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Academic Achievement

The only academic achievement that I consider to be of any personal significance is

passing physics 12 with a 57%. Which in terms of grades is lackluster, especially since I know
that I could have done much better had I put in the same effort throughout the course as the effort
I put in to passing at the end of the semester. I started the course with high 80’s (percentage) and
as the course progressed and became more challenging, I let my grades falter as I was still putting
in the same lack of effort as in the beginning. I quickly fell into the habit of putting off work and
then making the excuse of “physics is just too hard” and “I’m still ahead of the curve” (the class
grade average). In the two weeks leading up to the course final and due date of the final lab
report, I got the wake-up call to get my act together when I saw I had a 32% and decided to put
my all into passing the course. I went over everything I could within that time, spent hours
collecting data and graphing. By the end of the two-week period, I passed the course and cried
with joy and relief when I heard my mark.
The experience taught me that it’s never too late and that all it takes is some effort to get
to where I want to be and achieve the things I need to succeed. I’m overall grateful for the
experience and the opportunity to overcome myself and my fear of failure. I don’t think my final
grade takes away from my achievement in any way, I was able to learn 20% of a course in two

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