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Soot in Diesel Combustion Systems

By Jun Xi and Bei-Jing Zhong*

DOI: 10.1002/ceat.200600016

Diesel soot, one of the major environmental pollutants, is the finer particle produced during the high temperature pyrolysis
or combustion of diesel fuel. Advances in the understanding of soot formation in diesel combustion systems during the recent
decades are surveyed in this paper. It is universally accepted that soot formation steps can be summarized as (1) formation of
molecular precursors of soot, (2) nucleation or inception of particles from heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules,
(3) mass growth of particles by addition of gas phase molecules, (4) coagulation via reactive particle-particle collisions, (5)
carbonization of particulate material, and, finally, (6) oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and soot particles.
Several mathematical models of diesel soot formation available in the related literature are offered in this review, which are
Hiroyasu’s model, Moss’ model, Tesner’s model, Lindstedt’s model, and detailed soot formation models. Experimental and
numerical studies currently play an important role in exploring the diesel soot formation mechanism. The success of such stu-
dies relies on the development of both diagnostic techniques to increase the quality of experiments and mathematical models
for numerical simulations.

1 Introduction health professionals associated PM10 (diameter < 10 lm)

with chronic lung disease, lung cancer, influenza, asthma,
Diesel engine vehicles have increased in number in recent and increases in daily mortality [9]. Recent scientific studies
years along with a widening interest in outdoor recreation of suggest that these correlations are more closely linked with
all kinds. Diesel engines are economical to operate com- fine particulates (PM2.5: diameter < 2.5 lm) and ultra-fine
pared with other internal combustion engines, and also emit particulates (PM0.1: diameter < 0.1 lm) [10, 11], because the
little carbon dioxide exhaust gas, so they offer big advan- fine and ultra-fine particulates can easily penetrate deep into
tages in terms of protecting the environment [1]. the lungs [12]. Furthermore, the size, concentration, and op-
However, the diesel engine combustion process produces tical properties of carbonaceous soot aerosols play a signifi-
highly carbonaceous material known as soot [2], which is cant role in the radiative balance of the atmosphere. The al-
one of the major pollutant emissions of exhaust systems [3– bedo of carbon aerosols determines the fate of incoming
5]. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that soot parti- solar radiation, contributing to regional and global warming
cles are composed of randomly arranged, roughly spherical [13]. In addition to the emissions challenge, the soot forma-
primary particles exhibiting a certain degree of overlap. The tions in diesel engines can also influence engine perfor-
primary particle size and the degree of overlapping depend mance and have feedback effects on in-cylinder combustion
on combustion conditions [6]. Diesel engines are high emit- and emission formation processes. Examples include radia-
ters of particulate emissions: about 0.2–0.5 % of the fuel tion heat transfer from soot to in-cylinder engine walls,
mass is emitted as small (∼0.1 lm diameter) particulates [7]. which accounts for a significant portion of the heat loss in a
The particulate matters consist primarily of carbonaceous diesel engine, and a lowering of flame temperature by radia-
soot with some absorbed hydrocarbons, including aromatic tion heat transfer from soot, which will in turn affect NOx
hydrocarbons. formation [14].
The negative effects of soot emissions are well known. Although the carbon dioxide standards favor diesel en-
The finer particles present in ambient air, which are formed gines, and their continued utilization in passenger cars is en-
during combustion, are responsible for increased respiratory visaged, the long-term scale of the engines’ role in power-
illnesses [8]. The suspension of very small particulate mat- trains in transportation and energy generation systems is still
ters (PM) in the atmosphere has adverse effects, both short- unclear. One of the critical factors that will influence the fate
term and long-term, on human health. In earlier times, of diesel engines is the engine-out soot emissions. The need
to control the soot emissions due to environmental and
– health concerns, while also promoting more efficient utiliza-
[*] J. Xi, B. J. Zhong (author to whom correspondence should be addressed,, School of Aerospace, Tsinghua Univer-
tion of hydrocarbon fuels, requires the development of more
sity, Beijing 100084, China. economic and efficient diesel engines, which in turn requires

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 6 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 665

a better physical and chemical understanding of diesel com-

bustion processes [15]. Therefore, in order to improve emis-
sions control and engine performance, it is necessary to un-
derstand the structure and the formation mechanism of
diesel soot. A brief description of each of these follows.

