Course Outline Policies and Student Resources

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Course Syllabus Policies,

Guidelines and Student


Welcome Back and Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

For information on returning to studies this Fall, including the implications of COVID-19, follow this link The link includes an FAQ structured dialogue containing specific
questions/guidance related to the implications of COVID-19.


Emphasis is placed on understanding through individual student study and classroom examples; lecture time is
limited. Not all materials that students are expected to understand will be explicitly covered in lectures. Lectures
will concentrate on areas considered more challenging or in which the course materials require application. In-
class examples will be used to demonstrate the application of concepts and facilitate problem solving. Thus,
classes will be predominately used to clarify, develop, and expand students’ knowledge of the material and its
application in real world situations.

Email Etiquette – Emails must comply with the following to receive a response

1. Include your full name, course and section number in your message.

2. Use your Mount Royal University email for messages, as responses may not be received using other email

3. Your e-mail must contain an appropriate subject line.

4. Check your spelling and grammar. Slang is not appropriate.

5. Allow two (2) business days for a response, due to other activities, such as University committees, meetings,
industry liaison, and scholarship and research.

6. A proper salutation must be utilized, such as: Hello, Hi, or Dear “Professor’s Name”. Slang or abbreviation of the
professor’s name is not appropriate within an educational context.

7. Please do not send an email that says, “I wasn’t in class, did I miss anything?” This is not appropriate, as something

important or at least useful and relevant occurs in each class.

8. Always check the Course Outline, Blackboard Site, and any other documents for the course for the information you
are seeking, before sending your question. Emailing for clarification after you have read the available information is
always welcome.

Faculty Standard Operating Procedures & Mount Royal University Policies

It is incumbent to note that irrespective of whether or not specific MRU policies and procedures are expressly included in
course outlines, all generally applicable MRU policies and procedures that relate to student and MRU employee course
delivery obligations/entitlements/requirements are implicitly included in all course outlines.

In light of our current course delivery context, specific awareness of the following MRU Policies and Procedures is provided to
ensure student awareness/understanding. Any questions related to the implications of any MRU Policies/Procedures,
including the following, should be raised by students with their instructor.

1. Recording and Distribution of Academic Presentations and Materials Policy

a. Recording and Distribution of Academic Presentations and Materials Procedures

2. Intellectual Property Policy

a. Intellectual Property Procedures

Users, including any recorded student participants, are advised that the personal information collected during the
recordings will only be used for educational purposes and is collected under the authority of the FOIP Act – section
33(c) and the Post-Secondary Learning Act in the Province of Alberta. Users are further advised that the
downloading of posted videos other than for the purposes of student personal learning through Blackboard, may
violate the copyright of the course instructor or others. For additional questions regarding the collection, use,
disclosure and protection of personal information please contact the MRU FOIP Office,

Examinations Mid-term Examinations

o The professor has the authority to grant or deny a deferred mid-term
examination. Under no circumstances will a deferred examination be
granted after the student has written the original examination.
o A student who is unable, for a valid reason, to write a mid-term examination
at the scheduled time may apply to the professor for a deferred
o Valid reasons for requesting deferral of a mid-term examination include, but
are not restricted to: personal illness, bereavement, personal injury,
unavoidable and unanticipated demands in caring for dependents, and other
compelling reasons that are outside the student’s control may be
o The application for a deferred mid-term examination must be supported by
the appropriate documentation and the professor must be informed in
writing, by email or by phone WITHIN 24 HOURS of the scheduled
o If you do not meet these requirements and misses a mid-term examination,
you will receive a ZERO (0) mark for the examination
o If the student does meet the requirements for a deferred examination, a
date will be set in consultation with the professor for the deferred
examination to be written.

Final Examinations
o Final Examinations dates are set by the Registrar. Students MUST BE
AVAILABLE to write final examinations up to and including the last day of
the examination period as specified in the Academic Schedule in the Mount
Royal University Calendar.
o Students should be fully aware of the Mount Royal University policy on final
examination deferrals as outlined under Academic Regulations in the Mount
Royal University Calendar.
o Examinations will be conducted in the manner as prescribed by the
o Students may only bring to the examination items stipulated by the
professor as required for the completion of the examination.

