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The following dialog is for questions 1

Yani : Aska, I heard from Rafi that you won a sport motorcycle at your brother office’s
event yesterday. Congratulations!
Aska : Thank you. I never thought that I would win the sport motorcycle
Yani : That’s really wonderful. Once again congratulations for the sport motocycle.
Aska : Thanks a lot. Well, I was just lucky.
Yani : Do you drive the motorcycle now?
Azka : No, I don’t.
Yani : Why? the motorcycle is so sporty and wonderful, right ?
Aska : You’re right. But, I haven’t had a driving license. So I have my brother drive me to
school and anywhere.
Yani : Great! You’re a good and obedient boy.
Azka : Thank you.
1. Who gives Yani information about Aska’s good news?
A. Rafi does
B. Aska does
C. Yani’s brother’s does
D. Abel does
E. Abel brother’s does
This text is for questions 2 to 4.

Long long ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a
king named His Majesty Prabu. Prabu was a kind and wise king. But it was a pity that
Prabu and his queen hadn't got any children. The queen often cried. That was why
Prabu went to the jungle. There he prayed to God every day, begging for a child.
A few months later, the queen got pregnant. Nine months later, a princess was
born. Prabu and Queen loved their beautiful daughter so much. They gave whatever she
wanted. It made Princess turn into a very spoiled girl.
One day, the princess celebrated her 17th birthday party. Many people gathered
in the palace. Then, Prabu took out a necklace which was made from gold and jewel.
"My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. Please, wear this necklace," said
Prabu. "I don't want to wear it! It's ugly!" shouted the princess. Then she threw the
necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on
the floor. Everybody couldn't say anything. They never thought that their beloved
princess would do that cruel thing. In their silence, people heard the queen crying.
Every woman felt sad and began crying, too. Then, everybody was crying. Then, there
was a miracle. Earth was crying.
Suddenly, from the underground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water.
Soon, the place became a big lake. The lake finally sank the kingdom.
Nowadays, people called the lake "Telaga Warna". It means "Lake of Color". On
a bright day, the lake is full of color. These colors come from shadows of forest, plants,
flowers, and sky around the lake. But some people said that the colors are from the
princess's necklace, which spreads at the bottom of the lake.

2. Who threw the broken necklace spread out on the floor?

A. The King
B. The Queen
C. The people
D. The prince
E. The princess

3. Why did everybody keep silent and could not say anything?
A. The princess threw the necklace the king gave.
B. The people of the Kingdom loved her very much.
C. The King and the Queen were very cruel to her
D. The princess loved the gift from the king.
E. The Princess was very beautiful.
4. We can learn from the story that ...
A. anger is not a good solution.
B. we should be patient to others
C. children should respect their parents.
D. throwing the necklace is a bad attitude.
E. we must be helpful to our family and all people.

The following text is for questions 5-7

This announcement is addressed to all employees of the warehouse department. Due to
the deadline of the shipment this week, all employees are expected to work overtime for seven
days, starting next Monday. The overtime work starts from 4 p.m. and lasts minimum for two
Suppose you have urgent business to attend to and have to skip working overtime,
please meet me to ask for permission. Thank you for your understanding.
Warehouse Manager