2 Composition and Structure of Soot

Soot is produced during the high temperature pyrolysis or

combustion of hydrocarbons, which is mostly carbon; other
elements such as hydrogen and oxygen are usually present in
small amounts. It often contains a soluble organic fraction
(SOF) whose constituents include aromatic compounds as
well as various other unburned hydrocarbons [1].The emis-
sion of soot from a diesel engine is determined by the com-
petition between soot formation and oxidation.
The composition of typical diesel soot is given in Tab. 1
[16]. Soot contains at least 1 % by weight of hydrogen. This
considerable hydrogen content corresponds to an empirical Figure 1. Micrograph of diesel soot showing particles consisting of clusters of
composition formula of C8H for soot [17]. When soot parti- spherules.
cles are young, the H/C atom ratio can be as high as one.
The sulfur was apparently present as compounds absorbed
onto the surface (as sulfates), whereas the oxygen was nal face-centered arrays, commonly referred to as platelets.
strongly bonded. Trace amounts of zinc, phosphorus, cal- Platelets are arranged in layers to form crystallites and there
cium, iron, silicon, and chromium are also often detected in are typically two to five platelets per crystallite. The mean
emitted particulates. layer spacing is 3.55 nm, only slightly larger than that of
graphite [22].
Table 1. Elemental composition of diesel soot particulates. The thickness of crystallites is about 12 nm [22] and there
are of the order of 103 crystallites per primary soot particle.
Element C H N O S
The crystallites are arranged in turbostratic fashion, with
Virgin soot 83.5 1.04 0.24 10.5 1.13 their planes more or less parallel to the particle surface.
Degassed soot 83.8 0.85 0.22 10.7 0.10 Dislocations of five- and seven-member rings produce sur-

The structure of soot has been discussed at length in pre-

vious reviews, for example [18]. Soot is found to be in the
form of necklace-like agglomerates which are around
100 lm in size. These agglomerates are composed of collec-
tions of smaller, basic particle units that are spherical or Figure 2. Substructure of a soot particulate.
nearly spherical [19]. Soot clusters may contain as many as
4000 spherules. The size of the spherules varies in diameter
from 10–80 nm, but mostly lies between 15–50 nm [20]. The
surface of the spherules has adhering hydrocarbon material
or SOF and inorganic material (mostly sulfates). The spher-
ules are called “primary soot particles” [19] and the cluster-
like or chain-like soot aggregates are defined as “secondary
particles”, which are composed of several tens to hundreds
of primary spherical particles. A primary particle contains
105–106 carbon atoms [20]. Fig. 1 is a micrograph of diesel
soot showing particles consisting of clusters of spherules [8].
Viewing the spherules by transmission electron microsco-
py (TEM) reveals laminations with surface steps, which are
produced by numerous, concentric crystallites [21]. X-ray
diffraction, as illustrated in Fig. 2 [22], indicates that the car-
bon atoms of a primary soot particle are packed into hexago- Figure 3. Microstructure of diesel soot particles.

666 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 6

face wrinkling. According to the depiction given in Fig. 4, the hydro-

When analyzed under high-resolution transmission elec- carbon fuel is degraded during oxidation into small hydro-
tron microscopy (HRTEM), two distinct parts of a primary carbon radicals. The latter adds hydrocarbon radicals for
diesel soot particle can be identified: an outer shell and an growth and the growing unsaturated (radicalic) hydrocar-
inner core, as shown in Fig. 3 [23]. The platelet model men- bons form aromatic rings when they contain a sufficiently
tioned above applies to the outer shell. However, the inner large number of carbon atoms. The formation of larger aro-
core contains fine particles with a spherical nucleus matic rings occurs mainly via the addition of acetylene. All
surrounded by carbon networks with a bending structure. these processes occur within molecular length scales.
This indicates that the outer shell, composed of graphitic The growth in the third dimension is supposed to happen
crystallites, is of a rigid structure, while the inner core is by coagulation of larger aromatic structures forming primary
chemically and structurally less stable due to the thermo- soot particles. These primary particles quickly coagulate,
dynamic instability of its structure. simultaneously picking up molecules from the gas phase for
surface growth. Surface growth contributes a major part in
determining the final soot concentration in sooting flames,
3 Soot Formation while coagulation – switching the length scales to particle di-
mensions – determines the final size of the soot particles.
It is obvious that the formation of soot, i.e., the conversion The irregular aggregate structure of soot particles is also at-
of a hydrocarbon fuel molecule containing few carbon atoms tributed to coagulation [24].
into a carbonaceous agglomerate containing some millions Although many important details of polycyclic aromatic
of carbon atoms, is an extremely complicated process. It is a hydrocarbon molecules (PAHs) and soot formation remain
kind of gaseous-solid phase transition where the solid phase poorly understood, there is considerable agreement on the
exhibits no unique chemical and physical structure. There- general features of the processes involved, which are sum-
fore, soot formation encompasses chemically and physically marized below [15]: (1) formation of molecular precursors
different processes, e.g., the formation and growth of large of soot, (2) nucleation or inception of particles from heavy
aromatic hydrocarbons and their transition to particles, the PAH molecules, (3) mass growth of particles by addition of
coagulation of primary particles to larger aggregates, and gas phase molecules, (4) coagulation via reactive particle-
the growth of solid particles by picking up growth compo- particle collisions, (5) carbonization of particulate material,
nents from the gas phase [24]. Fig. 4 depicts a schematic re- and, finally, (6) oxidation of PAHs and soot particles. These
action path leading to soot formation [24]. stages constitute the soot formation process, which will be
discussed in more detail in the following sections.