Requests for deferred final examinations must be approved by the chair of the academic
unit, no exceptions.

Student Concerns: If a student has any concerns about their course, they should contact
and speak with their professor about the matter first. If the matter is not resolved through
discussions with their professor, the student should contact the program chair.

Note to all students: All cell phones, smart phones, computers, media players, and other
electronic devices MUST be turned off during examinations unless otherwise authorized.
Failure to comply may result in a failing grade on the examination for the offending student
and the offending student may be made the subject of academic misconduct proceedings.

Academic and Non- Students are required to respect the standards of academic integrity and maintain conduct
Academic Misconduct that promotes the safety and well-being of all members of the Mount Royal University
Academic integrity and rigor are fundamental elements of a post-secondary education and
are grounded values that include honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. Mount
Royal University and Faculty of Business and Communication Studies requires that its
faculty, staff, and students maintain these values and model ethical leadership and
personal integrity in all university associated activities. In the online environment,
measures will be put in place to safeguard the integrity of online assessments and the
intellectual property of professors.
Academic integrity and rigor require that students refrain from conduct that includes, but is
not limited to, plagiarism, cheating or copying someone else’s work.

“Plagiarism consists of using other people’s words or ideas without adequately

acknowledging the source of those words or ideas. Plagiarism can take many
forms: stealing an entire essay and submitting it as one’s own work; quoting
parts of a source without acknowledging that source; quoting parts of a source
without quotation marks (even if the source is listed in the Works Cited list); too
few in-text citations compared to the amount of information used; incorrect,
incomplete, or missing documentation elements. Penalties for plagiarism can
range from a reduction in the assignment grade to expulsion from the

–with thanks to Bill Bunn, Department of English, Mount Royal

Non-academic misconduct includes conduct that threatens the safety or well-being of any
member of the Mount Royal University community or any conduct that seriously and
adversely affects the University or its mission.

In addition, students are expected to take an active role in encouraging other members of
the academic community to refrain from academic and non-academic misconduct, and are
asked to advise the professor if they are aware of any such violations. This provision
applies to any work submitted as a group project.
Students are strongly recommended to read all information regarding academic and non-
academic misconduct, and student conduct generally, which can be found on-line at:

Correctness All readers of workplace and industry documents expect correct grammar, punctuation,
spelling, and word usage. Based on this expectation, all graduates of the Faculty of
Business and Communication Studies are expected to be competent in this area and
maintain a minimum correctness for all written work submitted for academic course credit.
This minimum standard applies to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage, but
may also apply to other elements deemed important by your professor. Specified details
relating to requirements surrounding written work will be discussed in class by your
professor and may include the following examples of correctness requirements:
o Sentence structure: fragments, fused sentences, comma splices.
o Agreement: subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent.
o Spelling, word usage, and Standard English usage. The same word
misspelled repeatedly constitutes one error.
o Comma usage.
o Semicolon and colon usage.
o Apostrophe usage. Repeated misuse of the apostrophe in the same word
constitutes one error.

Should students be in need of additional support and guidance to maintain this expected
level of correctness, please refer to the writing resources available through Student
Learning Services.
Mount Royal University Please refer to the following sections in the current Mount Royal University Calendar,
Policies o Academic Schedule
o Registration Information
o Fees and Deposits
o Academic Regulations (including Deferred Examination and Academic
Appeals and Grievances)
o General Graduation Requirements

Course Withdrawals Students who wish to drop/add courses or withdraw from a course must submit the
appropriate forms by the deadline dates set out below.

Note: the following dates are changed for the Fall 2022 Semester

First day of Fall semester classes September 8, 2022

Last day to adjust registration (Drop/Add) for Fall semester with September 16, 2022
tuition refund (less deposit) 

Full fees for Fall semester due (registered students only) August 15, 2022

Fall Reading Break October 11 - 14, 2022

Fall final examination schedule posted October 19, 2022

Formal evaluation feedback accounting for not less than 25% of total November 10, 2022
final grade communicated to students

Last day to withdraw from courses in the Fall semester with an award November 18, 2022
of “W” grade(s)
NOTE: if the course falls within unusual start/end dates, then the
withdrawal date will be the last day of that specific class
Students who do not follow the proper withdrawal procedures will be
recorded as having failed the course and be awarded an “F” grade.

