05 - Class - X - Common

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Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal



Text Based

1. Rewrite the story of 'A Triumph of surgery ' from a different character's perspective such as Mrs.
Pumphrey-the mistress of Tricki...the pet dog. How does this change the reader's understanding of the

2. How can' Fire and Ice', 'Dust and Snow' be relevant to our lives and society today?

3. Workbook (words of expression)

Complete unit 2- Page no. 17 to 25


1- ' ' ग

2- ' ज च ' च ग
आ ? च

3- ' ज च ' ग ज छ ग ग
- ज ज
आ ग - ग
च ?

4- च आ

5- ज च / / च
आ ज
( च , च , , , )

6- ज -

(1) आ ज ग

- आ ?
( ) ( ) (ग) (घ)
(2) ज -
ग ज

( ) ( ) (ग) (घ)

(3) जग ज

- आ ?

( ) ( ) (ग) (घ)

(4) छ ग घ जग ज आ

( ) ( ) (ग) (घ)

(5) ग ग -
आ ?

( ) ( ) (ग) (घ)


1. , , , , ,
- च ज

2. ,ङ च- च च ज

3. ग ज -

4. ग ( , , )
' ' -

5. ग , च- च


7. ' ' ग

8. आ - च ज

9. 1 12 च च ग ज

10. ' '

Q1. Explain why 7x11x13+13 and 7 x 6 x5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 + 5 are composite.
Q2. Explain why 5 x 11 x 17 + 17 is a composite number while and 7 x 6 x 3 x 5 + 5 is not a composite
Q3. (i) Apply Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic to find H.C.F and L.C.M of 50 and 72.
(ii) Given LCM of (26,169) = 338, what is HCF of (26,169)?
Q4. Show that √7 - √3 is an irrational number.
Q5. Find the HCF of 4052 and 12576.
Q6. Find the largest positive integers that will divide 122,150 and 115 leaving remainders 5, 7, & 11
Q7. For what value of k, (-4) is a zero of the polynomial 𝑥2 − 𝑥 − (2𝑘 + 2)?
Q8. If 1 is a zero of the polynomial p(x) = 𝑎𝑥2 − 3(𝑎 − 1) − 1, find the value of a.
Q9. Write the polynomial, the product and sum of whose zeroes are –9/2 and –3/2 respectively.
Q10. If one zero of the polynomial (𝑎2 + 9)2 + 13𝑥 + 6𝑎 is reciprocal of the other, find the value of a.
Q11. If the product of zeroes of the polynomial 𝑎𝑥2 − 6𝑥 − 6 is 4 find the value of a.
(𝑖) 𝛼2 + 𝛽2 (𝑖𝑖) 𝛼3 + 𝛽3
Q12. If α and β are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐, then find the values of
(𝑖) 𝛼2 + 𝛽2 (𝑖𝑖) 𝛼3 + 𝛽3
Q13. If α and β are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = 𝑥2 − 5𝑥 + 𝑘, such that α – β = 1, find the
value of k.
Q14. If α and β are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = 𝑘𝑥2 + 4𝑥 + 4, such that 𝛼2 + 𝛽2 = 24,
find the value of k.
Q15. If sum of square of zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = 𝑥2 − 8𝑥 + 𝑘 is 40, find the value of k.
Q16. If α and β are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = x 2 - 3x - 2, find a quadratic polynomial
whose zeros are 12α + β and 1α + 2β
Q17. Solve for x and y:
𝑥 𝑥
Q18. Solve for x and y:
= =

Q19. Solve for x and y:

px + qy = p - q , qx - py = p + q
Q20. Find the values of k for which the given system of equations has infinitely many solutions:
x + (k+1)y = 5 , (k+1)x + 9y + (1-8k) =0
Q21. The sum of digits of a two digit number is 12. The number obtained by interchanging its digits
exceeds the given number by 18. Find the number.
Q22. The present age of a woman is 3 years more than three times the age of her daughter. Three years
hence, woman’s age will be 10 years more than twice the age of her daughter. Find their present ages.
Q. 23

1. In the standard form of quadratic polynomial, ax2 + bx + c, a, b and c are…………..

2. Find the number of zeroes of polynomial x2+1 by drawing it on graph.
3. If α and 1/α are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 2x2 – x + 8k, then find the value of k.
4. If the sum of the roots is –p and product of the roots is –1/p, then the find quadratic polynomial.