3.1 Formation of Molecular Precursors of Soot

The molecular precursors of soot particles are thought to

be heavy PAHs of molecular weight 500–1000 amu. The
growth process from small molecules such as benzene to
larger and larger PAH appears to involve both the addition
of C2, C3, or other small units, among which acetylene
(C2H2) has received much attention, to PAH radicals, and
reactions among the growing aromatic species, such as PAH-
PAH radical recombination and addition reactions. In ex-
perimental studies, PAHs have been found to be the domi-
nating compounds in the sooting zone of premixed flames
[25] as well as other combustion environments. The role of
ions [26] and fullerenes [27] in soot formation is currently
under discussion as well. Comprehensive reviews and litera-
ture regarding soot formation are available [26, 28].
After the early work of Berthelot [29], who suggested the
formation of benzene via direct polymerization of acetylene,
and Bone and Coward [30], who hypothesized a potential
role for CH2 and CH fragments, there are several possible
reaction pathways leading to the first aromatic ring forma-
tion in the gas phase.
Reaction sequences involving stable species, as in the case
Figure 4. A schematic reaction path leading to soot formation. of Diels-Alder addition of 1,3-butadiene to acetylene

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 6 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 667

high-temperature route The HACA mechanism assumes a sequential two-

step process for the aromatic ring formation: H-ab-
C4H4 +H n-C4H3 straction, which activates the aromatic molecules,
followed by acetylene addition, promoting contin-
ued molecular growth and cyclization of PAH, as
C2H3 + C2H2 [C4H5]#
shown in Fig. 7 [34]. When starting with an aro-
H H2
matic fuel, a “direct combination” of the intact
aromatic rings becomes important. For example, in
n-C4H5 + C2H2
the case of high temperature pyrolysis of benzene
the reactions shown in Fig. 8 were found to domi-
low-temperature route nate the initial stages of PAH growth [34]. How-
Figure 5. The two reaction pathways for the formation of the first aromatic ring. ever, as the reaction progresses, the initial benzene
molecules decompose forming acetylene. As the
concentration of acetylene approaches that of ben-
[31, 32] or the alkene trimerization into rings [33], and path- zene, which occurs shortly after the initial of reaction period,
ways involving at least one radical have been assessed. In an- the PAH growth switches to the HACA mechanism dis-
other possible reaction path, the first aromatic ring begins cussed above.
usually with vinyl addition to acetylene. At high temperature Some of the acetylene addition reactions in the HACA
it forms vinylacetylene followed by acetylene addition to sequence form particularly stable aromatic molecules, like
n-C4H3 radicals formed by the H-abstraction from the vinyl- pyrene, coronene, etc. The change of Gibbs free energy in
acetylene (see Fig. 5). At low temperature the addition of these reactions is so large that they become practically irre-
acetylene to vinyl results in n-C4H5, which upon addition of versible. This, in turn, has an effect of “pulling” the reaction
acetylene produces benzene. Benzene and phenyl are con- sequence forward, towards the formation of large PAH
verted to one another by the H-abstraction reaction and its molecules. Other acetylene addition steps are highly revers-
reverse [34]. ible, in which case the rate of the forward direction is nearly
Miller et al. [35, 36] suggested that benzene is formed by balanced by the rate of its reverse. These steps with tightly
combination of propargyl (C3H3) radicals, producing ben- balanced reaction fluxes create a thermodynamic barrier to
zene or phenyl (see Fig. 6). A similar proposal was made by PAH growth. It is this thermodynamic “resistance” which is
Alkemade et al. [37], Kern et al. [38], and Stein et al. [39]. responsible for the appearance of mostly stable, condensed
The growth of larger aromatic species follows essentially aromatic structures, as opposed to open shell carbon clusters
the HACA (H-Abstraction-C2H2-Addition) mechanism. leading to fullerenes [40].