Last day of Fall semester classes December 9, 2022

Formal evaluation feedback accounting for not less than 50% of total December 9, 2022
final grade communicated to students

Fall semester final examination period December 12 - 22, 2022

Learning Management System (LMS) – Brightspace D2L (D2L)

"In this course, you will be asked to submit material in electronic form to a text matching service to which MRU
subscribes called This is a service that checks textual material for originality. MRU authorizes the use of
text Matching Software for educational purposes. Limited personal information should be entered into the software. It is
recommended that personal information entered be limited to MRU identification number, institutional email address
and course work.
By submitting your material, you agree that your paper will be subject to a textual similarity review to for
the detection of plagiarism. Use of service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site.
Submitted data resides with the software company outside the University and is used to provide comparisons that
promote academic integrity. Once submitted, your materials will be included as source documents in the
reference database and used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.

Students have the right to opt-out of using the software and may choose another form of originality checking, subject to
the agreement of the instructor. Normally, students must notify their instructor of their intention to opt out no later than
ten business days after the add/drop date for their course/term. Inquiries regarding the use of in your
course can be directed to your course instructor [title, business address and phone number]. General information about, including training materials and the University's reasons for using it, can be found on the ADC website
(direct link:”

Expectations of Appropriate Conduct

A successful career requires more than technical skills and expertise – it requires the ability to build productive and long-term
relationships with other members of the organization, the industry, and the community. Such relationships are developed
through day-to-day behaviours that convey respect, honesty, confidence, and professionalism.

In the Faculty of Business and Communication Studies, students, faculty, and administrative staff are expected to adhere to
behavioural standards that reflect these same attributes.

o Being prepared for meetings, classes, appointments, presentations

Professionalism o Being correct and clear in written and oral communication
o Refraining from inappropriate gossip, such as making derogatory comments
about students to other students, about professors to other professors, etc.

o Adopting actions, demeanor, and dress that are appropriate to each situation
o Keeping confidential information in the proper circles.
o Arriving on time for classes, appointments, office hours, and meetings
Respect o Listening to the presentations, comments, questions, and opinions of others
without interruption or ridicule
o Expressing differences of opinion or dissatisfaction without aggression or
personal attacks on others
o Avoiding actions or words that may harm others
o Using courteous language in all manner of communication (verbal, written,
o Adopting the “golden rule” and treating others as you would like to be treated –
fairly and equitably.
o Obeying all Mount Royal University policies, Faculty Standard Operating
Responsibility Procedures, and applicable civil and criminal legislation
o Accepting responsibility and consequences if deadlines are missed or
established requirements are unmet
o Managing personal, career, and academic progress (i.e., not relying on others
for reminders of course, program, professional certification, or other
o Meeting commitments.
o Refraining from all forms of academic misconduct and academic dishonesty
Honesty (e.g., representing the work of others as original, using prohibited aids during
examinations, etc.)
o Being truthful in dealings with others.

Student Resources

Student Learning Services Take charge of your learning by working with Learning Strategists,
Learning Peers and Mentors. Develop stronger studying and writing
Room: EL2100 skills, work toward a better understanding of course content, and
connect with mentors to help you succeed at university and beyond.
Phone: 403.440.6452
Writing, Math and Learning:
Web: Writing, Math and Learning Strategists can help you with writing,
learning, time management, planning a presentation, math strategies
and mindset, academic reading strategies, exam preparation
strategies, organizing ideas, editing techniques, and more.
Appointments are free of charge and can be booked online (through
MyMRU), by phone or in person. Workshops are also offered for a
variety of popular topics — and you can find the schedule online.   
Learning Peers:
Super-charge your study time with the Peer Learning Program.
Learning Peers offer friendly support, encouragement and subject-
specific knowledge.  
Peer Mentors:
Registration is now open for the Fall 2022 semester! Deadline to
register is September 30. Limited spaces available, so register early
for your best chance of getting help.

