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Pencak silat

1 Mini Garden Street

October, 10th 2021
Mr. Arief Muhammad
The Coach of Pencak Silat Movement
21 Raya Narogong street
Dear Mr. Arief Muhammad
My name is Viviana Aulya Putri, and I am writing on behalf the Pencak Silat
movement .
We invite you to participate in joint training
Joint training is a form of defense with the aim of building trust,reducing fear and
misunderstanding on both sides.and this event is usually held every 6 months.
The Event Will Take Place On:
Day/Date:Saturday,October, 16th 2021-6.30 a.m.
Venue :TMII Pencak Silat Hermitage,1 Mini Garden Street,East Jakarta
Dress :Pencak Silat Uniform
Thus this invitation,for all his attention and cooperation we say thank you

Viviana Aulya Putri

Pencak Silat Members

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