1. In each room the same number of participants are to be seated and all of them being in the same subject, hence
find maximum number participants that can accommodated in each room.
2. What is the minimum number of rooms required during the event?
3. Find the LCM of 60, 84 and 108.
4. Find the product of HCF and LCM of 60, 84 and 108.
5. Express 108 as a product of its primes.

Q25. Assertion and Reasons:

(i) Assertion: If one zero of polynomial p(x) = (k2+4)x2+13x+4k is reciprocal of the other, then k=2.
Reason: If (x-a) is a factor of p(x), then p(a) = 0 i.e., a is a zero of p(x).
a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) both Assertion and reason are false

(ii) Assertion: the graph of polynomial intersect x axis at 3 points and y-axis at 1 points the
polynomial has 3 zeroes
Reason: the number of zeroes that a polynomial P(x) can have is the number of times
polynomial intersect x and y axis
a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) both Assertion and reason are false.

(iii) Assertion: (7×13×11)+11 & (7×6×5×4×3×2×1)+3 have exactly composite no.

Reason: (3×12×101) + 4 is not a composite no.
a) both Assertion and reason are correct and reason is correct explanation for assertion
b) both Assertion and reason are correct but reason is not correct explanation for Assertion
c) Assertion is correct but reason is false
d) both Assertion and reason are false.

(iv) Assertion: the largest no. that will divide 398, 436, and 542 leaving remainder 7, 11, 15 is 17
Reason: HCF of 391,425,527, is 17

a) Both Assertion and reason are correct and reason is correct explanation for assertion
b) Both Assertion and reason are correct but reason is not correct explanation for Assertion
c) Assertion is correct but reason is false
d) Both Assertion and reason are false.

i. In which of the following groups of organisms, food material is broken down outside the body and
(a) Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba (b) Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
(c) Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta (d) Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm
ii. Which of the following conclusion can be drawn from the following experiment?
(a) Green plants give out oxygen during photosynthesis.
(b) The green leaf contains chlorophyll.
(c) Sunlight is needed to make food.
(d) Green plants manufacture starch as food.
ii. When air is blown from mouth into a test-tube containing lime water, the lime water turned milky
due to the presence of:

(a) oxygen
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) nitrogen
(d) water vapour

Q 2. Name the following

(a) The process in plants that links light energy with chemical energy
(b) Organisms that can prepare their own food
(c) The cell organelle where photosynthesis occurs
(d) Cells that surround a stomata pore
(e) Organisms that cannot prepare their own food
(f) An enzyme secreted from gastric glands in stomach that acts on proteins.

Q 3. Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline. Will this plant remain healthy for long?
Give reasons for your answer.

Q 4. In each of the following situations what happens to the rate of photosynthesis?

(a) Cloudy days
(b) No rainfall in the area
(c) Good manuring in the area
(d) Stomata get blocked due to dust

Q 5. What is common for cuscuta, ticks and leeches?

Q 6. Name the correct substrates for the following enzymes

(a) Trypsin (b) Amylase (c) Pepsin (d) Lipase

Q 7. Explain the mechanism of photosynthesis.

Q 8. Case Based Questions

I. Observe the diagram of Human digestive system.
1. Match the labeling referred in column I and correlate with the function in column II.
A. i.- a) ; ii – b) ; iii – c) ; iv- d)
B. i.- b) ; ii – c) ; iii – d) ; iv- a)
C. i.- b) ; ii – d) ; iii – c) ; iv- a)
D. i.- d) ; ii – a) ; iii – b) ; iv- c)

2. Patients whose gallbladders are removed are recommended to eat less oily food. Why?

3. What is the role of anal sphincter in the alimentary canal?

II. Many processes happens in the body of living organisms.

These processes which involve the formation of building up of complex molecule to the simpler ones
are called anabolism. Those which involve the breakdown of complex molecule to the simpler ones are
called catabolism.
1. Which one of the following life processes can be considered as an example of anabolism?
a. digestion b. Respiration c. Photosynthesis d. Transpiration
2. What processes would you consider essential for maintaining life?
3. What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive?

Assertion - Reasoning Based Questions.

These consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the
appropriate option given below:
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false

Q 9. Assertion: Dark phase reactions take place at night.