Iniskim Centre The Iniskim Centre offers programs and services to increase the
engagement and success of Indigenous students while raising
Room: T110 awareness of Indigenous peoples and cultures.
Mount Royal University is located in the traditional territories of the
Phone: 403.440.5596 Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the
Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut'ina, and the Îyârhe
Web:  Nakoda. We are situated on land where the Bow River meets the
Elbow River, and that the traditional Blackfoot name of this place is
Mohkinstsis, which we now call the City of Calgary. The City of
Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation. The centre recognizes and
respects the diversity of all Indigenous peoples of Canada.
Students can take advantage of a variety of programs and supports
offered through the Iniskim Centre; a comprehensive list of such
programs and supports can be found at Student Resources

Access and Inclusion Services Access and Inclusion Services assists the University in creating an
accessible learning environment that encourages full participation in
Room: Y201 academic courses for students experiencing disability related
Phone: 403.440.6868
If you are a student experiencing a disability related barrier who may
Web: require academic accommodation and have not yet registered with
Access and Inclusion Services, please contact their office. You must
be registered with Access and Inclusion Services to access
academic accommodations.

If you are a student with an Academic Accommodation Memo,

please contact your professor as soon as possible to discuss your

accommodations in a private and confidential setting. If you are a
student experiencing a disability who may require academic
accommodation and have not yet registered with Access and
Inclusion Services, please contact their office
at You must be registered with Access and
Inclusion Services to access academic accommodations. If you
require academic accommodations for a reason other than disability,
please contact the Office of Safe Disclosure.

Wellness Services Offers a variety of services to the MRU community. Students have
access to:
Room: U216
Mental Health Services
Phone: 403.440.8877 o Counsellors
o Mental Health Nurses
o Physicians
o Psychiatrist
o Workshops, Groups, and Online Resources
Medical Services
o Physicians
o Nurses
Injury & Prevention Clinic
o Chiropractors
o Acupuncture
o Athletic Therapists
o Massage Therapists
o Physiotherapists
o Custom orthotics
Your Mental Health 
Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious? Finding it hard
to be motivated, meet deadlines or attend class? Having a hard time
sleeping, concentrating or retaining information no matter how much
you study? Know that there is help is available!  
Visit for more information.

The Office of Safe Disclosure Mount Royal must be an equitable, diverse, inclusive and safe place
for staff, students, and faculty alike. There is more work to be done
Web: at Mount Royal and the University is committed to making sure this
happens in a way that is thorough and sustainable.
The Office of Safe Disclosure Advisor is a new addition to Mount
Royal which provides a range of services related to equity, human
rights, discrimination and other safe disclosure concerns. Students,
staff, faculty and all other members of the Mount Royal community
are all welcome to access these services.
When you connect with the Safe Disclosure Office you can expect:
 To have your concerns heard in a confidential, safe, and
neutral space
 That your personal information, as well as reasons for
reaching out, will remain confidential except where
required by law or where there is risk of significant harm to

anyone’s health or safety
 That our services will be accessible and we will work with
you to meet any accessibility needs you may have
 To be supporting in navigating information about rights and
responsibilities under MRU policies related to human
rights, harassment and accommodation
 To be supported in exploring informal methods of conflict
resolution including education, training, mediation and
facilitated dialogue
 To get connected to other resources and supports on
To book an appointment with the Safe Disclosure Advisor please fill
out this form.

Career Services Career Services provides opportunities for students to clarify,

experience and achieve their career and employment goals.
Room: A200 (Kerby Hall)
Plan your career
Phone: 403.440.6307 If you are not sure what program or major to choose, wondering if
graduate school is an option, want to explore career options related
Web: to your program of study - meet with our certified career
development team.

Find a job
Build experience while you study and find relevant employment
through resume critiques, recruitment events, the Student and
Graduate online job bank and our online resource centre. Connect
with us in person through individual appointments, workshops, and
on-campus recruitment events.
Gain experience
Integrate experiential learning with your degree through 14 programs
that offer Co-op, Work Experience and Internships.

Students’ Association of Mount Royal The Students’ Association of Mount Royal University (SAMRU)
University represents and serves Mount Royal University students to help them
succeed. SAMRU is a charitable organization that owns and
operates the student centre, Wyckham House. The Students’
Room: Z222 (Wyckham House)
Association administrative and student representative offices are
located on the second floor of Wyckham House.
Phone: 403.440.6077


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