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Good day.

I, Joyce Loreine A. San Pascual, in legal age, working as Teacher I in Juan Sumulong Elementary School,
Antipolo City, Rizal. I am writing to seek help and legal support for different workforce abuse and bullying
done to me by some Master Teachers and OIC in this school. My own physiological and psychological
health (mental health) is affected already by their bullying and abuse.

It was during 2019, as I am newly hired from JSES, one of the OIC named Jean San Juan already accused
and reported me to our Division Administrative Officer, Sir Eric Valinas, at that time Mr. Valinas was
appointed in charge to our school because of the case filed from our past Principal Dr. Ferdinand Milan.
That time I was reported not proficient teacher because of my college/ senior high school teaching load
in a private school were I was previously employed. Accusing me to be inefficient, for my other job will
affect my work as a elementary school teacher. A direct report to Mr. Valinas without further talk directly
to me or any investigation on that matter. I was still employed my Skill Powers Institute at that time, my
time of work is 5:00 PM till 7:00 PM, Monday to Friday, and Saturday 8:00 AM- 2:00 PM, while my working
hours in DepEd particularly in Juan Sumulong Elementary School is 6:00 AM- 12:00 PM; base in Republic
Act No. 4670, or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers provides that teaching hours of teachers shall
not be more than six hours. No violation to the working hours and also no form of double compensation
happen during that time.

On SY 2020- 2021, I was hospitalize due to miscarriage and needed to perform a dilation and curettage
(D&C), I was on leave at that time but needed to do some requirements like creating a Budget of Work
for the New Normal Education, as we face and preparing for the online and modular learning at that time.
I was moved to Grade 3 further no training for primary level, I accept that for as our head told me, I was
employed in elementary level so I must be flexible to teach both primary and intermediate level. When I
was in Grade 3, my mental health was totally affected by abuse and bullying of the grade OIC and MTIC in
charge at that time it was Ms. Jean San Juan. Deliberately she really means a lot to create a malicious
statements about me. And question me for my passion and dedication as a teacher. She even questioned
me that I am not following the rule or scheduled that it should only be 2x a week of online teaching. Yes,
it is true I do hold 3x-4x session of online teaching for the reason that students are not yet expose in that
learning system. Different dilemmas encountered at the time, it is my own will to do it for I need to do
intervention in a form of remediation to teach the student and monitor their reading skills, or their
cognitive development in learning. During my presentation of my IPCRF, she questioned different
certificates and even how I worked outside the school. Having that certificate or trainings in UK, it was my
mother who lived in UK was the one who enrolled me, for believing continuous education is necessary as
a teacher. Yearly I do enroll in an online class that will help my improvement and growth in my teaching
profession. For it was only through INSET and LAC session was given an opportunity to be trained. I was
also part of an International Non- Government Organization, who empower their members through
training and community services to be expose in both skills and social awareness. Trainings were given to
me for I was elected as my Local Organization/chapter President. My trainings and outreaches that is link
PROFESSIONAL. She questioned most of my MOVs and trainings. And during the last IPCRF Presentation,
she questioned most of my MOVs and also she wanted to change the COT assessed grade given to me,
whereas she was also their during my Classroom Observation, 4 of the Master Teacher of Grade 3 level
are there for my observation and decided to give that grade to me.

SY 2021- 2022, I was transferred back to grade 5, I was handled by Mr. Eric Calbang, Ms. Jean San Juan’s
mentee and friend. Again experiencing this as he gave me 4.10 grade during my presentation of IPCRF, for
whereas I was part of Brigada Eskwela school coordinationship, and use my connections as an NGO and
also as a Regional Executive Director, most of the stakeholders in our school includes Armed Forces of the
Philippines, Philippine National Police Police, Far Eastern University and other organizations and also our
organization itself. Comparing my grade for one teacher who is retiring at that time. I wanted to
reevaluate my grades, for I don’t know which where I need to improve and engage into. For Mr. Calbang
told me that as quoted “HINDI PUWEDE MAS MATAAS KA SA MGA LUMANG TEACHER” a form of OLD
TIMER SYNDROME which is also a form of workforce bullying.