Reason: Dark phase is independent of light, hence, called light independent phase.
Q 10. Assertion: Liver is known as the largest gland of the body.
Reason: It secretes salivary amylase.

i. A student adds lead and silver to two different test tubes containing an equal amount of copper
sulphate solution. The student observes that the colour of the solution in the test tube with lead
changes. What explains the change in the colour of the solution?
(a) A displacement reaction takes place as lead replaces copper from the solution.
(b) A combination reaction takes place as lead combines with sulphate in the solution.
(c) A decomposition reaction takes place as copper dissociates from sulphate in the solution.
(d) A double displacement reaction takes place as copper dissociates from sulphate and lead combines
with sulphate in the solution.

ii. In the double displacement reaction between aqueous potassium iodide and aqueous lead nitrate, a
yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed. While performing the activity if lead nitrate is not
available, which of the following can be used in place of lead nitrate?
(a) Lead sulphate (insoluble) (b) Lead acetate
(c) Ammonium nitrate (d) Potassium sulphate
iii. A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was gradually added to the beaker containing acidified
permanganate solution. The light purple colour of the solution fades and finally disappears.
Which of the following is the correct explanation for the observation?
(a) KMnO4 is an oxidising agent, it oxidises FeSO4
(b) FeSO4 acts as an oxidising agent and oxidises KMnO4
(c) The colour disappears due to dilution; no reaction is involved
(d) KMnO4 is an unstable compound and decomposes in presence of FeSO4 to a colourless compound.

Q 2. Give reason:
i. hydrogen peroxide kept in coloured bottles.
ii. combustion of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) a chemical change?

Q 3. What is wrong with the following equation?

Mg + O --------- MgO
Identify the mistake and balance the equation.

Q 4. 1g of copper powder was taken in a China dish and heated. What change takes place on heating?
When hydrogen gas is passed over this heated substance, a visible change is seen in it. Give the
chemical equations of reactions, the name and the colour of the products formed in each case.

Q 5. 2 g of silver chloride is taken in a China dish and the China dish is placed in sunlight for sometime.
What will be your observation in this case? Write the chemical reaction involved in the form of a
balanced chemical equation. Identify the type of chemical reaction.

Q 6. Take 3 g of barium hydroxide in a test tube, now add about 2 g of ammonium chloride and mix the
contents with the help of a glass rod. Now touch the test tube from outside.

(i) What do you feel on touching the test tube?

(ii) State the inference about the type of reaction occurred.
(iii) Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction involved.

Q 7. (a) Can a displacement reaction be a redox reaction? Explain with the help of an example.
(b) Write the type of chemical reaction in the following:
(i) Reaction between an acid and a base
(ii) Rusting of iron.

Q 8. Case Based Question

A solution of slaked lime produced by the reaction is used for white washing walls. Calcium
hydroxide reacts slowly with the carbon dioxide in air to form a thin layer of calcium carbonate on
the walls. Calcium carbonate is formed after two to three days of white washing and gives a shiny
finish to the walls. It is interesting to note that the chemical formula for marble is also CaCO3.
On the basis of above paragraph answer the following questions:
i. Give the reaction for the formation of calcium carbonate with physical states.
ii. Why does a white washed wall develop a shine after a few days of whitewash?
iii. Write the reaction involved for the process (as mentioned in ii.)
Assertion - Reasoning Based Questions.

These consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting
the appropriate option given below:

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false

Q 9. Assertion (A): Decomposition of vegetable matter into compost is an example of exothermic

Reason (R): Exothermic reaction are those reactions in which heat is evolved.

Q 10. Assertion (A): Pungent smelling gas is produced when sulphur burns in air.
Reason (R): Sulphur trioxide is formed on reaction of sulphur with oxygen.

1. Size of image of an object by a mirror having a focal length of -20 cm is observed to be reduced to
1/3rd of its size. At what distance the object has been placed from the mirror? What is the nature of the
image and the mirror?

2. An object placed in front of a diverging mirror at a distance of 30cm, forms a virtual and erect image
which is 1/5th of the size of the object.
Calculate: (i) the position of the image (ii) the focal length of the diverging mirror.

3. Where an object should be placed in front of a concave mirror of focal length 50 cm so that the image
gets formed at 25 cm on the same side.

4. An object of 15 cm is placed at 50cm in front of convex mirror of focal length 10 cm. Find the
position nature and size of the image formed. Also draw a ray diagram of it.

