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Present simple tense ---- Hozirgi oddiy zamon

Bia present simple ni Ega yani (Subject) va Asosiy fel (main verb) bn
yasaymiz. Odatda 3 inchi shaxs birlikka -s qoshimchasini qoshamiz.
Positive va Negative shakllarida, I you we they ga -do/do not
yordamchi felidan foydalanamiz. He she it ga esa does/does not
qoshimchasini ishlatamiz.
Positive form
Subject + Verb + es/s
e.g ; I/ you work at school
We/they go to school every day
She/ He eats a lot of savory
It rains in every spring.

Negative form
Subject + Do/Does + not + Verb
e.g ; I/you do not work at school
we/they do not go to school every day
She/He does not eat a lot of savory
It does not rain in the summer.

Question form
Do/Does + Subject+ Verb
e.g ; do I/you work at school ?
Do we/they go to school every day?
Does she/he eat a lot of savory?
Does it rain in every spring?

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