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Forum 5: How is regionalism different from and yet apart of globalism?

I. Open Statement
We view technology as one of the causes of globalization as the world becomes more
advanced and inventive on various fronts. We acknowledge that modern technology is a part of the
daily adventure of life. Nowadays, the majority of people carry a mobile phone with them at all times.
In the past, communicating and conducting business required a lot of money and patience, whereas
today it is simple to do so thanks to the technology that is currently sweeping the globe. It is
undeniable that it can bring us negative things even if it also brings positive things. Social media
and television are examples of technologies that have benefits and drawbacks for us.
IIa. RRL 1
According to Kumar (2009), television is the reservoir of information It gives us information
about the nation, world, science, finance and sports etc. Television also helps in spreading
awareness among people. It also helps in providing platform to new talents. Television assisted in
globalization of culture. Due to which people comes to know the culture of other people. As the
television has positive effects on our society, it also has some negative effects. Due to watching so
much television there is loss in children’s concentration. Today youths are more influenced by
western culture. Fashion is increasing between them rapidly. Television also affected the food habits
of people. Due to television there is loss in our moral values. People interaction with other has
decreased due to television.

IIb. Analysis / Discussion

Today, the newspaper serves as our primary source of news about events taking place
around the globe. It also acts as a resource for those looking for employment. When there is nothing
to do, adults often read the newspaper. The existence of television today, with the aid of technology,
is a great aid in communicating and informing the public or citizens of the information that should be
known. We can now actually see the scene where the news is being announced, whereas in the
past we could only see pictures in the newspapers. We can also better understand the information
we need to know through television. Information transmission is made clear and strongly
In comparison, Harchekar (2017) defines social media as websites and applications that
enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. It is the flow of
information to add to their knowledge. In today’s world, social media plays an important role in
impacting our culture, our economy and our overall view of the world. Social media is a new forum
that brings people to exchange ideas, connect with, relate to, and mobilize for a cause, seek advice,
and offer guidance. Social media has removed communication barriers and created decentralized
communication channel and open the door for all to have a voice and participate. It enables common
interest based groups such as students to work in a collaborative group projects outside of their
class. It encourages creativity and collaboration with a wide range of commentators on a number of
issues such as education, the economy, politics, race, health, relationships, etc.. Although it has
brought about many benefits, allowing us to easily connect with friends and family around the globe,
allowing us to break down international borders and cultural barriers.
IIIb. Analysis / Discussion
Social media plays a significant role in quickly connecting with those who need to talk. Our
relatives who live abroad and use social media to communicate with us are just one example of this.
Additionally, we will learn more information from this that will benefit us in our day-to-day work.
Similar to how students who use social media for learning gain a deeper understanding. Social
media also offers quick access to information and current events, which may or may not be true. It
cannot be disputed that we can easily find information on social media, whether it is true or not,
without any hard proof. One of the most well-known social media platforms where we can connect
with others, exchange information, and communicate with others is Facebook. Through social
media, we can easily adopt contemporary trends in speech, fashion, and other areas.
IV. General Conclusion
Social media and television are examples of modern technology. It greatly benefits us. We
learn more about what to do and what to avoid as a result. They make it simpler for us to stay
informed about events taking place not just in our society but also around the globe. This technique
aids business owners in identifying their goods or services for sale. This is a way to educate people
about the majority of disasters that take place in order to create organizations that seek to aid those
who have been adversely affected or devasted by disasters. It not only brings good, but it also
negatively impacts our mood, outlook, and health. We risk offending other people's feelings in this
way. We are free to express our opinions and thoughts, just like on Facebook, but we weren't aware
that we had crossed the line into misunderstandings and arguments. As a result, youth also exhibit
inappropriate behaviors and lack social skills. Sometimes the characteristics of youth are
inappropriate. We forgot to respect and give ourselves privacy due to the influence of social media.
These technologies have also created a chasm in the bond between parents and children. There
are fewer opportunities to connect and form relationships.
V. Closing Statement
The two aforementioned subjects are therefore extremely important to us in the modern world.
Although there may be benefits, we are all aware that if we use it excessively, we risk living an
unpleasant life. It has an impact on everyone, not just us. Because every action we take has pros
and cons, the phrase "think before you click" is one that most of us often use. In order to avoid
becoming addicted to technology, we need to set boundaries for ourselves and adhere to norms
that will help us remember what is morally correct. We should treat life well and preserve it because
it is only a borrowed gift. Don't wait for a negative outcome to occur in order for you to become
aware of what you have heard and seen.
VI. References
Harchekar, J. S. (2017). Impact of social media on Society. Retrieved from
Kumar, M. (2009). Effect of TV on Society. Retrieved from

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