H2C . + H

CH .
2C3H3 .. -H2 +H
+H +C2H2
C .. -H
Figure 8. PAH growth initiated by aromatic “combination”.
Figure 6. Formation path of the first aromatic ring via the combination of pro-
pargyl radicals.

H H 3.2 Nucleation or Inception of Particles from Heavy PAH

C C Molecules
+C2H2 +H
-H -H2 In this process, mass is converted from molecular to parti-
culate systems, i.e., heavy PAH molecules form nascent soot
particles with a molecular mass of approximately 2000 amu
[21], but it is commonly believed to start at 300–700 amu [41],
+H and have an effective diameter of about 1.5 nm. Chemical de-
tails of the formation of nascent soot particles are relatively
poorly understood, mostly because of experimental difficul-
Figure 7. H-Abstraction-C2H2-Addition reaction pathway of PAH growth. ties. Efficient identification of species produced at different

668 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 6

stages of the growth process is limited to molecular H

masses less than about 300 amu using gas chroma- C
tography, while the observation and counting of soot C
+ H . + C2H2
particles by high resolution electron microscopy has
been limited to particle diameters of larger than H2 H
about 1.5 nm.
Depending on the type of molecular precursors + H H2
assumed to be present, several competing theories, C C
such as the PAH model or the polyyne model, have C C
been proposed in the literature. . + C2H2
C H . +H
Under the PAH model hypothesis, once the PAH CSoot - H CSoot -
C H2
monomers have reached a certain size they begin to
stick to each other during collision and thus form H C H
CSoot - + 2 2 CSoot - H
PAH dimers. PAH dimers collide with PAH mole- . H
cules forming PAH trimers, or with other dimers + H2
forming PAH tetramers, and so on. Consequently, a b
these PAH clusters evolve into solid particles as
they increase in size [34]. Figure 9. The HACA mechanism for planar PAH growth (a), and extended to the surface
growth of soot (b).
The polyyne model assumes that every radical ca-
pable of forming polyyne complexes becomes a
center of polymerization. A polyyne molecule and a polyyne (see Fig. 9). The basic concept of this approach is the trans-
radical or two polyyne molecules react to form the polyyne fer of the HACA mechanism to the heterogeneous surface
complexes. Under high temperature conditions, when C-H growth of soot particles. In other words, the surface of soot
bonds are relatively loose, the carbon skeletons of acetylene particles is assumed to be like the edge of a large PAH mole-
and polyyne molecules persist in the gas phase as the most cule, covered with C-H bonds. Abstraction of these H atoms
stable structures of small carbon clusters due to their high is believed to activate the sites, forming surface radicals,
thermodynamic stability. Recent experiments and theoreti- which react with incoming gaseous hydrocarbon species, and
cal studies [42, 43] have discovered that the most stable the surface growth process propagates [34].
structures of carbon clusters up to C20 are chains and mono-
cycles. This finding supports the polyyne mechanism recently
developed on the basis of the fast chemical aggregation 3.4 Coagulation via Reactive Particle-Particle Collisions
theory, which further substantiates the polyyne model [44].
Sticking collisions between particles during the mass
growth process significantly increase particle size and de-
3.3 Mass Growth of Particles by Addition of Gas Phase crease particle number without changing the total mass of
Molecules soot present. The particle coagulation leads the colliding par-
ticles to fuse, forming larger particles. Experiments have
After the formation of the nascent soot particles, their mass found that this particle coagulation process, which causes the
is increased via the addition of gas phase species such as number of particles to decline, occurs almost immediately
acetylene and PAH, including PAH radicals. These reactions after the soot particle formation, or when soot particles are
are believed to involve radical sites on the soot particles in relatively small or young [48, 49]. The continuation of sub-
the case of stable reactants such as acetylene and stable PAH, stantial molecular addition of gas phase species after the
but not necessarily so in the case of PAH radicals. Compared early formation of composite particles via sticking particle-
to the mass of the soot particles formed in the nucleation pe- particle collisions partly hides the identity of primary particu-
riod, a significant amount of soot loading is gained during this late units in electron microscopy images of soot particles.
surface growth stage [45]. Surface growth can occur at lower Particle coagulation can occur in any one of the following
temperature, even below the lower limit required for the three regimes: the free-molecular regime, the continuum re-
homogeneous nucleation of soot particles [19]. This process, gime, or the transition regime. Kazakov and Frenklach [50]
of course, does not affect the number of soot particles. The implemented the comprehensive Smoluchowski model [51],
relative contributions of acetylene and PAH is the subject of valid for all three regimes, in the study of high-pressure lami-
current discussions in the combustion community. nar premixed flames. However, according to Smith [22], the
The underlying mechanism for the soot surface growth is coagulation of diesel soot particles is insensitive to the theo-
not yet understood. A mechanistic interpretation of surface retical regime (free molecule versus continuum) since the
growth reactions has been introduced by Freenklach coagulation times calculated for the continuum regime and
[34, 46, 47], treating the surface growth reactions analogously free molecular regime are comparable and thus can be de-
to the planar growth of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons scribed in terms of free molecular theory.

