

Activity and). This issue with limited perception can also lead to more disorders such as anxiety

and depression. Sports helps with all of this as it can take away this issue with limited perception

by allowing people to experience more. Sports can allow people to travel and make new

connections with people. These connections actually help people to be happier in their lives.

Sports have also been shown to improve connections with the community as well.

Sports have the ability to actually bring a group of people together. Sports have many

benefits, but a person’s feeling of community is a big one. When people play a team sport, they

tend to feel much more connected with their community as well as their environment. The article

“How Playing Sports Affects” demonstrates this very well, “Playing sports has even been known

to increase a feeling of community and teamsmanship” (How Playing Sports). When a person


plays a sport, they get to know the people and environment around them. For example, when

kids join a new school they do not know anyone. During activities such as physical education,

they become closer to one another. Matthew Smith is a PE teacher at Louise Van Meter

Elementary School in Las Gatos. In a personal interview he stated that he has seen new

connections in his class: “ Kids come up to me all the time telling me how excited they are to be

on the team with other specific people. The funny part is that the kids that are coming up to me

were not even friends with the other kids before the class.” He claims that students are excited to

be on teams with their friends. He also stated that some of the kids that came up to him were not

even friends with the rest of their team before the year started. Social skills are an important part

of all sports. Kids that participate in sports tend to have better teamwork, fair play,

communication, respect for others, ability to follow rules, independence, and leadership. Author

Josh Skrupskas does a great job of displaying this, “Not only does sport increase their individual

confidence but it also helps keep children social. Social skills that are learned or enhanced

through sport while assisting children in growing into successful adults include: teamwork,

fairplay, communication…” (The Impact of Sport). This quote greatly demonstrates all of these

new social skills that children can use to form new connections and make new friends. Playing

sports has all of these amazing benefits, and another major one is the increased leadership skills

as well as better classroom behavior.

Sports do not just benefit people on the field. Another major advantage can be seen inside

of the classroom. Students that play sports outside of the classroom are overall better behaved as

well as more focused inside of the classroom. As stated in the article “Grow Kids' Brains through

Sport”: “Students that exercise and play sports outside of the classroom have shown an increased

leadership activity” (Grow Kids’ Brains). This quote demonstrates the boost in leadership


activity from children that play sports. These kids can lead by example, which will eventually

lead to a better learning environment for the rest of the students. Along with the increase in

leadership skills, students who participate in sports have also shown to be able to follow

classroom rules better: “Studies show that the students that participated in outside sports

followed classroom rules and expectations better” (Grow Kids' Brains). These same kids also

followed classroom rules and expectations better than their peers. Research from Université de

Montréal professor Linda Pagan shows that:

By the time they reached the fourth grade, kids who played structured sports were

identifiably better at following instructions and remaining focused in the

classroom. There is something specific to the sporting environment -- perhaps the

unique sense of belonging to a team to a special group with a common goal -- that

appears to help kids understand the importance of respecting the rules and

honoring responsibilities. (Grow Kids' Brains)

In addition to being a professor of psychology, Pagan is also a researcher at Montreal's CHU

Sainte-Justine Children's hospital. In the quote, Pagan explains that by the time a student reaches

fourth grade they have shown an exponential improvement in classroom behavior, whereas their

peers that do not participate in outside sports have not. Sports are beneficial in many different

ways, and better behavior is definitely a big one. Along with all of these mental benefits, sports

can also help a person's physical health.

As everyone knows, being active keeps people healthy. Sports keeps peoples’ mind and

body active for the recommended amount each day? Recently, less and less kids have been

playing sports because they would rather be at home on their phones, playing video games, or

watching television. Due to this, the rate of childhood obesity has nearly tripled in the United


States: “Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates have tripled in the U.S., and today,

the country has some of the highest obesity rates in the world: one out of six children is obese,

and one out of three children is overweight or obese” (Child Obesity). This quote states that the

US has one of the highest percentages of obese people in the entire world. Sports would cancel

out the newfound inactivity and would promote a healthier lifestyle for kids. Playing a sport is

essential to good health and comes with major health benefits. This constant pattern of obesity in

the United States is linked to a lack of exercise, and obesity as a child can actually lead into

adulthood: “What’s worse, youth who are overweight or obese have substantially higher odds of

remaining overweight or obese into adulthood, increasing their risk of disease and disability later

in life” (Child Obesity). On top of obesity later in life there is also an increased risk of disease.

According to the article “Child Obesity”: “Obesity can harm nearly every system in a child’s

body-heart and lungs, muscles and bones, kidneys and digestive tract, as well as the hormones

that control blood sugar and puberty-and can also take a heavy social and emotional toll” (Child

Obesity). As seen, being obese due to a lack of exercise is a very serious issue. The quote

demonstrates that if a child is obese it harms everything from their vital organs to their emotions.

Playing a sport keeps kids healthy and in the right state of mind. Being active burns calories that

you may stack up in a day by eating a lot or even by just being inactive. Sports are very helpful

and benefit every part of a person.

Overall, playing a sport is majorly beneficial. It affects the mind in so many different

ways. Playing a sport basically rearranges the way your brain works. There is even a visible

change in the brain in youth that play sports. Playing sports also increases concentration and

focus abilities. It has even been linked to increased memory, retention, and reading skills.

Playing sports also increases good behavior and reduces as well as prevents stress, anxiety and


depression. Playing sports definitely changes the way someone's brain works and is without a

doubt beneficial to the mind and body of any person. Not only is playing a sport fun, it is vital in

maintaining one’s mental and physical health.


Works Cited

Afremow, Jim. The Champion's Mind. Rodale, 2015.

Bidzan-Bluma, Ilona, and Małgorzata Lipowska. “Physical Activity and Cognitive Functioning

of Children: A Systematic Review.” International Journal of Environmental Research and

Public Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 19 Apr. 2018,



“Can Playing Sports/Physical Activity Lead to a Healthier Brain?” Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe

Institute, 13 June 2022,


“Child Obesity.” Obesity Prevention Source, 8 Apr. 2016,




Curley, Christopher. “Playing Sports Makes Your Brain More Efficient.” Healthline, Healthline

Media, 10 Dec. 2019,



Garcia-Arocena, Dolores. “Happy or SAD: The Chemistry behind Depression.” The Jackson






“Grow Kids' Brains through Sport.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 11 Nov. 2015,





“How Playing Sports Affects the Brain.” Prevagen,





“Serotonin: What Is It, Function & Levels.” Cleveland Clinic,



Smith, Kathleen. Interview. Conducted by Liam Burke. 23 March 2023.

Smith, Matthew. Interview. Conducted by Liam Burke. 10 March 2023.

“The Impact of Sport on the Development of Children.” Carleton Athletics, 15 May 2020,



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