English 2014

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Heaven’s light is our guide

Rajshashi University of Engineering & Technology

B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 1st Semister Examination- 2014
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course no: EEE 1113 Course Title: Fundamental English
Full Marks: 70 Time: Three(03) hours

N.B: Answer six questions, taking three from each section.

The questions are of equal value.
Use separate answer script for each questions.


1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that bellow: 11 ૜

But I was still shy and half paralyzed when in the presence of a crowd, and my first day at the new school made
me the laughing stock of the classroom. I was sent to the blackboard to write my name and address; I knew my
name and address; I knew how to write it, knew how to spell it; but standing at the blackboard with the eyes of
many girls and boys looking at my back made me freeze inside and I was unable to write a single letter. ‘Write
your name’, the teacher called to me. I lifted the white chalk to the blackboard and, I was about to write, my
mind went blank, empty. I could not remember my name, not even the first letter. Somebody giggled and I
‘Just forget us and write your name and address’, the teacher coarsed.
An impulse to write would flash through me, but my hand would refuse to move. The children began to titter
and I flushed hotly. “Don’t you know your name?”, the teacher asked. I looked at her and could not answer. The
teacher rose and walked to my side, smiling at me to give me confidence. She placed my hand tenderly upon my
shoulder. “What’s your name?”, she asked. “Richard”, I whispered. “Richard what?” “Richard Wright”. “Spell
it”. I spell my name wild rush of letters, trying desperately to redeem my paralyzing shyness.
(i) How did the writer feel when he was sent to the blackboard?
(ii) Which action of the teacher shows most clearly that she was a kind person?
(iii) What was the cause behind the writer’s inability to write anything?
(iv) How did he spell his name and why?

2. (a) Make sentences with the followings: 06

promote to, Jeer at, Guilty of, Weary of, Gratitude to, Lust for

(b) Combine the following sets of sentences into a single one. 5૜
i) I finished my coffee. Then I went along to the bookstall. There I bought a couple of magazines.
Both of them were about travel. The magazine would help to make the time pass pleasantly.
ii) It was still too early for me to have my evening meal. So, I walked along the sea front. I continued to
do so for about an hour. Then I began to feel hungry.

3. Some people think that technology is gradually taking over control of our lives, while others think that it has led 11 ૜
to many positive developments in all aspects of our lives. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. (a) What is tender? 1૜

(b) Why and how does tender play a vital role in the procurement process? 02

(c) Suppose you are an executive engineer of a government organization. Some computers and printers need to 08
be procured for the office. Now draft a tender notice for the newspaper.


5. (a) Define: Bio-data, Resume, CV. 03

(b) What are standard parts of business letter? 3૜

(c) Write a letter to the sales manager of Samsung Bangladesh requesting the replacement of damaged product. 05

6. (a) Write the correct answer, underline the corrected word or phrase. 07
i) Who have twenty dollar left.
ii) If you open the door, airs will circulates better.
iii) She needs to find a work.
iv) A news was released about the hostages.
v) A nursery school is different a day care center.
vi) We are going to overnight on Sylhet.
vii) chose Tamal instead from jamal as our representative.

(b) Identify parts of speech of the given sentence. 4૜
It is important for learners of English to be familiar with the various ways that can asked in English.

7. (a) Compete the following with clauses: 06

i) Though he returned the house,………………………….
ii) He must have felt tired after…………………………….
iii) A bridge was built in order that…………………………
iv) It is high time……………………………………………
v) I want to stay at home provided………………………….
vi) Had I known it……………………………………………

(b) Make the sentences using the following: 5૜
Run out, Weal and woe, Hand in glove, A blessing in disguise, Snail’s pace, White elephant

8. (a) Expand the idea continued in the followings: 5૜
“Birds of a feather flock together.”
(b) Change the following as directed: 06
i) The hunter saw the lion and fired. (complex)
ii) Walking is the best exercise. (comparative)
iii) He is a great fool. (interrogative)
iv) Had I possessed the mine of Solomon! (assertive)
v) Everybody will realize that I am right. (negative)
vi) She was brighter than a shining star. (positive)

*** *** *** The End *** *** ***

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