5. The image formed by a convex mirror of focal length 20cm is a quarter of the object. What is the
distance of the object from the mirror?

6. A converging mirror of focal length 20cm forms an image which is two times the size of the object.
Calculate two possible distances of the object from the mirror.

7. Assertion - Reasoning Based Questions.

These consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the
appropriate option given below:
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false
(i) Assertion (A) : Higher is the refractive index of a medium, lesser is the velocity of light.
Reason (R) : Refractive index is directly proportional to speed of light.

(ii) Assertion (A): When a concave mirror is held under water, its focal length will not change.
Reason (R) : The focal length of a concave mirror is independent of the medium in which it is placed.
8. Name the mirror used in the following devices. Support your answer with reasons.

9. Case based question.

Rohan wanted to fix a rear view mirror for his scooter. He knows that the rear-view mirror is an
essential safety device in the vehicle and allows him to see the objects at the back side of the
vehicle. He bought two mirrors M1 and M2, out of which M1is curved inwards and M2 is curved

Read the above passage carefully and answer the following questions.

i) Based on the above situation, which mirror should Ravi fix as his rear-view mirror and why?
ii) Rohan did some preliminary experiments with mirror M1 and found that the magnification of the
real image of an object at 10 cm in front of the mirror is 3 times. At what distance is the image
iii) What will be the focal length of mirror M1?
iv) An object placed at centre of curvature of the mirror M1. What will be the distance of the image
formed from its pole?
v) An object is placed 60 cm in front of mirror M2. The image formed by the mirror is located at 30
cm behind the mirror. What will be the magnification of the image?

1. Assertion (A): Different people have different developmental goals.
Reason (R): what may be development for one may not be development for the other. 1
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both assertion and reason are false.
2. Fill the table with correct information: 1
Name of Soil Crop can be sown Peculiar quality
A- ? Cotton High water holding capacity
B- ? Sugarcane, Paddy, Wheat Very fertile, contain potash, phosphoric acid and lime
(a) A – Black Soil, B -Alluvial soil (b) A –Alluvial Soil, B -Black soil
(c) A- Yellow, B -Red soil (d) A –Forest Soil, B -Alluvial soil
3. Identify the Country-
• Is a small country in Europe.
• Shares borders with France, Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg.
• The government divided the powers equally between Dutch and French speaking populations.
• Power sharing is also seen in political parties. Select the appropriate option from the following. 1
(a) Germany (b) Belgium (c) Sri Lanka (d) India

4. Calculate the average income of all members according to the stats in table:
Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4
Income 7000 8000 10000 15000

What is the average income of all members according to the stats in table : 1
(a) Rs.7000 (b) Rs.10000 (c) Rs.15000 (d) Rs.12000
5. Elaborate the sustainable development. 2
6. Classify and explain the resources based on their origin. 2

7. Explain the term MAJORITARIANISM. 2

8. What can be some of the developmental goals for your village, town or locality? 3

9. Elaborate the given picture: 3

10. Belgium is a small country in Europe, smaller in area than the state of Haryana. It has borders with
France, the Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg. It has a population of a little over one crore, about
half the population of Haryana. The ETHNIC composition of this small country is very complex. Of the
country’s total population, 59 per cent lives in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch language. Another
40 per cent people live in the Wallonia region and speak French. Remaining one per cent of the
Belgians speak German. In the capital city Brussels, 80 per cent people speak French while 20 per cent
are Dutch speaking.

12.1 Explain the ethnic composition of Belgium. 1

12.2 Explain the term ethnic. 1
12.3 How did the Belgium government solve their ethnic problem? Explain. 2

11. Classify and explain any five types of the soil in India. 5

12. What is the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries? What are the
limitations of this criterion, if any? 5
CBSE - Project
Compulsory for all the students will do this a (Roll No. 1-40)
1. Prepare a chart, presenting Narmada Bachao Andolan. (Sustainability)
R. No. 1 to 13

2. Prepare a brochure, presenting Consumer Forum and COPRA. (Consumer’s Rights)

R. No. 14 to 26

3. Make a collage showing the discrimination and growth of woman development. (Social Issue)
R. No. 27 - 40

Write the answers of following questions in IT notebook.
1. What do you mean by stress management?
2. Briefly explain about various stress management techniques.
3. What is self-awareness? Briefly explain its two types.
4. What is the difference between self-motivation and self-regulation?
5. What is the importance of working independently?

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