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 6 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 669

3.5 Carbonization of Particulate Material or/and → C(O) + C(O)

In late stages of soot formation when particles become C(O) → CO

mature, soot particles begin simply to stick to each other and
carbonization occurs. The polyaromatic material comprising C(O)m → CO
the formed particles undergoes functional group elimina-
tion, cyclization, ring condensation, and ring fusion accom- C(O)m + C(O)m → Cf + CO2
panied by dehydrogenation and growth and alignment of
polyaromatic layers. This process converts the initially amor- C(O)m + C(O) → Cf + CO2
phous soot material to a progressively more graphitic carbon
material, with some decrease in particle mass but no change CO + C(O)m → Cf + CO2
in particle number. Due to the reduction in the number of
active sites on the soot particles for surface growth, the car- O2 + 2C(O) → 2CO2
bonization process does not cause fusion but leads to the for-
mation of chain-like, open structured aggregates, containing This heterogeneous process is not easy to follow experi-
∼30–1800 primary particles [19]. Recently, additional interest mentally. Due to lack of data, together with the urgent need
in this process has been motivated by the observation of soot to simplify the process, a one-step O2-oxidation model is of-
containing curved or fullerenic layers. ten assumed, for example [60].
The Nagle and Strickland-Constable semi-empirical
model [61] is often used in soot modeling to account for soot
3.6 Oxidation of PAHs and Soot Particles
oxidation caused by O2 attack. The oxidation reaction
scheme is written as follows:
Oxidation of PAHs and soot particles is a heterogeneous
process competing with the formation of soot in which oxi-
Asite + O2(g) ! surface ocide
dation reactions take place on the surfaces of soot particles
[52, 53]. It decreases the mass of PAHs and soot material kA =kz
surface ocide ! 2CO(g) + Asite
through the formation of CO and CO2. Depending upon
flame type, oxidation may occur simultaneously with forma- kB
Bsite + O2(g) ! CO(g) + Asite
tion, as in premixed aromatics flames and well-mixed com-
bustors, or it may occur subsequent to formation, as in diffu- kT
Asite !Asite
sion flames or staged combustors [15]. Unlike the soot
surface growth, which occurs in a clear-cut phase, soot oxida-
The soot oxidation processes involving other oxidants,
tion extends over the entire course of soot formation. In con-
such as O, OH, and even NO radicals, can be described using
trast to the soot growth process, in which atoms are added to
the global, heterogeneous reaction equations [57]:
the particles, the soot oxidation depletes the carbon mass ac-
cumulated in the soot particles [24, 54]. CSoot + O → CO
The main oxidation reactants are OH, O, and O2, the larg-
est contributor in general being OH under fuel-rich condi- CSoot + OH → CO + 1/2 H2
tions and O2 under fuel-lean conditions [55, 56], while H2O,
CO2, NO, N2O, and NO2 are also possible oxidants [57, 58]. CSoot + NO → CO + 1/2 N2
The action of these oxidants involve at least two steps: (i) an
O-atom is transferred from the gas to form a solid complex,
and (ii) the complex decomposes and a C-atom is lost from
the surface [59]. The two-step sequence involves oxidant at 4 Models of Diesel Soot Formation
each step and produces carbon monoxide. The dominant pa-
rameter is oxygen occupancy, which is a function of the oxi- There are several mathematical models of diesel soot for-
dant. Molecular oxygen O2 produces a heavily occupied, mation available in the related literature (see Tab. 2), which
and, hence, reactive, surface at low temperature. are Hiroyasu’s model [62], Moss’ model [68, 69], Tesner’s
The reaction scheme proposed by Marsh and Kuo [59] in- model [71], Lindstedt’s model [78], and detailed soot forma-
volves free carbon sites Cf, chemisorbed localized molecular tion models [83]. In the course of reviewing the soot models
oxygen C(O2), chemisorbed mobile molecular oxygen that were available, it became clear that in most cases
C(O2)m, chemisorbed localized atoms of oxygen C(O), and authors had chosen to consider unique experimental condi-
chemisorbed mobile atoms of oxygen C(O)m: tions that differed from others in the literature. In many
cases, models were calibrated with and compared against
Cf + O2 → C(O2) or C(O2)m
measurements by the authors themselves. All the models
C(O2)m → C(O) + C(O)m or/and → C(O)m + C(O)m contained either implicit or explicit parameters that could