5. What is the text about?

A. The shipment due to date
B. An appeal to add working hours
C. Information about the shipment
D. New working hours for all employees
E. Working hours for all employees
6. What time will employees of the warehouse department end their jobs?
A. Before 4 p.m.
B. 4 p.m.
C. At 5 p.m.
D. Before 6 p.m.
E. At 6 p.m. or more
7. Based on the text above, the announcement is addressed for?
A. Warehouse Manager
B. The Employees
C. Harley
D. Writer
E. Workers
8. Michelle ….. begin medical school next year.
A. Is going to
B. Go to
C. Will go to
D. Going to
E. Is gone
9. “Would you like to come over for dinner next Saturday?”
What does the sentence tell about?
A. Announcement
B. Advertisement
C. Invitation
D. Gratitude
E. Apologize
The following text is for questions 10-12
Dear Ayna,
We are having a wonderful holiday in Gold Coast. Yesterday was great as we went to
Movie World.
When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the clouds
disappeared and it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to Movie World.
First, I went to Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy Show. After that I had
lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mom and Wiwi queued for the Batman ride.
It rained about lunchtime but soon it was fine again.
We really enjoyed our holiday.
Bye bye.
10. The text mainly tells us about…
A. A sunny day
B. Gold coast
C. Batman ride
D. Ayub’s Letter
E. Ayub’s holiday
11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Ayub?
A. He went for the holiday with his Mom and Wiwi
B. He had an unpleasant holiday
C. He went to the Gold Coast
D. He enjoyed his holiday
E. He was Ayna’s friend.
12. Where did Ayub went fist ?
A. Batman Ride
B. Police Academy Show
C. Lethal Weapon
D. Movie World
E. Gold Coast
13. Akhtar : Do you know we have a new English teacher?
Yeni : Yeah, he just taught in my class.
Akhtar : What do you think of him?
Yeni : I think he is friendly and kind hearted
He also delivers the material clearly
What opinion does Akhtar seek?
A. About math subject
B. About math teacher
C. About new English teacher
D. Yeni’s friend
E. Classroom
The following text is for questions 14-15


859 Woodchips Street, Jakarta Selatan-Indonesia 368024 Phone: (021)741396

To: Mr. Ahmad Yani

(Headmaster of Galaxy International High School)

You are cordially invited to our great event called”World Wide Dancing Performance”
Day : Saturday
Date : 5th September 2018
Time : 7 pm
Place : School Ballroom of Galaxy International High School

Thank you in advance for your attendance’


Dullah Aryatama
(Chief of Students’Dancing Cub)

14. When will the event be held?

A. 5th September 2018
B. 7th September 2018
C. 13 th September 2018
D. 15th September 2018
E. 18th September 2108
15. What is the goal of the invitation?
A. To inform that Dullah Aryatama is the chief of Students’Dancing Cub
B. To invite Mr. Ahmad Yani to Dullah’s birthday party
C. To invite Mr. Ahmad Yani to come to event of World Wide Dancing Performance
D. To inform Mr. Ahmad Yani that Dullah and friends will hold an event
E. To ask Mr. Ahmad Yani to approve the event.

The following text is for questions 16 and 17.

My Most Unforgettable Holiday
In 2015, I went to Derawan Island with my friends and that marks my most
memorable holiday ever!
In June, our school was having summer holiday, so we thought to ourselves that it
shouldn't go to waste. We quickly browsed the internet to find a good holiday destination
and after an hour of heated debate, the four of us agreed to give Derawan Island a try. It
was purely out of curiosity as none of us had been there before.
We arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport at 05.30 a.m. as the flight was
at 07.00 a.m. First, we flew to Balikpapan and waited for about an hour to continue the
flight to Berau. As soon as we touched down in Berau, my friend called the tour agent that
we had contacted earlier in Jakarta. They had got a car ready to take us to Labuan Batu.
From Labuan Batu, we took a speedboat for about an hour to Derawan Island. It was such
a long trip to Derawan but it all paid off as soon as we saw how beautiful the island was.
My friends and I were quickly ushered to our rooms in the resort. It was fantastic!
The rooms were in a cottage that was situated right above the sea. So we only had to step
out the terrace to find ourselves out in the open sea! After unpacking our luggages and
washing up, we went to the dining hall to grab our dinner. The dinner was only simple
seafood dishes. The surrounding totally enhanced the dining experience, making the food
taste much better.
The following day, we took a speedboat tour, hopping from one island to another
Our first trip stop was Kakaban Island where we hiked to reach the lake and swam among
stingless jellyfish. The last time I heard, there were only three places in the world that

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