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What is astrology?

What is astrology?
What is astrology? It is a set of traditions and beliefs that hold that it is possible to
recognize or construct a meaning of celestial events and constellations.

Since when is it practiced? Its origins were during pre-Christian times in Babylon
and Ancient Egypt.
The questions that astrology addresses

Does astrology try to explain some phenomena that occur around us? Yes, for
example celestial events and decipher the constellations.

What kind of issues does astrology usually address? When a meteorite falls, what
does this constellation mean?

Does it look like science in this regard? Yes, because it is a science.

The answers of astrology (|)
What kind of explanations does astrology offer? In the West, astrology often
consists of a system of horoscopes, a diagram that represents the sky at the time
of an event, and the interpretation or reading of the astral chart. , a graph that
represents the firmament at the time of a person's birth, which allows most
astrologers. Are they based on natural or supernatural phenomena? Yes, for
example meteorites. Does it look like science in this regard? Yes
The answers of astrology (||)
Does astrology formulate laws and theories? Yes, like that of influence and that of
correspondence. Could you give some examples? Influence and correspondence.

Does it look like science in this regard? Yes, for the subject of theories that are
formulas that are difficult to form or calculate.
The method of astrology (|)
How does astrology get its laws? By observing the cycle of the stars and with a
symbolism associated with each of the events that occur in our sky. Are the laws
and theories of astrology based on the reactive analysis of multiple observations
and experiments that prove their validity? Yes.

Have astrological predictions been contrasted? The efficiency of astrology has not
been demonstrated in controlled empirical studies and lacks any known scientific

Does it look like science in this regard? Yes.

The method of astrology(||)
Is astrology open to new discoveries that change its laws or has it not evolved
over the centuries? Their discoveries continue to evolve, the latest being that New
Horizons astrologers feared Pluto because it is possible that this is what will cause
the Earth to disappear.

What is the source of knowledge of astrology? Nature observation? The books?

Its source is telescopes such as Gran Canaria.

Does it look like science in this regard? Yes.

Astrology and tecnology
Are there technological products or effective medical treatments that come from
the knowledge gained through astrology? Yes, for example the sextant used to
measure the angular separation between two objects, such as two points on the
shore or a star.

If so, how reliable is it? That if you are lost on the high seas and know how to use
a sextant you will not get lost.
What does science tell us about astrology?
Are there scientific observations or experiments that conclude that the laws
established by astrology are not being obeyed? Yes, and it was an observation
made by scientists Christian Nitschelm & Raslan Leguet in July 1997 and that
speaks of the false sciences or pseudo-sciences, and the occult sciences.

What examples do you know?

, AN

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