670 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 6

be adjusted to enhance agreement with experimental data. Optical diagnostics, particularly laser diagnostics, have be-
Good agreement was achieved in almost all cases after some come popular recently since they are non-intrusive and they
adjustment. Hence, it was very difficult to evaluate the in- can provide high degrees of temporal and spatial resolution.
herent superiority of any particular approach. It is apparent To measure instantaneous soot distributions, Light Scatter-
that it may be worthwhile to emulate the turbulent reacting ing, Extinction and Absorption, or Laser Induced Incandes-
flow community in attempting to develop a set of universally cence (LII) can be used, depending on the level of accuracy
acceptable experimental data sets [92]. Only then would it required. In the scattering technique the elastic scattering
be possible to evaluate and compare the efficacy of models. from the soot particles is analyzed. The problem with this
technique is that suppressing scattered light from other
sources is difficult. The light extinction technique can be
5 Research Approach used to measure the concentration or volume fraction of
soot particles in the combustion zone [96]. However, as it is
In order to investigate the fundamental formation process- a “line-of-sight” technique, it is only able to give limited spa-
es of soot from diesel combustion, an essential step is to car- tial resolution. In LII, a short duration laser pulse is used to
ry out experimental and numerical studies. The success of heat the soot particles. With sufficiently high laser energies,
such studies relies on the development of both diagnostic the particles reach peak temperatures in excess of the car-
techniques to increase the quality of experiments and math- bon evaporation temperature at 4000–4500 K. The resultant
ematical models for numerical simulations [93]. incandescence, while of short duration, can be readily de-
The techniques used in the experimental studies can be di- tected and processed to yield particle concentration and size
vided into two groups [94]: probe sampling techniques and in formation. Typically LII has a temporal resolution of
optical diagnostics. Although probe sampling techniques of- 10 ns and can be used to perform both quantitative point
fer several advantages, they also have some inherent disad- measurements and 2D planar visualization. The main diffi-
vantages: a probe can disturb the combustion zone during culty associated with applying LII to diesel combustion is
the sampling and the techniques have relatively low tempor- that the high soot concentration causes attenuation of the
al and spatial resolutions. These techniques have been im- signal intensity. The first detailed study of LII was per-
proved recently by the use of fast actuation valves [95] to ob- formed in 1977 [97], but it was not until the 1990s that LII
tain time-resolved measurements (with sampling times of was applied to measure soot in diesel combustion [98].
less than 1 ms). Nevertheless, their inherent problems, that Numerical simulations can also be divided into two main
cannot be finally overcome, have caused a general shift to classes: phenomenological modeling and multidimensional
optical diagnostics in the recent decade. CFD modeling [93]. In phenomenological modeling, the spa-

Table 2. Overview of published models of diesel soot formation.