SY 2022- 2023, the recent term. Today I was handled by my MTIC which is also Ms. San Juan friend. Ms.
Edna Cachuela was my MTIC and also a parent in one of my subject class in grade 5 which is Eagle. Eagle
is the fast learner or gifted and talented section. The first incident happen when they wanted to check all
the forms at that time. During that time my printer was broke and not functioning, they think that I am
not cooperating at that time, but I wanted to, I have my copy at that time with my laptop. But in the end
I presented my forms to here I also have a picture at that time. An issue happen in Eagle wherein, I was
questioned why I am teaching in that class, the adviser told them it is my specialization subject. Again
another issue happen last 2nd quarter, she questioned about if my lesson is under MELC, and even raised
it to the GPTA and fellow parents in Eagle. Questioned about my absenteeism, for a week wherein I need
to spend time with my family who happens to be on vacation and after for 5 years of not coming home
from other country, and with our family grief at that time because of the lost of my brother who is
diagnose with quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy and died because of Cancer. The grief of our family for last
January was the only time that my brother was laid into rest here in the Philippines. According to our
family Grief Psychiatrist based in UK, my father was suffering from severe depression because of the lost
of my brother. For us to help him, we need time to be as a family in accordance to support his mental
health status, my father is already at his senior years. During that 7 days leave I gave my students activities
which is continuing the last topic View of Points in Images. Then before my meeting with the class GPTA
President of Eagle, it was already escalated with the principal. No investigation and clarification happen
before escalation of this dilemma. My talked with the GPTA Class President was smooth and properly
explained to clarify the issues and concern. I told the GPTA president that all my subjects are under the
MELC, my teaching strategies in Eagle is different from the other section that I am teaching for Eagle is in
advance class. Activities and test in eagle is different from the other class, for the level of cognition of the
students in learning are different with heterogeneous class compared to them as homogeneous class that
are being our representative to compete to other schools. I was question on the way of my teaching. All
activities and lesson are being studied, prepared and researched in different learning materials for grade
5, these materials are also modules from different regions, divisions in the Philippines, my proof is that I
am using NCR modules and Learning Activity Sheets (Las Pinas, Navotas and San Juan City).

A valuable source, a legitimate factual source that Ms. Cachuela was the one wanted me to be petition
not to be Eagle English Teacher. I do have my own flaws, for my 1 week leave at that time, but I never let
my students to stop learning, I have given them a one week activity that will enhance their skills in critical
thinking and to encourage them to write a paragraph through essay that is also a practice for the 3 rd
quarter lessons about distinguishing text-type for the main objective of this 3rd quarter is paragraph
writing and interpretation of different text-type. As master teacher in charge for me, Ms. Cachuela should
have talked to me first if she thinks that my lesson is not related or in relation with the MELC. No
conversation or clarification as her mentee were given to me but furthermore she maliciously spread this
to the parents, and ask the parents to petition me. Miss Cachuela shows a self- interest because of his
son’s grades, I am not the only teacher who gave his son a grade which is lower than 85. For his son is not
submitting nor participating in class well. I don’t know which DepED memo stated that a 1st section should
not be given below 85 even without any participation in class. I already gave consideration for his son that
ends up with the grade of 84, a consideration towards her as my colleague and also a teacher. She also
send a message to the GPTA President and asking forgiveness and saying that

Another person who is also bullying and abusing me was my OIC Ms. Tessa Flores, different interest shows
her bullying some of the teachers already notice it, again Ms. Flores is link to Ms. San Juan. An incident
during our INSET session 2nd day is that Miss Flores wanted me to sign the food attendance signature,
whereas I didn’t received any food at the time, if I didn’t burst out my feeling, they will never do anyways
to give me any food. Then the moment wherein she confronted me together with Ms. Talvo, she says that
there is food given me for AM snack, a pancit and rice cake, with regards to this who will eat a spoiled
pancit for after lunch time. I will never do any hazard that will complicate my health condition, because I
was already suffering that time a severe stomach pain and loose bowel movement because of the food
given to us during the 1st day a spoiled adobo.

Another incident during the Teacher’s day, it happen when some teachers are playing volleyball and I
wanted to do my remediation for my students who are non- readers, my encouragement for this student
for remediation and teach them to read in support for their lesson. Ms. Tessa called me and ask to
participate watching the volleyball or school teachers day activity, whereas base on DepED Memorandum
about No Disturbance of Classes. She maliciously spread to people I was shouting at her, but I do have a
high toned voice.

Another incident that Miss Flores, never entertained my explanation with regards why my advisory class
was given not the scheduled test. It is because no sufficient test paper where given to the students 100-
150 copies of test paper where only given and must borrowed my other sections. The fear that if our
principal could see when he check per room, and saw my students not doing anything. That time our grade
chairman Ms. Rose Ariola came to school late and she have the copy of the Test in EPP. She even told the
test proctor at that time that my classroom is appreciating to look at, I even not let my students to polish
the floor. The main reason is I am on the AM class, I was the one who mostly bought the things and
supporting my empty classroom at that time. When I first came to that classroom even school chairs are
my problems, with the help of FEU headed by Mr. Rommel Solomon I was given chairs to be use by my
students. I never received support from my OIC and chairman regarding this matter. It was my action and
determination to provide this using my position and connection as an NGO member.

Currently I am experiencing a mental health disorder, anxiety and depression because of this abuse and
somewhat in the risk of self-harm, but regardless to this one I am fighting back just to provide my students
a quality education they need. The support that they must received in other to give the holistic
approached in their whole being. With the help of Mr. Manolito Resaba they are planning to look for
faults, Mr. Resaba heads the Teachers Organization in Antipolo, and mostly he is influential that even our
school he also manipulate his own plans, mostly having a cooperative inside the school, he heads the
canteen and also he claimed na malakas siya sa ACT. If that so if you are really an act member, supposedly
you must protect the lower rank teachers not those who manipulates and use their position to bully

I hope you could help me, I believe I am not the only one experiencing this and so as other teachers.


Joyce Loreine A. San Pascual

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