Name Content Variables solved Chemistry model Reference

Hiroyasu’s model dms dms dms Mass of soot Equilibrium [63–67]
(1983) dt dt formation dt oxidation
d fN _f _f
Moss’ model ˆ W W Soot volume fraction and Flamelet library [70]
dt NA N
(1988, 1994) particle number density
df _f _f _f
qs V ˆ W ‡ W W
dt V

Tesner’s model ˆ n0 ‡ …f g†n g0 Nn Concentration of radical – [72–77]
(1971) nuclei and soot particles
ˆ …a bN†n
dt _ 1;1
Lindstedt’s model 1. Soot inception C2H2 ! 2Cs + H2 Soot mass fraction and 292 step kinetics [79–82]
(1994) _ 1;2 particle number density
C6H6 ! 6Cs + 3H2
2. Soot mass growth C2H2 + nCs ! (n + 2)Cs + H2

1 _3
3. Soot oxidation Cs + O2 ! CO
4. Particle coagulation nCs ! (n)Cs

Detailed models Detailed PAH kinetics and soot particle dynamics Species mass fractions; Detailed kinetics of [84–91]
(1990) soot number, size and acetylene pyrolysis;
volume fraction PAH growth

1) ms is the soot mass; 2) fN is the soot number density, fV is the soot volume fraction, qs is the density of soot particles (assumed to be 1800 kg/m3). NA is Avoga-
dro’s number (6.023·1023 mol–1); 3) n and N are the number densities of radical nuclei and soot particles, respectively. f and g are branching and termination coef-
ficients, respectively. g0 is the rate of loss of nuclei due to collisions with soot particles, and a and b are the rate coefficients.

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 6 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 671

tial variations are often simplified by zero-dimensional or literature are offered in this review, which are Hiroyasu’s
one-dimensional models [99, 100]. Multidimensional model- model, Moss’ model, Tesner’s model, Lindstedt’s model, and
ing is designed to take into account all the spatial variations detailed soot formation models.
of reactive fluid flow in diesel engines simultaneously [101]. Finally, the continuing investigation on experimental and
Since the overall performance of the engines involves inter- numerical studies of diesel soot has been introduced in this
actions between subsonic fluid flow, turbulent transport of review. Considerable progress in the experimental tech-
mass, momentum and energy, wall heat transfer, combustion niques has been made recently, but their inherent disadvan-
and emission formation kinetics, and spray dynamics (break- tages cannot be finally overcome. For example, probe sam-
up, evaporation, collision, and so on), multidimensional pling techniques, whose temporal and spatial resolutions are
modeling tends to be extremely complex. With recent ad- relatively low, can disturb the combustion zone during the
vances in computer technology and developments in mathe- sampling, the light extinction technique is only able to give
matical sub-models, it is now possible to obtain useful pre- limited spatial resolution, and the high soot concentration
dictions and visualizations of multi-scale reactive flow causes attenuation of the signal intensity when applying LII
patterns, and to use them in the identification of various to diesel combustion. With recent advances in computer
physical and chemical mechanisms whose importance may technology and developments in mathematical models, it is
not have been recognized earlier. now possible to simultaneously obtain useful predictions and
Although the potentials of the computer codes are enor- visualizations of the spatial variations of reactive fluid flow
mous, it is still necessary to keep in mind that various uncer- in diesel engines by numerical simulations. However, there
tainties in physical and chemical models preclude the pres- still are some uncertainties in the predictions, the main
ent generation of computer codes from being fully sources of which include the sub-models for spray/droplet
predictive tools. The main sources of uncertainties in the dynamics, the turbulence model for non-stationary turbulent
multidimensional predictions [93] include the sub-models flows, the numerical schemes for pressure in low-Mach num-
for spray/droplet dynamics, the turbulence model for non- ber flows, chemical kinetic mechanisms for the homoge-
stationary turbulent flows, the numerical schemes for pres- neous gas phase reactions and heterogeneous particulate ki-
sure in low Mach number flows, chemical kinetic mecha- netics, and models for complex turbulence-chemistry
nisms for the homogeneous gas-phase reactions and hetero- interaction.
geneous particulate kinetics, and models for complex
turbulence-chemistry interaction.
7 Acknowledgements

6 Conclusions The authors appreciate the financial support of the Na-

tional Basic Research Program (also called 973 Program),
Soot, one of the main pollutants in diesel engine emis- the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (Grant No.
sions, is mostly carbon; other elements such as hydrogen and 2002CB211602).
oxygen are usually present in small amounts. It is produced Received: January 14, 2006
during the high temperature pyrolysis or combustion of die-
sel fuel, whose fundamental spherules are ∼15–30 nm in di-
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